The formation of a concept frames, different looks of the same end

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Sandra Martínez López
María Magdalena López Rodríguez del Rey


The search for a concession on the concept of training, its definition as a pedagogy category and the different approaches that, from Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and Pedagogy are carried out on the subject, constitute the analysis that is illustrated in this article, where, in addition, binding synergies for the development of children, adolescents and young people are established because of the training process. Without forgetting the reference to the different educational actors that, from the school, the family, and the community, focus the process on the internalization of knowledge, norms, modes of action, skills, and values, while the student is assumed as the center of education in the effort to promote their independence, their autonomy, and their active, proactive, and creative insertion in society. The bibliographic evidence that supports the systematization in this study shows the conceptual complexity, as well as the various positions that are assumed in accordance with the intention and scope of the training, by placing it as the center of the educational process and highlighting its importance in the task of training man for his insertion and contribution in more just, responsible and equitable societies; in clear correspondence with its historical and cultural context, of which it must also consciously be the protagonist.


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How to Cite
Martínez López, S., & López Rodríguez del Rey, M. M. (2021). The formation of a concept frames, different looks of the same end. Mendive. Journal on Education, 19(4), 1376–1387. Retrieved from


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