Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(3), e3212

Translated from the original in Spanish

Original article

Attention to comprehensive tutoring in a Peruvian educational organization of regular basic education


La atención a la tutoría integral en una organización educativa peruana de educación básica regular


Atenção à tutoria integral em uma organização educacional peruana de educação básica regular


Ysrael Alberto Martinez Contreras 1
Lourdes Marlene Yaque Rueda 2
Maria Praxilia Pamo Salazar 3

1 National University of San Marcos. Peru.
2 César Vallejo University, Callao Branch, Peru
3 Ricardo Palma Higher Education Institute. Peru


Cite as
Martinez Contreras, Y.A., Yaque Rueda, L.M., & Pamo Salazar, M.P. (2023). Attention to comprehensive tutoring in a Peruvian educational organization of regular basic education. Mendive. Revista de Educación, 21(3), e3212.


Received: September 22, 2022
Accepted: April 10, 2023



The objective of the research was to determine the perception of comprehensive tutorial attention that students in the fifth grade of secondary education at IE 3054 La Flor, Carabayllo have, because it is necessary to improve the achievement of student skills in contexts of daily life. through tutoring. The methodology used was the quantitative approach, the descriptive level of the quantitative approach, the non-experimental and cross-sectional design. The method of analysis was statistical analysis. The investigation was carried out without conflicts of interest, upon compliance with the informed consent. The study variable was called comprehensive tutorial care, which had individual tutoring and group tutoring as dimensions. The population consisted of 350 secondary school students and the sample was selected by the probabilistic and stratified method, made up of the 185 students of said organization. Among the main results, in the individual tutoring in the indicator called corporal, 47.54% obtained a high level, while in the group tutoring dimension in the indicator called the social help dimension, 56.28% obtained a high level. The main conclusion referred to the perception of comprehensive tutorial attention to 48.09% of students, while 6.01% perceived it low.

Keywords: learning strategies; students; knowledge management.


La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la percepción de la atención tutorial integral que tienen los estudiantes del quinto grado de educación secundaria de la IE 3054 La Flor, Carabayllo, porque se requiere mejorar el logro de habilidades de los estudiantes en contextos de la vida cotidiana mediante la tutoría. La metodología usada fue el enfoque cuantitativo, el nivel descriptivo del enfoque cuantitativo, el diseño no experimental y transversal. El método de análisis fue el análisis estadístico. Se efectuó la investigación sin conflictos de intereses, al cumplirse con el consentimiento informado. La variable de estudio se denominó atención tutorial integral, la cual tuvo como dimensiones a la tutoría individual y tutoría grupal. La población estuvo constituida por 350 estudiantes de educación secundaria y se seleccionó la muestra por el método probabilístico y estratificado, conformada por los 185 estudiantes de dicha organización. Entre los principales resultados, en la tutoría individual en el indicador denominado corporal el 47,54 % obtuvo nivel alto, mientras en la dimensión tutoría grupal en el indicador denominado dimensión ayuda social obtuvo 56,28 % en nivel alto. La principal conclusión se refirió a la percepción de la atención tutorial integral al 48,09 % de estudiantes, mientras el 6,01 % se percibió de manera baja.

Palabras claves: estrategias de aprendizaje; estudiantes; gestión del conocimiento.


O objetivo da pesquisa foi determinar a percepção da atenção tutorial abrangente que os alunos da quinta série do ensino médio do IE 3054 La Flor, Carabayllo têm porque é necessário melhorar a realização das habilidades dos alunos nos contextos da vida cotidiana através da tutoria.. A metodologia utilizada foi a abordagem quantitativa, abordagem quantitativa de nível descritivo, projeto não-experimental e transversal. O método de análise foi a análise estatística. A pesquisa foi conduzida sem conflito de interesses, uma vez que foi obtido o consentimento informado. A variável de estudo foi chamada de atenção tutorial integral, que teve como dimensões a tutoria individual e grupal. A população consistia de 350 alunos do ensino médio e a amostra foi selecionada pelo método probabilístico e estratificado, composto de 185 alunos desta organização. Entre os principais resultados, a tutoria individual no indicador denominado corporal 47,54 % obteve um alto nível, enquanto na dimensão de tutoria de grupo no indicador denominado dimensão de ajuda social, 56,28 % obteve um alto nível. A principal conclusão foi que 48,09% dos alunos perceberam a tutoria como abrangente, enquanto 6,01 % dos alunos a perceberam como baixa.

Palavras-chave: estratégias de aprendizagem; alunos; gestão do conhecimento.



Education forms people in family and social harmony; however, the student who finishes high school faces uncertainty about the future and confuses algorithms in his life project. When deciding to study, Higher Education detects attitudinal and cognitive gaps in their training. In the first place, the integral tutoring action highlights the competence to create knowledge and use it for the benefit of society. An Educational Institution (IE) from Carabayllo was selected because it is a growing and emerging young district, which requires its students to have the skills to respond to their vital needs by themselves in the face of a stagnant economy, where hit men are on the rise due to the minimum conditions to function in potential spaces for human development from adolescence, even when there is an increase in social and economic enterprises for the construction of well-being (Murillo and Carrillo, 2020). In addition, it is one of the districts analyzed by the Ministry of Education (MINEDU) to provide teaching support in Lima. The main problem is to determine the perception of the comprehensive tutorial attention that the students of the 5th grade of Secondary Education of the IE 3054 La Flor, Carabayllo, have during the year 2018.

Second, mentoring in the first decade of the 21st century, the concept of mentoring and associated functions towards an andragogic approach have received attention. However, both the term and the function are associated with the composition of meanings, which instead of specifying the object have opened up its meaning and scope. Yes, the exclusion of students when treating affective development through program intervention is recurrent. Also, it is to rethink in a pedagogical and psychological way its practices, formulations, ambiguities; likewise, their potentialities and needs. The social insertion is an availability to the satisfaction, when executing social support based on the socio-affective zone in teachers and students; the interpretation of facts by the criteria and requirements in Peru by the presence or absence of facts described in the evidence of each public or private intervention such as sexuality, adolescence and friendship.

Due to such knowledge, the tutoring must closely possess these aspects, according to the strategies that can be used in the initiation, when students assimilate and discover the attitudes and skills that modify the locus of autonomous control to face the adversities that affect learning. Participation in the face of conflicts invites a healthy mental health experience with oneself and others (Hernández de la Torre et al. , 2021), because those who are in permanent conflict show emotional ability and impulsiveness, affecting academic and emotionally healthy student staff. For the cause of teaching-learning to be done optimally, it is mandatory, at least in the usual method, the figure of two subjects who are interrelated in a communication process known as the tutor and the student.

Third, student differences refer to those of an individual nature and are conceived in terms of aptitude, reflected in academic performance in educational organizations. The student learns, in a normal way, based on the finding at the beginning of his life; For this reason, said knowledge endures, whereas in school the judgment is sifted by the instructive, who must carry the adolescent at the moment of education. So, the student learns through his own experiences, his diligence and more if the situations presented are significant; for him training arises spontaneously with no shortage of extrinsic motivation.

Fourth, the student has emotional deficits, premature abandonment, gender violence and addictions. In this way, children and young people, due to the cultural gap, waste public education due to tutoring (Díaz, Vázquez & Díaz, 2019).

A. Tutoring. It is the particularity of educational disposition inseparable from the curriculum. Tutoring reaffirms that students receive guidance, directly involving teachers. This mediation characteristic is conceived as part of the formative judgment and not as an external or tangential sample. In tutoring, the performance of the right of all students to take an adequate placement is guaranteed. And it contributes to the gain of learning and to the integral row, in the aspect of human improvement.

B. Tutorial action. The tutorial action is defined by the Ministry of Education as "the effective work of the tutor teacher as a guide for a group of students. It is permanent and transversal to the pedagogical activities carried out by the teacher" (MINEDU, 2007). The objective of the tutorial action is to optimize the performance of teaching through adequate help to the student in the educational system, responding to attention to diversity. Therefore, the tutorial action is constituted as an inherent element of the teaching activity within the framework of an integral concept of education. It involves an individualized relationship in the dynamic structure of their attitudes, aptitudes, motivations, interests and knowledge. According to the Ministry of Education of Peru (2007), there are two types of work: group and individual.

C. Group Tutoring. Group tutoring is the recognized and extended form of tutoring. In it the tutor works with the group-class. The tutoring hour is the main tool we have to work on group tutoring (MINEDU, 2005). In the current moment of education, collaborative group work is an essential ingredient in teaching and learning activities.

D. Individual Tutoring. Individualized tutoring is an educational action carried out personally and directly, which requires precise knowledge on the part of the tutor of the student's personality and their needs, creating a commitment between both, tutor-student, of respect and trust, which helps the student to make decisions and face their problems, developing the necessary skills for it.

Fifthly, it is relevant to recognize the tutorial work in the student to commit him to know how to be, know how to do and know how to live together because it reinforces skills and competencies acquired in the satisfactory resolution of everyday situations. If we look back at secondary education, which complies with the educational program of the Peruvian state, we find how comprehensive tutorial attention fosters learning, promotes autonomy and instills collaborative work in solving immediate reality. The investigation establishes the identification of the fifth-year high school student before the comprehensive tutorial attention. In the state of the art we rely on Massuga, Soares and Dias (2021:13), who point out authors such as Campbell et al. (2019); Kara and Can (2019), Adnan (2018); Metz and Bezuidenhout (2018); Hrastinski et al. (2018); Li, Zhang, Yu, and Chen (2017); Chien, Liao, Walters, and Lee (2016); Tenório et al. (2016); Borges et al. (2014); Setlhako (2014); Murphy, Shelley, White, and Baumann (2011) and Murphy, Shelley, and Baumann (2010). Likewise, it has been fulfilled in recognizing the theoretical contributions of third parties by citing their academic contributions. The objective of the article is to communicate the perception of the tutorial attention that the students of the fifth grade of secondary education of the IE 3054 La Flor de Carabayllo have.



The type of research is quantitative, descriptive and non-experimental level (Cruz and López, 2020). The theoretical methods were analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive to analyze the context of non-compliance with the tutoring. The population consisted of 350 Secondary Education students of the Educational Institution 3054 La Flor, Carabayllo. The sample consisted of 185 students of the fifth grade of Secondary Education in the city of Carabayllo from the selected institution. The inclusion criteria were that all students were in fifth grade of secondary school for the first time; that all students have completed first, second, third and fourth year of secondary school in the same selected educational institution; and that all students have expressed their agreement expressly in the informed consent. The questionnaire is a survey type, made up of 28 questions, which will be qualified according to the Likert scale.



It is evident that 100% of the respondents manifest 55.19%, whose gender is male; Likewise, 44.81% refer to those who are female. It is shown that 23.31% of the respondents are in the 5th D section, in the following the 5th B section showed 16.94%. In the same way, the section of 5 to C indicated a 13.66%. The statistical-mathematical methods, in particular the descriptive statistics and, from it, the measures of central tendency and the graphical representation are shown for their best interpretation.

Table 1- Indicator 1: Social Personnel and Indicator 2: Academic



valid percentage

Accumulated percentage

































Source: elaboration based on the instrument, 2019

In table 1, it shows how Social Personnel has 46.45% of the respondents present themselves at the regular level in being social people, in the following 41.53% indicated a high level and finally 12.02 % manifested a low level. In the same table 1, shows Indicator 2: Academic has 100% 47.54% stated a regular academic level, likewise, 43.72% represents a high level and finally 8.74% shows a low level.

Table 2- Indicator 3: Physical and mental health



valid percentage

Accumulated percentage





















Source: elaboration based on the instrument, 2019

Table 2 shows that of 100%, 47.54% presented a high level, likewise, 40.98% show a regular level in physical and mental health and finally 11.48% a low level.

Table 3- Indicator 1. Social aid



valid percentage

Accumulated percentage





















Source: elaboration based on the instrument, 2019

In table 3, of 100%, 56.28% exhibited a high level; therefore, 39.34% presented a regular level and, finally, 4.37% a low level in terms of social assistance.

Table 4- Indicator 2. Culture and news



valid percentage

Accumulated percentage





















Source: elaboration based on the instrument, 2019

In table 4, of 100%, 54.10% showed a low level; Regarding the high level, it indicated 37.16%, and finally, 8.74% presented a low level in culture and current affairs.

Table 5- Indicator 3. Coexistence and school discipline



valid percentage

Accumulated percentage





















Source: elaboration based on the instrument, 2019

In table 5, of 100%, 54.10% exhibited a high level of coexistence and school discipline; therefore, 37.70% is at a regular level and, finally, 8.20% at a low level.

Table 6- Dimension 1. Individual tutoring and Dimension 2. Group tutoring



valid percentage

Accumulated percentage

































Source: elaboration based on the instrument, 2019

In Table 6, of 100%, 49.18% stated a regular level in individual tutoring; therefore, the high level is represented by 44.81% and, finally, the low level is 6.01%. In the same table, of 100%, 48.63% expressed a high level in group tutoring, in the following 45.36% is a regular level and 6.01% low level. These results were used to present a program focused on individual tutoring and group tutoring to reinforce the aspects treated irregularly.



In reference to the general objective, it can be seen how students do recognize between high and regular and perceive how tutoring, both individual and group, is comprehensive, by favoring compliance with each of its subject matter dimensions.

According to Díaz (2022), the tutoring is continuous, in favor of the student; For this reason, with different denominations we treat social people, the academic level, physical and mental health, social assistance, culture and current affairs, coexistence and school discipline as necessary areas in the training by the fifth-grade student. high school for their social insertion with assertiveness and well-being.

In Table 1, 87.98% obtained a level between high and regular in the area of social personnel. According to Cuadra et al. (2022), the activity of the students is relevant to insert themselves into the society in which each subject intervenes assertively, passively or aggressively. The selected organization IE 3054 La Flor, Carabayllo, is immersed in socioeconomic contexts C, D and E, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), which is why poverty and non-poverty can help to obtain, from the educational organization, a work of education professionals for the benefit of students, who identify that tutoring training allows assuming the aggressive context to overcome limitations, both personal and family.

In the same table 1, it reached 91.26% between high and regular level in the area of academic level. The academic invention concentrates on mathematics or pure sciences so that the student has a level, which facilitates possible university life. The emphasis to achieve high scores is recurrent, according to a cognitive conception of the teaching-learning processes, without considering the learning rhythms of each student.

In Table 2, 88.52% reached between a high and regular level in the area of physical and mental health. According to Gómez & Narváez (2022), it is relevant to treat the area of physical and mental health in tutoring as it is the basis for achieving your life project through real and measurable goals in the short, medium and long term. Adversities limit, but developing resilience encourages minimizing the difficulties that affect the fifth-year student in the face of acts or consequences that they are unable to solve. Rather, he becomes aware that he needs to establish goals that are in his comfort zone in order to advance to his zone of proximal development and ensure his health with himself and with the immediate environment.

In table 3, 95.62% achieved between high and regular level in social assistance. According to Díaz, Vázquez & Díaz (2019), only people who accept their limitations and potential can detach themselves and give support, not only financially, but also emotionally, to whoever requires it, regardless of their ethnic group or place of origin. People with greater economic and affective deprivations tend to show solidarity with those who experience a sense of loss or material absence. It is complex how high school students act in support of their neighbor in a disinterested way and without obtaining advantages, which are evidenced in the sessions of the tutoring program implemented by the Ministry of Education.

In Table 4, 91.26% reached between a high and regular level in culture and current affairs. The student is required to be immersed in actions in their environment known as general knowledge (Assis, Blesa & Galinkin, 2022). If students know several topics, but do not go deeper, erudition is established, which does not imply greater connectivity for their relationship with their peers or other people who interact during their schooling.

In table 5, 91.8% achieved between high and regular level in coexistence and school discipline. For the authors Ferreyros & Ferreyros (2021), discipline is interpreted as the use of the order of adults to correctly train the student in tutoring, which in our context of dysfunctional homes comes into contradiction. Coexistence is recognized at a cognitive level as relevant; however, its construction depends on the aggressive, passive and assertive family environments that lead to the imposition that generates daily intrafamily violence. This area does require an effort from the tutoring teaching teams, who are immersed in completing the pre-prepared training from the Ministry of Education, which is formally accepted by the students.

In Table 6, 93.99% reached between a high and regular level in individual tutoring. The training in tutoring for the adolescent to be an autonomous, sociable, assertive adult is permanent, according to their abilities to assume their current role as students and their future role as a young adult in the society where they settle. The individual interview does foster a defined position before the tutor, who induces reflection, awareness and action in their practical life. It does demand that the student fulfill his life project goals with completed tasks, otherwise the effectiveness of this tutorial is unfeasible in the existing aggressive environment.

In Table 6, 93.99% reached a high and regular level in group tutoring. According to Peinado (2022), tutors act in an ideal way when selecting strategies such as role plays, so that students are located, evaluating calculated risks in their aggressive or aggressive environment. The students perceived that their integration activities foster synergy, despite their evident differences with areas with better economies, as corresponds to the neighboring district of Los Olivos; however, they assume that opportunities are created, achieved or taken advantage of, which shows that students have felt satisfied with the work of their tutor teachers.

The first conclusion is the perception of the comprehensive tutorial attention that the students of the fifth grade of Secondary Education of the IE 3054 La Flor, Carabayllo have, where the students favorably determined high; Likewise, it is necessary to encourage work between teachers and students to improve future post-pandemic programs. The findings coincided with the theory, which adapts to vulnerable populations, according to the needs of the environment; however, stress and mental health will be topics for further multifield research with young adults in the years to come.

The second conclusion refers to the individual tutoring of the social personnel area, where the students of the fifth grade of Secondary Education of the selected educational institution of the social personal area determined favorably high for meeting their attitudinal demands, which are necessary to face the challenges socio-emotional that allow responding in personal development strategies.

The third conclusion, related to the academic area, obtained high attention from the students of the fifth grade of education of the selected educational institution. It is contrasted with the results at the national level, which are not high compared to the private sector of regular basic education for minors. In other words, students assume that the program can help reduce knowledge gaps for their future technical or professional development.

The fourth conclusion refers to the individual tutoring in relation to the physical and mental health of the students of the selected educational institution, who perceived it as high. It is contrasted with the theory, which does have a basis in the procedures, but in practice it shows that national violence has increased in the country's schools. It is necessary to emphasize self-perception as a mental health strategy against adolescent stereotypes.

The fifth conclusion, referring to the group tutoring of the social assistance area of the students of the selected educational institution, was perceived as high. In theory, peer support is notorious for being part of the convictions of regular basic education students. The mission and institutional vision at the social level are fulfilled; However, economic aid is incipient as social and economic undertakings that promote social aid in a structural and traceable manner are incipient.

The sixth conclusion, related to the group tutoring in the area of culture and current affairs that the students of the selected educational institution have, is high. The theory that the accumulation of data does not generate the necessary knowledge to exercise a trade or work in daily life is confirmed. It is necessary to remember that erudition is not practical in the socioeconomic development of the emerging population, which assumes generating its income from pragmatic or technological development perspectives.

The seventh conclusion, which refers to the group tutoring in the area of coexistence and school discipline that the students of the selected educational institution have, is favorably high. The procedures of the Ministry of Education of Peru are complied with, but it is not part of the social or soft skills for life, where violence and crime are increasing at the national level.



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Conflict of interests:

The authors declare not to have any interest conflicts.


Contribution of the authors:

The authors participated in the design and writing of the work, and analysis of the documents.


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