Rafael María de Mendive: best Teacher

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José Madera Medina


Rafael María de Mendive (1821-1886), the master of Cuba's National Hero, José Martí. It was a great patriot, and above all, an excellent pedagogue who in his teaching applied pedagogical concepts revolutionary for its time, as the practice teaching that broke with the prevailing scholasticism. He forged students in deep human and patriotic values, and a wide culture which was a connoisseur. Of their teaching are among the best testimonials written by his disciple and later the Cuban National Hero, as well as the work itself left by Martí in his work as teacher and spiritual mentor of all Cubans.


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How to Cite
Madera Medina, J. (2002). Rafael María de Mendive: best Teacher. Mendive. Journal on Education, 1(1), 57–58. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/13


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Martí, J. (1975). Obras Completas. La Habana: Ed. Ciencias Sociales.

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