Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(4), e3525
Translated from the original in Spanish
Original article
Curriculum improvement of the subject Spanish of commerce for students who are not Spanish speakers
Perfeccionamiento curricular de la asignatura Español del comercio para estudiantes sinohablantes de lengua española
Melhoria curricular da disciplina Espanhol de comércio para alunos não falantes de espanhol
Valodia Pacheco Rivera1
Luyang Jing1
1 Changchun Normal University. China.,
Pacheco Rivera, V., & Jing, L. (2023). Curriculum improvement of the subject Spanish of commerce for students who are not Spanish speakers. Mendive. Revista de Educación, 21(4), e3357. |
Received: June 6, 2023
Accepted: September 21, 2023
Training in Spanish for academic purposes and specifically Spanish for professional purposes for commerce for Sino-speaking students of the Bachelor's Degree in Spanish Language at Changchun Normal University constitutes a priority and at the same time an increasingly growing demand on the part of learners. The objective of the article was to socialize a new didactic proposal for the subject "Spanish for Commerce" based on the communicative approach and the application of the simulation method and learning tasks located in the fourth year of the degree for a level B1 and /or B2. To achieve the planned scientific results, the historical and logical methods, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction and the systemic-structural method were applied, in addition to the interview with directors of the course, class observation, and the analysis of governing documents of the course. To assess the feasibility of the didactic proposal and its implementation, expert judgment was used. The relevance of the new didactic proposal was confirmed, which combines in a structured and sequenced way the communicative skills of the language and at the same time enables students to coherently incorporate the vocabulary, phraseologies and idiomatic expressions typical of the commercial field and that in turn apply it to develop effective and efficient communication in the companies where they are located to work.
Keywords: Didactics of the language; Spanish for academic purposes; business language; curricular design; teaching Chinese speakers.
La formación en español con fines académicos y concretamente del español con fines profesionales para el comercio de los estudiantes sinohablantes de la Licenciatura en Lengua Española de la Changchun Normal University constituye una prioridad y a la vez una demanda cada vez más creciente por parte de los aprendices. El objetivo del artículo fue socializar una nueva propuesta didáctica para la asignatura "Español del Comercio" basada en el enfoque comunicativo y la aplicación del método de la simulación y el de tareas de aprendizaje ubicada en el cuarto curso de la carrera para un nivel B1 y/o B2. Para alcanzar los resultados científicos previstos se aplicaron los métodos histórico y lógico, análisis y síntesis, inducción y deducción y el sistémico-estructural, además de la entrevista a directivos de la carrera, la observación de clases, el análisis de documentos rectores de la carrera para valorar la factibilidad de la propuesta didáctica y su implementación para ello se empleó el criterio de expertos. Se corroboró la pertinencia de la nueva propuesta didáctica la que combina de manera estructurada y secuenciada las destrezas comunicativas de la lengua y a la vez posibilita que los estudiantes incorporen de manera coherente el vocabulario, fraseologías y expresiones idiomáticas propias del ámbito comercial y que a su vez lo apliquen para desarrollar una comunicación efectiva y eficaz en las empresas donde sean ubicados para laborar.
Palabras claves: Didáctica de la lengua; español fines académicos; lenguaje comercial; diseño curricular; enseñanza a sinohablantes.
A formação em espanhol para fins académicos e especificamente espanhol para fins profissionais para o comércio para estudantes de língua chinesa do Bacharelado em Língua Espanhola da Universidade Normal de Changchun constitui uma prioridade e ao mesmo tempo uma procura cada vez mais crescente por parte dos alunos. O objetivo do artigo foi socializar uma nova proposta didática para a disciplina "Espanhol para Comércio" baseada na abordagem comunicativa e na aplicação do método de simulação e tarefas de aprendizagem localizadas no quarto ano da licenciatura para um nível B1 e/ou B2. Para alcançar os resultados científicos planejados foram aplicados os métodos histórico e lógico, análise e síntese, indução e dedução e o método sistêmico-estrutural, além da entrevista com diretores do curso, observação de aulas e análise de documentos normativos de curso.Para avaliar a viabilidade da proposta didática e sua implementação, utilizou-se a opinião de especialistas. Confirmou-se a relevância da nova proposta didática, que combina de forma estruturada e sequenciada as habilidades comunicativas da língua e ao mesmo tempo permite aos alunos incorporar de forma coerente o vocabulário, fraseologias e expressões idiomáticas típicas do campo comercial e que por sua vez aplicá-lo para desenvolver uma comunicação eficaz e eficiente nas empresas onde trabalham.
Palavras-chave: Ensino de línguas; espanhol para fins académicos; língua comercial; desenho curricular; ensino para falantes de chinês.
A new language, different from the mother tongue with its culture, tradition, identity and linguistic apparatus, is a challenge for learning. In the case of Chinese-speaking students who study and learn Spanish, it demands greater effort and dedication from them; They must move from one language to another in which there are no points of coincidence and, in addition, incorporate the lexicon, grammar, and theories of the target language into their knowledge system, among other aspects. In fact, at the global level "( ) there are already associations that bring together linguists with a proactive approach and that take various initiatives to review existing study curricula in order to better respond to the needs of the student population ( )" (Vraniæ -Petkoviæ and Georgijev, 2019, p. 2891).
So, it is agreed with Martínez (2021, s/p) that when a teaching-learning process is developed in a foreign language it is necessary "(...) to create conditions for a greater approach of the learning subject to the communicative reality in the context of the classroom. (...). (...) that guarantee a deep internalization of the reality that is presented and an adequate simulation in conditions very close to reality. (...). Such an assertion reinforces the concept of teaching Spanish with professional purposes for commerce from a communicative perspective and approach, but very similar to the business environment.
In such a way that it is not only about appropriating general or more specific content in the case of the target language (referring to Spanish as a foreign language), it is also important for students to learn when it is appropriate to speak, how to do it and the exchange intervals. with the interlocutors. The teaching-learning process (PEA) will then be even more complex, dynamic and changing, because the context or contexts where the Spanish language is used demand it.
The above complexities and challenges can be even greater, when the Sino-speaking student of a foreign language degree such as Spanish, has in his curriculum subjects of Spanish for professional purposes (EFP), which can be for tourism, commerce, health, sports, among others. One of those that is always present is Spanish for commerce, and with it the entire content system that this specialty entails, which in turn makes the teaching-learning process of the target language more cumbersome, but which serves it. Added to the above is that international companies are increasingly multicultural, diverse and changing, which today is a reality that allows "(...) all individuals in an organization to learn from each other how to achieve better results at work [from] a supportive organizational culture of cooperation, as well as leadership and skills that facilitate effective functioning ( )." (Lara et al, 2021, p. 83).
The Chinese-speaking student must be prepared not only to be a user of the Spanish language, but also to be a language professional in Spanish. The content system that you receive in any of the possible scenarios to develop the PEA will have to be characterized by taking into account its own discursive marks, syntactic and stylistic features, precision and order.
According to González, (2015, p.4), EFP courses generally teach students to know how to make "(...) short paragraphs and short sentences during their speech, seeking communicative effectiveness, as well as the use of impersonality, the use of the first-person plural as a team presence and the use of abundant additional graphic information ( )." Consequently, with the previous approach, it is necessary to recognize that the teaching of VET and more specifically of "Spanish for commerce" or business is not, at all, separated from the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language.
In accordance with the above and in correspondence with the demands and demands of the business sector and what students must master to perform efficiently and effectively in the business environment, it is necessary to specify that the PEA must be able to respond to the needs of the students, while contributing to the development of specific skills in them.
On the other hand, it is necessary to highlight that the EFP PEA has to be approached as a system that integrates the aspirations and needs of ELE students and the characteristics related to an environment for business and commerce. In addition to achieving "( ) the integration and explicit work in the classroom with different multimodal semiotic resources (e.g., film shots, rhythms, colors, etc.), in order, ( ), to facilitate, through multimodal scaffolding techniques that allow students to rely on their entire semiotic repertoire, (...)" (Gironzetti et al, 2020, pp. 8-9)
In this sense, the Faculty of Foreign Languages, specifically in the Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language at the Changchun Normal University, in the province of Jilin in China, requires updating the VET teaching programs, with special reference to those of Spanish for commerce that to a large extent did not respond to the educational interests of the students, there were flaws in its conception and the practical, interactional and discursive component had an atomicist character. Because "( ) as the exchange between China and the Hispanic world becomes more important, the socioeconomic context underlines the great importance of language education and, particularly, the relevance of languages in the training curriculum of educational institutions. Vocational and Applied Higher Education." (Hong and Álvarez, 2020, p.6)
Given this situation, the objective is proposed: to socialize a new didactic proposal for the subject "Spanish for Commerce" based on the communicative approach and the application of the simulation method and the learning tasks located in the fourth year of the degree for a level B1 and/or B2
To achieve the objective, the following methods were used:
Theoretical level:
Historical and logical: evaluate the evolution of theories related to the teaching of Spanish for specific purposes (EFP), specifically Spanish for commerce in the international and Chinese context, as well as the theoretical references related to the PEA in virtual contexts.
Analysis and synthesis: delve into the aspects that characterize, single out and regularize the VET PEA in hybrid contexts and the methodologies for the integration of communication skills.
Induction and deduction: to reach conclusions related to the VET teaching-learning process in hybrid contexts, conceived as a sociocultural, linguistic and pragmatic fact.
Systemic-structural: to make a correct conformation of the didactic design of the new proposal for Spanish business classes in which the essential relationships between the content system, methods, forms and evaluation and their adaptations for contexts were established. hybrids at Changchun Normal University in China.
Empirical level methods:
Interview applied to managers and professors of the degree and the survey to students in the fourth year of the degree.
Scientific observation to evaluate in practice how the EFE PEA is developed in hybrid contexts.
Analysis of documents, especially the Professional Training Model in Spanish Language and the guidelines issued by the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Changchun Normal University.
Expert criteria to assess the feasibility of the didactic proposal and its implementation in practice.
An empirical exploratory study was carried out to verify the problematic situation that allowed the most significant trends to be detected after the instruments were applied and processed. Procedures and techniques that combine qualitative and quantitative were used to show the results obtained with greater veracity.
The 4th was determined as the unit of observation. year of the Bachelor's Degree in Spanish Language from the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Changchun Normal University.
A measurement scale was established for the indicators of both dimensions, which consists of the following ranges: 0 to 4 Not at all Adequate (NA); 5 to 9 Poorly Adequate (PA), 10 to 14 Adequate (A); 15 to 19 Mostly Adequate (GPA) and 20 and up Very Adequate (MA).
I. Selection and characterization of the sample
It was determined to work with a population composed of different units of analysis, the Bachelor's Degree in Spanish Language from the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Changchun Normal University. The total student population was 36, as well as 3 career professors and 1 manager, 40 in total.
Situation presented by the subject Spanish for Commerce. Diagnostic regularities
After applying the instruments and processing, the following main results were obtained:
A curricular evaluation is made of the subject Spanish for commerce in the Bachelor's Degree in Spanish Language at the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the Changchun Normal University, based on the evaluation of the curricular and extracurricular dimensions and their respective indicators, to which awarded grade of MA, GPA, A, PA and NA. From the previous analysis it could be established that:
The curricular dimension was evaluated as NA in 63%; of PA in 25% and only of MA in 12%. In general, the previous behavior was due to:
¨ The contents of the subject appear in an atomistic manner and there is very little integration that is reflected between the cultural aspects of the language and the specificities of the contents of commerce, economics and business.
¨ Although the communicative approach is declared as a method in the subsequent design of the contents, it is more aimed at addressing specific aspects of the linguistics of the Spanish language.
¨ 100% of all respondents thought that the subject has a direction that is more reproductive than practice or individual or collective creation.
¨ There are no indications for treating the sociocultural and pragmatic aspects of the language linked to the business and business world.
¨ Regarding the recognition of the training value from other ways of acquiring and developing the learning of Spanish for professional purposes, 77.96% of the students stated that they agreed or totally agreed that they need new ways or approaches and thus be able to interact efficiently and be able to effectively assume the double role of professional-user of the Spanish language. Significant aspect because students recognize their insufficiencies in the training aspect.
The extracurricular dimension was evaluated as NA in 72%; of PA in 21% and only of MA in 7%. In general, the previous behavior was due to:
¨ The communicative approach from the curricular dimension is not clearly applied and this affects the fact that curricular activities are not designed in that sense.
¨ The experiences of interaction and exchange with the business context only occur when the semester ends and with it the subject, so there is no feedback on the quality of the practices carried out by the students.
¨ Quality of the extracurricular activities carried out had an atomistic and biased character, and were managed from the traditional forms of foreign language teaching. Lack of conception of a program or strategy that would bring together these proposals for their systematization and integration into the university plans.
In general, it could be seen that there is a need for a transformation given the regularities found in the diagnosis: there is no clarity regarding the appropriate use of the communicative approach for the subject; the simulation method and the learning task method are not declared and therefore not implemented, there are deficiencies in terms of how teachers develop more motivating and complementary classes in their link between the theories of linguistics and language teaching for professional purposes; Extracurricular activities are planned at the end of the semester and not gradually and sequentially during the development of the entire subject.
Update of the design of the Spanish business subject from a practical-communicative approach
Presentation of the subject
The Spanish for Commerce course is aimed at the acquisition and development of specific language for topics related to business, management and marketing. Oral interaction is included in simulated business contexts, as well as watching videos, reading texts related to the economy, business, business culture, as well as comments on journalistic texts, criticism of advertising, participation in interviews. job.
What is proposed for the subject does not imply in any way some isolated activities that address a single aspect of the language, on the contrary, it has to be a mechanism of content that is organically meaningful and developing in the student, who is going to express himself. immediately in the communicative acts that they develop in any contexts where they require using the target language they learn.
Chinese companies such as Huawei, Sinopec, CofcoAfri, Yutong, which have commercial exchange with Spanish-speaking countries, in addition to being leaders and keys in Chinese trade, are taken as a reference for the simulation in the classroom. See Fig. 1 for a better understanding.
The curricular redesign of the subject of Spanish for commerce is based on the teaching of foreign languages, with a communicative approach and through the application of theories related to speech acts, the theory of context and the linguistics of the text that as a whole, they focus in a very special way on the understanding and study of the language for social communication and its adaptations in the different communicative situations in which speakers demand to use it.
Fig. 1- Classroom design simulating the organization of 4 Chinese companies in which the students will be grouped. Own elaboration.
In general, the communicative approach from a problematic conception will be present throughout the subject as the backbone, because according to Hernández, Liu and Santamaría, (2021, s/p), with this method many interactive, motivating, activities based on in the content, focused on the development of communicative functions, sometimes even playful, among others; A natural form of language could also be exposed, based on daily communication and as a fundamental aspect it gives "( ) fair importance to the grammatical, lexical and phonological aspects, which in other methods take on special prominence and in this one, however, They are integrated into the communication process."
The methodology that will be followed for the development of the classes is simulated and task-based, which contribute decisively to the motivation of the students and, with it, an enjoyable and enriching class, since the students recognize in the different activities the application and usefulness of the course they take and their preparation in the different skills of the Spanish language applied to the business and commerce world. Although together with simulation approaches and procedures will be combined, such as: simulations, projects, tasks and oral presentations. Furthermore, students value that learning Spanish for professional purposes for commerce is the opportunity and possibility of acquiring the necessary content to function effectively as professionals-users of the Spanish language in the business context.
The organization of the course is structured in 6 lessons for 32 h/c in a sequence of interdependence which is guaranteed through the system of tasks that are designed, which in turn will harmoniously and congruently integrate the different skills and learning strategies, designed within the framework of specific thematic content in the field of business.
This course is not designed for a specific situation, but is intended to have a more general, open and flexible character and vision. Therefore, only the general objectives and specific content appear. It is done this way so that the teacher has the invariants of the content and can therefore schedule and plan each class that will depend on the context and the needs of his students.
The course is aimed at students who are in the fourth year of their Bachelor's degree in Spanish with an intermediate level (corresponding to B1) and advanced level (corresponding to B2) according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
General objectives
At the end of the course students will be able to:
The topics that make up the course are shown below:
1. The labor market.
2. The company (generalities; classification of companies; characteristics of Chinese companies, their organization, business organization chart).
3. The professional field (job profiles; labor relations, international exchange).
4. Human resources (résumé, job search, job advertisements, job offer, job interview and job interview guide).
5. Business communication (business communication techniques: verbal and non-verbal, telephone and written).
Specific contents:
They were selected in accordance with the level and needs of the students, and the specific characteristics of the course, the general objective and the specific objectives, and are divided into four sections, and also following what was stated by Vraniæ and Georgijev (2019, pp. 307 -309):
Functional contents (in oral or written form):
Sociocultural contents, which will be related to the entire diverse and sociocultural framework that is implicit in the linguistic repertoire of the target language:
Value system to promote:
Table of contents by lessons and assigned class hours:
Lessons |
Total hours/c |
Type of activity |
Lesson 1. The labor market |
4 h/c |
All lessons are practical. |
Lesson 2. The company (generalities; classification of companies; characteristics of Chinese companies, their organization, business organization chart) |
6 h/c |
Lesson 3. The professional field (job profiles; labor relations, international exchange). |
6 h/c |
Lesson 4. Human resources (résumé, job search, job advertisements, job offer, job interview and job interview guide). |
8 h/c |
Lesson 5. Business communication (business communication techniques: verbal and non-verbal, telephone and written) |
6 h/c |
Final work |
4 h/c |
Total |
32 h/c |
Media system
The media to be used are real documents from Spanish companies, films, short videos that address the reality of the Spanish economy, images of the most relevant Spanish products and companies.
General evaluation system
The evaluation system will be of the "procedural and authentic" type that implies evidencing the processes in a comprehensive manner (the student's performance as an observer, listener and communicator), and the ability to contextualize the information and their progress in mastering the target language. In this way, students will be evaluated in all classes systematically orally and in writing, even aptitude-wise.
The procedural evaluation consists of two percentages that add up to 100% in total:
General tasks (10%): 20 points.
Descriptors (for B2) |
Evil |
Limited |
Acceptable |
Good |
Excellent |
1. Sociolinguistic competence: understanding of the commercial context in which Spanish is used (4 pts.) |
1.1. Understanding the business context |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
1.2. Importance of commercial lexical records |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
1.3. Intercultural linguistic record |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
1.4. Appropriate use of phrases and expressions typical of the trade |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
2. Discursive competence: production of an oral text in relation to the commercial field (6 pts.) |
2.1. Production of phrases and language chains from the use of technical lexicon related to commerce |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
2.2. Speech connection |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
23. Security in the communicative act in a commercial or simulated context |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
2.4. Explain the use and semantic implications of technical vocabulary related to commerce |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
2.5. Develop the mental lexicon |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
2.6. Relate shapes to meanings and use them appropriately in the commercial field |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
3. Linguistic competence: application of grammatical rules (normative) (3 pts.) |
3.1. Use of vocabulary appropriate to the level |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
3.2. Specific or technical vocabulary |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
3.3. Grammar |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
4. Lexical competence: the unit of meaning in the mental lexicon used as a vehicle for Spanish culture and which can be made up of one or more words (7 pts.) |
4.1. Knowledge of the vocabulary of a language and the ability to use it |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
4.2. Discriminate highly specialized words from those generally used for communication |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
2.60 |
4.3. Recognize the semi-technical or semi-scientific vocabulary of commerce |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
4.4. Infer the lexicon corresponding to the formal register required in general scientific discourse |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
4.5. Relate the lexeme with properties, situations, entities, and in general with the extralinguistic world of commerce |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
60 points. Distributed as follows:
Descriptors (for B2) |
Evil |
Limited |
Acceptable |
Good |
Excellent |
1. Sociolinguistic competence: understanding of the commercial context in which Spanish is used (4 pts.) |
1.1. Understanding the business context |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
1.2. Importance of commercial lexical records |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
1.3. Intercultural linguistic record |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
1.4. Appropriate use of phrases and expressions typical of the trade |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
2. Discursive competence: production of an oral text in relation to the commercial field (6 pts.) |
2.1. Production of phrases and language chains from the use of technical lexicon related to commerce |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
2.2. Speech connection |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
23. Security in the communicative act in a commercial or simulated context |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
2.4. Explain the use and semantic implications of technical vocabulary related to commerce |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
2.5. Develop the mental lexicon |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
2.6. Relate shapes to meanings and use them appropriately in the commercial field |
0 |
0.05 |
0.20 |
0.35 |
0.4 |
3. Linguistic competence: application of grammatical rules (normative) (6 pts.) |
3.1. Use of vocabulary appropriate to the level |
0 |
0.10 |
0.30 |
0.40 |
1.20 |
3.2. Specific or technical vocabulary |
0 |
0.10 |
0.30 |
0.40 |
1.20 |
3.3. Grammar |
0 |
0.10 |
0.30 |
0.40 |
1.20 |
4. Lexical competence: the unit of meaning in the mental lexicon used as a vehicle of Spanish culture and which can be made up of one or more words (44 pts.) |
4.1. Knowledge of the vocabulary of a language and the ability to use it |
0 |
0.30 |
0.60 |
3.10 |
4 |
4.2. Discriminate highly specialized words from those generally used for communication |
0 |
0.30 |
0.60 |
3.10 |
5 |
4.3. Recognize semi-technical or semi-scientific vocabulary |
0 |
0.30 |
0.60 |
3.10 |
5 |
4.4. Infer the lexicon corresponding to the formal register required in general scientific discourse |
0 |
0.30 |
0.60 |
3.10 |
5 |
4.5. Relate the lexeme with properties, situations, entities, and in general with the extralinguistic world |
0 |
0.30 |
0.60 |
3.10 |
5 |
For attendance at 12 p.m. (20%): 20 pts.
Scale to apply to define the score:
0 absences: 20 points.
1-2 absences: 17 points.
3-5 absences: 12 points.
6 absences: 0 points.
The application of the initial diagnosis in the degree to measure the degree of student satisfaction with the Spanish subjects for professional purposes allowed us to corroborate in 2019 the need to carry out a didactic restructuring of the subject Spanish for Commerce, taking into account as a fundamental aspect that the communicative approach had to be present and the methodology to follow would be through simulation.
In such a way that based on the principles of the Common European Framework of Reference and the indications of the Cervantes Institute, together with the criteria of teachers and students, a new didactic proposal was made for the subject "Spanish for commerce".
This new proposal for the subject led to a comprehensive curricular redesign and has been applied since the 2020-2021 academic year at Changchun Normal University, which has undoubtedly contributed to students showing a satisfaction rate of more than 92%, mainly due to the simulation-based approach, which reinforces the eminently practical nature of the process.
Another novel aspect is that in the new conception it is possible to apply it both in the traditional classroom and in the virtual environment, in this case because it includes a system of orientation guides for the student and another for the teachers; In addition, computer programs offer many advantages that facilitate the development of the teaching-learning process.
The subject offers students the possibility of working with authentic and real texts, related to the world of business, which are considered specialized texts that for their best use and understanding have been classified into three categories as proposed by García, ( 2021, p.86), such as "(...) those with scientific specialization (the sender and the receiver have a scientific base); the semi-informative ones (the sender is a specialist but the receiver is not) and the informative ones (the sender is not a researcher and the receiver is someone interested in the topic). All of which will be included in each class in correspondence with the lesson being taught at each time.
On the other hand, a system of practical activities is proposed that responds to the students' needs to be immersed in a practical-simulated context, thereby ensuring their motivation and, in turn, an enjoyable class can be achieved. and enriching, since students recognize in the different activities the application and usefulness of the final objective: the project.
It is that when the student carries out his project conceived by the teacher as "(...) a process of construction of new knowledge that is incorporated into the existing one through the assimilation of new structures that fit into the previous ones, [through] a readjustment or restructuring ( )" (Ureña, 2022, p.232) students can perform this final task more easily. In the sequence to reach the final task, the different skills and learning strategies are integrated, designed within the framework of the specific thematic contents of the field of business that allow their application and acquisition.
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The authors declare not to have any interest conflicts.
Authors' contribution:
The authors participated in the design, analysis of the documents and writing of the work.
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