Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(3), e3914

Translated from the original in Spanish

Book presentation

Professional skills, competencies and training for entrepreneurship


Habilidades profesionales, competencias y formación para el emprendimiento


Habilidades profissionais, competências e treinamento para o empreendimento


Jaciel Salgas Díaz1

1University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Pinar del Río, Cuba.


Bibliographic record

Cala Peguero, T. M., Gougoulakis, P. (Comp.) (2023). Professional skills, competencies and training for entrepreneurship.
Pinar del Río: Editorial LiberCiencia. ISBN: 978-959-16-5055-9


In a world where change is the constant and adaptability is a necessity, the proposal offered with the title Professional skills, competencies and training for entrepreneurship emerges as a necessity and essential guide for those who seek not only to survive, but to prosper in the professional world and the academic field. In this text, its compilers offer, from their vast experience, knowledge and strategies for the development of key skills in the 21st century.

With an extension of 394 pages and the participation of thirty authors with proven experience in these topics, 11 investigations and 10 reviews are offered that address, from the Educational Sciences, different proposals with validated relevance. From the beginning, the authors establish a tone of urgency and relevance, arguing that vocational training cannot be static in current contexts that, incidentally, evolve rapidly.

Through its pages, the book addresses topics such as digital skills, self-regulation of learning and the importance of lifelong learning. Others are based on concepts for the articulation of organizational forms of the educational process for different levels, as well as different views on training processes from psycho-pedagogical orientation, attention to special educational needs, the transition to Higher Education from an inclusive approach. In current contexts and the development of digital skills in the midst of the new lights of this century such as science and open education.

It begins with a discussion of the importance of digital competencies in the modern world, arguing that technological fluency is as crucial as traditional literacy. The authors present methods for integrating these skills into formal and informal education, highlighting the need for a practical and applied approach.

Self-regulation of learning is another central theme of the book. The authors describe how individuals can take control of their educational process, setting goals, monitoring their progress, and adjusting their strategies to achieve effective learning. This approach promotes independence and adaptability, essential qualities for any entrepreneur.

Lifelong learning is presented as a necessity in a rapidly changing labor market. The book provides strategies to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and knowledge, emphasizing that learning does not end with graduation, but is an ongoing process throughout one's professional life.

The work is distinguished by its holistic approach, considering entrepreneurship not only as business creation, but as a mentality that can be applied in various professional contexts. The authors emphasize the need to cultivate an entrepreneurial "know-how," characterized by proactivity, creativity and self-efficiency. This approach is complemented by "knowing how to know", which involves the application of economic and financial knowledge in practice.

Another notable aspect of the book is its ability to integrate theory and practice from a dialectical unity. Through case studies and concrete examples, such as the analysis of the Greek context, the authors illustrate how different approaches and realities influence the training of competent professionals. This approach allows readers to visualize how the competencies discussed can be applied in real and varied situations.

Furthermore, the book does not simply describe skills and competencies in the abstract; it offers a clear path for its acquisition and development. From a multidisciplinary approach it covers, from secondary education to Higher Education, focusing on the evaluation of learning in foreign languages, self-regulation of learning and emotional orientation. The writing of this text is designed to be both informative and operational, providing readers with tools and techniques to improve their training and professional performance.

In conclusion, Professional skills, competencies and training for entrepreneurship is a work that transcends the academic field to become an essential practical resource for anyone interested in entrepreneurship, whether they are educators, students or active professionals. Reading offers a fresh and necessary perspective to navigate the challenges of our era, where it is presented as a key tool for those seeking to develop essential skills and competencies for entrepreneurship.

This text not only focuses on traditional vocational training, but also places great emphasis on digital competencies, self-regulation of learning and lifelong learning. It is a comprehensive resource that prepares readers to meet the challenges of the future. It is a must-read for educators, students, entrepreneurs, and professionals who want to lead in their fields and succeed in an ever-changing world.

You can consult it from the following link:


Conflict of interests:

The author declares not to have any interest conflicts.


Authors' contribution:

The author designed and wrote the presentation of the book.


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