Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(1), e3394

Translated from the original in Spanish

Original article

Self-reflection. A connection point between the interior and the professional development of the sports teacher


La autorreflexión. Un punto de conexión entre el interior y el desarrollo profesional del profesor deportivo


Auto-reflexão. Um ponto de ligação entre o interior e o desenvolvimento profissional do professor de desporto


Tania Rosa García Hernández1
Ana Caridad Veitia Acosta2

1University of Pinar del Río “Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca”. Faculty of Physical Culture Nancy Uranga Romagoza. Pinar del Río. Cuba
2University of Pinar del Río Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca. University Extension Department. Pinar del Río. Cuba



Cite as
García Hernández, T.R., Veitia Acosta, A.C. (2024). Self-reflection. A connection point between the interior and the professional development of the sports teacher. Mendive. Journal of Education, 22(1), e3394.


Received: February 19, 2023
Accepted: February 14, 2024



Self-reflection is an important part of the continuous improvement process itself, to understand why and how decisions are made. The sports teacher must take the time to look at himself, and his work offers him the opportunity to recognize strengths and challenges and to improve his skills. The article aimed to socialize self-reflection as a way to establish cognitive relationships that are revealed in the process of professional improvement of sports teachers. It showed a triad between professional improvement, self-reflection and sports professionals, for their professional and personal performance, as it allows them to instruct and educate athletes in pedagogical activity, which is manifested by integrating knowledge and raising it to the level of professional application, mastering the technique to stay updated, investigate, know how to establish links with the social context and management of human and material resources. Scientific methods such as documentary analysis, process observation, survey and methodological triangulation were used, with descriptive mathematics the collected information was tabulated. The main result is the necessary and rapid intervention in the preparation and updating of a new sports professional: reflective, competent, critical, which requires developing alternative thinking through constant improvement in the current issues of his specialty; At the same time, it promotes self-reflection to judge professional activity, determine successes and errors, achieve their involvement to act on the change of their points of view, work styles and modes of action.

Keywords: self-reflection; Advanced professional; sports teachers; self-study; educational autonomy; specialized teacher; development of skills.


La autorreflexión es una parte importante del propio proceso de mejora continua, para comprender por qué y cómo se toman decisiones. El profesor deportivo debe tomarse el tiempo para mirarse a sí mismo, y su trabajo le ofrece la oportunidad de reconocer fortalezas y desafíos y de mejorar sus habilidades. El artículo tuvo como objetivo socializar la autorreflexión como vía para el establecimiento de relaciones cognitivas que se revelan en el proceso de superación profesional de los profesores deportivos. Mostró una tríada entre superación profesional, autorreflexión y profesionales deportivos, para su desempeño profesional y personal, en tanto les permite instruir y educar a los atletas en la actividad pedagógica, que se manifiesta al integrar los conocimientos y elevarlos al nivel de aplicación profesional, dominar la técnica para mantenerse actualizado, investigar, saber establecer vínculos con el contexto social y gerencial recursos humanos y materiales. Se utilizaron métodos científicos como el análisis documental, la observación al proceso, la encuesta y la triangulación metodológica, con la matemática descriptiva se tabuló la información recopilada. Como principal resultado se exhibe la necesaria y rápida intervención en la preparación y actualización de un nuevo profesional del deporte: reflexivo, competente, crítico, que exige desarrollar el pensamiento alternativo a través la superación constante en los temas actuales de su especialidad; a la vez, que promueva la autorreflexión para enjuiciar la actividad profesional, determinar aciertos y errores, lograr su implicación para accionar en el cambio de sus puntos de vistas, estilos de trabajo y modos de actuación.

Palabras clave: autorreflexión; superación profesional; profesores deportivos; autoaprendizaje; autonomía educativa; profesor especializado; desarrollo de las habilidades.


A autorreflexão é uma parte importante do próprio processo de melhoria contínua, para compreender por que e como as decisões são tomadas. O professor de desporto deve dedicar tempo a olhar para si próprio e o seu trabalho oferece-lhe a oportunidade de reconhecer pontos fortes e desafios e de melhorar as suas competências. O artigo teve como objetivo socializar a autorreflexão como forma de estabelecer relações cognitivas que se revelam no processo de aperfeiçoamento profissional de professores de esportes. Evidenciou uma tríade entre aperfeiçoamento profissional, autorreflexão e profissionais do esporte, para seu desempenho profissional e pessoal, pois permite instruir e formar atletas na atividade pedagógica, que se manifesta integrando conhecimentos e elevando-os ao nível de aplicação profissional, dominando a técnica para se manter atualizado, investigar, saber estabelecer vínculos com o contexto social e gestão de recursos humanos e materiais. Foram utilizados métodos científicos como análise documental, observação de processos, levantamento e triangulação metodológica, com matemática descritiva as informações coletadas foram tabuladas. O principal resultado é a necessária e rápida intervenção na preparação e atualização de um novo profissional desportivo: reflexivo, competente, crítico, o que exige desenvolver um pensamento alternativo através da melhoria constante nas questões atuais da sua especialidade; Ao mesmo tempo, promove a autorreflexão para julgar a atividade profissional, determinar acertos e erros, conseguir o seu envolvimento para agir na mudança dos seus pontos de vista, estilos de trabalho e modos de ação.

Palavras-chave: autorreflexão; Profissional avançado; professores de esportes; auto estudo; autonomia educativa; professor especializado; desenvolvimento de habilidades.



Sport has become a true social phenomenon, especially since the last third of the 20th century. This evolution has made sport an open social system, which actively interacts with the rest of the social systems (Montero and Barbod, 2001). These changes have configured a new scenario, where an important element to achieve the necessary preparation of the sports teacher is self-reflection, understood as the capacity that humans have to practice introspection and motivation in order to learn more about their fundamental nature. reason and essence, when interest in the competitive balance of different sports has been increasing in recent years, according to Arboix, J. et al. (2021).

What leads from simple experience to learning is self-reflection, which is why it becomes one of the best ways to grow in this area if it is combined with solid and necessary knowledge. It helps to learn from mistakes, to perceive the events that occurred and their respective analysis. It is important to develop an active thought process about what is experienced, where significant learning occurs from each experience in daily practice.

The importance of the self-reflection process is also based on raising awareness that the professionalization of teaching does not only depend on obtaining a university degree, but also on maintaining the level of specialization that the teaching function demands (Méndez and Conde, 2018). The above supposes a process of continuous improvement that includes developing tools to separate beliefs and attitudes related rather to the perceptions of the system than to the professional meaning of the action (Arriagada, 2021).

Self-reflection leads to deeper learning by seeing situations from different lenses and by encouraging challenging questions that will lead to questioning one's beliefs about the world. If the reflection is correct, it will help those who use it to be more realistic and to follow the path in their personal development.

In this regard, an elementary role is played by professional development, where the relationship with global trends and perspectives is resolved; These show the need to consult the insufficiencies, problems, potentialities and possibilities of each sector and its educators, to project various alternatives in the international, national, institutional and regional plans for improvement from these profiles.

According to García (2019), when analyzing the improvement process of sports teachers, it is necessary to take into account the historical background from the first intentions, suggestions and guidelines that gave value, scientificity and organicity to the work of improvement.

These, without chronological pretensions, allow an approach to the importance that since past times has been given to the need to search for ways and forms, and without being intentional and conscious, they facilitate knowing the direction of the physical development of man in each epoch.

The phenomenon of improvement conditioned the premises aimed at finding operational ways that will provide man with the elevation of the level of his physical qualities and capabilities, as well as his psychomotor development.

The aforementioned elements became the center of attention of many specialists, who from their respective positions and based on scientific advances related to the time in which they developed their intellectual activity, provided contributions of incalculable value that served as the basis for the appearance of novel alternatives to direct the training process.

To carry out this activity, the motive, the action and the operation are important. The integration of these elements for the development of both the teacher and the athlete guarantees the instruction and education of both, in addition to appreciating how in the development of the activity and in the face of the constant changes and transformations that are occurring in their environment, the teacher requires a level of knowledge, habits and skills to achieve the expected results in the sports training he or she carries out.

That is what the study presented is about. When improvement is sought in the performance of the volleyball teacher, it is intended that he acquire and understand the ways of acting and exercise them in a varied and creative way, in such a way that they allow him to perform specific tasks through the use of a system of methods and procedures that apply in carrying out dissimilar tasks and that systematize acquired knowledge together with the social experience that one has.

Nieva (2016) emphasizes the importance of teacher training capable of assuming the challenges that emerge from social processes, culture and its dynamics, which imply social transformation; a training that takes into account not only the external aspects but also the person as an integral subject, in the future with their peers and in a search process.

For the study presented, it is useful to address professional skills. These constitute the basis of the professional's performance, enabling the teacher to develop productive and conscious actions with a high degree of pedagogical mastery, taking into account the particularities of their athletes.

Santaya et al., (2018), Naranjo et al., (2018), Vivanco and Sarango (2019) make it clear that these skills, being mandatory training in practice, act in interrelation with the remaining skills of logical and intellectual thinking, which contributes to the best pedagogical performance and, therefore, to the achievement of the quality of the process, which makes it a current need in line with the development of science and technology and its globalized nature that requires professional training.

The close relationship that exists between professional pedagogical skill and knowledge makes it easier for both to be systematized at the same time until achieving knowledge at a higher level.

Hence, the sports teacher is the pedagogue who directs the entire educational process of training the beginner, through the knowledge and practice of a regulated physical activity, with a recreational and recreational profile; which contemplates a possible future performance in the medium and long term, to ensure a correct educational orientation of the sport and adequate training of those who participate in its initiation (Rodríguez, 2021, p. 8).

Based on the technological demands presented by the group of volleyball teachers of the School of Sports Initiation School (EIDE), in Pinar del Río, an exploratory study was carried out where it is noted that the improvement of volleyball teachers is weak. attention given to the training process from training. In some cases, it lacks objectivity and systematicity, taking into account the demands and requirements of the activity they carry out, showing inaccuracies in the actions to be undertaken regarding the results of the athletes' diagnosis.

Hence, the article presented aims to socialize self-reflection as a way to establish cognitive relationships that are revealed in the process of professional improvement of sports teachers.



It was necessary to carry out a document analysis. The content of the regulatory documents that govern the improvement of sports teachers was explored, as well as those established for the development of training plans in volleyball. In addition, the treatment provided to the planning and control of professional improvement for the 10 volleyball teachers, all belonging to the EIDE of Pinar del Río, was valued, the documentation that establishes the work in professional improvement in the last ten school years (2012-2022), the documents that project the strategies for the development of teachers' improvement, corresponding to the same periods, the individual development plan of the teachers investigated, as well as the existing strategy.

In this same order, an observation was made to the development of improvement activities, by assuming as criteria to observe the relationship between the need-diagnosis and programming in the professional improvement process, the linking of the improvement contents with the solution of the problems. of sports training, as well as the level of development of sports pedagogical practice for the improvement of professional performance.

In this case, 10 improvement activities were selected at random, which as the most used forms of improvement for sports teachers respond to methodological preparation. Similarly, a survey was carried out on volleyball teachers to obtain information about the improvement process that is carried out, based on the type of improvement they carry out, the time allocated and whether the aspects discussed are related to the process. of training.

Similarly, with descriptive mathematics, the information collected was tabulated to guarantee the success of the study.



The study began with a diagnosis of the state of improvement, considering as a population 10 volleyball teachers from the EIDE in Pinar del Río, with the purpose of perceiving self-reflection as a way to establish relationships between learning and experience. that are revealed in the process.

Table 1- Characterization of those investigated


Prof. Level

Academic title


Years of experience

Experience in the EIDE

Retired Athlete


















3. 4














3. 4







Four. Five































All EIDE volleyball teachers in Pinar del Río were studied, where only two of them have more than 10 years of experience in high performance and five have less than five years of work in high performance; Three stand out with less than two years. However, 80% are former high-performance athletes in this sport.

In the documentary review, it was found that the work in the professional improvement of volleyball teachers, at the EIDE of Pinar del Río, is governed by a Manual for improvement, both for the different instances of the sport and for the Faculty of Physical Culture. The intention of this document is to organize, evaluate and control, in a general way, the methodological work of the sports system and constitutes a necessary tool for teachers, officials and managers, in order to make more efficient and raise the quality in the achievement of the objectives. proposed objectives.

However, the way in which the improvement process is approached does not require the teacher to self-reflect on how to make it possible to acquire and understand the ways of acting and exercise them in a varied and creative way; that allows you to carry out specific tasks, through the use of a system of methods and procedures for the execution of dissimilar tasks as you gradually begin to master more perfect operations through the systematization of knowledge.

In the aforementioned document, methodological work is recognized as a management process of the teaching-educational-sports process, in which both the planning and organization of the process, as well as its regulation and control, are developed; Furthermore, the need to resize the methodological work is reiterated, in order to solve the most pressing problems of teachers at each level.

However, it registers shortcomings in the improvement process that takes place in sport and that make it impossible to achieve transformations in the teacher's mode of self-reflection and its behavioral manifestation:

The document raises the need to articulate a methodological work system in municipalities, centers and sports teams, to coherently address the difficulties of teachers, officials and managers.

However, the study of the theoretical references for this work indicates that the problem does not lie in the methodological work systems in the different instances, but in the lack of personalized skills to face the process they face.

The documents that project strategies for the development of teachers' improvement were analyzed, where it was possible to notice that a correspondence is not always shown between the diagnosis of human resources with the improvement needs that are manifested. The planned improvement plan does not fully include the main deficiencies diagnosed in the different controls of the teacher and those that appear are of a methodological nature.

The analysis of the individual development plan of the 10 EIDE volleyball teachers, (100% of the total teachers in this territory), reflected that:

Regarding the analysis of the difficulties detected in the diagnosis of human capital, five criteria were taken into account to be assessed (technical, methodological, pedagogical, psychological, ideological), as shown in the following figure.

Fig. 1- Result of the diagnosis of human capital, as an instrument guided by the high-performance sport subsystem

In this sense, it was possible to assess that, in the technical-methodological aspect, although the indications of the high-performance sport subsystem are valued separately, in this research the points of coincidence are estimated maximum when the incidence percentages coincide. Such is the case that:

Another aspect valued corresponded to the pedagogical order, where it is revealed that in 90% there are insufficiencies in the skills that the teacher must possess to direct the training unit efficiently.

On the psychological aspect, 70% of teachers do not make it easy for athletes to know the magnitude of performing a certain task within the training unit or why, which affects the expected result. Without neglecting the political aspect, 50% showed little knowledge about international and national contexts, in political, social and cultural issues.

The analyzed elements allow us to pay attention to the most marked difficulties found in the technical, methodological and pedagogical order.

It is necessary to highlight the difficulties detected in the scheduled visits and in the discussion of training plans, which is that the improvement of teachers is planned, having methodological preparation, technical groups and self-preparation as basic forms.

An in-depth study of the existing strategy was carried out, which reflects a sports training and preparation project, based on meeting the strategic objectives of Cuban sport, based on the improvement of the corresponding technical advisory and methodological bodies, in their different levels of action (from the sports teacher to the structures of high-performance sports). In this document, the following are established: objective, priorities, main directions and schedule of work actions for a four-year period of work, where the orientation towards the constant improvement of sports technical strength is highlighted.

It is appreciated that it is a very holistic model, which refers to the work to be carried out at a general level in all sports and in the country; In fact, the existing programming is based on methodological, rules and arbitration technical courses at the national level, offered by the technical advisory councils for each sport, which for the most part do not respond exactly to the main shortcomings of the sports teacher from their context. Likewise, its manifestation in the territory was valued and a similar procedure is being followed.

Together with this search for information, the Comprehensive Athlete Preparation Program for volleyball (2013-2016) was studied, which reveals that it is directed towards sports planning in a four-year period (Olympic cycle), at each of the levels of preparation. sporty; Although it is a reference for the direction of the process, its mission is not to surpass the sports teacher, but rather its implementation requires a competent and competitive teacher to get it started.

From that moment, it was necessary to observe the development of improvement activities, eight improvement activities were randomly selected, taking into account that the most used form of improvement for sports teachers in the EIDE responds to methodological preparation. All the activities observed were directed by the same teacher who has 27 years of experience in the activity and is one of the two who holds the specialist title (EPG).

It should be noted that, to assess the indicators established for observation, the author uses quantitative and qualitative values that allow us to know the state of the object of the research.

In this case, it is evident that, in the measured indicators, 13.4% are shown in the parameters of Poorly Adequate (PA), with an average of 5,800 and 86.5%, a greater inclination towards the Inadequate (I), with a average of 37,400; The standard deviation is 7.0206 and 14.7588 respectively, which shows the existing difficulties.

The results of this instrument confirm that there are insufficiencies in all the established indicators, with the following standing out as the greatest difficulties:

Regarding the scientific-methodological activity, methodological aspects that reaffirm the work of physical capacities, the treatment of methods and procedures taking into account current volleyball trends and the contextual needs of the territory are not emphasized. The weak personalized attention to athletes with a perspective for promotion to high performance (projective), insufficiency in the jump ability system, poor treatment of flexibility, as well as lack in the use of pedagogical tests, including their evaluation and follow-up.

The survey was applied to the volleyball teachers of the EIDE of Pinar del Río, where it was found that only 60% of the sample is currently passing and that, to pass, they only use 1.06 hours per week on average, of the two hours that were approximately agreed upon in Resolution 54/2000.

100% of teachers improve themselves through self-improvement and methodological preparation. It is clear that they are unaware of the different forms of improvement that exist, as well as the dimensions and levels of depth that they can achieve in terms of knowledge with their use.

In this same order, it is found that there is little correspondence between the planned improvement and the needs and interests of the teachers, with the lack of bibliography for preparation, as well as the teachers' resistance to change, being presented as the main impediments. Taking into account that the activities conceived are methodological meetings and the main contents addressed are of a political-ideological nature and the formation of values, there is a shortage of topics related to the specialty. The latter, requested by 100% of the teachers to be treated through theoretical-practical workshops and refresher courses in the specialty.

From the triangulation of the results of the instruments applied in the diagnosis, this research conceives, among the main limitations found, the insufficient knowledge about the dynamics of the game, which lacks creativity for new technical-tactical actions that respond to situations of game. The initiatives to create problematic situations to be resolved in training that model competition is insufficient, there is little collective work among volleyball teachers and with the rest of the sports teachers, as well as fissures are reflected in professional pedagogical skills. from the organization, planning, projection and control of the training process.



The results obtained up to this point reveal that currently the self-reflection of the teachers under study is limited in scope and is unsystematic and fragmented, as it does not contribute sufficiently to the comprehensive training that a volleyball teacher must possess; It does not always respond to the new conceptions of athlete preparation and does not encourage professional pedagogical action from a know-how in sports, for a know-how to be.

The main objective of the study presented is in correspondence with what was proposed by García et al. (2020), when he highlights that it is necessary to understand development trends, analyze their impact on the team being trained and determine ways to take advantage of the benefits of these influences by counteracting their negative effects. It is imperative that professional pedagogical skills be consolidated through self-reflection, which reveal the integration of theoretical knowledge with the experiences of teachers and lead them to action, to know-how in their performance in an ascending manner. It is important to understand when a play begins, the team that performs the serve tries to hinder and neutralize the attack of the opposing team and organize its counterattack with successful responses.

Therefore, it is a first-order imperative to create a direct link between sport and society, which requires the participation and commitment of sports teachers from the investigative, educational and pedagogical perspectives, in the progress of self-reflection and its impact. in professional performance.

Self-reflection activities demand the individual responsibility of the sports teacher for their transformation. In them, teachers carry out tasks aimed at individual study for the execution of tasks derived from some of the forms of improvement, in which the subject is systematically participating, or of their own interest. In total agreement with García (2019), when he states that a guiding basis for action and control is required and allows feedback on the results obtained from professional performance, which is progressively perfected.

Gavilán's (2020) studies are very significant and timely, close to the topic addressed in this research, when he states that open thinking can be achieved through self-reflection, which has a fundamental role in research and development. personal and social. It is a priority that these skills are promoted in teaching.

This way of acquiring knowledge is of great significance for any professional, since it dynamically overlaps with the other ways used; facilitates the juxtaposition and/or subordination of any of them, as required by the self-reflection carried out; It provides the return or advancement of the process in each topic to transform reality and creates new needs for cognitive gain. Likewise, it allows cooperation on the topics addressed and coordination from the needs diagnosed for their improvement, the recurring topics, the forms of approaches and the axiological pedagogical understanding, which sports teachers have to express in their professional performance. The sports teacher must shape his way of thinking and acting in accordance with the social mandate of his profession (Torres, 2022).

Self -reflection leads to self-control. This refers to an improvement in impulse management, emotional self-regulation, planning, self-awareness and social adaptation, which are absolutely essential for human well-being and which are fully in line with meaningful learning for and for life. To acquire good self-control, a good level of internal reflection is required, so the connection between self-reflection and well-being seems evident, aspects that must be reversed in the sports teaching work of the volleyball teachers of Pinar del Río.

However, well-being can become a relatively stable characteristic if we achieve a good relationship with our interior. By achieving this, we will be able to cope with the various experiences that arise throughout our daily lives. This is what personal development consists of, an essential element to be able to face everyday situations and problems. It will be necessary to make difficult decisions, assume a position or a certain point of view and decide the best choice, especially if in recent years the growing interest in sports performance has expanded the number of studies on variables in sports, as Pajuelo and Caparros (2021).

It is then important to connect desires and emotions to achieve personal well-being, and although reflection could seem like an intellectual act, it is an emotional act: detachment plays a determining role when it comes to growing as individuals.

In fact, self-reflection encourages leaving the comfort zone and entering the risk zone, but this is not done anarchically, it is the intention of science, but rather based on studies, analysis and evaluations, regarding themes that come together in the current training process.

The sport has undergone profound changes in recent decades. Globalization has brought another way of thinking and capitalism has influenced our lives to the point of being objects rather than subjects. It is not easy to look inward when the environment forces us to constantly look outward, to compare, to be more successful, more consumers, etc. In the midst of so much information, the tendency of teachers is to cling to old axioms to feel secure, unable to describe reality as it is.

The above shows the need for self-reflection to guide one's own emotions, to be able to understand and accept them, facilitating knowing, projecting, planning, and communicating during sports pedagogical actions.

Self-reflection invites you to detach yourself from certainties, to question rigid thoughts and, at the same time, remember that you are a free being, people with the ability to be autonomous when deciding, without fear of making mistakes; It facilitates the exchange of intuitions and experiences, which, combined with a correct update of the current sports dynamics, provides the sports teacher with tools to be more competent and competitive, as current society demands.

All learning must be continually provided with feedback from the teacher, allowing the students' learning to be evaluated during the process itself, as well as providing new questions and approaches to be resolved (Peña, 2022).

Proof of this is in the analysis of the improvement behavior of volleyball teachers, where dimensions were established in relation to the needs found and it is evident that there are difficulties in all indicators. The most affected indicator is that of the executive-operational dimension, which is related to the linking of improvement content and the solution of training problems.

In short, giving careful attention to the process of improvement facilitates the new relationships that are established in said process from the dynamics of the forms used, oriented towards the interweaving of the self-reflection suggested in them, which admits a more reflective and coherent interpretation with respect to knowledge. acquired, in addition to enriching the teaching of the improvement process of sports teachers. Self-reflection, together with the improvement of the continuing education process, must be a fundamental premise for sports teachers at all levels, closely linked to the plans and programs that are applied, imposed by the incessant development of science and technology, in its search for more effective forms and methods to achieve competitive results based on pedagogical action. Reality demonstrates the need to systematically and systemically establish the process of professional improvement, in order to achieve a sports teacher with a high performance of the actions entrusted to him, in order to provide operational solutions to particular and general problems. of the team he trains.

It is necessary to take into account the pedagogical development of professionals, the lived experiences, the role of the other and their cooperative and developmental learning, which makes it easier for them to learn from mistakes, to correctly organize ideas to face the complex training process. sports, to exchange and promote enriching collective debates, to make your personal and professional space more pleasant.



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Conflicts of interest:

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest of any kind.


Authors' contribution:

The authors participated in the design and writing of the work, and analysis of the documents.


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