Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(3), e3753

Translated from the original in Spanish

Original article

The direction of substantive processes: challenges for the director in Basic Secondary Education


La dirección de procesos sustantivos: retos del director en la Secundaria Básica


A direção dos processos substantivos: desafios para o diretor do Ensino Médio Básico


Osmary Felicia Hernández Espinosa1
María de las Mercedes Calderón Mora2

1Ministry of Education. Municipal Directorate of Education of Trinidad. Santi Spíritus, Cuba.
2Ministry of Higher Education. La Habana, Cuba.


Cite as
Hernández Espinosa, O. F., Calderón Mora, M. M. (2024). The direction of substantive processes: challenges for the director in Basic Secondary Education. Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(3), e3753.


Received: January 19, 2024
Accepted: August 2, 2024



The competence of the directors of the Basic Secondary School in institutional projects led to the analysis of educational problems and generated responses in light of the transformations in the Third Improvement of the National Education System and of pedagogical and curricular innovation, to guarantee educational quality. The objective was directed to socialize a research about the preparation of the director in the Basic Secondary School in the technical-professional content, to lead the substantive processes, with a theoretical and practical professional mastery. A methodology was applied to contribute to the improvement of educational management, with didactic-methodological procedures that facilitated the mastery of the contents of this competence for its practical application. Methods of the following levels were used: theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical. The main results were in the contribution to the theory, which integrated a system of knowledge, skills and capacities of the competence in management, applied to the substantive process of educational management, for the development of institutional projects at the educational level; and in practice, in the methodological procedures for participative management, socialized in pedagogical practice. The concepts of competence in management and participative management were specified and contextualized; the characterization of the educational management process and the elaboration of requirements and features that typify the proposed methodology. In conclusion, the need for the formation of work competencies in managers of strategic sectors for efficient local development is confirmed.

Keywords: competence; educational direction; participation; process.


La competencia de los directores de la Secundaria Básica en proyectos institucionales llevó al análisis de problemas educativos y generó respuestas a la luz de las transformaciones en el Tercer Perfeccionamiento del Sistema Nacional de Educación y de la innovación pedagógica y curricular, para garantizar la calidad educativa. El objetivo estuvo dirigido a socializar una investigación acerca de la preparación del director en la Secundaria Básica en el contenido técnico-profesional, para liderar los procesos sustantivos, con un dominio profesional teórico y práctico. Se aplicó una metodología para contribuir al perfeccionamiento de la dirección educacional, con procedimientos didáctico-metodológicos que facilitaron el dominio de los contenidos de esta competencia para su aplicación práctica. Se emplearon métodos de los niveles: teórico, empírico y estadístico-matemáticos. Los principales resultados estuvieron en la contribución a la teoría, que integró un sistema de conocimientos, habilidades y capacidades de la competencia en dirección, aplicados al proceso sustantivo dirección educacional, para el desarrollo de proyectos institucionales en el nivel educativo; y a la práctica, en los procedimientos metodológicos para la dirección participativa, socializados en la práctica pedagógica. Se precisaron y contextualizaron los conceptos competencia en dirección y dirección participativa; la caracterización del proceso de dirección educacional y la elaboración de exigencias y rasgos que tipifican la metodología propuesta. Como conclusión se corrobora la necesidad de la formación de competencias laborales en directivos de sectores estratégicos para un eficiente desarrollo local.

Palabras clave: competencia; dirección educacional; participación; proceso.


A competência dos diretores do Ensino Médio Básico em projetos institucionais levou à análise de problemas educacionais e gerou respostas à luz das transformações na Terceira Melhoria do Sistema Nacional de Educação e da inovação pedagógica e curricular, para garantir a qualidade educacional. O objetivo visou socializar uma pesquisa sobre a preparação do diretor do Ensino Médio Básico no conteúdo técnico-profissional, para conduzir os processos substantivos, com domínio profissional teórico e prático. Foi aplicada uma metodologia para contribuir com o aprimoramento da gestão educacional, com procedimentos didático-metodológicos que facilitaram o domínio dos conteúdos desta competência para sua aplicação prática. Foram utilizados métodos dos seguintes níveis: teórico, empírico e estatístico-matemático. Os principais resultados estiveram na contribuição para a teoria, que integrou um sistema de conhecimentos, habilidades e habilidades de competência gerencial, aplicado ao processo substantivo de gestão educacional, para o desenvolvimento de projetos institucionais em nível educacional; e na prática, nos procedimentos metodológicos de gestão participativa, socializados na prática pedagógica. Os conceitos de competência em gestão e gestão participativa foram especificados e contextualizados; a caracterização do processo de gestão educacional e a elaboração de demandas e características que tipificam a metodologia proposta. Concluindo, corrobora-se a necessidade de formar competências profissionais em gestores de setores estratégicos para um desenvolvimento local eficiente.

Palavras-chave: competência; direção educacional; participação; processo.



The momentous changes taking place in the world require a thorough review of the continuity and coherence of the entire National Education System, due to its implications in the current Cuban context.

The growing and sustained development of scientific knowledge, research methods and technology make it necessary to carry out pedagogical work to integrate and introduce educational content into society, with an effect on the technical-professional preparation of managers and on the direction of their processes, with emphasis on the Basic Secondary education level.

Currently, Cuban pedagogy works on the continuous training of a professional with new styles and ways of working, which represent the Cuban social project and the quality purposes that characterize it for its social mission, defined as a qualitatively superior human being (Bastida and Mora, 2017).

Likewise, the directors who emerge and are involved in the enormous task of educating need to be prepared to carry out the educational management process; in the Basic Secondary School they must be perfected. In this sense, it is essential to act on their indicators based on the continuous improvement project.

The most advanced current pedagogical trends are incorporated with a view to raising the levels in the substantive process of educational direction and, as a result, the appropriation of knowledge, the development of skills and abilities, as well as the values and attitudes of directors, in correspondence with the demands of society.

The content of the technical-professional preparation within the framework of this research focuses on the knowledge, organizational management and procedures to be developed, with precision in the technical-professional content, necessary for the directors of the Basic Secondary education level to achieve better results in the direction of the educational direction process.

The appropriation of procedures for the exercise of the educational direction process plays a fundamental role. These must be designed in order to achieve the objective study of the reality of the institution, with emphasis on the behavior of educational influences (the family, community, political and mass organizations, among others).

There has been agreement among researchers on the topic on points of coincidence regarding educational management in the technical-professional preparation of directors. They distinguish management as a science and present the application and evaluation of substantive processes, currently assumed as developing principles.

Managing educational direction is an operational function within the actions of the director who, with adequate guidance, control, evaluation of the processes and improvement of the institution he directs, enhances the abilities and skills to become competitive.

On the other hand, among the characteristics that a director must have in order to be competent are: a differentiated character, use of appropriate approaches, methods and forms, practical character, cooperative or participative work, constant possibility of feedback and permanent evaluation of his/her actions in the different educational settings. These particularities must typify the technical-professional preparation and direction of the educational management process.

The director of Basic Secondary Education is the figure of the school community responsible for implementing educational policy in educational institutions. His leadership for educational work, from the direction of processes, functions by managing educational strategies and projects in which he evaluates compliance with policies, which become short or medium-term goals, through the organization, planning, evaluation and control of priorities, objectives and processes of the level that materialize the competence in direction.

However, the treatment of management competence from the development of management knowledge, skills and abilities is still insufficient, since the preparation work is a process in which, by becoming systematic and continuous, learning is fed back. in management and their reservations at all levels.

Nowadays, the competence of school directors favors the elevation of the quality standards of the training processes, since the Cuban educational policy has been resized to continue advancing in the rigor of the pedagogical process, to the extent that it prioritizes the permanent improvement of the teaching staff.

The topic is associated with the project: "The formation of work skills in managers of strategic sectors for an efficient local development" and still generates great debates about the current meaning in education and, in particular, that of directors, since the educational sector is not part of the strategic sectors. In the meantime, the generation of strategies for adaptation and anticipation of change is important, as a manifestation of competence in the face of transformations.

It is a requirement to be in permanent evaluation of the processes that are contextualized, and in the dynamism of the educational institution. New decisions will be taken in time that will lead to the expected perfection. Therefore, the added value that emanates from the indicators that measure the efficiency and effectiveness of the educational management process and its subprocesses is significant from these analyses.

The above pedagogical considerations provide guidance regarding the critical issues to be taken into account in the direction of the educational process in the institution; any achievement or development that may lead to a change in the quality of processes at the educational level will be conditioned by specific procedures for this purpose.

The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Cuba (2010) clearly emphasizes the mission of scientifically directing -with the agencies, organizations and institutions of society- the comprehensive communist training of the new generations of patriots, as well as the teaching staff.

Likewise, its priority objectives state the educational management process, which raises the need to improve the management system of each educational institution and body, for which the functioning of the management bodies must be improved, so as to guarantee the efficient management process.

Management demands new styles in the current context with respect to the performance of managers and their need to be more effective. Both in educational institutions and at the municipal level, it is necessary to professionalize the management work of the main cadres of the sector, to raise the quality of the educational subsystems, considering that it is decisive in the institutions, where the fulfillment of the educational policy is crystallized.

The research consulted on management style presents concepts, models, methods and strategies to train competent directors for such a task; which focuses on the process of influence between the director and those under management. The study based on a methodology that guides the analysis and evaluation of didactic-methodological procedures for the participative management method is insufficient, which represents a need for directors of educational institutions.

Changing scenarios have been presented with respect to preparation to improve the professional pedagogical performance of management structures. However, the director of Basic Secondary Education still presents deficiencies in his way of acting in the face of the substantive processes of the educational level, which require continuous improvement in terms of competencies for educational management, in order to exceed the quality levels in the institutional curriculum.

In the literature review, researchers focus their attention on the evaluation of professional competencies, management and evaluation of substantive processes in universities, which is a global trend. However, there are insufficient scientific results regarding methodological procedures with new management styles for the substantive process of educational management, specifically at the Basic Secondary education level.

The above aspects allow us to define as a theoretical and methodological insufficiency the need to implement, during the director's preparation process, the integrative and scientific character in his professional activity, to improve the quality of the pedagogical process as a way to articulate the educational processes from perfecting the educational direction process.

The objective of this work is to propose a methodology for the use of the participatory management method for the development of management competence and the contribution to the improvement of the substantive process of educational management in Basic Secondary Education.



The principles of the general materialist-dialectical method were taken into account. In addition, a system of methods and techniques that are necessary for the research process was used. In the theoretical level methods: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, historical-logical and system approach; empirical level methods: observation, survey, interview, document review, pedagogical experiment in its pre-experiment form, the criteria of external evaluators with the criteria of experts and methods of the mathematical and statistical level such as: percentage analysis and descriptive statistics.

In this type of qualitative-quantitative design, the research variables are declared as the closure of the theoretical design. In this case, the proposed variable is methodology and, as an operational variable, the level of improvement of the substantive process of educational direction.

The selected population is made up of 22 people: eight directors, five assistant directors and nine coordinators of Basic Secondary Education in the municipality of Trinidad; the directors are taken as a sample for the development of the research.



The main result was in the methodology to improve the substantive process of educational direction. The benefit of the research was aimed at contributing to the improvement of the educational direction process, from the technical-professional content of the directors of the Basic Secondary education level.

Regarding the structure of the methodology, it is recognized that it is made up of two structural apparatuses: the theoretical-cognitive and the instrumental methodological.

Theoretical-cognitive apparatus

It is made up of a categorical system in which the conceptual framework and the legal framework interact, which in turn includes the definitions, approaches, models and/or conceptions, system of categories, relationships, regularities, laws, principles, methods or sets of them, premises or requirements that underpin the methodology.

The instrumental methodological apparatus is made up of procedures and actions interrelated with each other that, directed by the procedures of the method or set of them established in the theoretical-cognitive apparatus, allow its application in pedagogical practice with flexibility and adaptability to the context towards which it is directed, and is used to achieve the objectives for which the proposed methodology is developed.

The interrelation between these devices presupposes conceiving the methodology in two dimensions: as a process and as a result.

The instrumental methodological apparatus is made up of three closely related stages that reflect how to proceed in practice to achieve educational direction as a process. They were applied for its fulfillment following the stages described below.

Description of the stages of the methodology

Stage 1. Preparation of directors

Stage characterization: This is the initial moment for the carefully prepared and planned process of improving educational management; creating conditions that favor the implementation of the methodology. At this stage, it is necessary to address the preconditions for the preparation of management of the substantive processes, to collect and evaluate all available information in relation to the technical-professional content of the director.

Information regarding the methodology is disclosed to contribute to the improvement of the substantive process of educational direction, including its objectives, theoretical-methodological requirements and internal structure, as well as the negotiation with the participants of the decisions regarding the development of schedules, methods, techniques and instruments to be applied for the search for information and the strategies to follow for the analysis of data, the issuance of value judgments and decision-making.

The following were taken into account:

Procedures and actions

To this end, the following actions were taken:

  1. Characterization of the directors.
  2. Analysis of the results obtained in the applied diagnosis, to specify the current state of mastery regarding technical-professional content in the directors of the Basic Secondary education level.
  3. Identification of the needs and potential of directors.

This stage includes the following procedures and actions:

Procedure I. Analysis of the current state of the educational direction process, the interest in improving its direction and the professional competence.


Procedure II. Consolidation of management styles for the execution of the process.


Secondly, in relation to planning the methodology to contribute to the improvement of the educational management process, it must be kept in mind that the participation of directors in the management and technical councils, as well as in the functional organizational levels, is a requirement.

This planning is carried out based on the principles, laws, categories, components of the pedagogical process and the system of psychopedagogical conditions for the didactic conception of the same; it includes the projection of the system of objectives and the systemic projection of the contextualized indicators of the educational direction process.

Procedure III. Study of the basic objectives for the preparation of the technical-professional content of the substantive process of educational direction for its improvement.


Procedure IV. Design of actions focused on management for the scientific direction of the substantive process of educational management.


Stage 2. Implementation and monitoring

Stage characterization: the essential objective in the second stage, linked to the implementation and monitoring of the methodology to contribute to the improvement of the substantive educational direction process, is to efficiently provide this improvement.

Procedure V. Conception for the implementation of the methodology.


It is conceived in two moments: the first, of an immediate nature, and which is carried out in a relatively short period of time, whose objective is to provide the most basic knowledge about this theory, and can be carried out in different ways, such as, for example:

The second stage of implementation is developed over a longer period and pursues the objective of providing all the practical procedures on the subject. It is aimed at directors, teachers and agents of the school community, in order to optimize the educational management process established in new management styles and different ways of working.

Procedure VI. Execution of the system of actions focused on the educational management process.


Stage 3. Evaluation

Stage characterization

Regarding the evaluation of the methodology, the objective is to verify how the planned plan has been achieved in practice and how successful the projection and execution have been, which will allow measuring the effectiveness, which is developed according to the criteria of the directors involved.

Procedure VII. Determining the criteria for success or failure in the management of the substantive educational management process, establishing a mechanism for evaluation, monitoring and feedback relevant to management actions.


Procedure VIII. Verification of the knowledge, capabilities, attitudes, skills and values acquired in the direction of the substantive process of educational direction.

It allows us to verify the state of assimilation of knowledge, capabilities, attitudes, skills and values of personality, which translate into competence in management, which enables the introduction of corrections in the direction of the process, with a view to achieving the objectives set.


The eight directors of Basic Secondary Education considered a methodological procedure useful for generating effective strategies aimed at transforming their attitudes towards improving educational management and professional guidance processes. However, a lack of knowledge regarding technical-professional content was noted.

The methodology was submitted to the experts' assessment and the information was processed based on their responses, concluding that:

  1. The aspects that were evaluated do not fall into the category of little adequate or not adequate.
  2. 50% of the aspects were evaluated as very adequate.
  3. 33.3% of the aspects were evaluated as quite adequate.
  4. 16.7% of the aspects were evaluated as adequate.

Most experts highlight the importance of the methodology due to the lack of preparation regarding the direction of substantive processes and consider it creative to base it on the participatory management method, especially due to the influence of the three contexts of the educational community on adolescents and the close relationship between the substantive processes of Basic Secondary Education.

When carrying out a final analysis on the level of improvement of educational management, related to the competence in management in the directors who made up the sample, in whom the proposal was applied, it was possible to infer that, in relation to the initial period, the directors had a positive and significant change, if the established parameters are taken into account; since two (25%) rose in more than two values; five directors (62.5%) rose in two values and one in one value (12.5%).

Activity: Methodological preparation with directors

Topic: Participatory management in the secondary education institution. Presentation of a methodology.

Objective: to propose a methodology for the use of the participatory management method for the development of management competence and the contribution to the improvement of the substantive process of educational management in basic secondary education.

In the proposed methodology, to raise the level of improvement of educational management in a Basic Secondary institution, it is suggested to use the participatory management method, which is fundamentally characterized by:

In the methodological-instrumental apparatus of the proposed methodology for the development of the participatory management method, procedure 1 is suggested: diagnosis and planning, which corresponds to stage 1 of preparation. For this purpose, three actions are designed: carry out the initial diagnosis, where the current situation of the subprocesses in the educational management process of the institution is analyzed, identifying strengths and weaknesses; contextualize goals and objectives with a clear and achievable definition, so as to contribute to raising the level of improvement of educational management and design a strategic plan in which the objectives to be achieved in each subprocess are elaborated in detail and which includes specific actions or procedures to achieve the established goals, considering the active participation of the members of the school community.

Procedure 2: procedural, corresponds to stage 2: implementation and monitoring, for which three actions are designed: promoting active participation, which encourages the participation of all those involved in each stage of the process, providing spaces for the exchange of ideas and opinions, which encourage progressive and quality change; continuous training, in which training and capacity building opportunities are provided to management and teaching staff with the aim of updating their knowledge and skills in educational management and establishing evaluation mechanisms. Periodic evaluation systems are implemented to measure the effectiveness achieved in relation to the established goals and areas that require additional attention are identified and necessary adjustments are made to the designed strategic plan.

Procedure 3: Consolidation and feedback, corresponds to stage 3: evaluation, for which three actions are designed: recognition of the work carried out, in which the achievements obtained during the improvement process are valued, the individual and collective effort of the teaching and management staff involved is recognized, as well as agencies and agents of the school community; constant feedback, which allows open communication with the entire team involved, promoting constant feedback on the progress made, difficulties encountered and possible solutions and continuous improvement. A continuous cycle of improvement is established based on the results obtained, constantly reviewing the strategic plan and implementing corrective or preventive actions as necessary.

Cognitive dimension

In the final phase of the research, the survey guide was applied after the implementation of the methodology to the members of the selected sample. Significant favorable transformations could be observed in relation to the improvement of the substantive process of educational direction.

For the cognitive dimension, the High and Very High levels performed with higher percentages. The most affected indicators are the mastery of their functions, so as to allow for the implementation of effective management strategies for the improvement of educational processes, 12.5% (1) of the directors, on the Medium scale, and 12.5% (1) director also lacks knowledge of the changes in the educational level at present. This director coincides on this scale.

Organizational management dimension

In applying the observation guide, it was observed that, of the eight principals who underwent the experiment, 100% of them are at a Very High level of acceptance of the methodology, because they point out that the changes that occur in the improvement of the educational level are very necessary. This is manifested in a positive way in them, given the transformation in the educational level; in addition, they are at a High level in agreement with the introduction of changes in Basic Secondary Education.

Regarding the organizational skills of planning, execution and control for the direction of the process in the educational institution, six (75%) of the eight directors are at a High level, since even when developing the management activities, detailed analysis of the measurement indicators of the substantive process of educational direction is lacking, while two of them (25%) are at a Very High level, achieving a very significant evolution in the improvement of educational direction in the institution they direct.

When analyzing the expectations oriented towards transformation, it was found that, of the eight directors, 100% of them are at a Very High level of expectations, since they relate understanding of the need for transformations at the Basic Secondary education level, to the level of improvement of the substantive process of educational direction.

Effectiveness in management for the direction of the educational direction process was considered by seven (87.5%) of the eight directors, since they understand that their functions include the management of the direction and the execution of that process, which indicates that they were motivated by the work they do, they meet their expectations as directors and establish good relationships in the direction activity.

Procedural dimension

For the procedural dimension, the indicator evaluated on a Medium scale with 25% (2) is "mastering the technical-professional content of the educational direction process in his/her institution". The following are also evaluated on the same scale: "Knows how to apply the procedures to contextualize the measurement indicators for the fulfillment of the educational direction process within established deadlines", 12.5% (1) and "the effectiveness of his/her management to direct the substantive educational direction process" 12.5% (1), also on a Medium scale.

The behavior of the organizational management dimension shows a predominance of Very High values in all its dimensions. The "level of satisfaction felt when implementing the methodology to improve the educational management process in a coherent and structured way" is slightly affected by 12.5% (1) director, and "the satisfaction felt in improving the educational management process as a result of strategic management", which was evaluated as High by 12.5% (1) of the directors in the sample. These indicators have high and very high levels in the remaining six directors, so the result is considered very significant.

When analyzing the instrument applied and the results obtained in each dimension of the level of improvement of the educational direction process in the directors, and triangulating them, it was observed that three directors had a Very High level, which represents 37.5%, three High level (37.5%) and two Medium level (25%); which expresses satisfaction with the results obtained in the improvement to direct the substantive process of educational direction and its contribution to the transformation in the educational institutions of the Basic Secondary education level in Trinidad.

The institutional setting allows the adaptation of these procedures to its educational environment, to achieve an effective improvement in its educational direction through the participatory method.

It is proposed to design an educational project, a complementary program or complementary activities to be developed as part of the institutional curriculum, in which the participatory management method is used for its conception and development.



Some research views administrative management of education as educational management, both conceptually and operationally; however, although they are related, there are differences between them. While the former refers to the adequate provision of assets and resources to optimize and develop everything related to the educational system, the latter defends actions aimed at achieving pedagogical intentions for the benefit of the educational community in its pedagogical settings (UNESCO, 2011).

Educational management has been defined from the capacity category, from decision-making, from management functions, while Bringas and Carbonel (2010) state it as a social process that occurs in the educational entity, aimed at achieving results that contribute to human formation, based on socially defined objectives and the commitment of the people involved. These categories have been presented with greater emphasis in countries such as: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Spain, Mexico and Peru; and in the particular case of Cuba, in Higher Education (Bastida et al., 2024).

Substantive processes are understood as what Salvador and

Fernández (2012) call process management, which entails a coherent structure where the functioning of education is represented by objectives and processes, a system of indicators to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of said processes, and the designation of those responsible.

Nowadays, competitiveness is present in all spaces, as an essential element to adapt processes and adapt them to the needs of those who receive the service; therefore, management becomes a path to continuously improve the performance of an entity.

Educational institutions are not excluded from this situation, but rather aspire to continuous improvement. It is evident, then, that substantive functions are key in the analysis of quality processes and success will depend on the management that exists in the institution; which must respond both to the fulfillment of its strategic objectives and to the improvement of quality and its management (Samá and Cruz, 2018).

Bastida and Mora (2017) proposed the incorporation of a new conception of their practices into management activities, where they integrate, based on teaching-educational strategies, the formative potential of the school, the family and the community; all seen in light of the didactic requirements of the teaching-learning process, a management style that points to a methodology not yet resolved by the management and technical bodies.

Justiz et al. (2022) project it from the management methods to transform and intervene in the contexts where the teaching-educational process takes place, which is achieved from the direct participation of those involved with the contribution of knowledge, ways of doing, ideas, judgments and assessments, making it a participatory and quality process. Duartes (2022), for his part, maintains that educational management is not reduced to the position or functions performed by the director of an institution. In another order, the conception of Ramos et al. (2023), on the Permanent training management system for educational directors, He argues that the specific pedagogical competencies for educational management contain knowledge, know-how and being; as well as their capacities and attitudes as qualities of the director.

It is inferred that good educational management starts with an accurate diagnosis of the processes to be managed; subsequently, a case-by-case analysis in all management and technical bodies of the added value in each measurement indicator, to establish the strategic planning of tasks that imply less successful indicators.

Competent educational directors are needed. To achieve this, professional development and high management skills are crucial, so it is necessary to equip them with management procedures and methods as a professional development policy.

The application of the methodology is considered feasible to raise the level of competence of the director to lead the institution with new styles and ways of working, based on technical-professional content; which raises the levels of improvement of educational management.

The application of the proposed methodological procedures in stages in the methodology, for the improvement of educational management, facilitated the taking of pertinent and timely strategic decisions and ensured the quality of the substantive processes at the Basic Secondary education level and the competitiveness of the directors in the face of the transformation in the school and social environment.



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Conflict of interests:

The authors declare not to have any interest conflicts.


Authors' contribution:

The authors participated in the design and writing of the article, in the search and analysis of the information contained in the consulted bibliography.


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