Mendive. Journal on Education, july-september 2021; 19(3): 920-935
Translated from the original in Spanish
Professional pedagogical competences of the graduate in education, economy. Didactic Strategy from the Political Economy
Competencias profesionales pedagógicas del Licenciado en Educación, Economía. Estrategia didáctica desde la Economía Política
Competências profissionais pedagógicas do Bacharelado em Educação, Economia. Estratégia didática da Economia Política
María Caridad Medina Hernández1
Ismary Fabé González1
Juan Alberto Mena Lorenzo1
1 University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Cuba. ; ;
Received: May 30th, 2021.
Approved: September 06th, 2021.
The article addressed an essential problem in the initial higher-level training of technical and professional education teachers: the training of pedagogical professional competencies. The objective was to develop a Didactic Strategy that, from the teaching-learning process of the Political Economy subject, contributes to the formation of the aforementioned competencies in first-year students of the Bachelor of Economics Education at the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". The dialectical-materialist method was used as the methodology that guided the entire process, following a mixed approach, supported by qualitative methods (historical-logical, analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive, modeling and systemic structural-functional) and quantitative (review of documents, interview, survey and observation); the results were analyzed from multiple triangulation of sequenced data. As a result, a didactic strategy was obtained preceded by theoretical antecedents with a brief analysis of the competences in their evolution, ranging from how they have been developed in Cuba, to those of a pedagogical nature in the university. The strategy also has a structure that starts from the introduction where the foundations of the same are determined, the diagnosis that identifies the existing strengths and weaknesses, the general objective, oriented to the teaching-learning process of Political Economy, the strategic actions specific based on the formation of productive, interactive and specifying pedagogical professional competencies, with their respective operations in students of Bachelor of Education. Economy, as well as its evaluation
Keywords: Profession objects of the Bachelor Education career; Economy; Didactic Strategy; competences; Training of pedagogical professional competences.
El artículo abordó una problemática esencial en la formación inicial de nivel superior de los docentes de la educación técnica y profesional: la formación de competencias profesionales pedagógicas. Se propuso como objetivo: elaborar una Estrategia Didáctica que, desde el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la asignatura Economía Política, contribuya a la formación de las referidas competencias en los estudiantes de primer año de la carrera de Licenciatura en Educación, Economía, en la Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Fue utilizado el método dialéctico-materialista como metodología que guió todo el proceso, siguiendo un enfoque mixto, apoyado en métodos cualitativos (histórico-lógico, analítico-sintético e inductivo-deductivo, modelación y sistémico estructural-funcional) y cuantitativos (revisión de documentos, entrevista, encuesta y la observación). Los resultados fueron analizados a partir de triangulación múltiple de datos secuenciados. Como resultado, se obtuvo una estrategia didáctica precedida por antecedentes teóricos con un breve análisis de las competencias en su evolución, que va desde cómo se han desarrollado estas en Cuba, hasta las de carácter pedagógico en la universidad. La estrategia cuenta, además, con una estructura que parte de la introducción donde se determinan los fundamentos de la misma, el diagnóstico que identifica las fortalezas y debilidades existentes, el objetivo general, orientado al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Economía Política, las acciones estratégicas específicas en función de la formación de competencias profesionales pedagógicas productivas, interactivas y especificadoras, con sus respectivas operaciones en los estudiantes de Licenciatura Educación, Economía, así como la evaluación de la misma.
Palabras clave: objeto de profesión de la carrera Licenciatura Educación; Economía; Estrategia Didáctica; competencias; Formación de competencias profesionales pedagógicas.
O artigo abordou um problema essencial na formação inicial de professores de nível técnico e profissional: a formação de competências profissionais pedagógicas. Foi proposto como objetivo: elaborar uma Estratégia Didática que, a partir do processo ensino-aprendizagem da disciplina de Economia Política, contribua para a formação das referidas competências em alunos do primeiro ano do Curso de Bacharelado em Educação, Economia, no Universidade de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". O método dialético-materialista foi utilizado como metodologia que norteou todo o processo, seguindo uma abordagem mista, apoiada em métodos qualitativos (histórico-lógico, analítico-sintético e indutivo-dedutivo, modelagem e sistêmico estrutural-funcional) e quantitativos (revisão de documentos, entrevista, inquérito e observação). Os resultados foram analisados a partir de triangulação múltipla de dados sequenciados. Como resultado, obteve-se uma estratégia didática precedida de antecedentes teóricos com uma breve análise das competências em sua evolução, desde a forma como foram desenvolvidas em Cuba, até aquelas de caráter pedagógico na universidade. A estratégia possui também uma estrutura que parte da introdução onde se determinam os fundamentos da mesma, o diagnóstico que identifica as forças e fragilidades existentes, o objetivo geral, orientado para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da Economia Política, as ações estratégicas específicas baseadas na formação de competências profissionais pedagógicas produtivas, interativas e especificadoras, com a respetiva atuação em alunos de Bacharelado em Educação, Economia, bem como sua avaliação.
Palavras-chave: profissão objeto da carreira de Bacharelado; Economia; Estratégia didática; competências;Formação de competências profissionais pedagógicas.
Contemporary society, also called the knowledge society, is characterized by high scientific-technological development, which requires educational systems around the world to train professionals who are increasingly competent and committed to their social mandate. In addition, they are capable of directing the teaching-learning process (PEA) in order to model worker-producer citizens who understand and transform their socioeconomic reality (Berrios, Arazola, & Pantoja, 2020).
In this sense, the initial training of the education professional imposes academic and scientific challenges depending on their preparation to introduce changes in their professional activity, in which the development of pedagogical professional competences occupies an essential place and a challenge for pedagogical groups from the universities. It is here where the university acts as a dynamiting element of the progress of society and, its faculty, as a fundamental pillar in this mission (Tiza, Campos & Castellón, 2016; Ruiz & Aguilar, 2017)
Faced with such a responsibility, the initial training of teachers constitutes a problem of great topicality and national and international relevance, which is debated and studied by researchers from various angles. This process has been treated by different authors (Addine, Recarey, Fuxá and Fernández, 2006; Abreu and Soler, 2015; Berrios, Arazola, & Pantoja (2020), among others). Its results address the need for improvement in professional pedagogical training, based on debates focused on defining it as the period in which the cognitive, evaluative, technical and professional bases of the future performance of the teacher are laid as actions that start from the beginning in the PEA of each university career (Díez, 2020).
In a particular way, the professor of the Bachelor of Education, Economics career, is in charge of contributing to the political, ideological and professional development of the student, with a high preparation in the technical specialty and experience acquired at work, in its relationship with the technology and the dynamics of the labor entity. In addition, they must have a high socio-psycho-pedagogical preparation, which facilitates the technical-professional training of their students, with updated knowledge about their field of professional performance, paying attention to the development of values, attitudes and professional skills (Núñez , 2017).
Consequently, the PEA of the Bachelor of Education career. Economy, must guarantee the formation and development of competent professional performance modes in students as an essential condition to be consistent with the socially constructed professional performance model Núñez (2017).
To this end, the Political Economy course provides students with the necessary tools for their future professional performance, reinforcing the love of the profession and work as the cornerstone of a hierarchy of values associated with the socio-labor context, based on a formative PEA, with a professional pedagogical approach (Abreu & Soler, 2015). The Bachelor of Education, Economy, must be able to educate comprehensively, to the extent that he or she shows to be a competent professional.
Coupled with this, this teacher in training for Technical and Professional Education (ETP), from the very PEA of his career, must face and solve social problems included in the qualifiers of the profession's position (professional problems), based on his preparation in the didactics of technical branches, related to the projection of PEA activities in technical subjects and taking into account the requirements of the ETP process.
These elements highlight in the current educational arena the importance and need for the formation of professional pedagogical competencies in the students of the career.
Beyond the diversity of opinions, international trends in recent years mark an increase in the use of the term competence as a pedagogical category, assumed by the Work Sciences (Climent, 2017; Cueto, Piñera and Bonilla, 2020; Casillas, Cabezas , Ibarra, & Rodríguez, 2020). In correspondence with this, the study of the term has become essential in relation to updating and permanent framing in the teacher training process (Tejada and Ruiz, 2018; Casillas, Cabezas, Ibarra and Rodríguez, 2020).
Then, the conception of the PEA of the career, its disciplines and subjects require, in a permanent way, the development and coherent and integrated updating of the didactic strategies based on the formation of pedagogical professional competences (Torres, 2017; Díez, 2020; Rivera , 2020). Thus, students will be able to acquire gradually and progressively, from the 1st year of their career, the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary to solve the typical problems of their profession from the consequent integration of their professional knowledge (Mena and Mena, 2019).
However, the reality of the formation of professional pedagogical competencies in the subjects of the Bachelor of Education, Economics, University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", shows another situation. An initial exploratory study of the PEA of the Political Economy subject showed a group of deficiencies that express problems in the organization and didactic-methodological projection of the process of formation of such necessary competencies.
The shortcomings identified spoil the necessary strategic thinking of teachers to direct the actions that, from the Political Economy subject, contribute to the formation and development of professional pedagogical competencies in the students of the career under study.
In response to this need, the objective of this article was aimed at the development of a didactic strategy that, from the PEA of the Political Economy subject, contributes to the formation of professional pedagogical competencies in first-year undergraduate students in Education, Economics, at the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"
The research followed a mixed approach supported by quantitative and qualitative methods for the search, processing, analysis and interpretation of information. The study was carried out in the Bachelor of Education and Economics career at the University of Pinar del Río, during the period 2018-2020. From the beginning, the dialectical-materialist method was assumed as the methodology that guided the entire process, which was very useful in the construction of the new knowledge necessary for the solution of the research problem.
From the theoretical level, the historical-logical were used that allowed us to know some of the most important antecedents of the concept of competence in its transition from the world of work to the educational world. Likewise, the analytic-synthetic and inductive-deductive methods made it possible to study the essential characteristics of professional pedagogical competencies and their training, from the systematization of the criteria and positions of the selected authors until they assumed their own positions, as well as the study of the regularities of the process in pedagogical practice, according to the results of empirical methods. This made it possible to establish generalizations in relation to the characteristics of the process of training professional pedagogical competencies from the Political Economy subject.
Likewise, the modeling and systemic-structural-functional methods were used which, after logical reflection on the initial preconceived idea and mentally represented in an abstract way, allowed the gradual regulation of strategic relationships and actions that, with a systemic character, characterize the strategy from a process of successive approximation, from the idea to the final proposal.
After knowing the theoretical information related to the essential antecedents of the object and, defining the variable under study as a result of the systematization, a group of methods of the empirical level were used. The application, as an investigative methodology, of a multiple triangulation of sequenced data began with a review of the main documents of the degree, among which are: the Study Plan and the subject program, which were sufficient to know the projection in the curricular order of the object studied. With this information, an interview was carried out with the eight teachers participating in the study. Its main purpose was related to the knowledge about their criteria about the work they carry out based on the formation of professional pedagogical competencies in the students of the career and their particularities, in relation to other careers.
Once the results of the interview with the teachers had been processed, a survey was applied to the 19 students of the group that received the Political Economy subject at the time of the investigation. With it, its criteria were sought about the work of the teachers of the subject on the work for the formation of pedagogical professional competencies. Likewise, their criteria were obtained about the usefulness of the contents of the subject for their future teaching work in the ETP.
In order to contrast the information obtained from teachers and students and to seek other perspectives, an observation was finally made of 24 teaching activities of the Political Economy subject at certain times of the course.
In all cases, the methodology followed, as well as the construction of the instruments, responded to the nature of the measured variable, in turn, facilitated the construction of the didactic strategy, from its essential foundations to the proposal of strategic actions.
As a starting point and applying the methods of the theoretical level, the specialized literature on the subject dealt with in pedagogical practice was analyzed, in order to offer theoretical foundations to the proposed didactic strategy.
For most of the authors referred to in advance, it is possible that there is no more used word, in the debates on vocational training or training for work, than the concept of competence. The study carried out makes it possible to ensure that competition enters the socio-labor arena in recent decades as a characterizing terminology of the integral worker and in terms of offering a response to the multiple problems and uncertainties, typical of socioeconomic development, that involve technological change with the consequent transformation in the organization of the production and/or service processes and the human resources that participate in them.
Never, as before, has the need to produce more with higher quality and offer more effective services put representatives of the world of work, jobs and vocational training systems before the dilemma of demanding new assets from professionals in all areas.
The permanent productive reorganization of the current labor entities, caused by the also permanent technological and organizational changes, together with the relative loss of importance of the traditional production factors (land, labor, capital and working human beings), as well as the increase of the relative importance of others linked to knowledge, technology, management and development, requires today's professionals to face and solve specific situations and problems, increasingly related by complexity and the need to integrate diverse knowledge. For this, the professional must possess a set of properties or assets in constant reform, depending on the complexities that may arise in the socio-labor environment.
To this end, the traditional and static grades, endorsed by formal curricula, diplomas or school certificates, do not respond to these problems.
As a result, employers look to the professional for competence over qualification, they also demand competent rather than qualified workers from vocational training. Like qualifications, competencies are defined in the labor market, but, unlike qualifications, they are not assets of the job, rather they are attributes, properties to be learned by the professional that allows them, rather than their performance in the position, their mobility in a professional family (Mena and Mena, 2019). Hence the importance of the training of competences from the university educational systems.
Obviously, in the determination of competences and their learning, consistency is required between the productive and services sector and the education sector. Although the first is the origin and end of the competences, the second has the responsibility, in close relationship with the first, of building the necessary interaction between knowledge, skills and values that guarantee the integral formation of the professional.
For various authors, they conceptualize competence as a general ability; others consider it a unique psychological category or configuration.
Competence is considered as a mental structure typical of the genetic endowment of the subjects, however, it is only activated through the performance-communication relationship (as a social construction that demands the interaction between subjects), which becomes a high meaning for professional training based on the confrontation and solution of professional problems.
On the basis of the above reasons, the study of the term competence is considered necessary due to its status as an essential category and its updating and permanent framing in the teacher training process.
However, the competent professional concept is preferred, insofar as it refers to those trained workers, who carry out their professional activity with high levels of performance, as well as in any of its meanings. In relation to this, when referring to pedagogical professional competences, the results warn about the usefulness of continuing to work on skills training, since the former lack a coherent theory to be used as part of the pedagogical and didactic work in the process of training of education professionals in the Cuban context.
Despite this, in the formation of literary competence, the scientific advances that, from the didactic point of view, have been achieved are recognized, by agreeing that forming professional pedagogical competencies does not mean giving up skills. This vision allows harmonizing the instrumental cognitive component with the attitudinal evaluative from the curriculum itself, reaching the discipline and the subject, which highlights the intentionality from the interrelation of the components of the PEA.
As can be seen, there is an indisputable relationship between the competence and the professional performance of the teacher. Seen from this perspective, it would be sufficient to evaluate professional performance (as expressed in the evaluation systems in the Cuban Ministries of Education and Higher Education) to make judgments about the level of development reached by professionals in training. This variable would express whether the subjects are competent or not, then the integration between knowledge and values is achieved in the same way, assuming the affective and cognitive components of the ability.
The pedagogical professional competences allow solving the problems inherent to the pedagogical process in general and to the teaching-learning process in particular, in the context of the school educational community and in correspondence with the model of the education professional, with the purpose of promoting the integral development of the personality of the students.
A point of view about how to classify and assume the treatment of pedagogical competences is observed in several criteria established about five competences that must be formed in teachers, which are:
These last three have been selected by the authors to develop a didactic strategy in the first year of the Bachelor's degree in Education, Economics, depending on the object of their pedagogical profession.
Thus, the pedagogical professional competences allow solving the problems inherent to the pedagogical process in general and the PEA in particular, depending on the model of the ETP professional to be achieved. The permanent evaluation of professional performance (process and result) will be necessary to know to what extent competences are being formed and perfected until excellence in educational work is achieved.
In this sense, it agrees with Cueto, Piñera & Bonilla (2020), In relation to the necessary preparation and responsibility assumed by teachers to face and solve, independently and creatively, the problems related to the object of their teaching profession in different contexts of action (school, family, community) and in correspondence with the demands of the socio-educational system.
Regularities of the application of multiple triangulations of sequenced data obtained by empirical methods
The results of the triangulation show a group of deficiencies in the PEA of the Bachelor of Education, Economy, related to the formation of pedagogical professional competencies. Among the most significant for the study are:
- There is a great contradiction in teachers who recognize the importance of the formation of competences; however, the curricular conception weighs the formation of skills.
- In the didactic and pedagogical order, the intentionality of the skill as a component of the content prevails, over the competition.
- Both the methodological indications and the strategies of the careers, disciplines and subjects, as well as the programs, although they state some competencies, continue to be aimed at developing general and specific professional skills.
- Despite recognizing the global trend that competency training has in the educational arena, there is no projection of professional improvement and sufficient methodological work to prepare teachers for the training of professional pedagogical competencies.
- The career professional model is not conceived on the basis of pedagogical professional competencies.
- Insufficient guidance from the career group and the main integrating discipline, about the object of the profession that characterizes the curriculum.
- Insufficient strategic projection of the subjects of the career from the necessary relation object of science-object of the profession.
- Inadequate didactic-methodological integration in the Political Economy subject for the formation of pedagogical professional competences from the permanent study of the career professional model.
As can be seen in the nature of the shortcomings, most of them are related to the organization, projection, development and evaluation of the PEA based on the formation of professional pedagogical competencies. Therefore, once the results of the theoretical study and the current state of the variable under study have been analyzed, the transformation of the educational reality is proposed based on a didactic strategy.
Proposed didactic strategy
To respond to the shortcomings previously detected, a didactic strategy is proposed that contributes to the formation of professional pedagogical skills of the graduate in Education, Economics.
Different authors conceive strategy as a way to plan and direct actions to achieve certain objectives and whose essential purpose is the transformation of the research object from a real state to a desired one, hence they are always conscious, intentional and directed to the problem solving practice, with a high sense of social commitment.
From the didactic point of view, Addine, Recarey, Fuxá, & Fernández (2006) suggest that a strategy is made up of a series of more or less extensive and complex integrated sequences of selected and organized actions and procedures that, taking into account all the components and stages of the pedagogical process, allow to achieve the proposed educational purposes, criteria assumed in the article.
In consonance, the author conceives the didactic strategy as a system of sequenced, integrated and contextualized theoretical-practical activities of actions and procedures to implement the PEA of Political Economy for the development of pedagogical professional competences in the students of the Education, Economy career , taking into account the application of the principles, contents, methods, means and forms of evaluation as part of the curriculum, hence it is designed with the following structure:
Following these criteria, the didactic strategy is structured as follows:
I- Introduction
The proposed strategy and its specific strategic actions, in addition to the theoretical foundations systematized as a result of the study, are based on:
- The systemic, integrating and contextualized nature of the PEA of Political Economy for the formation of pedagogical professional competences in students of the Bachelor of Education, Economy career
- The dialectical relations of the actions and operations sequenced of the pedagogical professional competences of said PEA
- The relations of cooperation and collaboration from the PEA of Political Economy, both in the presence and in the semi-presence.
- The regularities of the ETP, consisting of the following relationships: competent professional profession; professor of the polytechnic school - student of technical and professional education - tutor of the labor entity; the process of technical and professional education - other socioeconomic processes in their continuity and dynamics; the objective - content - methods - conditions - results of the technical and professional education process.
II- Diagnosis
The existing strengths and weaknesses are identified to implement the strategy and its structuring based on the application of techniques. The relationship object of science-object of the profession is taken into account, as well as the preparation that teachers of the subject have for working with these technical specialties.
- Recognition of the need to improve the PEA of Political Economy for the process of training professional pedagogical competencies in students of the career.
- Importance of developing a strategy that is structured into specific actions for the process of training professional pedagogical competencies in teachers in career training
- Motivation for the implementation of the strategy in the career, as well as the willingness of the teachers to collaborate with the implementation of it.
- Insufficient mastery by the teachers of the subject on the characteristics of the professional model, as well as the object of the career profession.
- Insufficient interdisciplinary relationships between the main integrative discipline (DPI), its subjects and the Political Economy subject.
- Insufficient didactic-methodological preparation of the group of teachers to develop a professionalized PEA based on the object of the profession, so that it allows training professional pedagogical competencies.
- Insufficient preparation of teachers in training for the Bachelor of Education, Economy, professional pedagogical skills that allow them to solve professional problems that arise.
III- General Objective
Develop the PEA of Political Economy for the formation of professional pedagogical competences in the professors in training of the Bachelor of Education, Economy, University of Pinar del Río, taking into account the relation object of science-object of the profession.
IV - Specific strategic actions
Oriented to the PEA of Political Economy from the curricular dimension as a dynamic element of said process for the development of pedagogical professional competences.
Strategic action 1: Development of a teaching-methodological preparation with the teachers of the Political Economy subject and the Main Integrative Discipline (DPI) for the process of training productive, interactive and specifying pedagogical professional competencies.
Specific objective. Improve the PEA of the teachers of the Political Economy and DPI subject for the formation of productive, interactive and specifying pedagogical professional competences that must be worked in the context of the Education, Economy career.
The projection of this action requires taking into account the indications of the Ministry of Higher Education for teaching-methodological work, the responsibility with the continuous improvement and improvement of the quality of the PEA, the aspects of the DPI program and that of Political Economy. Likewise, it takes into account, according to the diagnosis made, the didactic preparation and the ability to give output to the contents according to the context in which the teachers work, as well as the accumulated experience. In general, it attends to the main priorities and needs of this process, related to the contextualization of the contents, according to the characteristics of the grade.
To develop this specific strategic action, the following are proposed as operations:
- Design and implementation of a methodological meeting with the participation of teachers of the Political Economy subject and those of the DPI to systematize the knowledge about productive, interactive and specifying pedagogical professional competences that should be worked on in the Bachelor of Education, Economy, from the contents of the Political Economy course and taking into account the characteristics of the career.
- Development of interdisciplinary workshops in which the teachers of the subjects that make up the group of the Political Economy and IPD subject participate, in order to analyze: the object of the profession, the professional model, the professional problems of the career, as well as the methodological treatment to be followed in order to provide the content in a contextualized way based on the knowledge of the pedagogical professional competences. Under this condition, the specific and professionalized features express the necessary contextualization that the direction of the activities by the teachers of the subject must have, so that their contents have significance for the students.
- Development of forms of methodological work such as methodological and open classes and methodological workshops, which allow perfecting the PEA to form productive, interactive and specifying pedagogical professional competencies.
Once the teachers of the subject have been prepared in the professional pedagogical order, the following strategic action is oriented according to the teaching activities of the PEA of the subject. As part of the organization of the system of teaching activities based on the didactic workshops and their operations, three stages have been conceived:
Orientation-organization. It constitutes the starting point and development premise of the entire process. It presents a clear image of the PEA of the career and the professional model, which contributes to its orientation towards the process of training professional pedagogical competencies, the determination of professional problems, the objectives, and the content to work and the methods to be used depending on the interactivity, productivity and specificity of the training.
Execution-development. Aimed at achieving the appropriation of the content of each activity, measured in the comprehensive technical and professional development manifested by the students. It focuses on working with the content, in order to solve the professional problems rose that contribute to the formation of the selected pedagogical professional competencies, thereby achieving the planned objectives.
Control-valuation. The progress of the action is followed; the results obtained are compared with those expected. The correction is established, both in the guiding part and in the executing part. Self-control, self-worth, Meta cognition and self-regulation are reinforced and developed. The results achieved individually and in groups are checked.
Strategic action 2: Development of teaching activities based on didactic
workshops, which contribute to the formation of productive, interactive and
specifying pedagogical
Specific objective. Systematize the knowledge about the productive, interactive and
specifying pedagogical professional competences that distinguish the teacher in training from the
Bachelor's degree in Education, Economy.
The workshop has been chosen as a form of organization, taking into account that this type
of class aims for students to apply the knowledge acquired in the different disciplines to
solve problems of the profession, based on the link between the academic components,
investigative and labor. The workshop contributes to the development of skills for the comprehensive
solution of professional problems in a group, for the group and with the help of the group,
where professionalized interdisciplinary relationships prevail.
The classes, based on this organizational form, help the formation
of professional pedagogical competences that are intended to form for the understanding of students about
the context in which they develop and will intervene as productive teachers and promote
technical-professional learning, as well as give the student the opportunity to pose problems that must
be solved in the context where it develops with a culture of sustainability.
Likewise, this organizational form allows promoting group work, interaction, collectivism,
love and understanding towards others, based on communication and understanding with the
other. In the case of this proposal, trainer software is used on Didactic Unit No. 2, of the Political
Economy subject program that will facilitate the apprehension of said interactive competences by
mediating technology in the acquisition of knowledge of this competence, its content and those of
the subject.
It is important to highlight the usefulness of the workshop as an organizational form
depending on whether the students come to master the particularities and specificities of the profession
in which they are trained, so the projection of professional problems, the objectives and the
content of each activity must allow the establishment of interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary
relationships that respond to the purpose of the profession.
All of the above is specified in three operations:
- Preparation of the system of teaching activities of the unit to systematize the
knowledge about the pedagogical professional competences, based on activities of an
intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary nature, sustained in the use of the trainer software, that promote
the interactivity of the students from the experiences of the profession, productive in their
training, which distinguish the teacher in training from the career of Education, Economy.
- Development of the system of teaching activities of the unit to systematize the
knowledge about the pedagogical professional competences from intradisciplinary and
interdisciplinary activities, sustained in the use of the trainer software, that promote the interactivity of
the students from the experiences of the profession , productive in their training, which
distinguish the teacher in training from the Education career. Economy.
- Control-assessment of the results of the systematization of the students' learning
about the professional pedagogical competences systematized in each teaching activity of
an intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary nature developed, sustained in the use of the
trainer software, that promote the interactivity of the students based on experiences of the
profession, productive in their training, which distinguish the teacher in training from the
Education, Economy career.
V-Strategy evaluation
Objectives. Evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy, both in its procedural nature
and in its results.
It is evaluated, taking into account the achievement of the objectives set for each of the
specific strategic actions, based on the improvement of the process under study and taking into
account the stages identified and founded in relation to the PEA of the subject Political Economy for
the process of training professional pedagogical competencies.
The evaluation of the proposed strategy, without ignoring the important systematic evaluation
of the teachers on the development of the students, requires the analysis in the group of the
year and that of the subject, supervised from the main integrating discipline. In it, the objectives to
be achieved in the PEA of the subject are determined, based on the results of the
comprehensive diagnosis of the teachers in training of the Bachelor of Education, Economics, the objectives to
be achieved in the PEA of the subject, according to the identified stages, expected
results, determination of the activities to evaluate and selection of methods to measure the
effectiveness of the strategy.
The evaluation of the strategy is conceived from the analysis of the results of the application
of each of the specific strategic actions for the development of the process under study.
In the evaluation, the teacher plays an important role, in his capacity as guide, mediator
and measurer of the gradual and progressive development of the students, who performs
systematic control actions that favor the reorientation of the progress of the training process and the
awakening of processes metacognitive reflection in an increasingly collaborative context.
In the analysis of the results of the process carried out, they coincide with the
of Berrios , Arazola ,
& Pantoja (2020), regarding the need to
model producer citizens who understand their socioeconomic reality and transform it.
This element must be addressed from the initial university training itself, as it is the period
in which the cognitive, evaluative, technical and professional bases of the future performance
of the ETP professor are laid, in each career (Addine, Recarey, Fuxá and Fernández, 2006;
Abreu and Soler, 2015; Berrios, Arazola & Pantoja 2020; Díez, 2020), among many others.
Both for training and for the development of skills, education allows building the
necessary interaction between knowledge, skills and values
that guarantee the comprehensive training of the professional, which is why authors such as Cueto, Piñera & Bonilla (2020) consider it
necessary to study of the term "competence", due to its status as "... essential category and its
permanent updating and framing in the teacher training process". Hence the importance of the training
of competences from the university educational systems (Ruiz & Aguilar, 2017).
The theoretical analysis carried out around the object of the research demonstrated the need
for the formation of productive, interactive and specifying pedagogical professional
competences, from the PEA of Political Economy for teachers in training of the Bachelor of Education,
Economics career.
Such assumed competencies were prioritized: productive, interactive and specifying, as
they enthrone with the professional model that is required in this future ETP teacher (Sotomayor
and Águila, 2021).
However, the significance of the professional content is not enough for the appropriation
of competences by students. Developing competencies requires the reinforcement of the
pedagogical process with the use of existing technologies and the creativity of teachers. In this
direction, there are authors such as Rivera (2020) as well as Casillas, Cabezas, Ibarra, & Rodríguez
(2020), who defend the use of ICT in teaching work, as long as they respond to the needs of the
content and its utility.
This leads to the need to professionalize the entire PEA, in the pedagogical careers of
university training for ETP, as an indispensable condition for the appropriation of professional
content (Mena and Mena, 2019)
In this sense, the initial training of the education professional imposes academic and
scientific challenges depending on their preparation to introduce changes in their professional
activity. There is no doubt that the training of pedagogical professional competencies occupies an
essential place and constitutes a challenge for the cloisters of the Universities that have the
responsibility of training ETP teachers. Not only it is important the domain of their subjects, as significant
as it is the permanent knowledge of the professional models of each career, the object of
the profession and its permanent transformations.
Thus, forming professional pedagogical competencies in a pedagogical career for ETP
implies, first of all, its mastery by university
teachers. A condition that implies permanent
improvement in the pedagogical and technical and professional fields, so that they can systematically
generate the didactic strategies necessary for their training, in students.
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Conflict of interest:
Authors declare not to have any conflicts of interest.
Authors´ Contribution:
The authors prepared the article, complying with the different actions corresponding to this purpose.
This work is under a licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
Copyright (c) María Caridad Medina Hernández, Ismary Fabé González, Juan Alberto Mena Lorenzo