Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(2), e3501

Translated from the original in Spanish

Original article

Educational strategy to promote entrepreneurship in university students, from professional guidance


Estrategia educativa para potenciar el emprendimiento en estudiantes universitarios, desde la orientación profesional


Estratégia educacional para promover o empreendedorismo em estudantes universitários, a partir de orientação profissional


Noraida Garbizo Flores1
Mayra Ordaz Hernández2
Odaliz Garbizo Flores1

1 Municipal University Center "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Consolacion del Sur. Cuba.
2 University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Center for Higher Education Studies. Cuba.


Citar como
Garbizo Flores, N.,Ordaz Hernández, M., Garbizo Flores, O. (2024) Educational strategy to promote entrepreneurship in university students, from professional guidance. Mendive. Journal of Education, 22(2), e3501.


Received: May 4, 2023
Accepted: April 29, 2024



Professional orientation and entrepreneurship emerge as a necessary relationship in Cuban Higher Education, taking into account the need to stimulate the training of entrepreneurial students with professional life projects that enable their contribution to the municipality as a space for the common good. By virtue of what has been expressed, the article intends to socialize an educational strategy aimed at gradually promoting entrepreneurship, from the professional orientation process. The proposal was structured into three specific strategic actions: redefinition of entrepreneurship as a process and result, training for the pedagogical group and the design of professional orientation workshops "Youth, entrepreneurship and local development." For this, a qualitative methodology was used that considers the interpretation of the results from a dialectical conception, with the use of historical-logical methods, modeling and the help of documentary analysis and the Iadov technique for the evaluation of the proposal. The results reveal the potential of an educational strategy that contains actions and operations that favor the training of entrepreneurial students with professional life projects that stimulate the use of knowledge for prosperous, sustainable, equitable and inclusive municipal development.

Keywords: vocational training; social entrepreneurship; professional guidance, life project; creativity; innovation.


Orientación profesional y emprendimiento, emergen como una relación necesaria en la Educación Superior cubana, teniendo en cuenta la necesidad de estimular la formación de estudiantes emprendedores con proyectos de vida profesionales que posibiliten su aporte al municipio como espacio de bien común. En virtud de lo expresado, el articulo tiene la intención de socializar una estrategia educativa orientada a potenciar de modo gradual el emprendimiento, desde el proceso de orientación profesional. La propuesta se estructuró en tres acciones estratégicas específicas: resignificación del emprendimiento como proceso y resultado, la capacitación al colectivo pedagógico y el diseño de talleres de orientación profesional "Juventud, emprendimiento y desarrollo local". Para ello, se utilizó una metodología cualitativa que pondera la interpretación de los resultados desde una concepción dialéctica, con el empleo de los métodos histórico-lógico, la modelación y el auxilio del análisis documental y la técnica de Iadov para la evaluación de la propuesta. Los resultados develan, las potencialidades de una estrategia educativa que contiene acciones y operaciones que favorece la formación de estudiantes emprendedores con proyectos de vida profesionales que estimulan el uso del conocimiento en función un desarrollo municipal prospero, sostenible, equitativo e incluyente.

Palabras clave: formación profesional; emprendimiento social; orientación profesional, proyecto de vida; creatividad; innovación.


A orientação profissional e o empreendedorismo surgem como uma relação necessária no Ensino Superior cubano, tendo em conta a necessidade de estimular a formação de estudantes empreendedores com projetos de vida profissional que possibilitem a sua contribuição para o município como espaço de bem comum. Em virtude do exposto, o artigo pretende socializar uma estratégia educativa que visa promover gradativamente o empreendedorismo, a partir do processo de orientação profissional. A proposta foi estruturada em três ações estratégicas específicas: redefinição do empreendedorismo como processo e resultado, formação do grupo pedagógico e concepção de oficinas de orientação profissional "Juventude, empreendedorismo e desenvolvimento local". Para isso, utilizou-se uma metodologia qualitativa que considera a interpretação dos resultados a partir de uma concepção dialética, com utilização de métodos histórico-lógicos, modelagem e auxílio da análise documental e da técnica de Iadov para a avaliação da proposta. Os resultados revelam o potencial de uma estratégia educacional que contenha ações e operações que favoreçam a formação de estudantes empreendedores com projetos de vida profissional que estimulem o uso do conhecimento para o desenvolvimento municipal próspero, sustentável, equitativo e inclusivo.

Palavras-chave: formação profissional; empreendedorismo Social; orientação profissional, projeto de vida; criatividade; inovação.



The current scenario in which the training of university students occurs in Cuba is mediated by the necessary transformations in the socioeconomic structure of the country, the social demands for the training process of professionals, the advances in science and technology and the urgency to enhance the endogenous development of the territories. These demands generate an additional challenge, the need to train entrepreneurial university students with a professional-social mode of action oriented towards change and transformation.

Under this panorama, the guidance and advisory services in universities could work on an integrative approach and methodology of the career, supporting the construction of coherent and functional professional and life projects that enable the articulation of immediate needs with goals. of self-realization (Palomares, Chisvert and Suárez, 2019).

In relation to what was stated, professional orientation towards the construction of an entrepreneurial professional life project is revealed as an essential content of the training of the university student in the municipality as a fundamental space for development, which means the acquisition of knowledge and skills to innovate and seek alternatives that allow solving the problems demanded by the profession, generating environments of cooperation, conflict resolution in an enriching way and the promotion of feelings of belonging and satisfaction with group work.

From this perspective of analysis, we share what was stated by Vásquez (2017) when pointing out that universities have set themselves the challenge of contributing to the training of people, supported by an entrepreneurial and visionary philosophy, which has not been formally included in curricular design and has not been practically implemented in student learning.

In this sense, the training of professionals demands a professional orientation process that promotes the acquisition of knowledge and skills to innovate and seek alternatives to solve the problems demanded by the profession, generating environments of cooperation, the resolution of conflicts in an enriching and the promotion of feelings of belonging and satisfaction with group work, enhancing the necessary professional reaffirmation that is required at this stage of development.

For this reason, we agree with Ademar (2011) in highlighting that the main challenge of education is focused on the training of people who seek their own good and that of others, who are masters of themselves and have the ability to know, understand, undertake, enrich and transform the world with intelligent, sensitive and creative contributions.

By entering into the study of entrepreneurship and its training in the university environment, the need to transcend an analysis framed fundamentally in the business context to the understanding of entrepreneurship as a process that can also be classified as social, by enabling the generation of new ideas, alternatives and projects in the cultural, community and institutional spheres that facilitate the generation of new jobs and the solution of social problems prioritized in the territories, elements that, when integrated, become articulating axes of vocational training.

In this way, pedagogical practice reveals that entrepreneurship is generally associated with business training with fundamentally economic purposes, the incorporation of content related to entrepreneurship to the professional training models of humanistic careers is insufficient, the use of project method in solving learning tasks and the potential of professional guidance to motivate entrepreneurship is not taken advantage of. Therefore, from a pedagogical and didactic point of view, there is an urgent need to promote learning focused on social praxis that contributes to promoting a professional-social mode of action based on innovation, creativity, and the development of social skills for job performance. and effective social participation in municipal initiative projects for local development.

Consequently, with what has been expressed, the following constitute obligatory questions:

How to articulate professional orientation and entrepreneurship in the current Cuban university?

How can we contribute to the training of students with an entrepreneurial spirit to contribute to the transformations of the local environment?

What elements should a strategy that promotes entrepreneurship from the professional guidance process contain?

The answers may be diverse and even controversial, but one reality is unquestionable: training students with professional skills for entrepreneurship is an essential part of comprehensive training. Within the scope of these reasons, the present research is located, aimed at socializing an educational strategy to gradually promote entrepreneurship in university students, from the professional orientation process.



The design of a strategy to gradually promote entrepreneurship from the professional training process was based on the qualitative paradigm, a research approach with a holistic vision of the context under study that attempts to capture data on the perception of the authors, through a process of deep attention, empathic understanding and suspension and breaking of preconceptions, on the topics under discussion.

From this perspective of analysis, to obtain results, the dialectical-materialist method was assumed, as it allowed the study of entrepreneurship as a process and result, to correctly use the concepts derived from the process under study, the determination of its components and dialectical relationships between them, as well as the possibility of their transformation.

Historical-logical methods were used as theoretical level methods for the study of entrepreneurship and the need for its training, from the potential of professional guidance, its theoretical and methodological approach in the national and international context and the determination of the particularities that define it. distinguish and typify in the vocational training process.

Likewise, the modeling method combined with the structural systemic was privileged for the design of the strategy aimed at promoting entrepreneurship, forming a dialectical unit between its dynamic (functioning-relations) and static (structure-components) aspects, a proposal that It is designed with the help of procedures such as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction and generalization.

The documentary analysis technique used in the study guaranteed the review of the documents of the Sociocultural Management for Development degree, with emphasis on the professional model and the basic professional skills to be developed in these graduates, with the objective of obtaining information about to the basic provisions that support the training of these professionals in the significance of science, technology and technological innovation as a resource for sociocultural management for development.

The focus group technique to obtain information regarding the perceptions and evaluations of students and teachers regarding the need to promote knowledge, skills and values of entrepreneurship in the training of professionals.

The IADOV technique with the purpose of validating the degree of user satisfaction with the strategy proposal. This technique is based on the relationships established between three closed questions, which are interspersed within the survey applied. These three closed questions are related through the " Iadov Logical Chart " (Fernández, Sánchez and Reyes, 2019).

To calculate the Global Satisfaction Index (GSI), the following formula was used:

In this formula A, B, C, D, E represent the number of subjects with individual index 1; 2; 3 or 6; 4; 5 respectively and where N represents the total number of subjects in the group.

The values of A=10 was assumed; B=1; C=0; D=0; E=0 and N=12, where N corresponded to the number of users surveyed.

The methods and techniques were used with the help of analysis and synthesis and induction and deduction procedures to reach conclusions and substantiate the proposal.

The population was made up of 56 students of the Sociocultural Management for Development degree at the Municipal University Center of Consolación del Sur in the Distance Education modality, obtaining a sample of 16 students through the use of simple random sampling. The sample was calculated using the STATS Software, with a maximum acceptable error of 5%, for a desired confidence level of 95%.

In the case of teachers, intentional sampling was used using the 12 teachers and directors of the course.



Design of a strategy for the training of entrepreneurial students

The design of a strategy for entrepreneurship training from the professional orientation process, assumed the strategy as a starting point to establish the strategic actions that, when integrated, give a dynamic and procedural character to the result.

The strategy was based on the results of the diagnosis of the current state of entrepreneurship training in the Sociocultural Management for Development career. This process starts from the level of knowledge of teachers, managers and students regarding the need to promote entrepreneurship in the comprehensive training process. The triangulation of the results obtained in the applied instruments allowed us to determine the following regularities of the diagnosis, from 3 perspectives of analysis: the university student, the training process and the training of teachers.

Training process:

- Inadequate projection of curricular and extracurricular actions supported by innovation and creativity.

- Asystematicity of the training process for entrepreneurship in the formal and informal educational field.

- Insufficient dissemination of an entrepreneurial culture.

- Recognition of the importance of the link between the university and sociocultural institutions in the formation of entrepreneurial attitudes, but professional guidance actions that strengthen the necessary link are insufficient.


- Future, immediate and poorly structured projections that are not coherently articulated with the training of the sociocultural manager.

- Insufficient identification of young people of their potential and limitations for entrepreneurship based on their active participation in the science and innovation process.

- Recognition of the insufficient development of self-management skills to face the demands of their training process in a reflective and determined manner.

Teacher training:

- Recognition of the insufficient preparation of the pedagogical group with the theoretical and methodological resources to promote entrepreneurship through professional guidance actions.

- Insufficient methodological actions that facilitate the preparation of teachers for linking orientation to the solution.

According to the elements that are significant in the studies consulted and the results of the diagnosis, the strategy was aimed at promoting entrepreneurship from the potential of the professional orientation process, based on three strategic directions:

a) Resignification of entrepreneurship as a process and result.

b) Training the pedagogical group for entrepreneurship from the professional orientation process.

c) Extracurricular professional orientation workshops "Youth, entrepreneurship and local development."

Strategic Action No.1. Resignification of entrepreneurship as a process and result

One of the difficulties identified in the training of professionals was related to the vision of entrepreneurship as an action exclusive of business careers, leaving humanistic careers relegated to this process, which turns entrepreneurship into a recurring and complex issue that demands need to educate in entrepreneurship, to enhance the personal and professional growth of students.

Therefore, what has been done? What is being done? and what should be done?, are revealed as essential questions to redefine entrepreneurship as a process and result in the training of professionals. Faced with these challenges and realities, it is evident the responsibility that the task of educating entails in diverse and heterogeneous contexts, where the training needs of students and the needs for continuous improvement of the university professor are articulated in a particular way.

There is no doubt that the resignification of entrepreneurship requires understanding the need to integrate professional guidance actions to the solution of personal and professional tasks that are generated in the training process of the sociocultural manager, so that their role in society is strengthened, contributing in a leading way to the sociocultural needs of the municipality as a space par excellence for personal-social fulfillment.

This strategic action, when defined as guiding, favored the awareness of managers and educators with the need to contribute to training for social entrepreneurship such as:

§ Process: which offers a wide range of options for implementation in accordance with the particularities of the university institution, the professional training model and the professional and personal-social needs of the university student

§ Result: which has its maximum expression in the training of entrepreneurial professionals who implement actions that favor the transformations demanded by the municipality in the economic, productive, sociocultural, institutional and environmental order to the extent that their personal growth is enhanced.

Action content:

In the strategic action defined as governing, it was developed from the following actions and operations.

Table 1- Operationalization of the resignification of entrepreneurship as a process and result.




1). Development of an awareness workshop to disseminate the importance of entrepreneurship in the current Cuban and foreign context.

1). Relevance of the operations designed for the resignification of the enterprise.

High, medium, low level.

2). Arranging a space for dialogue between teachers and local actors in the municipality to reflect on the contribution of vocational training to local development.

2). Attendance of those involved in the different activities called on entrepreneurship in vocational training.


High, medium, low level.

3). Exchange between students and entrepreneurs of the municipality with outstanding results in the state and non-state sector.

3). Level of participation and contribution to their development.


High, medium, low level.

4). Production of publications and participation in scientific events linked to the topic of entrepreneurship.

4). Affective bond that predominates in the criteria on the resignification of entrepreneurship as a process and result.


Positive, negative, neutral.

5). Construction of indicators to evaluate entrepreneurship as a process and result from professional guidance actions.

5). Number of articles and monographs produced related to entrepreneurship from the professional training process.


High, medium, low level.

From the strategic action defined as governing, training for the pedagogical group was derived as a specific strategic action that responds to the teachers' need to acquire knowledge, skills and modify attitudes, which allow the development of entrepreneurship training as a dynamic and creative process with a wide range of options in its implementation.

Strategic action No.2. Training teachers in entrepreneurship, from the professional orientation process

The training of the pedagogical group was conceived as a systemic and permanent process that enhances motivation, stimulates continuous learning and favors the performance of educators; from the diversity of functions, they perform in the training process.

The contents to be addressed in the training were proposed: entrepreneurship as a process and result in Higher Education; training in entrepreneurship from professional guidance in teaching, research and university extension; general professional skills for entrepreneurship; the entrepreneurial professional, characteristics, skills and abilities; the training of entrepreneurs in pursuit of local development.

The treatment of the selected content was aimed at developing the following skills:

a) Skills to plan, organize, execute and evaluate entrepreneurship training.

b) Skills to work in groups and with groups.

c) Communication skills that promote active listening, empathetic attention, adequate expression of feelings and control of emotions.

The development of the workshops was based on the use of the workshop, taking into account its potential to promote analysis, group discussion, and reflection on the ways of doing things in the educational process. In this way, based on the analysis of situations of pedagogical practice, the analysis and modeling of educational activities is promoted in correspondence with the guiding, methodological teaching and investigative functions of the university teacher.

The training of the pedagogical group to promote entrepreneurship in the training process was based on the following operations and indicators for evaluation as shown in the following table.

Table 2- Operationalization of training for the pedagogical group




1). Design of a system of workshops on training and entrepreneurship for training the pedagogical group.

1). Relevance of the workshops proposed for training on educational work.

High, medium, low level.

2). Validation of the workshop system by the project team: “Comprehensive training of professionals from the orientation process.”

2). Level of preparation of the educators (facilitators) selected to teach the workshops

High, medium, low level.

3). Implementation of the workshop system in career groups.

3). Correspondence of the selected contents with the needs of teachers to improve educational work.

High, medium, low level.

4). Evaluation of the results of the training carried out.

4.1). Demonstrated motivation towards the contents taught.

High, average, poor.

4.2). Level of satisfaction of the members of the pedagogical group who conceive and execute vocational training.

Satisfied, moderately satisfied, dissatisfied.

Strategic action No.3. Extracurricular professional orientation workshops "Youth, entrepreneurship and local development"

The implementation of the system of extracurricular workshops with students, defined as the third strategic action, prioritized attention to the needs of young people, interests, motivations, questions, so as to enhance reflection and exchange around problems that are of their concern. interest and favor the formation of an entrepreneurial, innovative and creative spirit.

In this sense, the workshop system was based on the following premises: attention to the link between the affective and the cognitive, as a psychological support for the motivation towards change, the possibility of developing the workshops without an explicit demand, the stimulation of debate and reflection with the use of methods and means that involve students and group in the development of the group task.

The proposed workshops are aimed at addressing the following topics:

a) Why is the municipality a fundamental space for entrepreneurship?

b) The entrepreneurial professional: characteristics and competencies.

c) Professional life projects and the ability to undertake and innovate.

d) Entrepreneurship and local development: a necessary relationship for the local environment.

The values identified are: responsibility with their training process, sense of belonging to the university and career, significance of the profession as one of the priorities of the country and the province, the collaborative spirit and commitment to change.

In the conception of the workshop system: "Youth, local development", the use of the workshop as a form of group reflection was chosen, which is due to its recognition as a new approach that has a participatory and alternative character, based on organize groups according to their needs and interests.

For the implementation and evaluation of the workshops, the following actions and operations were proposed.

Table 3- Operationalization of the extracurricular workshops "Youth, entrepreneurship and local development"




1). Design of the system of extracurricular workshops for university students on entrepreneurship topics.

1). Relevance of the proposed extracurricular workshop system.

High, medium, low level


2). Validation of the workshop system by the project team: “Psycho-pedagogical orientation and subjective well-being of the university student.”

2.1). Level of preparation of the educators (facilitators) selected to teach the workshops.

High, medium, low level

2.2). Relationship between the proposed actions and the learning needs of the students.

Adequate, moderately adequate, inadequate.

3). Implementation of the workshop system with groups of students from the Accounting and Sociocultural Management for Development majors.

3.1)- Student attendance at the workshops.

High, medium, low level.

3.2). Demonstrated motivation towards the contents taught.

-High, average, poor.


4). Evaluation of the results of the system of workshops given.

4.1). Level of student satisfaction with the extracurricular workshop system and its contribution to their personal, professional and social training.


-High, medium, low

Evaluation of the proposed strategy by the user method or Iadov technique

With the purpose of evaluating the quality and effectiveness of the strategy for entrepreneurship training and checking user satisfaction with its implementation, the evaluation was carried out using the IADOV technique or user method.

The questionnaire was applied to a total of 12 participants in the experience, 8 students and 4 teachers, chosen through intentional sampling, which made it possible to directly and explicitly select the subjects who were considered most accessible and likely to offer the greatest amount of information.

The IADOV Logic Table (Table 3) relates three closed questions from the questionnaire, placing each respondent in its corresponding category of the satisfaction scale, which can be: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6.

Table 4- IADOV logical table


Question 2. Are you satisfied with the peer tutoring proposal in times of Covid-19?



I don't know

Question 5. Would you agree to implement the proposal in other student groups?

Question 3. Is the design of the suggested proposal understandable to you?



I don't know



I don't know



I don't know

1.Very understandable




















3. Moderately understandable










4.Poorly understandable










5.It is not understandable










6.I can't say










To obtain the results of the application of the technique, it is necessary to know the satisfaction scale, as well as the formula to determine group satisfaction. The personal and individual satisfaction scale for these activities responds to the following structure, depending on the score obtained.

83% of the sample (10 users) revealed clear satisfaction with the strategy. 10% (1 subject) proved to be more satisfied than dissatisfied and the same number (1 person) was contradictory.

Similarly, the Global Satisfaction Index (GSI) was calculated with the following formula:

In this formula A, B, C, D, E represent the number of subjects with individual index 1; 2; 3 or 6; 4; 5 respectively and where N represents the total number of subjects in the group.

The values of A=10 was assumed; B=1; C=0; D=0; E=0 and N=12, where N corresponded to the number of users surveyed.

An ISG equal to 0.85 was obtained. According to the scale, the value index is high, which reflects the acceptance of the proposal, the recognition of its usefulness, while the users have issued criteria where they show their satisfaction with the contribution of the strategy to the development of knowledge and skills for the entrepreneurship in students of the degree, in addition to promoting a mode of action of the future graduate in the state and non-state sector.

In addition to the degree of satisfaction obtained through the open questions, the following strengths could be identified:

- It represents a novel proposal based on comprehensive training.

- It can be applicable in different groups and careers with the modifications required by the educational context.

- Promotes training for work, science and innovation.

Implementation of the proposed strategy

As a consequence of the implementation of the actions, results were obtained that show the articulation between the proposed strategy and the training of the future sociocultural manager, confirming that this is a gradual process that requires systematicity in its implementation, the incorporation of other actions that are relevant in the preparation of the pedagogical group and the development of teaching, research and university extension. However, it is worth highlighting the results achieved in the period of the 2021-2022 school year in teaching, research and university extension:


- Professional guidance actions were identified from the teaching-learning process, taking into account the particularities of the courses with less presence.

- 89% of the students recognized the importance of entrepreneurship and its contribution to municipal development.

- 91% of the students showed knowledge about the profession of sociocultural manager and its articulation with social entrepreneurship.

- A workshop on social entrepreneurship and its contribution to the professional training process was incorporated into the CUM methodological work plan.


- Linkage of 85% of students to sociocultural projects and initiatives that show results obtained in various social enterprises in the municipality, among which the Patio de Pelegrín stands out.

- The participation of teachers in 5 scientific events was achieved with results that show the link of entrepreneurship to the professional training process.

- Incorporation of professors from the Sociocultural Management for Development career into local development projects.

- 2 research dissertations were defended that show the entrepreneurial actions of the sociocultural manager in the local development of the Consolación del Sur municipality

College extension:

- 92% of the students expressed satisfaction with the "Youth, entrepreneurship and local development" workshops that addressed aspects related to the municipality as a fundamental space for entrepreneurship, and the entrepreneurial professional: characteristics and competencies, expressing ideas such as: "we learned what it is social entrepreneurship and how to promote it", "what we learned is interesting for our professional future", etc.

- Development of university extension activities in various social enterprises in the Consolación del Sur municipality, among which stand out: El patio de Mario, El patio Pelegrín, Green map in the Semillas community.

- Development of professional guidance activities that promote professional skills, skills for searching for professional information and ethical and responsible action.



The research carried out corroborated the need to promote entrepreneurship in future sociocultural managers, taking advantage of the potential of professional orientation, a process that is supported by the paradigm of comprehensive training and favors the acquisition of knowledge, skills and values to undertake in the municipality as fundamental space for development.

In this way, it contributes to the formation of a social professional performance supported by innovation, creativity and university social responsibility to respond proactively to the transformation needs that are generated in local spaces. In this sense, the entrepreneurial actions of future professionals will have a positive impact on the transformations in the economic-productive, sociocultural and institutional order.

In the study of the art of research, it coincides from a theoretical point of view with the criteria provided by the reviewed authors, contributions that become support for the proposed strategy:

- Cardona, Morales, Cárdenas et al (2015): entrepreneurship as a complex process that differs from traditional training, as it must allow the development of skills such as self-confidence, risk tolerance and achievement orientation, key characteristics of entrepreneurship. entrepreneurial personality.

- Breijo Worosz (2019): the need to design institutional policies in universities that promote entrepreneurial culture in the community through lines of work that address the terms of entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability.

- Monzón Campos and Torres Ortega (2021): The vision of enterprises with social purposes as an innovative, dynamic, inclusive and self-sustaining response to the main social, economic and environmental challenges that our societies face.

- Talledo Delgado (2021): The existence of three key aspects of the university paradigm: making strategic and operational decisions to create connections with the environment, links with agents in the environment (institutions or companies) and entrepreneurial attitudes and actions of who make up the university (teachers, researchers and students).

- Simón and Cobos Vivaldo (2021): define basic competencies in entrepreneurship education, highlighting the need for professional guidance to creatively and strategically use tools to interpret reality, build interaction spaces, participate in construction processes and generate facts to its transformation.

- Dávila Moran, et al (2022): the influence of university education on entrepreneurial capacity, considering it necessary to promote the creation of teaching models and development of innovative and creative capacities, as well as spaces for the development of skills within the educational institutions.

- Pacheco Ruiz, et al (2022): entrepreneurship as a process driven and materialized by entrepreneurs, whose characteristics, skills and competencies may vary according to the context in which the individual operates, their training or interest and motivation. for which you decide to undertake.

Therefore, training for entrepreneurship requires professionally oriented actions that articulate teaching, research and university extension with the sociocultural demands defined in the municipal development strategy in order to generate the transformations that are demanded.

In this sense, the practical contribution of the research lies in the introduction and validation of a strategy to enhance entrepreneurship, from the professional orientation process in the Sociocultural Management for Development career, from the implementation of guiding actions that stimulate entrepreneurial attitudes in future sociocultural managers.

The proposed strategy can be applied in careers with various profiles, taking into consideration that the transformations that are intended to be achieved require systematicity in the implementation of the actions, therefore, the changes that are aspired to take time and, in most cases, sometimes, they can only be appreciated in the medium or long term.

The usefulness of the strategy for entrepreneurship training, from the professional orientation process, was validated by the user method or Iadov technique, which made it possible to quickly and dynamically carry out both the individual and global evaluation of the degree of satisfaction of those responsible. and active participants in this form of collaborative learning, demonstrating their maximum satisfaction with the design and planning of the collaborative learning proposal, reaching a satisfaction index of 0.85.



Ademar Ferreyra, H. (2011). Construir futuros posibles: el desafío de aprender a emprender en las sociedades del conocimiento. Tiempo de Educar, 12(23), 9-28.

Breijo Worosz, T. (2019). La formación investigativa en función del emprendimiento social en la Universidad actual. Delectus. Revista Científica INCA- PERU, 2(2), 46-54.

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Dávila Moran, R. C., Martin Bogdanovich, M. M., Zapana Díaz, D., y Velarde Dávila, L. (2022). La educación universitaria y el emprendimiento de los estudiantes de una universidad limeña. Revista Universidad y Sociedad, 14(4), 486-494.

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Monzón Campos, J.L. y Torres Ortega, J.A. (2021) Emprendimiento social en la formación profesional: el caso del País Vasco. REVESCO. Revista de Estudios Cooperativos, 1(137), 73- 86.

Palomares Montero, D. y Suárez Ortega, M. (2019). Formación y orientación para el emprendimiento. Lo que dicen la bibliometría y los emprendedores noveles. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 30(1), 131-149.

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Simón, D. y Cobos Vivaldo, L. (2021). Educación emprendedora y competencias transversales: una propuesta para la educación primaria. Estudios Pedagógicos, (1), 33-50. http://10.4067/S0718-07052022000100033

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Conflict of interests:

The authors declare not to have any interest conflicts.


Authors' contribution:

The authors participated in the process of reviewing the state of the art of research, writing, preparing the original draft, writing and revising the final version of the article.


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