Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(3), e3758

Translated from the original in Spanish

Original article

The professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator


El desempeño profesional pedagógico en la Educación Musical del educador de la primera infancia


A atuação pedagógica profissional em Educação Musical do educador infantil


Jorge Genaro Lugo Plasencia1
Vilma Esther Moreno Ricard2

1University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Pinar del Río, Cuba.
2University of Pedagogical Sciences "Enrique José Varona". Havana, Cuba.


Cite as
Lugo Plasencia, J. G., Moreno Ricard, V. E. (2024). The professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator. Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(3), e3758.


Received: February 1, 2024
Accepted: June 22, 2024



The article is part of the research project titled “The comprehensive development of the early childhood child from an integrative educational process.” The objective of the article is to present the results of the research carried out to improve the professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator. The dialectical-materialist method is assumed, which supported the use of theoretical level methods such as: historical- logical, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, modeling, systemic-structural. From the empirical level: documentary analysis, observation, rating scale, self-report questionnaire, performance test, specialist criteria. From the statistical-mathematical level: descriptive statistics, percentage analysis, the use of the SPSS statistical package and methodological triangulation. The main result is a pedagogical strategy supported by a system of principles of Advanced Education, from which workshops are developed as a fundamental academic form and, as a non-academic form, instructional trips. In conclusions, the study carried out has confirmed that the improvement of the professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator continues to be a priority by guaranteeing a quality educational process, to achieve the maximum comprehensive development of children from scratch. to six years. This will allow for a more organized, systematic and systemic educational process, in which teachers will be able to appropriate the contents related to the components of Musical Education in early childhood, as well as its methodological treatment, which demonstrates the validity of the proposal.

Keywords: performance; professional; pedagogy, education; music, strategy, early childhood.


El artículo forma parte del proyecto de investigación titulado "El desarrollo integral del niño de la primera infancia desde un proceso educativo integrador". El objetivo del artículo es presentar los resultados de la investigación realizada para el mejoramiento del desempeño profesional pedagógico en la Educación Musical del educador de la primera infancia. Se asume el método dialéctico-materialista, que sustentó el empleo de métodos del nivel teórico como: histórico-lógico, analítico-sintético, inductivo-deductivo, modelación, sistémico-estructural. Del nivel empírico: análisis documental, observación, escala valorativa, cuestionario de autorreporte, prueba de desempeño, criterio de especialistas. Del nivel estadístico-matemático: la estadística descriptiva, análisis porcentual, la utilización del paquete estadístico SPSS y la triangulación de tipo metodológica. Como principal resultado se presenta una estrategia pedagógica sustentada en un sistema de principios de la Educación Avanzada, a partir de los cuales se elaboran como forma académica fundamental los talleres y, como forma no académica, los viajes de instrucción. En conclusiones, el estudio realizado ha permitido constatar que el mejoramiento del desempeño profesional pedagógico en la Educación Musical del educador de la primera infancia continúa siendo una prioridad al garantizar un proceso educativo de calidad, para lograr el máximo desarrollo integral de los niños de cero a seis años. Esto permitirá realizar un proceso educativo más organizado, sistemático y sistémico, en el que los docentes lograrán apropiarse de los contenidos relacionados con los componentes de la Educación Musical en la primera infancia, así como su tratamiento metodológico, lo que demuestra la validez de la propuesta.

Palabras clave: desempeño; profesional; pedagogía, educación; música, estrategia, primera infancia.


O artigo faz parte do projeto de pesquisa intitulado "O desenvolvimento integral da criança na primeira infância a partir de um processo educativo integrativo". O objetivo do artigo é apresentar os resultados das pesquisas realizadas para melhorar a atuação pedagógica profissional em Educação Musical do educador infantil. Assume-se o método dialético-materialista, que apoiou a utilização de métodos de nível teórico como: histórico-lógico, analítico-sintético, indutivo-dedutivo, modelismo, sistêmico-estrutural. Do nível empírico: análise documental, observação, escala de avaliação, questionário de autorrelato, teste de desempenho, critérios especializados. Ao nível estatístico-matemático: estatística descritiva, análise percentual, utilização do pacote estatístico SPSS e triangulação metodológica. O principal resultado é uma estratégia pedagógica apoiada num sistema de princípios de Educação Avançada, a partir do qual se desenvolvem oficinas como forma académica fundamental e, como forma não académica, viagens instrutivas. En conclusiones, el estudio realizado ha permitido constatar que el mejoramiento del desempeño profesional pedagógico en la Educación Musical del educador de la primera infancia continúa siendo una prioridad al garantizar un proceso educativo de calidad, para lograr el máximo desarrollo integral de los niños de cero a seis anos. Isso permitirá um processo educativo mais organizado, sistemático e sistêmico, no qual os professores poderão se apropriar dos conteúdos relativos aos componentes da Educação Musical na primeira infância, bem como do seu tratamento metodológico, o que demonstra a validade da proposta.

Palavras-chave: desempenho; profissional; pedagogia, educação; música, estratégia, primeira infância.



The ongoing training of educators, for the Cuban state, is of great importance. This is mediated by the new improvement that is carried out in the Cuban educational system and is in constant change, as it is made necessary by the updates derived from the research carried out in this field. Early childhood education is not left out; it also undergoes this process of enrichment and changes that help professional growth and, as a final result, the achievement of the child's comprehensive development. By emphasizing early childhood education, Musical Education is found as an area of development that crosses all other areas, as well as being present in all the activities that the child develops, inside and outside the educational institution. On the other hand, it is a source of motivation and constant acquisition of knowledge for the child.

The Ministry of Education in the Early Childhood Education Plan defines early childhood as the period of comprehensive training, which begins from birth and extends to six years.

The music educator performs a series of functions that are vital to the educational process, as well as the comprehensive development of the early childhood child. To carry out this research, the author relies on the theory of Advanced Education, since it provides a structure to follow to achieve the improvement of the professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator.

Being consistent with what was stated above, the author agrees with Cardoso (2022) that the theory of Advanced Education is a theoretical-practical proposal arising from the Cuban reality itself; When looking at it as a structured theory, from early childhood education, it is discovered that it provides ways that can be used to solve the scientific problem in question, in response to the need to enrich the conceptual and scientific-methodological basis of all these processes. Its application makes it possible to increase the quality of educational practice. When doing a study of this theory, it is found that its historical evolution, from educational alternative to educational paradigm, and from this to scientific educational theory, is based on the results obtained by researchers from its scientific community and others, national and foreign, who Even without being one, they have taken it into account for their studies.

Advanced Education has had very particular views from the educational field and with greater force from studies carried out by health and education specialists. Various concepts and approaches have emerged to address this issue. One of the relevant reports is UNESCO's GEM Report 2023, which focuses on technology in education from perspectives such as relevance, equity, scalability and sustainability. This report highlights the importance of always putting students' interests at the center and using digital technologies to support human interaction rather than replace it. Additionally, it examines issues related to access, equity, inclusion, and educational quality. The above allows an improvement in professional and human performance.

The author agrees with Cepero et al. (2023) when he states that Advanced Education is based on a series of principles, which serve as a guide for improving the professional performance of labor resources:

These principles provide a solid foundation for the development of Advanced Education and professional and human improvement.

When taking a tour of the conceptual nodes, it is found that Doe, J. (2023) states that performance refers to the performance, effectiveness and results obtained by an individual, a group or an organization in relation to its objectives and responsibilities. In the work context, performance is evaluated using quantitative and qualitative indicators such as productivity, work quality, punctuality and customer satisfaction.

In line with the above, Vera et al. (2019) understand that professional performance is directed at behavior, at all levels, such as interpersonal relationships; This corroborates the interest of the research, which places the early childhood educator as the subject in charge of developing a set of musical activities for the benefit of the comprehensive development of the child. In this order of ideas they also agree with Tauler et al. (2019), who consider that professional work in educational practice has accumulated experiences that are almost always related to everyday life, which is reinforced in research, since the early childhood educator develops musical activities daily during all the years. processes of the child's daily schedule within the educational institution.

Añorga et al (2010) defines professional pedagogical performance as:

the process developed by a subject through relationships of a social nature that is established in the application of methods for the fulfillment of its work content, in correspondence with the objectives of the professional pedagogical activity in which it participates and the achievement of a result that It demonstrates the professional, institutional and social improvement achieved, the attention to the education of their work competence and the full communication and individual satisfaction when carrying out their tasks with care, precision, accuracy, depth, originality and speed (p. 216).

Also, from another point of view, for Lago (2019), the professional pedagogical performance of the teacher at the Cuban medical university is the performance, during the development of the professional pedagogical activity, that the medical teacher carries out, supported by constant learning that It is expressed in the socio-political, technological, pedagogical-professional, scientific-research and improvement dimensions, and other aspects that enable the achievement of superior results.

To achieve this improvement, it is necessary to address the term professional improvement which, as López (2019) expresses, is a process aimed at updating and perfecting the current or future performance of practicing professionals, to address insufficiencies in the training of professionals. undergraduate and complete the knowledge and skills necessary for correct pedagogical professional performance."

Furthermore, the Ministry of Higher Education in Resolution 2019, 140, in its article 19, addresses professional improvement as the permanent training and systematic updating of university graduates, the improvement of the performance of their professional and academic activities, as well as the enrichment of its cultural heritage.

To achieve the improvement of the professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator, he has a series of functions to achieve: comply with the current social demands imposed on him for his position; the direction of the pedagogical process of quality Musical Education, achieving the musicalization of the child; preparation of the center's cultural module; master the musical repertoire of each year of life; self-improvement process for systematic, continuous and permanent transformation; achieve the social-personal development of the child through the artistic potential offered by each of the components of Musical Education; contribute to the musical preparation of the institution's teachers; master the components of Musical Education and the methodological steps for its treatment; the development of skills, attitudes, aptitudes, values, qualities and the role that must be played as a teacher; the acquisition of solid knowledge and technical-methodological skills of music.

On the other hand, Sánchez and Franco (2018) consider that "music is a manifestation of art, in which sounds are combined and artistically organized, to produce the establishment of a system of cognitive and affective communication with high aesthetic values between creators, performer and audience" (p. 15).

Musical Education (Sánchez and Franco, 2018) is supported by two essential principles: musical praxis, which has music learning as its central axis, and the integration of technical-musical content in the teaching-learning process of the music; It also takes the musical sound phenomenon as an object of study.

According to Buela (2019), the components of Musical Education are:

  1. Vocal education: development of the voice taking into account the mastery of correct vocal technique applied to the musical repertoire.
  2. Rhythmic education: execution of different rhythms with claps, body percussion, body expression and musical instruments.
  3. Auditory or perceptual education: allows you to develop artistic sensitivity, a taste for music, and the strengthening of different timbres (voices and instruments).
  4. Creation-improvisation: it is expressed with the body, rhythm, voice and reading and writing, with sensory perception as the antecedent phase; a conceptualization of Musical Education that integrates the aforementioned components.
  5. Musical literacy: musical technical elements (reading and creation of various rhythms and melodies).
  6. Corporal expression: different representations and musical structures are embodied where singing, rhythm and instrumental performance are combined.

Sánchez and Franco (2018) consider that the educator who is responsible for leading the process of Musical Education must master the theoretical-methodological conception of the musicalization process, which constitutes a core aspect of the development of Musical Education in Cuban society. Because sensitivity, aptitude and professional training must be combined in your person. In its preparation, there must be a dialectical interrelation between specialized training, psycho-pedagogical training and the theoretical and methodological foundations of the trends in pedagogical-musical methods and/or approaches of the 20th century, to critically assume them and delimit the validity of their contributions in our sociocultural field, especially in the educational system; that allow them to adapt their work to the curricular, extracurricular and cultural promotion spheres in relation to students, family and society.

Also, another of the conceptual cores is Musical Education as an educational part of music. It is a way for human improvement, the formation of diverse audiences through the musicalization of citizenship in different segments and social contexts. Sánchez and Franco (2018) define it as the educational process of music aimed at the development of the human being, the capacities, knowledge, skills, habits, emotions, feelings and values that allow him to have a sound and musical judgment of reality, based on their experience and analysis, which guarantees having evaluations regarding the acoustic event as a whole; Furthermore, it influences the expansion of the cognitive, affective-motivational and psychomotor spheres of the personality.

When carrying out an exploratory study on this topic, it reveals a series of potentialities and insufficiencies, within which it is found that the poor technical and methodological preparation in Musical Education of the early childhood educator affects their professional pedagogical performance and is manifested in:

Therefore, it is necessary to develop a pedagogical strategy to improve the professional pedagogical performance of the early childhood educator in Musical Education, to raise the quality of the educational process, assuming Musical Education as a transversal axis. This made possible the successful development of all the activities that the educator carried out with the child, inside and outside the educational institution. What was expressed above leads to the formulation of the following scientific problem: how to contribute to the improvement of professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator in the Pinar del Río municipality?

The research was aimed at improving the professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator. By ensuring that these teaching staff achieve a wealth of knowledge to comply with what was expressed by the Ministry of Education of Cuba in 2017 in the Early Childhood Educational Plan, the achievement of maximum comprehensive development was established as the goal of Preschool Education, possible for each girl and boy, from birth to six years of age.

Objective: develop a pedagogical strategy to improve the professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator, in the Pinar del Río municipality.



The following methods were used at the theoretical level:

Historical-logical: to specify the theoretical references, expressed in different conceptions and current approach to improvement in Musical Education of the early childhood educator.

Analytical-synthetic: for the critical assessment of the reviewed literature, specialized documentation, in the application of other methods of scientific knowledge and in the results obtained in the diagnosis and evaluation phases.

Inductive-deductive: to establish the relationships between the different conceptions that have characterized the improvement in Musical Education of the early childhood educator, as a starting point to infer the methodological considerations that are part of the strategy that is intended to be developed.

Modeling: will enable the development of a strategy that reflects new relationships and qualities with a flexible, comprehensive, developmental and participatory approach, which responds to the interests, expectations and needs in Musical Education of the early childhood educator.

Structural systemic: to establish the links and relationships between different components of the early childhood educator's pedagogical strategy in Musical Education.

As empirical level methods were used:

Document analysis: (programs, regulatory documents, control of teacher activities, records of systematic evaluation carried out by teachers from Musical Education and methodological guidelines for Musical Education content) and different normative and methodological documents of teaching, to verify the insufficiencies in Musical Education of the early childhood educator.

Observation: it allowed us to verify in the practice of the educational process the real behavior of the research problem related to the professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator of the municipality of Pinar del Río. An observation guide was used aimed at the scheduled activity of Musical Education.

Assessment scale: to obtain information about the mastery of its functions, as well as knowledge about the contents or components of Musical Education; in addition to the criteria on achievements and difficulties faced by the early childhood educator in Musical Education, to improve professional performance.

Self-report questionnaire: to obtain information about the mastery of their functions, as well as knowledge about the contents or components of Musical Education and the self-perception they have of their work.

Performance test: it allowed us to check the level of professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator of the municipality of Pinar del Río, at the beginning, to identify the existing problems and potentialities and, at the end, to verify the transformation of the subjects involved in the research, once the proposed pedagogical strategy has been introduced.

Specialist criteria: It was used to evaluate the pedagogical strategy proposed in the research and issue criteria for its improvement and intervention in educational practice.

Methodological triangulation: It allowed us to determine the coincidences and discrepancies in the information obtained through the applied instruments.

To process the information collected during the research, mathematical statistical methods such as percentage analysis were used, with the use of the SPSS statistical package. In addition, descriptive statistics procedures were used for data processing, through distribution tables of absolute and relative frequencies, as well as in the construction of graphs.

At the empirical level, methods were used such as: documentary analysis, to develop the theoretical framework and evaluate the initial state of the problem based on the review of the documents: planning of programmed activities in the area, visits made to the music educator by of its directors; observation and surveys, which were used during the initial diagnosis and in the assessment of the results of the pedagogical strategy, consultation with specialists; the methodological triangulation, which made it possible to determine the coincidences and discrepancies in the results obtained in the applied instruments.

In the processing of the information, descriptive statistics techniques were used such as percentage analysis with the use of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) statistical package.

The variable to be transformed assumed in the research is the process of improving the professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator, defined by the author in this article as a permanent process of updating and self-development on a personal and professional level, related to the psychological, technical-musical knowledge, the development of skills and musical aptitudes, which is achieved through improvement and self-improvement, expressed in a sensitive professional mode of action committed to the process of musicalization of early childhood learners and with the conducting the educational process of Musical Education.

To study the variable to be transformed, three dimensions were determined:

The study was carried out in the 19 daycare centers in the municipality of Pinar del Río, in the period between October 2019 and 2023. A sample of 57 educators was used as a population of 328 educators, for 17.3%. The sample is made up as follows: 19 music educators, 19 managers and 19 classroom educators, one from each nursery school. The type of sampling is probabilistic, based on the criterion that when selecting the educator responsible for the classroom, any of the educators can belong to the sample.

Process of parameterization of the professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator

As a variable for the research, the improvement of the professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator is assumed, defined by the author as: permanent and continuous process of enriching learning, projected towards the comprehensive achievement of this early childhood professional. childhood, in a conscious, active way, to guarantee the assumption of knowledge that will be developed in educational practice in the cognitive, procedural and attitudinal order, depending on the direction of the educational process from Musical Education, to achieve the comprehensive development of the child.



The individual analysis of each instrument and the integration of the results made it possible to obtain information about the behavior of the variable to be transformed and its dimensions. In this regard, the following weaknesses were identified:

The results indicate that there are insufficiencies in the professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator, which demonstrates the need to develop actions from professional improvement in a planned, systematic and system-like manner, with adequate articulation, that allows the improvement of the performance of their functions.

Proposal of the pedagogical strategy to improve the professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator

The pedagogical strategy for improving the professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator has the general objective of contributing to the improvement of the professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator.

The pedagogical strategy was structured in four stages, which with a systemic nature allowed the planned preparation actions to be carried out: diagnosis, planning, execution and evaluation.

First stage. Diagnosis and awareness

At this stage, with a view to verifying the correspondence between the projection of improvement actions for the early childhood educator in Musical Education, with the needs, social and individual interests of these professionals and the objectives of this education subsystem, it is carried out the characterization of the current state of the professional pedagogical performance of these professionals, in the 19 daycare centers of the municipality of Pinar del Río.

The characterization was conceived from the use of empirical investigations, through the application of different techniques mentioned above: observation of scheduled Musical Education activities, self-report questionnaire, rating scale, performance test, methodological triangulation. These contributed to the determination of the problem to be investigated from Advanced Education, which made it possible to determine the levels of professional pedagogical performance of the early childhood educator in Musical Education, based on the selected dimensions and indicators.

These integration relationships are enhanced in the pedagogical strategy because they constitute a deficiency in the professional pedagogical performance of the early childhood educator, through the content of the components of Musical Education (vocal, auditory, rhythmic education, body expression, creation-improvisation and reading and writing), which give the pedagogical process great attractiveness and dynamism and constitute the proposal, an important conception.

In this stage, we also work on the commitment that educators, musical educators and managers must establish from a psychological perspective with the education and development of children through Musical Education, viewing it through three elements:

At this stage, where the motivation and commitment to participate in the strategy and transform the direction of the pedagogical process of Musical Education from the performance of the educators, it was very valuable to make informal contacts with these early childhood professionals, in those who openly showed their cognitive deficiencies in educational theory and practice from a theoretical-methodological perspective, by finding the solution through improvement or active methodological work (figure 1).

Fig. 1- Comparison between the initial performance test and the final performance test

It is described at the bottom of the previous graph which are the most affected indicators, even after the strategy has been applied. Furthermore, according to the results obtained from the instruments applied to educators, music educators and managers at the early childhood education level, the author was able to identify in general terms limitations that are manifested in:

Second stage. Planning

This stage aims to: model actions that contribute to the improvement of the professional pedagogical performance of the early childhood educator in Musical Education.

The flexible planning of these actions was carried out from the beginning of the research on the basis of the diagnosis. This allowed us to respond with greater security and confidence to the expectations, needs and interests of the participants, in order to readjust it in accordance with the monitoring of the pedagogical strategy, as it is developed or modified and to the extent of the clarity that is made. It has its intentionality; that is, what it intends to achieve.

The non-academic forms selected are: the workshop, which within the pedagogical strategy is the fundamental organizational form because through it and when combined, it gives rise to the rest of the forms; self-preparation; the observation and debates of videos and instructional trips, which function as complementary and whose articulation defines the organizational configuration of the proposal.

The choice recognizes the individual characteristics of the faculty investigated, which guide the adaptation of these forms based on the diversity, heterogeneity of the participants and the differentiation in attention to the interests and preparation needs of these professionals in Music Education.

The pedagogical strategy was implemented through workshops, as a fundamental organizational form, among other ways; those that were executed at the "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca" University of Pinar del Río. In the workshops themselves, the planned activities are oriented and controlled to achieve the highest quality of professional pedagogical performance. It also achieves the individual and collective commitment of the participants in self-improvement, as a requirement that ensures the proper development of the workshops.

Ten workshops, five instructional trips, audiovisual debate and self-preparation were formed, the latter seen as non-lecture forms within the strategy, which will be fulfilling the proposed objectives. For Torres (2019) the workshop "(...) is a form, a path, a flexible guide that is enriching for the person and the group, fundamentally in the learning and activation of thinking with own conviction, need and elaboration" (p. 172).

The general objective of the workshops is to technically and methodologically prepare the early childhood educator, to improve their professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education.

The workshops will have the structure of: title; goals; contents or themes; dynamic participatory methods, procedures or techniques; media; development: introduction or initial part, development or central part, integration in which actions, operations and activities are described; conclusions: final part, begins with the analysis of results, satisfaction of expectations, problem solving, objective transformation of the evaluable object (professional pedagogical performance of the early childhood educator), formative evaluation: systematic, comprehensive, criterion, cooperative, humanistic, orientation of individual and/or team activities and bibliography.

To carry out these workshops, it is necessary to dose the content, which allows greater organization in its development (Table 1).

Table 1- Dosage of strategy workshops



Culture in its unity and diversity. Role of the educational institution in sociocultural promotion


The improvement seen from the dimension of education and aesthetic development ( Music, Plastic Arts and Literature)


Interrelation between Aesthetic Education, Artistic Education and Musical Education. Musical Education, its importance and components and expressive possibilities


The cultural module of the institution, support from community educational agents and agencies


Vocal education as a component of Musical Education. Children's musical repertoire by year of life


Auditory education as a component of Musical Education


Rhythmic education and body expression as a component of Musical Education


The programmed activity of Musical Education in the second and third cycle


The scheduled activity of Musical Education in the fourth cycle


Self-assessment workshop on pedagogical strategy


The instructional trips are aimed at the following contents:

Other themes can be introduced to the selection of the conductor or the participants or the attendance of all those involved can also be planned for a concert or the staging of a musical theater play, ballet, among other proposals; preferably that the works heard correspond to universal music, by authors such as: Bach, Mozart, Vivaldi, Beethoven and Leo Brower, Chucho and Bebo Valdés, Frank Fernández from national music among others. This music would be selected because it is what is fundamentally worked on in the fourth cycle, in which auditory discrimination of musical instruments is made, facilitating the orientation of previous self-improvement activities, aimed at seeking biographical data of the authors of the works to be heard, study of the technical-musical elements: sound means, classification of instruments by families and vibratory agents, the qualities of sound and their groupings, with the aim of identifying them.

To carry out instructional trips and attend concerts, it is necessary to develop a guide of questions or aspects that guide the participants and prepare them to carry out the activity, so that it is as beneficial as possible. This guide will be previously prepared and is guided in the workshop, in which adjustments can be made, since the flexible nature of the strategy makes it possible.

The observation and debate of videos will be directed, fundamentally, to audiovisuals of scheduled Musical Education activities in other countries. In the debate, the methodology followed by the teachers observed in the audiovisual was evaluated, a cartoon in which it was possible to make auditory discrimination of the instruments involved and how this element of the Auditory Education component can be worked with the children, for which A guide is also necessary to guide the educator about the indicators and actions to observe.

For their part, the self-improvement activities, previously planned and oriented in the different workshops, will be directed to:

Third stage. Execution

When putting what is planned into practice, it is important to maintain high levels of quality in its execution, which are achieved with the teaching of the actions by professors from the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", with technical and methodology of Musical Education, and in early childhood education, in such a way that a successful pedagogical direction is possible. The workshops were preferably developed in the specialized postgraduate classrooms and the specialized classroom of the career, with a view to improving the professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator, provided that the content of the activities planned in the strategy allow, without forcing them, although there are meetings aimed more specifically at this topic.

It is suggested to contemplate the observation of professional pedagogical performance and participation in the designed forms of preparation as: the fundamental evaluation technique, which must be systematic and attentive to behavioral and performance traits of the participants, to the development of technical-musical and methodological skills, demonstrated in the practical execution of activities related to the components of Musical Education: auditory or perceptual education, vocal, rhythmic, body expression, creation-improvisation and reading and writing music; the direction of scheduled Musical Education activities, as well as the presentation of oral and written reports as a result of the use of complementary forms oriented in the different workshops, such as: instructional trips, video observations and debates, and self-preparation, taking into account at all times the appropriate use of the pedagogical and technical vocabulary of Musical Education in early childhood and the active participation of those involved in teaching and non-teaching activities.

For this reason, it is suggested that it have an integrative and qualitative nature based on the aforementioned indicators, to which others can be added, at the discretion of the participants and the driver, since its flexible nature allows it.

As the evaluation is systematic and permanent, it allows us to verify compliance with the proposed objectives, by promoting the driver, enthusiasm and self-esteem of those evaluated, in a pleasant climate of emotional interrelation, taking into account what is individual and diverse about the process, as they are practicing teachers.

Fourth stage. Assessment

The evaluative process is developed in the proposed pedagogical strategy, aimed at the formative evaluation obtained in the process; hence, it presents, in all its stages and actions of the strategy, from the diagnosis and identification of the problems of the educational practice of Musical Education in early childhood, the advances in improving the performance of the Early Childhood Educator, to the process of adjustments, modifications and feedback of the strategy actions and the process itself. It has a comprehensive, systematic, continuous, educational, participatory nature, and includes self-assessment.

In this space for evaluating the proposed pedagogical strategy, we insist on inserting the actions into the work system of the nursery school, so that the methods of methodological work can be used to assess the monitoring of this process of improving professional pedagogical performance. from the improvement received in the workshops, instructional trips, observation and debate of audiovisuals among other organizational forms that can be used.

Forms of system instrumentation

The introduction into practice of the Pedagogical Strategy was carried out from the adequate articulation of workshops and instructional trips, assumed in this article as ways of training the professional, seen as both academic and non-academic forms respectively. For the direction, organization and implementation of the pedagogical strategy, the diagnosis made was taken into account as a starting point. The workshops were organized throughout the 2021-2023 school years, taking into consideration the characteristics of the sample and the characteristics of the educational process in the nursery school, so that each one contributed to the achievement of the proposed objectives.

Once the pedagogical strategy was implemented in practice, the methods declared in the initial diagnosis were applied. The sample demonstrated mastery of the contents related to Musical Education, its components, as well as its methodological treatment.

Regarding its impact, it is achieved that when planning and teaching the programmed activity of Musical Education, it is better structured, with objectives actually met by the children, the methodological treatment of the components of Musical Education is worked on. in an appropriate way and without being forced, in a playful way, so that the children can assimilate the contents and the maximum comprehensive development of the child is achieved. Thus, the improvement of the professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator is evident.



The research was developed within the framework of the third improvement of early childhood education in Cuba. This pays tribute to the substantial changes that this level of education must make to undertake a march towards the improvements that current Cuban society aspires to and demands.

The cognitive and aptitude deficiencies related to Musical Education, which the early childhood educator presented for his professional pedagogical performance, in terms of Musical Education and its components is given, to a certain extent, by the changes in the study plans. that allowed the lightening of the study plans, the elimination of the musical aptitude test to be able to enter the race. This affected how and what children should learn to acquire the knowledge necessary for their age.

As a scientific result, it was decided to use a pedagogical strategy, being consistent with everything previously stated. It is assumed what was said by Alejo et al. (2021) who conceives it as: "a model that contributes to the improvement of the professional performance of teachers. It involves effective and collaborative reflection, considering Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT), to address future actions in the educational process" (p. 35-45).

The results obtained coincide with the criteria of Sánchez (2012), who considers that the curricular work in the preparation and improvement of the music educator must have full correspondence with the content of Musical Education, through its six components; Therefore, in the pedagogical strategy designed, it was revealed that the musical training of the musical educator and the educator responsible for the classroom obligatorily contribute to the training of an individual through the education of the subject of the educational process, as described in its postulates said author.

In order to achieve improvement in the professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator, he or she must meet a series of requirements, which are:

The study carried out in this article has made it possible to confirm that the improvement of the professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator continues to be a priority to guarantee an educational process in the children's institution, in which professional motivations and interests predominate that respond to the needs of teachers to achieve the maximum comprehensive development of children from zero to six years old.

The proposed pedagogical strategy meets the requirements for this type of research and has served as a way to solve a wealth of knowledge that the early childhood educator must possess, and thus put it into pedagogical practice; thus achieving the improvement of the professional pedagogical performance in Musical Education of the early childhood educator.



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Conflict of interests:

The authors declare not to have any interest conflicts.


Authors' contribution:

The authors participated in the design and writing of the article, in the search and analysis of the information contained in the consulted bibliography.


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