A Community Training Program: preventive experience against arterial hypertension

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Olga Lidia Mainegra Fernández
Juan Jesús Miranda Mainegra
Reina Blanco Solís


In Cuba, parallel to the increase in life expectancy, there has been an increase in arterial hypertension, as a cause of multiple entities. Considering that it is currently one of the main reasons for consultation in primary health care (Family Medical Office) and that it has shown morbi-mortality with an upward trend in recent years, it is considered that, working in preventive education of citizens is essential to achieve its control, hence the present article narrates the experience in the introduction of a community training program in the family medical office # 1 of the  Consolación del Sur municipality, during the period of September 2017 to July 2018. The Universe was represented by the 297 patients dispensed as hypertensive and the Sample, by 150 patients who met the inclusion criteria. To statistically specify the variables, the information obtained was computerized, using the percent as a unit of summary; the main results were an increase in knowledge about risk factors and information about pharmacological treatments and the importance of diet for the control of the disease. It was concluded that the preventive education of the community seems to contribute to the reduction of complications associated with arterial hypertension, as a result of the conscious participation of patients and the family in their treatment.


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How to Cite
Mainegra Fernández, O. L., Miranda Mainegra, J. J., & Blanco Solís, R. (2019). A Community Training Program: preventive experience against arterial hypertension. Mendive. Journal on Education, 17(2), 240–253. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/1544
Author Biography

Juan Jesús Miranda Mainegra, Policlínico "5 de Septiembre", Consolación del Sur, Pinar del Río, Cuba

Doctor en Medicina. Especialista en Medicina General Integral. Labora en el Policlínico "5 de Septiembre" en Consolación del Sur.


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