The Humble Origen of Science

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Juan Alberto Mena Lorenzo
Carlos Alberto Gato Armas


This paper reflects on the science as a collective work that emerged from the humblest classes. It does not mean to ignore the relevant role of the so - called “men of science”. However, it tries to highlight the contribution to the scientific, technical, a nd technological development made by manual workers, artisans, peasants, merchants, and people with a low cultural level or illiterate. That is, those who made the difference with the intellectual work. In short, it is highlighted the basic role of humble workers in the historical development of sciences, no matter what their object of study was.


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How to Cite
Mena Lorenzo, J. A., & Gato Armas, C. A. (2012). The Humble Origen of Science. Mendive. Journal on Education, 11(1), 78–83. Retrieved from


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