Development of computer skills in Organic Chemistry discipline

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Anel Hernández Garces
Elizabeth Avilés Rodríguez


The objective of this work is to describe the realization of an extra class exercise that links the contents of the disciplines Organic Chemistry and Computer Science and Computing in the third year of the Radiochemistry specialty that is studied at the Higher Institute of Technologies and Applied Sciences. The methods that allowed the basic study were those of the theoretical and empirical levels, such as the historical-logical, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, systemic-structural, modeling, observation and documentary analysis. The experience was developed during 5 consecutive school years. An integrating extra class work was carried out every year. The extra class work was entitled: "TICs applied to Organic Chemistry". As a result, the students presented in the report the structures and properties requested in an accurate manner and evidenced clearly having understood the different types of structures and soft wares.


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How to Cite
Hernández Garces, A., & Avilés Rodríguez, E. (2019). Development of computer skills in Organic Chemistry discipline. Mendive. Journal on Education, 17(2), 254–263. Retrieved from


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