Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(3), e3845

Translated from the original in Spanish

Original article

Online teaching of the Cultural Panorama of Latin America to Chinese students speaking Spanish as a foreign language


Enseñanza en línea de Panorama Cultural de América Latina a estudiantes sinohablantes de español como lengua extranjera


Ensino online do Panorama Cultural da América Latina para estudantes chineses que falam espanhol como língua estrangeira


Daniuska Hechavarría Naranjo1
Lu Chunbo1

1University of Jilin. China.;


Cite as
Hechavarría Naranjo, D., Chunbo, L. (2024). Online teaching of the Cultural Panorama of Latin America to Chinese students speaking Spanish as a foreign language. Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(3), e3845.


Received: April 21, 2024
Accepted: July 9, 2024


Given the COVID-19 health pandemic that began to affect China in late January 2020, the government of the Asian country declared a lockdown, closed educational centers such as universities, and directed the transfer of teaching activities to the virtual environment; Consequently, at Jilin University, specifically in the undergraduate program in Hispanic Philology, several technological platforms began to be used. The objective of this work is to socialize the results achieved in the Teaching-Learning Process of the subject Cultural Panorama of Latin America in the virtual mode, through the use of the Microsoft Teams platform, taught to Chinese-speaking students. To this end, a set of methods was applied, with the dialectical-materialist method as the guide, together with theoretical methods such as: analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction. Of the empirical methods, the questionnaire was used, based on its design, to assess the students' opinions and attitudes regarding the subject Teaching-Learning Process of the Cultural Panorama of Latin America through the use of the Microsoft Teams platform. It was confirmed that this process was very adequate, or largely adequate, in its instructive, educational and developmental dimensions. Furthermore, it was possible to continue the Teaching-Learning Process in a virtual environment and the students were able to acquire cultural content from Latin American countries, which allowed them to diversify their lexical register and continue to improve their communicative capacity. Spanish language skills, corresponding to their B1 and B2 levels.

Keywords: online education; Spanish as a foreign language; Latin American culture; virtual classroom applications; Chinese university education; pandemic.


Dada la situación pandémica sanitaria COVID-19, que comenzó a azotar a China a finales de enero de 2020, el gobierno del país asiático declaró el confinamiento, cierre de centros educativos como las universidades y orientó pasar las actividades docentes al entorno virtual; en consecuencia, en la Universidad de Jilin, en específico en la carrera de Filología Hispánica, se comenzaron a usar varias plataformas tecnológicas. El objetivo de este trabajo es socializar los resultados alcanzados en el Proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de la asignatura Panorama Cultural de América Latina en la modalidad virtual, mediante el uso de la plataforma Microsoft Teams, impartida a estudiantes sinohablantes. Para ello, se aplicaron un conjunto de métodos, siendo el dialéctico-materialista el rector, unido a los teóricos como: el análisis-síntesis y el inducción-deducción. De los empíricos se utilizó el cuestionario, a partir de su diseño, para evaluar la opinión y actitudes de los estudiantes en relación con el Proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de la asignatura Panorama Cultural de América Latina mediante el uso de la plataforma Microsoft Teams. Se corroboró que este proceso fue muy adecuado, o en gran parte adecuado, en sus dimensiones instructiva, educativa y desarrolladora. Además, fue posible continuar el Proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje desde un escenario virtual y los estudiantes pudieron adquirir contenidos culturales de los países hispanoamericanos, que le posibilitaron diversificar su registro léxico y continuar con el perfeccionamiento de las habilidades comunicativas de la lengua española, en correspondencia con sus niveles B1 y B2.

Palabras clave: enseñanza en línea; español como lengua extranjera; cultura latinoamericana; aplicaciones clases virtuales; educación universitaria china; pandemia.


Dada a situação de pandemia sanitária da COVID-19, que começou a atingir a China no final de janeiro de 2020, o governo do país asiático declarou confinamento, encerramento de centros educativos como universidades e orientou a transferência das atividades docentes para o ambiente virtual; Consequentemente, na Universidade de Jilin, especificamente na licenciatura em Filologia Hispânica, começaram a ser utilizadas diversas plataformas tecnológicas. O objetivo deste trabalho é socializar os resultados alcançados no Processo de Ensino-Aprendizagem da disciplina Panorama Cultural da América Latina na modalidade virtual, por meio da utilização da plataforma Microsoft Teams, ministrada para alunos de língua chinesa. Para tanto, foi aplicado um conjunto de métodos, sendo o dialético-materialista o norteador, juntamente com teóricos como: análise-síntese e indução-dedução. Dos empíricos, utilizou-se o questionário, a partir de seu desenho, para avaliar a opinião e atitudes dos alunos em relação à disciplina Processo de Ensino-Aprendizagem do Panorama Cultural da América Latina por meio da utilização da plataforma Microsoft Teams. Confirmou-se que este processo foi muito adequado, ou largamente adequado, nas suas dimensões instrutiva, educativa e de desenvolvimento. Além disso, foi possível dar continuidade ao Processo de Ensino-Aprendizagem em ambiente virtual e os alunos puderam adquirir conteúdos culturais de países latino-americanos, o que lhes permitiu diversificar seu registro lexical e continuar com o aprimoramento da capacidade comunicativa. competências da língua espanhola, correspondentemente aos seus níveis B1 e B2.

Palavras-chave: ensino on-line; Espanhol como língua estrangeira; cultura latino-americana; aplicações de aulas virtuais; educação universitária chinesa; pandemia.



University teaching has experienced great challenges, some of which have been particularly important in recent decades of the 21st century: the large-scale arrival of the digital age, the increasingly growing introduction of artificial intelligence, and the COVID-19 pandemic. The latter has had a great impact on the teaching-learning processes and, consequently, on the ways to develop and implement them efficiently and effectively. Virtual environments for learning were created, which in the educational field occupied on a large scale the spaces in which, synchronously and asynchronously, both, students and teachers participated in the training processes in a conscious and systematic manner and, in this way, "(...) continue to provide the educational service in the pandemic and to safeguard the health and life of the entire university community" (Diaz, Noriega and Jaramillo, 2023, pp. 7471-7472).

The context mentioned above, which Bozkurt & Sharma (2020), commented on by Troncoso (2022, p. 3) called Emergency Remote Teaching, conditioned the debate on how the teaching-learning process (TLP) should be developed, which would be the most effective forms, the most effective methods, the duration and the evaluation system that would guarantee the quality of teaching. In accordance with the above, it was necessary to develop an arduous improvement in Higher Education, in the specific case of this research regarding the teaching of a foreign language, such as Spanish. It is recognized that, far from being an obstacle for students or teachers, the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have a "(…) unlimited potential (…) as an agent of change (…) (Abidat and Berraghda, 2021, p. 125) which, in turn, provides many opportunities and potential for language teaching to be updated and revalued in its conception and implementation.

It is true that, practically from one day to the next, the methodology for teaching Spanish had to be changed. The physical classroom ceased to be the space for interaction between students and teachers and was replaced by digital platforms such as Tencent, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Meet, among others. These, in many cases, were not even remotely known by the teachers who at first showed "(…) the lack of ICT skills to carry out an efficient teaching process. (…)" (Quispe et al., 2023, p. 4928), which was demonstrated by the problems, especially in redesigning virtual classes in a short period of time and, on the other hand, the obvious failures to solve the many technical difficulties that arose during synchronous class sessions.

The virtual modality became real and with it the creation of methodologies for language teaching. It was not simply a matter of transferring the face-to-face to a virtual environment, "(…) teachers had to learn how to use technologies to update their material" (Medina-Morón & Alfaro-Cázares, 2023. p. 110), which led to the re-evaluation of teaching dynamics, methods and tasks so that the TLP was effective and mitigated the negative impact and stress in the face of change. In accordance with this, Intriago and García stated: "Virtual education is something relatively new that is an extension of traditional education within the classroom, which is what people were used to. The concept and evolution of virtual education, which was largely based on current classroom practices, frequently reflects conventional teaching philosophies" (2023, p. 10012).

Thus, Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL) classes were impacted by these changes in the dynamics of the TLP. Progressively, virtual learning environments are gaining more space in language teaching due to their almost inexhaustible source of linguistic, sociocultural and pragmatic resources that students can find and that teachers can use for their classes. Abidat and Berraghda agree that these platforms give the possibility for professional users of the Spanish language (which is the case of this research) to "use it and practice it in real and authentic contexts through the Internet, which is a highly motivating element (…)" (2021, p. 130).

In line with the pandemic context of 2020 and the urgent need to continue the teaching course, at Jilin University, in Jilin province, China, as in all universities in the Asian country, classes began to be held in virtual environments. Specific guidelines were given on how to proceed with the development of the TLP and, in turn, guarantee quality and support for students from virtuality.

The Bachelor's Degree in Hispanic Philology is among the courses offered at Jilin University, aimed at students "(...) acquiring linguistic and communicative skills in Spanish and knowledge of the Spanish language in its historical, social, literary and cultural context. (...)" (Yan Yan, 2021, pp. 7-8). Among the subjects of this degree, there is Cultural Panorama of Latin America (CPLA), which is taught to students who are in the third year, specifically in the second semester. This research is aimed precisely at the analysis of this subject in the virtual environment.

The CPLA subject is part of the own curriculum of the course, it lasts 32 hours per week, with a frequency of two hours per week, during the 16 weeks that the semester lasts. This subject also contributes to the fulfillment of the Cervantes Institute Curricular Plan, because although it is not strictly linguistic, it does address the cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking countries, which directly influences the communicative projection of the language. At the same time, it allows "(...) the student access to a new reality on a broad and integrative basis in which the knowledge, skills and attitudes that make up a mode of intercultural competence are intertwined." On the other hand, it guarantees that students have access to a greater and more comprehensive cultural range, which goes beyond the Spanish border, to address the culture of the 19 Spanish-speaking countries, in a general sense. In relation to the above, Poole and Andújar (2019), citing PCIC: 515-520, stated that "(…) knowledge of cultural references, sensitivity to sociocultural behaviors and the attitudes and skills that must be developed when establishing contact with other cultures are of fundamental importance."

It is recognized that there are new ways and methodologies to develop a TLP for Spanish as a foreign language, which contributes to improving the teaching of a language, its structures, management and curricular didactics. In the case of the use of Information and Communication Technologies applied to the teaching of foreign languages, they contribute to students being able to "(…) carry out autonomous and personalized learning (…)" (Qiu, Páez and Kong, 2024, p. 4), reflecting the leading role of foreign language students; meanwhile, it improves the computerization preparation of teachers and helps them to carry out precise teaching.

Chinese-speaking students of the Bachelor of Hispanic Philology at Jilin University attended the CPLA course, virtually, during the second semester of the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 academic years, through the Microsoft Teams platform. To this end, the CPLA curriculum was redesigned and all the necessary adjustments were made so that the development of the TLP would be effective, motivating and attractive for them, which would contribute to "(…) the social construction of knowledge based on social interaction and mediated learning experiences, (…). (…) " (Ríos, Ruiz and Ramírez, 2023, p. 6); in addition to allowing us to address the culture of the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America in its broadest and most enriching dimension, its tensions and its diverse historical and geographical character, because as Eduardo Galeano (1996) stated, it is:

A space of contradiction and encounter, Latin America offers a battlefield between cultures of fear and cultures of freedom, between those that deny us and those that are born within us. This common framework, this common space, this common battlefield, is historical. It comes from the past, is nourished by the present and is projected as a necessity and hope for the times to come. It has stubbornly survived, even though it has been hurt or broken several times by the same interests that underline our differences to hide our identities.

Thus, continuing to teach the Spanish language through the CPLA subject in a virtual environment meant a new scenario for both the teacher and the students. One might reason: to what extent did virtual classes generate greater academic achievement by students? Did their satisfaction reach levels similar to when classes were taught in person? The evaluation system was consistent and in line with what was proposed in the Cervantes Institute Curricular Plan. An exploratory study was required to address these aspects with a multidimensional treatment.

In accordance with the above, the objective is to socialize the results achieved in the TLP of the Cultural Panorama of Latin America subject in the virtual modality, through the use of the Microsoft Teams platform, taught to Chinese-speaking students of the Bachelor's Degree in Hispanic Philology at the University of Jilin, in China.



For the development of the exploratory study that would demonstrate the impact that the TLP of the CPLA subject had on Chinese-speaking students at Jilin University, in China, a set of methods were applied, with the dialectical-materialist method as the main one. This, together with the theoretical, empirical and statistical methods, allowed to achieve concrete and verifiable results. In this way, a comprehensive analysis could be made from a holistic conception, in a close relationship between the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the studied phenomenon, and thus, show what characterized the referred TLP, but in a virtual setting.

Consequently, with the above, the analysis-synthesis method was applied to delve into the aspects that characterize and regulate the teaching of a foreign language and, specifically, the CPLA subject and its development in a virtual environment through the Microsoft Teams platform (Figure 1). The induction-deduction method was also used to arrive at conclusions related to the development of the TLP in question in a new scenario, its educational and sociocultural impact, which is possible to develop and perfect, while it is applied to the teaching of SFL, based on a general framework of reference, related to the theories, laws and categories linked to language didactics, pedagogy, culture and social relations.

Fig. 1- Microsoft Teams platform environment ready to start an online class

Regarding the empirical methods, the questionnaire was used, based on its design, to evaluate the opinions and attitudes of the students in relation to the TLP of the CPLA subject, through the use of the Microsoft Teams platform. Therefore, it was necessary to operationalize the CPLA TLP variable in a virtual environment. The operationalization resulted in the establishment of three dimensions: the instructive, the educational and the developmental and the indicators for each of these respectively (Table 1). All this in order to make a comprehensive characterization of the process being evaluated and to validate what was proposed; in fact, it has also served to corroborate what was expressed by Medina & Alfaro (2021, s/p), when they stated that in times of pandemic students had the perception that the TLP developed, in general, was positive for them academically.

Table 1- Dimensions and indicators



1. Instructions

Students' ability to maintain a conversation in Spanish on cultural topics (EECTC)

Level of incorporation of students into the cultural content of Latin American countries (NICC)

State of development of language skills in students (EDHL)

State of interpretation of the linguistic variety of the Latin American countries by students (EIVLH)

Level of assimilation of the lexicon specific to the language variant of the Hispanic American countries by students (NALVH)

2. Educational

Status of students' commitment to understanding the cultural diversity of Hispanic American countries (ECCDC)

Status of students' assessment of the importance of the variants of the Spanish language (EVIVL)

Status of student evaluation of the content received (EVECR)

State in which students express the need to know more about the pragmatics of the language of the Hispanic American countries (ENCPL)

Level of student assessment of receiving the linguistic, sociocultural and pragmatic content of the Spanish language virtually (NVCLSP)

3. Developer

Status of the students' communicative development process (EDCE)

Level of integration and assimilation of the new lexicon related to the variants of the Spanish language of the Latin American countries (NIALH)

Level of assimilation of virtual teaching through the use of the Microsoft Teams platform (NAEV)

Status of student use of the Microsoft Teams platformfor solving communicative tasks (EUMT)

Chinese-speaking students (77) from the Bachelor's Degree in Hispanic Philology at Jilin University in China were determined as the population. The first group, composed by 33 third-year students who received the subject in the second semester of the 2019-2020 academic year, and the second group, composed by 44 third-year students, who also received it in the second semester, but of the 2020-2021 academic year. In this research, the population and the sample coincide.

It is worth mentioning that students in this population have a language level of B1 (85.71%) and B2 (14.29%), which is perfectly adequate to understand the sociocultural, pragmatic and linguistic content addressed in the CPLA subject. In addition, they are characterized by being independent, responsible and very familiar with many Internet platforms, especially those dedicated to social networks.

Brief description of the CPLA subject

In accordance with the above, it is necessary to explain that the general objective of the CPLA subject is for students to be able to assess the sociocultural development of the Latin American countries from a holistic perspective, which in turn allows them to understand the cultural and linguistic diversity of the region for an expansion of their cultural reference frameworks and a more advanced development in the mastery of the Spanish language.

As part of the development of CPLA, the organizational forms of the classes were theoretical-practical conferences, seminars and debate workshops. In each of these forms, listening comprehension and reading comprehension were worked on to a greater degree; written expression and skills were worked on to a lesser extent, and oral expression and interaction were always present in each class.

The evaluation system designed was the Progressive Evaluation of Student Academic Development (PESAD), in which extracurricular tasks, seminars, workshops, daily participation and attendance were measured; all together they formed a score of 100 points. It should be noted that, since the classes were virtual, there was no final exam on the Microsoft Teams platform.

Characterization of the Microsoft Teams platform

This platform "(…) represents a form of support in the teaching-learning processes, therefore, it is necessary to take advantage of its potential (Arciniegas-Vera & Martos- Eliche, 2020, p. 24); so much so that during the time of the pandemic it was widely accepted among students and teachers in China. In fact, it is a tool designed to facilitate real-time communication and collaboration among members of an organization, both internal and external; in this case, the students used it from their homes (who live in different provinces of China) and the teacher from Cuba.

It was decided to use Microsoft Teams because it is possible to "(…) create a friendly and motivating environment for the teaching-learning process, through work groups, where instant intercommunication is possible, (…)" (Rodríguez and Castro, 2021, p. 515). The classes were held through video calls, with a duration of 90 minutes (although as it was a free subscription, the class was restarted every 45 minutes). Some of these classes were recorded by the students and served to study independently. In figures 1, 2 and 3 you can see three moments when starting the class on the Microsoft Teams platform. On the other hand, the incorporation of the Office 365 package was very useful, with which everything can be edited and viewed online. The platform, with all its features, tries to resemble an environment as much as possible to the face-to-face one. In addition, to access Microsoft Teams it can be done through different ways; On their official website they have a home or desktop version, and also a mobile version, which is very convenient for students and teachers.

It includes a notepad that is very advantageous for students and teachers because it allows them to "create assignments and track grades; open channels to view chats and files about a topic or unit; start a discussion in the chat and add a file, emoji, GIF or sticker to liven it up; and add channels and members when uploading a file" (Figures 2, 3 and 4).

Fig. 2- Starting the session on the platform by the teacher (author of this research) and sending the link to the students so they can enter the meeting (PCAL class shift)

Fig. 3- The teacher gives the welcome greeting through the platform chat, at the same time that the students connect

Fig. 4- Moment when the class starts, once all the students have connected



After applying the instruments and processing, the results obtained are presented. An evaluation of the TLP variable of e CPLA is made in a virtual environment, based on the evaluation of the dimensions and their respective indicators, which were given a rating of Very Adequate (VA), Largely Adequate (LA), Adequate (A), Slightly Adequate (SA) and Not at All Adequate (NA). From the previous analysis, the characteristics of the TLP of CPLA PEA in a virtual environment could be seen.

Regarding the instructive dimension, it was evident that there are no major differences (Figures 5 and 6).

Fig. 5- Results of the Instructional dimension for students in the 2019-2020 academic year

Fig. 6- Instructional dimension results for students in the 2020-2021 academic year

In the indicators that were measured between the two groups of students, on average, 70.19% of the respondents were able to hold a conversation during classes in a fluid, dynamic manner and with an appropriate use of vocabulary. On the other hand, it was evident that the students of the 2020-2021 academic year were able to efficiently incorporate the cultural content of the Latin American countries (84.08%). On the other hand, it can be argued that the state of development of language skills (oral, written expression, listening and reading comprehension) in both groups of students, on average, can be described as very adequate (68.18%). The state of interpretation of the linguistic variety of the Latin American countries was the one that presented the lowest results, because just over half of the students (54.54%) were between very satisfied and largely satisfied. In this sense, it is also suggested that the level of assimilation of the lexicon specific to the variant of the language of the Hispanic American countries by the students was largely adequate and suitable with an average of 60.20% between the two groups.

The results obtained for the educational dimension are evident (Figures 7 and 8):

Fig. 7- Results of the educational dimension for students in the 2019-2020 academic year

Fig. 8- Results of the educational dimension for students in the 2020-2021 academic year

The state of students' commitment to understanding the cultural diversity of Hispanic American countries is considered Very Adequate (98.49%), which is very positive and contributed to better developing the TLP. In turn, the state of students' assessment of the importance of the variants of the Spanish language is considered to be Very Adequate as well, among the two groups of students, with an average of 87.88%. Therefore, in line with the above, students are assessed as Very Adequate and Largely Adequate (81.36%) regarding the need to learn more about the pragmatics of the language of Hispanic American countries. It is worth noting that students have a Largely Adequate and Very Adequate assessment (85.61%) of students regarding receiving the linguistic, sociocultural and pragmatic content of the Spanish language, virtually. The educational dimension is assessed as Very Adequate and Largely Adequate.

Regarding the developmental dimension, one of the most important because it shows what students are capable of achieving, it was found that the communicative development process of these students is 100% Very Adequate or Largely Adequate in those who received the subject in the 2019-2020 academic year, although in the other group of students it was different but only by 15.15%. It is important to highlight that these students had to go from one semester to another from in-person to virtual. A very positive aspect was that the level of integration and assimilation of the new lexicon related to the variants of the Spanish language of the Latin American countries is considered Very Adequate by 89.77%, which from the point of view of language teaching has a great connotation, because it explains that the students were able to increase their lexical register.

In general terms, the level of assimilation of virtual teaching through the use of the Microsoft Teams platform is very adequate (82.20%), compared to 9.32% who consider it between Adequate and Slightly Adequate. In this same vein, 82.86% of students rate the state of use of the Microsoft Teams platform for solving communicative tasks as Very Adequate (Figures 9 and 10).

Fig. 9- Results of the developer dimension for students in the 2019-2020 academic year

Fig. 10- Results of the developer dimension for students in the 2020-2021 academic year



The analysis of the consulted bibliography, the academic exchanges with specialists in language teaching and the debates with other colleagues from Jilin University allowed us to corroborate, on the one hand, that the methodologies and activities to improve the TLP of the SFL are inexhaustible. It is also agreed that the culture of the language is essential for students to have a more holistic worldview of Spanish as a target language and that technological tools are increasingly necessary to support the training process. In this last aspect, Rodríguez and Castro (2021) explained that, by facilitating the creation of a virtual environment, very similar to the face-to-face classroom, regardless of whether the process is developed asynchronously or synchronously "(…) facilitates the development, management and distribution of courses. (…)" (p. 514).

Regarding the use of the Microsoft Teams platform, it is considered very important for the development of the TLP of the CPLA subject, because through it, it was possible to guarantee from a distance that there was constant feedback between the teacher who taught the classes and his students, since he receives notifications when he has been cited in a conversation, if they have tried to make a call or if they have shared a document, among other aspects. Therefore, it is an "(…) essential tool for collaboration, communication and project management within an organization".

Regarding this collaborative platform, a study by the Complutense University (2020) and with which this author agrees, raises, among many other advantages, the following:

1. Team conversations are visible to all members, driving quick responses and collaboration. 2. It is (…) ideal for any institution because it allows for video conferencing, real-time discussions, and document sharing and editing. 3. Users can call external people and even receive calls from landlines and mobile phones. 4. It is cloud-based, so it can be accessed from anywhere via the desktop or mobile app. 6. (…) can bring any Office 365 application into the mix to increase your team's productivity. Everyone can view the same Word document, Excel spreadsheet, PowerPoint presentation, or OneNote document while communicating around the content. (…) Online meetings can be scheduled or created within channels by using an Outlook plugin. (…) can host up to 10,000 users.

It can be further explained that the platform allows for the expansion of the content taught through the use of videos, podcasts, and PowerPoint itself, all in a single learning environment. The barriers of space are drastically eliminated (the class can be held anywhere, all you need is a device with Internet access) and time (students receive the 90 minutes of weekly classes synchronously, but since the class can be recorded, they can later consult it asynchronously). All of the above makes learning more flexible. An essential aspect is that in a class all the communication skills of the language can be worked on, including writing, because students can write their answers through the chat that the platform has built in; in fact, oral interaction is constantly worked on during the class. It ensures that the student is increasingly a self-manager of his or her learning and the teacher becomes more prominent as a driver and tutor of the students' academic progress.

The use of this platform in CPLA classes allowed students to have access to knowledge of the Spanish language in its widest diatopic variety, which is, in turn, to corroborate the linguistic and cultural diversity that it has. By using audiovisual media with content from the 19 Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America, students were able to learn about real speech samples from people, with their accents, facial expressions, and manual gestures (pragmatics), which gave them the possibility of accessing resources with a linguistic standard different from the Spanish one (to which they are so accustomed). In this way, the idea is to show the student that these speech acts are real, in which people can make mistakes, that there are acoustic interferences, that there are words that people do not pronounce well and that they are aware of this reality, which is ultimately what they have to face once they graduate from university and go on to play the double role of professional-user of the Spanish language. All of the above was done through the guidelines described in the European Framework of Reference for Languages and the Curriculum Plan of the Cervantes Institute.



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Conflict of interests:

The authors declare not to have any interest conflicts.


Authors' contribution:

The authors participated in the design and writing of the article, in the search and analysis of the information contained in the consulted bibliography.


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