Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(4), e3201
Translated from the original in Spanish
Original article
System of activities on the Moodle platform to develop reading comprehension of the English language
Sistema de actividades en la plataforma Moodle para desarrollar la comprensión lectora del idioma inglés
Sistema de atividades na plataforma Moodle para desenvolver a compreensão leitora da língua inglesa
Yanisel Batista Nuñez1
1 University of Moa. Cuba
Batista Nuñez, Y. (2023). System of activities on the Moodle platform to develop reading comprehension of the English language. Mendive. Revista de Educación, 21(4), e3201. |
Received: September 7, 2023
Accepted: September 21, 2023
At the University of Moa "Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez", the performance of Geology Engineering students regarding reading comprehension in English language at the basic level A2, nowadays, does not go with its recently renewed teaching learning process over the basis of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Therefore, there is a need for a scientific solution to this problem so that the development of this ability is favored, as it is vital for the achievement of the lowest communicative competence level required: A2. Hence, this paper aims to present an interactive activities system to foster A2-level-English-language-reading-comprehension development in Geology Engineering students. This was achieved by the use of theoretical methods (historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, document analysis), as well empirical methods (surveys, interviews, observation) and mathematic and statistic methods. The proposal favors English language teaching learning process and its didactics as it is pertinent and offers a direct treatment to the identified reading comprehension development most hindering aspects. Moreover, it evidences potential thriving transformations in the education of language-skilled professionals as it is underpinned by a logic sequence base on preset-by-previously-validated-studies stages, reliable didactic procedures, English language teaching learning process characteristics and the Geological Engineering Major´s professional model.
Keywords: basic level A2; interactive activities; reading comprehension.
En la Universidad de Moa "Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez", el desempeño de los estudiantes de la carrera Ingeniería Geológica en relación con la comprensión lectora del idioma inglés al nivel básico A2, actualmente no se corresponde con las exigencias de su renovado proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje sobre la base del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas. Consecuentemente, se manifestó la necesidad de ofrecer a este problema una solución científica que favoreciera el desarrollo de esta habilidad esencial para obtener el nivel mínimo de competencia comunicativa requerido: A2. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un sistema de actividades interactivas para favorecer el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora del idioma inglés, al nivel básico A2, en los estudiantes de Ingeniería Geológica. Ello se logró a través del uso de métodos del nivel teórico (histórico-lógico, análisis-síntesis, inducción-deducción, análisis documental) y del nivel empírico (encuestas, entrevistas, observación); así como métodos matemáticos y estadísticos. Esta propuesta favorece la didáctica y el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del idioma inglés, debido a que es oportuna y ofrece un tratamiento directo a los aspectos identificados que más dificultan el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora. Además, evidencia potenciales transformaciones favorables a la formación de profesionales competentes en lengua inglesa; se fundamentó en una secuencia lógica basada en etapas predeterminadas por estudios previamente validados, en probados procedimientos didácticos, las características del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del inglés y el Modelo del Profesional de la carrera.
Palabras clave: actividades interactivas; comprensión lectora; nivel básico A2.
Na Universidade Moa "Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez", o desempenho dos alunos da carreira de Engenharia Geológica em relação à compreensão leitora da língua inglesa no nível básico A2, atualmente não corresponde às exigências do seu renovado processo de ensino-aprendizagem baseado no Marco Comum Centro Europeu de Referência para Línguas. Consequentemente, manifestou-se a necessidade de oferecer a este problema uma solução científica que favorecesse o desenvolvimento desta habilidade essencial para obter o nível mínimo de competência comunicativa exigido: A2. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um sistema de atividades interativas para promover o desenvolvimento da compreensão leitora da língua inglesa, no nível básico A2, em estudantes de Engenharia Geológica. Isto foi conseguido através da utilização de métodos ao nível teórico (histórico-lógico, análise-síntese, indução-dedução, análise documental) e ao nível empírico (inquéritos, entrevistas, observação); bem como métodos matemáticos e estatísticos. Esta proposta favorece a didática e o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da língua inglesa, pois é oportuna e oferece tratamento direto aos aspectos identificados que mais dificultam o desenvolvimento da compreensão leitora. Além disso, evidencia potenciais transformações favoráveis à formação de profissionais competentes na língua inglesa; Baseou-se em uma sequência lógica baseada em etapas pré-determinadas por estudos previamente validados, em procedimentos didáticos comprovados, nas características do processo de ensino-aprendizagem de inglês e no Modelo Profissional da carreira.
Palavras-chave: atividades interativas; compreensão de leitura; nível básico A2.
At the University of Moa "Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez" ( UMoa ), the Geological Engineering degree was the first to execute the face2face level course program that, since 2016, has been implemented in Cuban Higher Education, based on the Framework Common European Reference for Languages (CEFRL) (Council of Europe, 2002). Thus, mastery of the English language is established as a graduation requirement, so students must be able to understand and express themselves orally and in writing in this language, efficiently, at a basic A2 level, at least.
In this case, the teaching-learning process of the English A2 course is oriented towards the effective achievement of communicative competence in said language in a natural way, in accordance with the requirements to reach this level, where one of the skills that the student must necessarily develop is reading comprehension. Its development includes learning the necessary vocabulary that must be mastered, as well as the appropriation, recognition and use of the required grammatical structures. In addition, it serves as an instrument to show the writing and even oral production patterns used in the English language, which complements the learning of the rest of the skills; hence the importance of its correct treatment.
Numerous scholars focus their research on this skill, among which stand out, in the international sphere: Alvárez , Romero & Torres (2017), Herrada & Herrada (2017), Laura (2018), and in the Cuban sphere: Antich, Gandarias & López (1986), Vargas & Molano (2017) and Domínguez, Montano & Núñez (2018). Their contributions highlight, from various perspectives, the need to develop the understanding of written texts to promote the development of other language skills and communicative competence.
Despite these valuable contributions, deficiencies persist in terms of the adequate treatment of this skill to ensure that students of the Geological Engineering degree at UMoa deeply understand a text, interpret it and reach their own conclusions. As a consequence, in the 2018-2019 academic year, a factual diagnosis was carried out on 20 of these students who attend English A2 courses , from which the following problematic situation was identified:
Given the situation given by the teaching and evaluation of the English language under the precepts of the CEFR, the limitations to develop reading comprehension in Geology students and the challenges imposed by the current epidemiological situation in Cuba due to COVID-19, the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) as a way for the autonomous development of skills and knowledge, which allows establishing as a research objective: the development of a system of interactive activities to promote the development of reading comprehension of the English language , at the basic A2 level, in Geological Engineering students.
At UMoa the Modular Object stands out Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment or Object-Oriented Modular Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle), as it constitutes the main learning platform that has been adopted in this institution to facilitate the teaching-learning process. This turns out to be very effective in the autonomous training of students, because it has been designed under the approach of social constructivism where knowledge is built from the active participation of the student in the learning process (Pérez, Rojas & Paulí , 2008). Therefore, this was the support in which it was decided to materialize the proposal.
This work was carried out on the basis of dialectical-materialist conceptions, from which the scientific research methods of the theoretical, empirical and mathematical-statistical levels presented below were used:
From the theoretical level
Historical-logical: it was used in the analysis of behavior and historical development in the teaching-learning process of the English language in the Geological Engineering degree.
Analysis-synthesis: allowed the processing and understanding of the information obtained about historical behavior and to establish the trends and concepts of the development of the teaching-learning process of the English language and reading comprehension, as well as to carry out a study of the English A2 course, with the purpose of establishing the most suitable procedure for its development.
Induction-deduction: made it possible, starting from a critical analysis, from a particular level of knowledge to reaching a larger level to determine the generalities and particularities of the teaching-learning process of the English language and the development of reading comprehension, which made it possible to arrive at logical inferences and conclusions.
Document analysis: it was used in the previous theoretical study with the objective of substantiating the relevance of the research topic, as well as in the diagnosis of the problem that was investigated.
From the empirical level
Surveys: were applied to identify the main aspects that hinder and promote the teaching-learning process of the English language, at the basic level equivalent to an A2, in the Geological Engineering degree.
Interviews: were used to identify the opinion of English language teachers about the development of students' reading comprehension, at the basic A2 level and the use of the interactive platform Moodle in the study and self-management of learning.
Observation: it was carried out in classes of the English A2 course in order to compile information about the teaching-learning process of the English language, at the basic A2 level, in the Geological Engineering degree.
Of the mathematical-statistical methods, percentage analysis was mainly used.
The population was made up of 64 students of the Geological Engineering career at the University of Moa "Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez" and the sample was 20 (31%) students from first to third year with whom a diagnosis was carried out that allowed corroborating the nature of the problematic situation and the objective of the investigation.
Diagnosis of reading comprehension of the English language in students of the Geological Engineering career
Responding to the constant process of university improvement that involves the study of the didactic and methodological particularities of the teaching-learning process and the development of students in the certification exams, a characterization of the state of reading comprehension in the English A2 course was carried out. in the Geological Engineering degree at UMoa, which made it possible to analyze its dynamics in detail.
English A2 course were analyzed. In this way, it was revealed that, in its basic bibliography, the textbook face2face (Starter Student `s Book) (Redstone and Cunningham, 2014), the activities that treat reading comprehension do not offer a procedure that does not allow cover the phases and strategies of reading or the different levels of assimilation. Therefore, it is not considered sufficiently in line with the requirements of the CEFR descriptors for this level.
The reviewed lesson plans and course analytical programs stated that there are time limits regarding the amount of content that must be taught. This does not allow efficient treatment of the phases, strategies, vocabulary and linguistic patterns during the time dedicated to reading comprehension.
To collect more information about the state of development of this skill, surveys were applied that were based on the following indicators: correspondence of the teaching-learning process of reading comprehension of the English language with the evaluation descriptors contained in the CEFR; and effectiveness of the exercises and activities contained in the basic textbook for the development of reading comprehension of the English language at the basic level equivalent to an A2.
From the survey that was applied to the 20 students chosen as a sample, the following results were derived: 17 (85%) expressed the limited correspondence between the level of development of the reading comprehension skill they possess and the requirements of the certification exams. The same number of students indicated that the readings and activities in the basic textbook contribute in a limited way to the development of this skill.
Eighteen students (90%) revealed that vocabulary is the main aspect that hinders the comprehension of a text, while 17 (85%) indicated that linguistic patterns and the application of reading strategies represent a significant barrier. Only three students (15%) did not express dissatisfaction regarding the teaching-learning process of reading comprehension and basic bibliography of the English A2 course.
Observation of classes demonstrated the need to dedicate more time to the development of reading comprehension of the English language, since there is not enough space in classes to do it effectively. Jointly, it revealed an insufficient application of text comprehension strategies, which limits the appropriation of vocabulary and the recognition of linguistic patterns that students must master.
An interview was carried out with the three English language teachers who teach in the Geological Engineering degree, in which all of them pointed out that the students show insufficient understanding of texts for the efficient fulfillment of the indicators described in the CEFR corresponding to level A2 and They show insufficient mastery of the vocabulary and linguistic patterns typical of this level. Furthermore, 100% agreed that insufficient use of reading strategies is offered to carry out reading comprehension of the English language and that the activities of the basic textbook reveal a very basic social dynamic that is limited mainly to the level of recognition.
All of the above made it possible to specify that the identified limitations have arisen mainly because there is no necessary correspondence between the aspiration of the Professional Model for the training of students of the Geological Engineering career in the English language and its realization in educational practice. As a result, the English language class space still does not represent the appropriate space to promote the development of reading comprehension skills to the required level, which supports the need to develop a system of activities through the interactive platform Moodle.
System of interactive activities to develop reading comprehension of the English language
To conceive the system of interactive activities, three fundamental concepts were assumed, that of the system: "a set of interrelated components, from a static and dynamic point of view, whose operation is aimed at achieving certain objectives" (Álvarez, 1990) ; that of learning activity: actions that serve to learn, acquire or build the disciplinary knowledge of a subject or subject and to learn it in a certain way, so that it is functional and can be used as a reasoning instrument (Penzo, 2009); and interactivity, by Lamarca (2018), who assured that this concept encompasses both the communicative relationships established between people, which are often established with the use of a technological means, and the relationship between human beings and machines. , that is, the method by which a user communicates with the computer, whether local or remote.
Based on these concepts, the author of this work considered the system of interactive activities as the system of actions through which the student, responding to their needs, appropriates new content through technological mediation.
The proposal was materialized on the Moodle platform, so the student has access to it individually or in groups from their session as part of the independent study. Each activity can be done several times until it is done correctly; Otherwise, you cannot access the next one. To do this, it has a grade that is programmed on the platform and preconceived feedback to improve its performance. The above allows the student to self-evaluate based on their individual and autonomous development. This also allows you to establish the tools you need to function correctly and individually; for example: glossaries, dictionaries, verb conjugation applications, among others.
The last system activities are designed so that written or oral assessments are produced on the text read and responses can only be submitted once. In this case, it is the teacher who can carry out the review, which serves as an instrument to assess and control the real state of student learning.
In general, the activities that make up the system are arranged according to different degrees of complexity so that the student consolidates their knowledge and develops reading comprehension of the English language, at the basic A2 level. For its preparation, the theoretical aspects in the teaching of the English language, the knowledge system, topics covered by the basic textbook, as well as the poor application by these students of reading strategies and the problems that they encountered, were taken into account. face for the assimilation and retention of the vocabulary and linguistic patterns included in the English A2 course. Other proposals regarding language teaching, both native and foreign, were also taken as reference.
With the objective of establishing some of the lexical, morphosyntactic, and didactic-methodological aspects necessary for the design of the activity system, the topics that most interest students and the relevance of the technological variable in which the proposal will be socialized, were used the opinions of the seven English professors from the Languages Department of the UMoa and the criteria of the students of the major in question expressed in unintentional interviews. In addition, the standards of questions for the certification exams prepared by the group of evaluators of the Ministry of Higher Education were taken into consideration.
In the preparation of the activities, the intention of reading, the basic strategies and expectations of application of the textual information and the guarantee of the student's familiarization with the theme of the text were taken into account through exercises that activate the cultural and linguistic elements. required to achieve understanding. An attempt was made to contribute to the development of reading strategies by reflecting the link between cognitive, metacognitive and affective-motivational elements, through the three main phases of reading comprehension that are commonly applied: before, during and after reading.
To develop the system of interactive activities, texts were chosen that met the basic requirements that Antich et al. (1986) established precepts for the selection of appropriate written materials. These must present educational, informative, interesting and age-appropriate content, have linguistic quality, amenity of the content and provide information about English-speaking countries combined with Cuban themes. They are related to topics of the current and everyday context and even to aspects related to geology, so it is understood that they may be of interest to students. Furthermore, they are accompanied by paratexts that support the transmission of information.
As the activity system was designed in a virtual environment, the functional components of the activity that Arcos, Mediavilla & Espino (2020) as well as Díaz (2021) suggest taking into account were also considered: orientation (presentation and representation of the situation and the object of transformation), execution (selection and/or preparation of tasks and/or activities), control (evaluation, feedback and adjustment).
The time in which students must perform each activity was established, taking into account their individual characteristics and the number of times the student can perform each one, although if they do not respond correctly, they cannot perform the next one. Therefore, support materials are provided when an answer is incorrect.
Self-assessment and hetero-assessment are the main forms of evaluation in the proposal. There are activities that the program automatically grades, which allows, above all, the student to evaluate their own development, and others that the teacher must evaluate.
The structure that was taken into account for the preparation of the proposal was based on the indicators and classification proposed by Antich et al. (1986) and the author's particular considerations to meet the objectives of this work and provide its own design in accordance with the stated objectives. Together, the levels of assimilation were considered: recognition, reproduction and application or production. Consequently, the activities were organized within the following classification aspects:
I. Preparatory activities: develop the mechanisms that are part of the reading process and provide the necessary skills to understand the linguistic material. These include reviewing prior knowledge on the topic of the text, fundamental linguistic forms, grammatical patterns, as well as eliminating difficulties of lexical, morphosyntactic, stylistic or textual origin, which may hinder comprehension.
1. Before reading:
a) To anticipate the content of the text.
b) To develop skills in using the dictionary.
c) To develop skills of recognizing words and their meaning.
II. Comprehension activities: develop understanding of the content of the text. They include different forms of interaction with the text, through which information is extracted from it, inferences are made and critical analysis is promoted.
1. While reading:
a) To develop the anticipation mechanism.
b) To establish relationships between sentences and paragraphs.
c) Semantic-grammatical.
d) To develop inference skills in understanding new words.
2. After reading:
a) To check understanding of the text.
b) To work on the subtext.
This structure is conceived as a flexible framework that is designed based on the teacher's creativity, so that it admits the inclusion of other proposals that favor this process. It is applied to the treatment of each text chosen to treat the contents taught in each unit of the face2face basic textbook (Starter Student's Book). Next, it is exemplified with the treatment of the text that corresponds to the contents taught during unit number 7. In some cases, it is exemplified how the activities are displayed on the Moodle platform (figures 1, 2, 3 and 4).
Unit activity system number 7
Unit title: "Love it, like it, hate it!"
Objective: to develop reading skills by using communicative functions related to directions, likes, preferences and ability.
Knowledge system
Vocabulary: things you like and don't like; abilities, prepositions of place, things people do.
Grammar: object pronouns, can for ability.
Reading: Rocks!
We see rocks every day. They can have different shapes, sizes, textures, colors, and uses. We drive on them, build with them, clean with them, and even eat them! There are three types of rocks -sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic -and they are part of our lives every day.
Sedimentary rocks are a mixture of dirt, rocks, mud, shells, and other materials that are on the bottoms of oceans and other bodies of water, and get compacted together over many years. Occasionally, you can see different layers in sedimentary rocks and, sometimes, they have plant or animal imprints! Limestone is a sedimentary rock. Do you know it's in toothpaste, lipstick, and ink too? There is even limestone in fertilizers and sculptures.
The second type of rock is the igneous rock. These rocks originate from magma that cools and hardens. Igneous rocks have glass crystals that contain minerals inside them. They do not usually have layers, and are very smooth. People give many uses to igneous rocks -such as pumice, granite, and basalt. Massage therapists, for example, like using pumice, to clean the skin. We can use granite to make monuments, and basalt is very useful as a construction material, but we can't use it in waterworks.
The third type of rock is the metamorphic rock. These rocks generate when the other types of rocks receive intense heat and pressure. Metamorphic rocks are hard and smooth, like igneous rocks. Some popular igneous rocks are marble and quartzite. Sculptors love marble to make statues because it is beautiful, soft and easy to carve. Jewelers like to use quartzite when they do not have green, purple and pink jade.
Preparatory activities
Activity I
Objective: identify the description of each rock based on the students' prior knowledge to familiarize them with the topic and vocabulary of the text.
Description: students must choose, among the three options displayed on the left, the type of rock that corresponds to each description.
a) Choose the type of rock that corresponds to each description. If necessary, tap on the highlighted words to find their meaning.
1.Sedimentary rocks |
2. Igneous rocks |
3.Metamorphic _ rocks |
b) Place each type of rock next to its correct classification. If necessary, tap on the highlighted words to find their meaning (figure 1).
sedimentary rocks igneous rocks Metamorphic rocks
List: marble, granite, limestone, basalt, quartzite
Fig. 1- View of activity 1b) on the Moodle platform
Activity II
Objective: select the correct translation of each term, based on descriptions, to become familiar with the lexicon contained in the text.
Description: Students must choose from three options the correct Spanish equivalent of the words according to the description offered to them. Then they must group those words into text boxes according to the classifications provided.
a) Read the description of the word and choose its correct meaning in Spanish (Figure 2).
1. Shape (the external form or appearance characteristic of someone or something. A geometric figure such as a square, triangle, or rectangle).
_ Figure _ Formation _Form
2. Size (a dimensions or magnitude; how big something is).
_ Category _ Size _ Classification
3. To cool (to loose heat, to get the opposite of hot).
_ Cool down _ Warm up _ Calm down
4. Hard (something firm, resistant hard, not easily penetrated).
_ Soft _ Hard _ Consolidated
5. Glass (a material produced by fast cooling of magma. A hard, transparent or translucent material consisting typically of a mixture of silicates).
_ Glass _ Plastic _ Rubber
6. Waterwork (big mechanisms, or set of equipment for the distribution of water).
Architectural work Masterpiece _Hydraulic work
7. Soft (something pleasing or agreeable to the senses that makes people feel comfort).
_Soft _ Rough _ Hard
8. Jeweler (a person who works with precious stones and metals to make rings, watches, bracelets and other body ornaments).
_ Plumber _ Engineer metallurgist _ Jeweler
9. To carve (to work as a sculptor).
_ Digging _Sculpting _Digging
Fig. 2- View of activity II a) on the Moodle platform
b) From words on item a) find
1. A pair of anthonyms:
2. An occupation:
3. All the nouns:
4. Two verbs:
5. An adjective:
Comprehension activities (During the lecture)
Activity III (figure 3)
Objective: determine the correct answer among several options from a list, to become familiar with the grammar and lexicon contained in the text.
Description: Students must drag, from a list, the correct phrase or word that completes the sentence from the context it offers. Then they must recognize their function and group them according to the groups that are defined, as well as find other words in the text that have the same function.
a) Drag the word(s) from the list that completes the fragment of the text into the blank space.
1. We see rocks ____________. They can have different shapes, sizes, textures, colors, and uses. We drive ______ them, build with them, clean with them, and even eat them!
2. ____________three types of rocks -sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic- and they are part of our lives every day.
3. Sedimentary rocks _______ a mixture of dirt, rocks, mud, shells, and other materials
4. Occasionally, you ________ see different layers in sedimentary rocks.
5. Do you know it's in tooth paste, lipstick, and ink too? __________ even limestone in fertilizers and sculptures.
6. Igneous rocks have glass crystals that contain minerals inside ___________. They do not usually have layers, and are very smooth.
7. _______can use granite to make monuments, and basalt is very useful as a construction material, but we __________ use it in waterworks.
8. Sculptors love marble to make statues because it ____ beautiful, soft and easy to carve.
List: are, them, there is, there are, can, can't, on, is, we, every day
Fig. 3- View of activity III a) on the Moodle platform
b) Match words from the list in item a) with its corresponding group.
Verb to be |
Express existence |
Modal verb |
Preposition |
Adverbs of time |
Pronoun |
object Pronoun |
c) Scan through the text and find other words that correspond to the following groups.
Adverbs of time Preposition Pronoun Staff object Pronoun
Activity IV (figure 4)
Objective: infer the meaning of the terms using the grammar and lexicon contained in the text to apply them in new situations.
Description: Students must infer the meaning of the words according to the context provided by the text.
a) Read carefully the paragraph and mark the correct choice.
1. According to paragraph 2 a mixture is
_A type of medicine that we need to shake before we use it.
_A combination of colors.
_A combination of elements or substances.
2. According to paragraph 2, what is an imprint?
_An event or experience that you cannot forget.
_A publisher's name on the title page of a book.
_A mark that an animal or a plant left by pressing a part or organ on a surface.
3. According to paragraph 3 we can translate pumice as
Fig. 4- View of activity IV a) on the Moodle platform
After reading
Activity V
Objective: analyze the content of the text based on the questions to develop judgments and arguments, summarize and compare.
Description: Students must answer questions, both direct and indirect, from the text, complete a table that summarizes the content of the text and establish similarities and differences.
a) Read carefully the entire text and answer the following questions.
1. Can rocks be different? Support your answer.
2. How many types of rocks are there?
3. What are sedimentary rocks?
4. Do you think all sedimentary rocks look the same? Why or why not? Support your answer.
5. In which common products can we find sedimentary rocks?
6. What are the main features of igneous rocks?
7. Can we find items made from igneous rocks in public places? Support your answer.
8. Can a rock transform into another type of rock? Explain.
9. Are all the three types of rock completely different? Why?
10. Can we use metamorphic rocks to add beauty to rings or places?
b) Use the answers from questions on item a) to complete the following chart that summarizes the text.
Types of rocks |
Characteristics |
Common uses |
Sedimentary |
have layers |
to make statues |
c) Aid on answers from items a) and b) to establish the similarities and differences between the three types of rocks.
Rocks |
Similarities |
Differences |
Activity VI
Objective: evaluate the content of the text to make judgments.
Description: Students must reach conclusions based on the information offered by the text and their prior knowledge of the topic.
a) After reading the text Rocks! Provide your considerations about the following questions. Be sure you explain your answers. Tap on the highlighted words to find their meaning.
1. Does the use of rocks help to promote development?
2. Can rocks contribute to improving people's lives?
3. Do you think rocks should be substituted by artificial materials in the construction industry?
4. What else do you wonder about rocks after reading the passage?
This research shows the need to continue strengthening the teaching-learning process of the English language in the English A2 course, according to the CEFR descriptors, in the Geological Engineering degree at UMoa.
Reading comprehension is an irreplaceable resource for learning, since when reading not only knowledge is expanded, but skills are acquired to synthesize, interpret, analyze, reflect and make judgments, which develops individuals as autonomous beings capable of interact with other members of the global community (Moncada, 2013). However, in the classes of the English A2 course, reading comprehension reveals a dynamic practically limited to the level of recognition, which does not comply with the descriptors that the CEFR (2002) provides on the activities related to this skill that the student can carry out. user; Because although it must be dealt with simple and brief texts, not only must information be extracted, but the comprehension process must be carried out. Consequently, it is necessary to take reading to higher levels, despite dealing with texts of low complexity.
Given the identified limitations and the great challenge that Higher Education faces today to evolve towards more effective practices, that are up to the constant changes, at the pace of today's society, and that correspond to the needs of the new generations, Learning management systems such as the interactive platform Moodle constitute an alternative that contributes to the development of reading comprehension skills in the English language. However, this must be used on the basis of solid didactic foundations, such as a logical sequence, stages and procedures such as the use of reading strategies and phases that authors such as Núñez & Martín (2011) and Quimbiulco (2016) have proven to be effective.
The above is necessary, because the development of this skill must be in correspondence with the characteristics of the teaching-learning process of this language, in this case, at the basic A2 level. In addition, it must have a structure that favors the appropriation of knowledge. Hence, aspects such as the application of stages allow the reading comprehension activities to be aligned with the educational objectives of the course and the level of progress of the students with respect to the rest of the skills.
Consequently, the system of activities to promote the development of reading comprehension of the English language, at the basic A2 level, is an alternative that aims to develop this skill, by emphasizing the aspects identified that make this process most difficult for Engineering students. Geological and which, when materialized in the interactive platform Moodle, counteracts difficulties such as space-time and promotes self-learning.
This proposal allows us to address some of the weaknesses of the renewed teaching-learning process of the English language, taking into account the Professional Model of the Geological Engineering career at UMoa. In particular, it integrates essential aspects of the teaching-learning process of the English language, specialty topics and ICT, to better satisfy the needs of each student.
On the other hand, the automation of the evaluation and feedback of most activities allows both the student and the teacher to easily assess and control the real state of learning. Therefore, this proposal constitutes an alternative to promote the development of reading comprehension of the English language, in correspondence with the A2 level descriptors proposed by the CEFR for this skill. Its application enriches the teaching-learning process of the English language, because it encourages the development of one of the skills necessary to achieve communicative competence.
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Conflict of interests:
The author declares that she has no conflicts of interest.
Authors' contribution:
The author participated in the design, analysis of the documents and writing of the work.
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