Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(3), e3209

Translated from the original in Spanish

Original article

The pedagogical implication between school and community from the experience and perspective of teachers of basic education


La implicación pedagógica entre escuela y comunidad desde la experiencia y perspectiva de maestros y maestras de educación básica <


Envolvimento pedagógico entre escola e comunidade na experiência e na perspectiva de professores da educação básica


Gabriel Alejandro Álvarez Hernández1

1 Institute of Higher Studies of Mexico City "Rosario Castellanos". Mexico.


Cite as
Álvarez Hernández, G. (2023). The pedagogical implication between school and community from the experience and perspective of teachers of basic education. Mendive. Revista de Educación, 21(3), e3209.


Received: September 19, 2022
Approved: May 13, 2023



The current article presented results of research carried out from 2020 to 2022, it was carried out with teachers of basic education, who are also studying the Master's Degree in Basic Education at the National Pedagogical University in Mexico City and with their testimonies and stories gave rise to to the discussion about the pedagogical aspect of school and community involvement, so that the objective was to understand this phenomenon and its pedagogical potential in the schools involved. Methodologically, it was a work from an interpretative paradigm, with a qualitative approach, from hermeneutic phenomenology and questionnaires and a focus group were applied to collect the empirical data that gave shape to the findings presented here. The results show that in the involvement between school and community there are pedagogical components that contribute to the formation of each boy and girl, that leadership, communication and other qualitative aspects, accompanied by concrete activities, promote a healthy and productive relationship for training. of the student body It concludes with a deep reflection on the elements that allow the links of educational work between school and community and above all the center and pedagogical interest on the future of future generations.

Keywords: school; community; teachers; students.


El actual artículo presentó los resultados de una investigación elaborada del año 2020 al 2022. Se realizó con profesores y profesoras de educación básica, quienes además cursan la Maestría en Educación Básica en la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional en la Ciudad de México; con sus testimonios y relatos dieron pie a la discusión sobre lo pedagógico de la implicación escuela y comunidad, de manera que se planteó como objetivo el comprender este fenómeno y su potencial pedagógico en las escuelas implicadas. Metodológicamente, fue un trabajo desde un paradigma interpretativo, con enfoque cualitativo, desde la fenomenología hermenéutica y se aplicaron cuestionarios y un focus group para recoger el dato empírico que dio cuerpo a los hallazgos aquí expuestos. Los resultados arrojan que en la implicación entre escuela y comunidad hay componentes pedagógicos que coadyuvan a la formación de cada niño y niña, que el liderazgo, la comunicación y otros aspectos cualitativos, acompañados de actividades concretas, promueven una relación sana y productiva para la formación del estudiantado. Se concluye con la reflexión profunda sobre los elementos que permiten los vínculos de trabajo educativo entre escuela y comunidad y, sobre todo, el centro e interés pedagógico sobre el porvenir de las futuras generaciones.

Palabras clave: escuela; comunidad; docentes; estudiantes.


O presente artigo apresentou os resultados de uma investigação realizada de 2020 a 2022. Foi realizada com professores da educação básica, que também cursam o Mestrado em Educação Básica na Universidade Pedagógica Nacional da Cidade do México; Com os seus testemunhos e histórias, suscitaram a discussão sobre a natureza pedagógica do envolvimento escolar e comunitário, pelo que o objetivo foi compreender este fenómeno e o seu potencial pedagógico nas escolas envolvidas. Metodologicamente, foi um trabalho de paradigma interpretativo, com abordagem qualitativa, da fenomenologia hermenêutica e foram aplicados questionários e um grupo focal para recolher os dados empíricos que deram forma aos achados aqui apresentados. Os resultados mostram que no envolvimento entre escola e comunidade existem componentes pedagógicos que contribuem para a formação de cada menino e menina, que liderança, comunicação e outros aspectos qualitativos, acompanhados de atividades concretas, promovem uma relação saudável e produtiva para a formação. o corpo discente Conclui com uma reflexão profunda sobre os elementos que permitem a articulação do trabalho educativo entre escola e comunidade e, sobretudo, o centro e interesse pedagógico no futuro das gerações vindouras.

Palavras-chave: escola; comunidade; professores; alunos.



In 1976, the National Pedagogy University (UPN) was born in Mexico, which since then offers educational services focused on pedagogical updating and, recently, initial training in the educational field. Since its inception, it has been a public institution that promotes the improvement and modernization of education in the country and has campuses called Units throughout the Mexican Republic and, in Mexico City, it has seven; These are: 092, 094, 095, 096, 097, 098 and 099, distributed in such a way that they try to cover the entire territory and thus be able to collaborate with young people seeking university training in the disciplinary field and teachers in service who they want to expand and update their pedagogical knowledge through postgraduate programs.

This article focuses on students of the Master's Degree in Basic Education (MEB) of Unit 096 (UPN096). It is located in the northeast of Mexico City and they are all teachers in service of basic education1, preschool, primary and secondary, mostly from the public sector and to a lesser extent from the private sector; They are found in municipalities and marginalized urban neighborhoods and/or from low socioeconomic classes that correspond to deciles between two and four out of 10 possible.

The MEB is an educational program that is configured as a modular study plan, which from the pedagogical point of view focuses the student as the protagonist of his own training process. The knowledge responds to real situations, educational problems that each teacher defines according to his experience and perspective; In addition, the modular system has as key pieces the integration of the teaching activity with the research work, the global organization of knowledge in modules and, they are approached in an interdisciplinary way and focus on objects of transformation as a strategy for change and social transformation. (Sanz et al., 2003). In the MEB classrooms at UPN096, different topics are discussed, which deal with training fields and areas of specialization (See table 1).

Table 1- Curricular mesh of the MEB UPN096

Training axis or field


Management educational

Educational management and organizational processes in Basic Education

language and communication

Language teaching and literary recreation

Sociocultural animation of the language in Basic Education

Exploration of the natural and social

Reality, science, technology and society

time and space historical

Teaching skills _

Building thinking skills

Personal development and for coexistence

Conflict management in the classroom

Civic education and training for citizenship

Pedagogy of difference and interculturality

Inclusion and integration educational

Source: curricular organization of the MEB

During the training process of the MEB students, approaches are made to their respective objects of study based on three axes of analysis: context, theory and methodology; Thus, each teacher is building an intervention proposal that, from its application, tries to transform the school setting in which they work and thus solve educational problems.

During 2021, the space for discussion about the pedagogical potential that may or may not exist in the implications and existing links between the school and the community was opened; as the discussion widened and deepened, it became the object of study of the research that gives shape to this manuscript. Thus, "The pedagogical implication between school and community from the experience and perspective of basic education teachers in Mexico City" is constituted as a research project that had the support of the UPN096, the teachers of the MEB, who teach basic education in Mexico City.

In order to contribute to the identification of the object of study of this article, manuscripts that allude to a greater or lesser extent to what is stated here were reviewed; First, Perales (2017) is recovered, who from a qualitative and ethnographic study exposes findings of four modes of coexistence: alliance, confrontation, disengagement and collaboration; in a central way, it makes an implication between family and school and how this leads to a school coexistence with certain characteristics. For his part, Gutiérrez (2021) carries out a study in which he dynamically integrates citizen participation, non-formal education and social order and highlights their participation in educational processes; Also, and in correspondence, Ramírez (2021) reviews the concept of citizenship, which, from his perspective, is dialectically integrated into a global, postmodern, complex and liquid modernity context, from which the increasingly urgent need arises. to train citizens with a vision of community and integration.

Also, the work of Martínez and Niemelä (2010) offers a perspective from schools in the United Kingdom, Lithuania, Finland, Malta and Spain and how school, community and family relationships occur for decision-making, participation and achievement of goals. and objectives that there are about the formation of the student body; Likewise, Jiménez (2010), in his text "The family-school relationship", offers a set of analyses, reflections and proposals that contribute to the joint work between family and school and that pay pedagogically to the comprehensive education of children. Finally, from an anthropological and ethnographic perspective, the text by Ricco and Rebolledo (2010) entitled "Education and communality. Autonomous practices in the Mazateca Alta" is an example of how relationships between school and community occur in rural and indigenous contexts; thus, the theoretical, epistemological and methodological contributions of Bertely (2000) are highlighted for the development of works from the ethnographic perspective in schools and communities.

Finally, in Mexico currently the official curriculum of basic education is called Key Learning (SEP, 2017), which underlines the importance of achieving an educational community that contributes to the formation of future generations in a global context, in a way that that the ability to collaborate and adapt to the immediate context are a characteristic of those who graduate from basic education; In addition, the collaboration of parents is essential for schools, boys and girls to achieve the expected learning, thus: "For the student to achieve a good school performance, there must be a concordance of purposes between the school and the home. Hence the importance of families fully understanding the nature and benefits that the proposed curricular changes will give their children" (p. 47).

Derived from what was developed, as well as from the review of the works presented here, the objective of this research was to understand the pedagogical potential and the importance in the education of boys and girls of school and community involvement, based on experience and perspective of basic education teachers in Mexico City, in order to promote such involvement among the educational community.

For the realization of this article, the focus of the narrative on education was recovered, with authors such as Contreras et al. (2019); Skliar and Larrosa (2009); Barcena et al. (2006); Bruner (2002), among others, who fleshed out the theoretical component. From this approach, education is understood, among other things, as the space for relationships, encounters and disagreements with otherness, the place where interactions occur from experience, where each person, based on their experiences, knows and other personal aspects, carries out a concrete educational practice, with sense and meaning that substantially marks the pedagogical task in each school setting; Thus, the perspective of the narrative in education, as a central axis for this article, supposes, among other things, that education is a vital activity derived from the action of the different agents that make it a reality day by day, in the classrooms, corridors and all those spaces inside and outside the institution.

Thus, and for the purposes of this article, the teaching perspective on the pedagogical potential of the involvement and link between school and community is key to understanding the subject, so that from their experience it is that the material that gives body to the study is configured. report of this investigation, an experience that in terms of Larrosa (2003) is what happens to us and not what happens; that is, the experience as that deep and personal experience that leads to the transformation of the subject of the experience and its positioning in life, in school and its relationship with education, from the perspective of education as an essentially vital space.

The concept of experience (Larrosa, 2003) was key to this article, since from this the stories are given, in the knowledge, the meanings and senses of the daily chore. Where the current manuscript is focused is on the path of life, of the lived experience, where it reaches its greatest pedagogical and didactic significance in the recounting of its practices, in the deployment of its contingencies in the educational fact, in thinking that educational as an experience, as the space of encounters and disagreements, of language, of irruption and confrontation; but above all in recognizing in the narration of the teachers other possibilities of being, of otherness ( Skliar and Larrosa, 2009), of facing the intricacies of the educational fact, of teaching with the groups, in the formation and transformation of the student body and, of course, of the pedagogical implications of the link between school and community.

From the above, the schools maintain a vital relationship derived from the daily practice of those who experience education every day, in its occurrence in those spaces and from what they have lived, they offer the pedagogical knowledge that gives meaning and meaning to the practices. and they lead to an understanding of the educational in the substantive, a knowledge that as Suárez says:

It is about a knowledge that, ultimately, accounts for what happens pedagogically in schools and what happens to their actors when they go through them and do. In other words, it is knowledge located, contextualized, constructed or reproduced narratively by teachers and, for this very reason, knowledge that escapes the typical generalizations that traditional models of scientific and technical knowledge seek to offer (Suarez, 2007), p.20).

Lastly, a key concept that stands out for having a presence in the object of study is that of involvement , because as Agnes Heller says in her Theory of Feelings , she affirms that: " […] to feel means to be involved in something" (1999, p. 15) and the school and the community have a relationship mediated by the interest and pedagogical concern that there is about the boys and girls, so that recovering the relationship between the school and the community had a relevance that exceeds a technical and He moves towards a deep concern and care about the formation of each infant.



To carry out this study, we started from a concept of Aristotelian science (Mardones and Ursua, 1995), from which understanding (Verstehen) is fundamental, since it opens the epistemological, ontological and methodological components to an interpretative paradigm, to a correspondence and interrelation with the object of study, to an appropriation of reality as dynamic and substantially determined by the subjectivities and a field task that leads to the identification and deep appropriation of the experiences, knowledge, senses and meanings of the human and/or social phenomenon to study.

For the methodological design of the present investigation, the qualitative approach was used, which from its foundations highlights concepts such as subjectivity, experience, knowledge, sense, meaning, context, history, culture and language, among others, in order to promote task research that delves into human and social phenomena; such is the case of education, and that leads to the substance of the object of study and consequently to its understanding (Verstehen). Derived from the above, the hermeneutic phenomenology of Max Van Manen (2003) was adopted as a method, from which the appropriation and description of the phenomena of life and their interpretation and understanding is achieved.

To carry out the research, as mentioned previously, the student population of the MEB of the UPN096 in Mexico City was taken up, which consists of 38 people and the period of completion of the field work was from their admission to the first semester of 2020 and until the first of 2022; This has the characteristic that they are teachers in service of basic education at different levels: preschool, primary and secondary.

To a greater or lesser extent, these educational levels are represented by the MEB, preschool, primary and secondary students in Mexico and combine the basic and compulsory education that every child in the country must attend. Subsequently, of the entire population that collaborated, only those who expressed that in their respective schools there was a remarkable and good involvement between school and community were requested for the focus group, as illustrated in the following figure 1:

Fig. 1- Degree of involvement between the school of each teacher and teacher in service with the community, from their experience and perspective
Source: own elaboration with information recovered with the questionnaires applied to the entire student population of the MEB in the UPN096

From the previous figure, it stands out that there were no ones who said that there is nothing of involvement between their school and the community; For the purposes of the investigation, those who responded A lot were recovered, since the aim was to highlight the successful cases and from which valuable information could be recovered to reaffirm the pedagogical potential of the indicated implication. Then the choice of key informants was carried out to whom a Focus Group was subsequently applied.

The work consisted of four stages, the first had to do with the construction of the object of study from the MEB students, who, as mentioned, are also teachers in service of basic education in Mexico City and its periphery. In this, during the classes throughout the 2021-1 and 2021-2 school year, the pedagogical potential of school and community involvement was put on the center of discussion, gradually and naturally the central element of this was fleshed out. job.

The second stage was the construction of research instruments: first a questionnaire that was tested with students voluntarily, then it was refined until a final version was left that was applied through Google forms and, later, a focus group was designed. (Rodríguez et al., 1996) with six trigger questions that were applied and carried out in plenary debate and discussion.

The third stage was the proper application of the instruments and the systematization of the information that was recovered from them. All the empirical data was captured in word processors and an analysis and reflection was given on all the answers, individually and collectively. As a result, two categories of analysis were given: parents as mediators of school community involvement and teacher leadership and the board of directors as a key element for involvement. These categories are related in a dynamic way in the facts, in the very activity of education on a day-to-day basis.

The fourth and last stage was the construction of the research report that gives shape to this manuscript; For the results, the above categories of analysis were used and are developed in the following section.

Once the questionnaires and the focus were applied group , the information was captured in word processing programs and other spreadsheet programs; later recovered from Bolívar et al. (2001), for the analysis of data, a restitutive or hyperempiricist position (p. 199), from which the essential aspects that in an inductive way were giving body to the categories of analysis and that, in the company of the informants, components were manifested that would contribute to the central objective of the investigation. The questionnaires were numbered and were left with the nomenclature C1, C2, C4.1.3 and so on; for those who participated in the focus group was similar, for each participant there was FG1, FG2, FG3, and so on, consequently.

Once the questionnaires were available, they were emptied into a spreadsheet, where the answers to each question were reviewed, one by one, and they were classified among those that expressed positive and negative experiences in school and community involvement; With the first, the positive experiences, work was done in a second moment and the first findings were given, showing that the community dynamically involves fathers and mothers, and includes leadership and constant action of teachers and in general of the educational institution.

From the same questionnaires, six teachers were recovered who, in their answers, showed a greater development and description of the participation of their school with the community; This population was the one that was invited to the focus group to deepen the findings of the questionnaires and give greater consistency to the results. Now with the empirical data from both instruments, we continued to make a definitive analysis and interpretation that led to the results and which are presented in the following section.

Thus, in an inductive, analytical way and in constant collaboration with the student body, in a dynamic of involvement and collaboration, the findings presented here were built, which try, at all times, to recover the pedagogical value of school involvement and community for the children subject to education.



Parents as mediators of school-community involvement

When asking each teacher in service, who collaborated in this work, to give their arguments and explanations about the involvement between their school and community, their answers dealt with the figure of the father or mother of the family. This led to revealing that the school-community involvement, in a substantive way, is mediated by their participation, either for better or for worse in terms of the achievement or failure of the involvement, since between the school center and the community are the families of every boy and girl; thus, one of the bridges to achieve involvement is constituted by commitment and teamwork between teachers and fathers, mothers or whoever has guardianship of the infant. Some responses to the questionnaires state:

The participation of the majority of the parents in the activities required in the school in terms of cleaning, sanitizing and responsible assistance in terms of the health of the children (C2) is denoted.

It has a lot of participation from the parents' association, there are activities in which students can develop their skills in sports or chess, as well as projects for the use of ICT (C23).

There is a lot of participation from the parents' association, there are activities in which students can develop their skills in sports or chess, as well as projects for the use of ICT (C37).

Most parents are involved in school activities (C9).

The school is recognized in the area as one of the best schools and the enrollment is high. The school is attended by children of parents who were also students at some point in the school (C15).

The community is served considering its needs (C35).

When there are sporting, academic or social events at the school, parents, alumni and the school community in general participate without any problem (C12).

The school, teachers and fathers and mothers of the family are combined in a way that can promote an association that helps the formation of the student body. This occurs from the promotion of parental participation in learning activities aimed at their sons and/or daughters and that contribute to the achievement of the objectives; In addition, participation in this way can be an incentive for the child's performance in the focus group. When asked what is the importance of school-community involvement and how does it help the education of boys and girls? Some answers were: I believe that the support that exists between parents and the school community is important, although it is true that sometimes the child advances a little more in his development or in his performance when the father is present, but it is also true that this is not always the case. But then, I think it is important that the father is always present. Not necessarily within the school, but that does attend to or be aware of all the needs that the student has, not only in their individual environment, but in everything that happens around the school community (FG1Bi).

I believe that the participation of parents in the school community is very important. At the preschool level we require 100% parental support for the research tasks for the reinforcement activities, because the child cannot carry out the activities by himself. As the colleague rightly says, this does not guarantee that the child will have 100% progress, but I believe that this support is essential because I also know from experience that there are children who are completely abandoned and no matter how much one wants to advance with them at school you can't. And when the parents, despite the fact that the children have some limitations, when the parents are present, progress is made (FG2).

It is important that the father of the family is involved, because we have children who, although their parents work or are not even there, because at school it is commonplace that the one who cares for the students is the grandmother or the grandfather, and even if they are not the mother but a member of the family, be aware of them, so you can see the difference, even if it is the grandpa because she is attentive to him (FG3).

It affects grades or, on the contrary, they are distracted in class, but when mom and dad go to school for him, instead of grandpa or granny going, they say "My dad came for me!"; This link is very important and I consider that it helps a lot and motivates the student so that he can improve his grades or his behavior (FG4).

The pedagogical components that are revealed from the school-community involvement range from the accompaniment to achieve the expected learning, the general motivation that each student can have and in the learning environment within the schools, so that the promotion of maintaining a verify participation and collaboration, teamwork that takes the child as its center is key and part of a complex educational practice.

Some of the responses from teachers certainly agree that the involvement between the school and the community can be a positive factor in the formation of the student, although it is also stated that it is not a guarantee, since the success or failure of a child in school it is determined by multiple factors; so that the strategies that each school and teacher build must consider all the aspects that directly or indirectly can impact the education that boys and girls receive. This task calls for leadership and a pedagogical vision that undoubtedly has a mark on the future because, as Max Van Manen (1998) mentions, the pedagogical aspect is at the moment of decision of someone whose responsibility is a boy or girl (or young person). and their training, the moment in which the impact and consequences for the future of the apprentice under their pedagogical tutelage are deliberated.

The involvement between school and community, from the teaching experience, is revealed as an activity whose success is based on leadership, communication and the ways of relating that can be established with parents.

The leadership of the teacher and the directive as a key element for the implication

The school-community involvement, as mentioned, has parents as its central axis. The dynamic link between the community and the family was constant in the testimonies and stories. At times it was mentioned that in many cases the children, nephews and other relatives of those who graduated went to take classes at those schools, they also commented that it contributed to their involvement.

In this situation, leadership, as well as communication and the way of relating, were a determining feature that promotes school and community involvement. In this regard, experiences were expressed that revealed ways and strategies that marked the path of involvement and whose pedagogical motivation is the education of the infant, some responses to the questionnaires say:

An environment is created in which the community is aware of what is happening in the schools and participates in its improvement, all for the benefit of their children (C3)

Having good communication with parents, above all based on respect, the way each of the teachers work, influences their perception of the school, which is essential, since it may or may not motivate Parents participate in certain activities. Another aspect is that parents see that the school is organized and above all that there is good leadership from the principal. (C14)

Involve parents in civic, cultural and academic activities (C20).

Diversified attention for students. Significant activities to promote student participation in work presentations and therefore with parents (C7).

Be a good leader. Propose and be in the best disposition. Being empathic with others (C11).

Good communication between the principal and parents. The respect that exists between teachers and, when there is a problem, solve it immediately (C19).

It is important that the relationship be affective for it to be effective, when you treat the parents well, you are kind, they see that their children learn, the parents are committed and comply, also when they see the changes in the school in terms of infrastructure (C22).

From the teaching perspective and experience, qualities such as assertive communication, respect, willingness, participation, environment, etc., are components of a healthy relationship and that allow a fluid relationship. In all this, boys and girls are the beneficiaries from the pedagogical point of view. In the focus group, when asked: what does it depend on for school-community involvement to remain healthy and productive? in the answers it is reaffirmed:

It depends on the leadership we have, everything depends on it, I think that at a crucial moment we were left without a director; Right off the bat he said "goodbye" to us and we were left in charge of the educational assistant director. I think it has played a great role, I think it has not left us, neither us teachers nor parents, I think good leadership is noticeable, it is a crucial part of this communication, of the involvement of the school with the community, And it depends on this and also that we are all part of a team and I think that now communication in my workplace has improved a lot and I say this openly, because I think that the relationship between teachers has improved a lot, it has improved a few years now, I'm talking about six years here, the relationship has improved a lot (FG1).

At school we always try to make them see us as a team, as a work team, because when parents see us as a team, they realize that we are all working toward the same goal. All activities are planned as a team, and that is the most important thing for parents to see that we are moving towards the same line. Something that has favored my workplace is the leadership that not my director has, but my academic deputy director. (FG2)

Well, I think that in my school the important thing is how the teacher is, that ability with which parents are promoted, how they treat them and how they treat you, even how you treat their children, that part as a teacher is part of that ability, to be able to win over even the father of the family or whoever is in charge of the children. We had a very good director and she had very good leadership and she always protected us, took care of us and the relationship with the parents was very good so obviously we always had a very good relationship (FG3).

The leadership of the administration, as well as that of the teacher, were, from experience, fundamental traits for school-community involvement, based on organization, communication, teamwork; Evidencing the planning, making clear the path and the objectives can be part of a strategy that brings together all the actors of education in a joint and credible work, as well as pedagogically beneficial for the student body. However, these traits expressed concrete and specific activities to carry out joint work and thus achieve involvement. Here are some answers to the question, how is community participation promoted in school activities?

Inform what content we are going to work on, what the preschool education program tells us and, from there, once the parents have been informed, activities are carried out where we usually involve the parents a lot in the process of the activities when are doing; When a didactic situation is carried out at school, each teacher puts outside their window what didactic situation is going to be worked on and the learning that we are going to be working on in that situation, then the parents know what learning we are working on and it is a way of involving them in the work that is done (FG2).

Well, we always have the first meeting and there the father is given an overview of how work is done and we also have later meetings where report cards are handed out; but if there is something else where they have to inform the parents in order to get them involved, they are sent a written paper that they must sign, or in their case we have the member, where the member is the spokesperson for all things that are they come to give, or when I have something to tell them I tell the vowel and she informs the parents. It is the way in which one works (FG1).

Well, in many ways, we do have initial meetings with the parents, we talk about the activities this year that we intend to carry out, what outings we are going to have; then they are told in broad strokes, they are also told about the program or the study plan that is being handled for each subject, each month they are sent a circular detailing everything that is going to be done in that month, well for example this month exams and 17 Father's Day, etc. (FG4).

The qualitative components to achieve successful involvement are manifested and complemented by specific activities. The teachers show in their stories and testimonies that the start-up meetings are a strategy that helps, since making the work plan clear from the beginning, together with everything projected for the future, allows parents to have an overview, see as part of the job and glimpse a specific participation that has as its goal the formation of their son or daughter.

On the other hand, meetings are also suggested during the course, not only for administrative purposes that include signing report cards, but also in the same spirit of maintaining a relationship of complicity and joint work, of maintaining concentration on the support for the teacher and how you can collaborate from home to contribute to the training of the infant.

Other types of activities contribute to involvement, such as: Mother's Day or Father's Day (see figure 2), sports activities, the quermeses to raise funds to improve the infrastructure, patron saint festivities if it is the case according to the context. , school cleaning tasks and others; all are part of a comprehensive strategy that goes beyond the superficial and delves into the pedagogical to strengthen educational work and add to the learning environment.

Fig. 2- Examples of invitations
Source: teachers in service and who collaborated in this work

The experience and perspective of each teacher at the service of basic education and who are also students of the MEB was constant and of deep collaboration, so that the understanding of the pedagogical potential and the importance in the education of boys and girls of the school and community involvement. From the findings presented here, it can be said that it is a strategy that requires qualitative components that are part of all the people involved in the student's training; that is, teachers, board of directors, fathers and mothers of the family or whoever has guardianship of the boy or girl. Also, the activities that are carried out play a leading role in the achievement or failure of school and community involvement; These go from the meetings at the beginning and during the course and at the end, others have the purpose of improving the material conditions of the school, and there are those that function as actions for coexistence and the construction of a healthy and happy environment, as They are the celebration of Mother's Day, Father's Day and others, as well as the convening to deal with specific issues of a boy or girl (see table 2).

Table 2- Synthesis of the central components for school-community involvement

Source: Own elaboration with research information

In the teaching experiences, it revealed that fathers and mothers of families are the ones who in the second instance are integrated into an involvement dynamic, this has to be born within the school by teachers and the board of directors and thus include and consequently commit parents and mothers of families. Thus, leadership, strategies, activities and other elements arise that may or may not achieve success.



This article focused on the successful cases of schools that achieve pedagogical involvement between school and community, but it is necessary to know that not all institutions achieve it, there are even experiences of complete failure in which there is violence from verbal to physical. towards the board of directors and teaching staff, but that will be the center and objective of another investigation derived from this one.

The experiences presented here show positive and pedagogical involvement between school and community. It is pointed out how it is that the participation of the community, especially and in a central way of fathers and mothers of families, can be a vital impulse that is directed directly to the student body, to their training and facing their future; What is achieved at school, be it theoretical and/or practical knowledge, knowledge for life, attitudes and aptitudes, even morality, will be components of a person who is part of a social and human world in which the rest of their life will interact. life, in such a way that the joint work between school and community is pedagogically fundamental.

A limitation that existed when carrying out this work had to do with the organization of the focus group, since each teacher belongs to a different school in a different place in Mexico City and their working hours were sometimes an obstacle to agree on a day and time and carry out this methodological activity, but in the end, consensus was reached and the technique could be carried out; however, the will was in all cases of collaboration and willingness.

The will of all the people involved to achieve involvement and, in general, teamwork that promotes comprehensive training for infants is essential; In addition, the activities that are proposed, as well as the broad strategy to be carried out are also key. In the same way, the qualities that allow each person to connect with otherness, by having the infant as the central pedagogical axis, are necessary to achieve the objective of having an enriching educational praxis.

Finally, questions such as: what happens with those schools that do not get the community to get involved in the education of their sons and daughters? what happens in those cases in which the schools not only do not achieve the involvement and collaboration of the community, but also receive animosity expressed with verbal or physical violence? These and others are pending for future studies, another line of research that could be derived from this.

Teachers and managers have the responsibility of achieving the strategies and activities, accompanied by the necessary qualities, to promote a dynamic that in its actions, its strength and intensity manage to attract fathers and mothers of families and who are accomplices and direct protagonists and committed to the training of boys and girls. It is key not to lose that the pedagogical center of community and school involvement is each infant, whose future is built on a vital, day-to-day educational activity, and that an interest that incorporates affection and love for each student and that this is the impulse that moves everyone in the educational task.



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1 In the country's educational language, it is common to call basic education teachers teachers, as the case may be, even if they do not have a master's degree.


Conflict of interests:

The author declares that he has no conflicts of interest. 


Contribution of the authors:

The author participated in the design and writing of the work, and analysis of the documents.


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