Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(1), e3269

Translated from the original in Spanish

Original article

Historical evolution of the humanistic training process at the University of Granma


Evolución histórica del proceso de formación humanista en la universidad de Granma


Evolução histórica do processo de formação humanística na Universidade do Granma


Elieser Lastres Rodríguez1
Rafael Claudio Izaguirre Remón1

1University of Granma. Cuba;


Cite as
Lastres Rodríguez, E., Izaguirre Remón, R.C. (2024). Historical evolution of the humanistic training process at the University of Granma. Mendive. Journal of Education, 22(1), e3269.


Received: November 17, 2023
Accepted: February 14, 2024 



The University of Granma has contributed to the development of the educational potential of the disciplines and subjects that make up the plan of the teaching process of pedagogical careers, in particular the Marxism-Leninism and History Bachelor's Degree in Education to the solution of the professional problems of education in the historical-contextual conditions that characterize Cuban society. Socializing the results of the historical evolution of the humanist training process in the Marxism-Leninism and History Degree in Education of the University of Granma was the objective of this article. In the preparation of the article, methods of scientific research were applied, among which are documentary analysis, criticism of sources, logical history and synthesis analysis that made it possible to determine regularities and trends of the process of humanistic formation in the career under study.

Keywords: humanistic training; stages; milestones; indicators.


La Universidad de Granma ha contribuido al desarrollo de las potencialidades educativas de las disciplinas y asignaturas que conforman el plan del proceso docente de las carreras pedagógicas, en particular la carrera Licenciatura en Educación Marxismo-Leninismo e Historia; y también, a la solución de los problemas profesionales de la educación en las condiciones histórico-contextuales que caracterizan la sociedad cubana. Socializar los resultados de la evolución histórica del proceso de formación humanista en la carrera Licenciatura en Educación Marxismo-Leninismo e Historia, de la Universidad de Granma, constituyó el objetivo de este artículo. En la elaboración del artículo se aplicaron métodos propios de la investigación científica, entre los cuales se encuentran: el análisis documental, la crítica de fuentes, histórico-lógico y análisis- síntesis, que posibilitaron determinar regularidades y tendencias del proceso de formación humanista en la carrera objeto de estudio.

Palabras clave: humanistic training; stages; milestones; indicators.


A Universidade de Granma tem contribuído para o desenvolvimento do potencial educativo das disciplinas e disciplinas que compõem o plano do processo de ensino das carreiras pedagógicas, em particular o Bacharelado em Educação Marxismo-Leninismo e História; e também, à solução dos problemas profissionais da educação nas condições histórico-contextuais que caracterizam a sociedade cubana. Socializar os resultados da evolução histórica do processo de formação humanista no Bacharelado em Educação Marxismo-Leninismo e História, da Universidade do Granma, foi o objetivo deste artigo. Na elaboração do artigo foram aplicados métodos típicos da pesquisa científica, entre os quais: análise documental, crítica de fontes, histórico-lógico e análise-síntese, que permitiram determinar regularidades e tendências do processo de formação humanística no carreira em estudo.

Palavras-chave: humanistic training; stagios; conquests; indicators.



The humanistic character is expressed in the work of the University in the educational dimension, by providing students with qualities that turn them into creative and independent professionals, prepared to assume their self-education throughout their lives. It constitutes the key to understanding that the Cuban university project is not structured only to respond to the needs of the labor market, but that its profile is modeled on the training of a well-rounded professional, by focusing its attention fundamentally on the development of its personality, so that it serves with simplicity and modesty and performs successfully; Therefore, awareness and social commitment as a main priority constitute a significant aspect of their basic training.

In Cuba, the training of the professional and its humanistic approach constitutes a requirement of the socialist social project itself that is being built, implicit in the E Study Plan and the Model of the Professional that is aspired to be trained in the careers. Lastres (2020) considers the need for training that closely links the university and the social context, which enhances knowledge for professional performance in relation to current and future demands; all from the interaction between the subjects and the construction of meanings and senses, which put their personal resources and formative integrality into play.

It aspires to the material and spiritual growth and enrichment of man, overcoming fragmentation and isolation. Sánchez & Pérez (2017), expressed:

The maximum aspiration of humanism in education is the integral formation of the personality of the being and its full realization as a human being, and the cultivation of sensitivity to develop its true creative potential, which can be achieved through the teaching-learning process ( p. 3).

Therefore, it is reaffirmed that for education professionals, mastery of the specialty is not enough, nor is knowledge of the essential motives through which human thought has flowed in its philosophical, economic and socio-political expressions. It is not enough to master the history of pedagogy or contemporary pedagogical trends, nor to instruct thought, it is necessary to educate sensitivity and feeling, cultivate sensitivity so as not to remain limited in the realm of finite knowledge.

The term "humanistic formation", according to Mendoza (2011), suggests integrality, sensitivity, style of thought and action, spirituality; In this case, the center of reflection is teacher training, which involves penetrating the nature of the process of culture and personality formation.

Humanism and its formation as a problem has been analyzed by authors, such as: Hernández & Infante (2015); García, Corrales et al. (2015); Pogolotti (2016); Rodríguez (2018); Lastres (2021), who analyze the problem of humanistic training from an axiological approach. They mean morality and values as elements inherent to the essence of human beings. Other authors such as: Vizcaíno, C., Lasluisa, E., Montoya, J. and Ferrer, E. (2016); Alonso, Martínez and Domínguez (2019) raised the need to think about humanistic training within the University, adapted to the historical-concrete conditions and expressed the importance of the link between the University and society.

In relation to the above, the objective of this article is to socialize the results of the historical evolution of the humanist training process in the Bachelor's Degree in Education Marxism-Leninism and History at the University of Granma.



Among the theoretical methods used are the following:

The following empirical level methods and techniques were also used:

As a methodological procedure, the triangulation of data, methods and theories was used to contrast and integrate the information provided by the sources consulted and the methods used, in line with the selected paradigms, which allows building a global and detailed vision of each particular experience.



The most direct antecedents of the training of teachers of the Bachelor's Degree in Marxism-Leninism and History are found in the training processes of teachers specialized in Geography-History, Marxism-Leninism and Humanities. Starting in 1976, the teacher training system was reorganized and the Higher Pedagogical Institutes were created as independent universities attached to the Ministry of Education. In 1977, the Bachelor's Degree in Education began as a modality for training teachers in unique specialties for all Secondary Education (Basic and Higher) through Study Plan A, lasting four years. In this context, the Bachelor of Education in History and Social Sciences is implemented.

In 1982, Curriculum B was put into effect, with five years of training, and the Bachelor's Degree in Education emerged, specializing in Marxism-Leninism and History, with the purpose of training teachers in both specialties. This will be the starting point for the study of the historical evolution of the object and the field of this research. The period between 1982-2021 was determined, under the criterion of studying the trajectory of the humanistic training of the students of the degree.

For periodization, the criterion of analysis of the most relevant milestones that have influenced the structure of the career and the conditions in which it has developed prevails, which is why it is considered to distinguish three fundamental stages:

First Stage (1982-1989). Humanist training during the emergence and development of the Bachelor of Education degree in Marxism-Leninism and History.

Second Stage (1990-2008). Humanist training in the Bachelor's Degree in Education Marxism-Leninism and History in the 1990s and its subsequent development.

Third Stage (2009-2020). Humanist training during the reopening and improvement of the Bachelor of Education degree in Marxism-Leninism and History.

For the analysis of the stages, the following indicators were selected:

The indicators were determined from the features that characterize the evolution of the educational process in the Bachelor's Degree in Education Marxism-Leninism and History, from the object and field of this research. In addition, the specific historical-social conditions in each stage were assessed; It is taken into account that they reflect the main projects undertaken and that these are related to the conception of man and society to which one aspires, elements that have influenced the constant improvement of the National Education System, as well as the transformations most substantial educational aspects of the career.

First Stage (1982-1989). Humanist training during the emergence and development of the degree in Education Marxism Leninism and History

In the country's Higher Pedagogical Institutes, in 1982, the pedagogical career of Marxism-Leninism and History emerged, which constitutes the milestone in this stage, due to the process of perfecting the higher level of education. The objective was to train teachers for both specialties, who would assume teaching and political-ideological work in General Secondary Education. As a result of these changes, and due to this improvement, Study Plan B came into force, with five years of training. These plans advocated a training system that integrates practice with teaching.

A new scientific-pedagogical foundation would characterize the educational process in the new Study Plan aimed at universities, by distinguishing in its design important elements such as: the specialist model, the derivation of the objectives and the interrelation of the disciplines. However, this plan has a reproductive character, since the role of the teacher is based on the transmission of knowledge and the relationships between teacher and student lack the functional communicative harmony necessary for the optimal formation and development of knowledge, skills, values and ways. of action, based on the well-being of the human being.

The methodological work in the degree during this stage in intra- and extra-university frameworks mostly lacks a systemic approach and intentional planning, which limits adequate direction of the humanistic training process in the degree.

Projection and practice prevail in the educational work of said career. There are good interpersonal relationships between teacher and students; The first is the teaching authority and is not strongly involved in the affective-volitional aspects of the group. Furthermore, although terms such as "formation of humanistic values" are beginning to be discussed, there is no clarity at this stage about the educational aspects of the teaching-learning process, nor the training process regarding humanism.

The pedagogical work is developed as follows: teaching-methodological, scientific-methodological work and methodological preparation. The relationship of these elements with the coherent application of the system approach to the components of the educational process allows us to increase the quality in the training of the students of the program. However, the work in the different technical groups is mainly aimed at the cognitive aspect, in which various teaching and extra-teaching activities are planned, such as: visits to museums, historical places and economic institutions.

From the characteristics of the stage, regularity emerges: the prevalence of academic intentionality in the degree's Study Plans.

Second Stage (1990-2008). Humanist training in the Bachelor of Education Marxism-Leninism and History in the 1990s and its subsequent development

In the 90s of the 20th centuries, important changes occurred in the main aspects of the economic and political-social life of the country. Higher Education also suffers the consequences caused by the collapse of the socialist camp, the intensification of the economic blockade, the threatening attitude of the North American circles of power towards Cuba and, consequently, the deterioration of the economic and social model.

In 1990, Study Plan C was established, which presupposes the milestone of this stage; This is appropriate in 1992, based on a diagnosis of teacher preparation, with the aim of reinforcing the principles and objectives of their training.

The Study Plans put into effect in the 1992-1993 academic year, for all careers, were based on basic principles for the training of pedagogical personnel: ensuring a solid and true political-ideological preparation, training and strengthening of professional motivation, training at work and for work, solid pedagogical and psychological preparation, cultural training of students and mastery of the contents that are worked on at the level for which they are preparing, sufficient flexibility to make it possible to expand or modify the plan when necessary.

In the course, three types of activities were adopted that, in their organization and internal dynamics, allow the appropriation of professional modes of action, framed in the three basic components of the educational process: academic, work and research. Not only the assimilation of knowledge and the development of professional skills, but also humanistic conceptions and values are conceived as important components of the new plans, both in the Professional Model and in the design of the disciplines. The transition from a "participatory pedagogy" to a "committed pedagogy" is then advocated, where the student, in order to meet social objectives and solve social problems, develops as an individual and creates himself.

The 21st century is characterized, at its beginnings and in the light of the Battle of Ideas, by the application of the new model of Basic Secondary School, with the creation of the career of Comprehensive General Teacher (PGI) of Basic Secondary School in 2001 and the beginning of the Universalization of Higher Education in 2002, introduced massively in pedagogical careers, which leads to a new transformation in the teacher training model.

In the 2002-2003 and 2006-2007 academic years, adjustments were made to these study plans as a result of the validation of their structure and components. The conception of the Professional Model was not modified, although the objectives by year were varied based on the change that was made in the structuring of the modules and subjects.

In 2003, with a new modification of the study plans of all Bachelor's Degrees in Education and the definition of a new structure of pedagogical careers, the Bachelor's Degree in Education was created in the Humanities specialty, which covered within its area of knowledge of the disciplines of History and Marxism-Leninism, later opened in terminal profiles by subject, from 2007 until the reopening of the Bachelor's Degree in Marxism-Leninism Education in September 2009.

The determination of professional problems in pedagogical careers is done in accordance with the current needs and perspectives for the improvement of the national education system. It is expressed in terms of contradictions that occur between:

This approach is implemented through the implementation of educational projects, which become the main strategy of each career. The career group, despite having this instrument for educational work, continues with the tendency to prioritize academics to the detriment of the necessary comprehensiveness, both in its projection and in the relationship with other components.

The training elements are implicit in actions that for the most part remain general and also lack independence and originality, since they are planned vertically to the detriment of creativity. Although some actions contribute indirectly or tangentially to the formation of conceptions and modes of action that express respect for the dignity of the human being, their planning is not carried out intentionally, by exalting the importance of knowledge and minimizing the way of acting. of men, as well as the relationships established between them.

The methodological work of the career group is governed by the educational project of the career, from which the year's educational projects and the methodological work plans of the disciplines and subjects are derived; It provides the conception with an adequate system character. However, despite what is stated in the Professional Model, the actions aimed at the formation of convictions and modes of action continue in their generality within the cognitive framework.

There is a lack of coherence and systematicity in the educational aspect, derived from the academic nature of the planned and executed activities. It is valid to clarify that, due to the very content of the degree, the activities that materialize affect humanistic training implicitly.

This Study Plan C foresees, among its fundamental premises, the continuous increase in quality and relevance in the comprehensive training of students and strengthening the unity between instruction and education; For this purpose, it plans to: achieve a higher level of essentiality in the disciplines, perfect the link between the components of the educational process, enhance student protagonism and strengthen humanistic training.

From the characteristics of the stage, regularity emerges: although the study plans are modified, the training elements remain implicit in actions that for the most part remain general; The actions aimed at the formation of convictions and modes of humanistic action lack independence and these continue in their generality within the cognitive framework.

Third stage (2009-2021). Humanist training during the reopening and improvement of the Bachelor of Education degree in Marxism-Leninism and History

The milestone of this stage is marked by the reopening of the degree in the 2009-2010 academic year. In this school year, two adjustments were made to the study plan, one to the entry plan and the other to the transit plan, which consisted mainly of expanding intensive teaching at the headquarters to the first two years and increasing face-to-face university teaching between eight and twelve hours at the Universities of Pedagogical Sciences (UCP) or at the University Headquarters.

The training of professionals in this specialty is restarted in this course under the guidance of the Central Committee of the PCC, in order to train a professional who is characterized by a solid political and ideological preparation, to respond to the preparation needs of Cuban society. Later, in the 2010-2011 academic year, as part of the process of elaboration and implementation of Study Plan D, the training of teachers of Marxism-Leninism and History was restarted with a duration of five years and a new curricular conception made up of a basic, own and optional-elective curriculum. Since its inception, the degree has as invariants the areas of knowledge of History and Marxism-Leninism, general pedagogical training subjects and the work and research component. Its social mandate is the training of highly qualified professionals to direct the teaching-learning process of Social Sciences in Secondary Education.

The experience of more than seven years of application of the current D study plans, with a broad profile training model in the undergraduate degree (already assumed from the C study plans), reveals that an increase in the quality of the teaching-educational process, supported by the results of the accreditations of courses and institutions, teaching reports and balances of compliance with the objectives of the training area; as well as closer collaboration with the production and services sector, in order to achieve greater relevance of the careers. In this new level of development achieved, a series of aspects have been detected in the design and execution of plan D that are not in correspondence with the current reality of the country and the global environment, among which we can point out that:

The object of work of the Graduate in Education Marxism-Leninism and History, according to plan D is the direction of the educational process through the developmental teaching-learning process, it has the mission of contributing to the gradual development and comprehensive formation of the personality of the new generations. Study Plan D was more flexible and dynamic than the previous ones. This plan is structured with a system approach and is integrated by the Professional Model, the Study Plan and the Discipline Programs. The Professional Model includes in its body one of the professional problems of the career: the direction of the educational process with a scientific and humanistic approach.

The methodological work of the career group is governed by the educational project of the career, from which the year's educational projects and the methodological work plans of the disciplines and subjects are derived, which provides the conception with an adequate character of system. However, despite what is stated in the Professional Model, the actions aimed at the formation of humanistic values, convictions and modes of action continue in their generality within the cognitive framework. There is a lack of coherence and systematicity in the educational aspect, derived from the academic nature of the planned and executed activities.

The teaching-methodological function contains the tasks aimed at the educator in training to master the essential actions of teaching and the methodological preparation of the content of the profession, which prepares him to direct the educational process in general, and the teaching process. -learning of the subjects taught in particular, with a humanistic educational content. It includes tasks aimed at preparing the future educator so that he can provide help in the process of developing the personality of his students.

The 2016-2017 academic year begins with the implementation of Study Plan E for all pedagogical careers, the implementation of different transformations: the duration of the initial training period in four years, a reduction in the number of disciplines, subjects and, with it, the number of contact hours and exams per semester. The professional who trains in the Bachelor's Degree in Education Marxism-Leninism and History assumes the teaching-educational process that materializes in the direction of the teaching-learning process of the subjects of the historical cycle and those associated with Marxism-Leninism in the Basic and Upper Secondary Education (technical and professional, pre-university and adults), depending on their humanist, Marti, Marxist-Leninist and Fidelist training; In addition to transmitting culture, it has the responsibility of transmitting moral values.

The conception in the Teaching Process Plan E favors an active teaching-learning process, in which the student is placed at the center of the teaching activity; Transition to higher levels of development is guaranteed, according to their individual potential; promotes independence, self-regulation, autonomy and self-education, in close connection with the necessary processes of socialization, commitment and social responsibility.

The result of the development of the Higher Education system and the current situation exposed demands qualitative changes in the design of current study plans, which imply the improvement of the broad profile training model; focuses on achieving greater relevance of careers and universities to the current socioeconomic needs and demands of the country, on the basis of strengthening lifelong education and the comprehensive training of students, through a teaching-educational process that prioritizes learning and training skills for knowledge management. The above justifies the beginning of a design process for a new generation of study plans. Study Plan E addresses the following premises: the continuous training process of Cuban professionals, the continuous increase in quality in the training process and the concept of comprehensive training.

The training concept integrates the quality of human resources, particularly the faculty and students; optimal use of the material base; and adequate pedagogical and didactic management. Relevance is the concept that characterizes the relationships established between the university and its environment, and is manifested when it truly responds to the interests and needs of its society. It must fulfill its preventive function, of global anticipation, allowing Higher Education to play an active role within society.

According to the new Curriculum E, the conceptual bases that must be specified in the governing documents are: the improvement of the broad profile training model; achieve greater articulation of undergraduate and graduate degrees; achieve effective curricular flexibility; raise the degree of rationality in the design of study plans; achieve a higher level of essentiality in the contents of the disciplines; obtain adequate integration between academic, work and research activities; strengthen humanistic training in all careers. The conception of education on which the training model must be based is humanistic, which implies the formation of a human ideal.



It is about designing a continuous training process for professionals, increasing the quality and comprehensiveness of their training. This made it possible for the methodological plan for the year 2019-2020 to be fulfilled as conceived; However, there are still limitations that deserve to be addressed, which can be seen in the following deficiencies:

The fundamental purpose of the Bachelor's Degree in Education Marxism-Leninism and History is: to train a comprehensive professional, capable of being revolutionary, committed to the comprehensive training of adolescents and young people; base their practice on contemporary conceptions of Pedagogical Sciences; improve the processes of diagnosis, direction, orientation; use the methods of scientific educational research; carry out educational transformations at the level of education where it is performed.

The general objectives to which the training of a professional in Marxism-Leninism and History must respond, according to the Professional Model, are:

The graduate of the Marxism-Leninism and History degree specifies his modes of action in a system of professional pedagogical skills, for the proper direction of these processes, which favors the preparation of adolescents and young people in and for life and considering in their pedagogical process the demands and specific historical-social conditions in which the current Cuban socialist society.

From the characteristics of the stage, it emerges as regularities that the new study plans and the Professional Model direct their intention towards the humanistic training of the professional in training and integrate Martí's conception of preparing man for life, the humanistic essence of Marxism. as a scientific conception of the world, to develop the human personality in the students of the program from a very early stage.

The interpretation and integration of all the documents analyzed allow us to determine the following regularities in the Humanist Training Process in the students of the Marxism-Leninism and History degree at the University of Granma:

The comprehensive assessment of the results obtained in scientific research allows the author to assume, conclusively, that in the period analyzed there are insufficiencies in the pedagogical projection that integrates in a coherent and contextualized manner the contents of humanistic training to guarantee thinking and acting. where the professional mode of action is articulated.

The analysis carried out on the historical evolution of the humanist training process in the Bachelor's Degree in Education Marxism-Leninism and History allows us to determine the following trends:

The study and analysis of the historical evolution of the humanist training process in the Bachelor of Education Marxism-Leninism and History career revealed that: humanist training in this career has gone through three stages in its development, in which a slow evolution is evident. regarding the intentionality, coherence and systematicity with which the actions aimed at this end are conceived in the design of the career, the educational projects and the methodological plans, since the manifestations of insufficiencies in the theory and practice of this educational process continue. Díaz-Canel (2020) means giving high priority to the training and retention of human potential, in the most diverse fields of knowledge and to the continuing education of the population.

Humanistic training constitutes one of the challenges of education at all levels, which is why the need to break with traditional schemes becomes evident. González (2010) affirms that "humanistic training" must be directed towards:

The active participation of the student in their learning, in the communication and cooperation processes based on teamwork, in which everyone can learn from everyone; by promoting the development of critical and reflective thinking that promotes a cognitive and affective approach with the cognitive object for the development of certain attitudes and behaviors (p. 22).

To carry out humanistic training, based on the teaching-learning process, in the particular case of literature, it is important that the teacher provides objective information; but at the same time, gradually increase the participation, reflection, debate, interpersonal relationships of the students, in a way that favors the formation and development of their own criteria, the acquisition of arguments to debate and to be able to make generalizations in which predispositions to a certain action in specific situations and contexts are involved.

Humanistic training must be understood not only in terms of knowledge related to the history of humanity, the process of universal and national culture, the concepts and categories that allow the appreciation of artistic-literary manifestations, updating in the socio-political area. and economic, but also in the judgment, the critical assessment, in assuming the cultural legacy.

It must be kept in mind that the ultimate goal of education is not perfection in school tasks, but preparation for life; not the acquisition of habits of blind obedience and prescribed diligence, but a preparation for independent action.



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Conflicts of interest:

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest of any kind.


Authors' contribution:

The authors participated in the design and writing of the work, and analysis of the documents.


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