The educational inclusion of the students with upsets of the oral communication

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Merling Murguia Moré
Tania Hernández Nodarse
Mercedes A. Carrera Morales


The educational inclusion imposes challenges to the National System of Education, to optimize the attention to the students with upsets of the oral communication. Is the objective of the article to share the design of an investigation that assists to the scientific problem how to contribute to the improvement of the educational inclusion of the students with upsets of the oral communication? The employment of the investigation-action-participativa it drives to the execution of the objective related with the construction of a pedagogic model for the improvement of this process. The results of the investigation will constitute a necessary contribution to the educational inclusion in the National System of Education


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How to Cite
Murguia Moré, M., Hernández Nodarse, T., & Carrera Morales, M. A. (2015). The educational inclusion of the students with upsets of the oral communication. Mendive. Journal on Education, 13(4), 549–554. Retrieved from


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