Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(3), e3779

Translated from the original in Spanish

Original article

Alphabetic code method of literacy for the second year of Basic Education in Ecuador


Método del código alfabético de lectoescritura para segundo año de la Educación Básica de Ecuador


Método de alfabetização do código alfabético para o segundo ano da Educação Básica no Equador


Leticia Lorena Paredes León1
Lorena Alexandra Castillo Pinzón1

1Bolivarian University of Ecuador. Ecuador.;


Cite as
Paredes León, L. L., Castillo Pinzón, L. A. (2024). Alphabetic code method of literacy for the second year of Basic Education in Ecuador. Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(3), e3779.


Received: February 19, 2024
Accepted: June 22, 2024



The alphabetic code method is of great importance in the context of Elementary Basic Education, based on the constructivist model. The objective of the article was to socialize about the relevance of the alphabetic code method in the teaching-learning process of literacy in the second grade of Basic Education, using a playful strategy. The methodology used was mixed, using theoretical methods, such as historical-logical, inductive-deductive, modeling and the systems approach, empirical and statistical, which allowed us to base the topic addressed and know the current state of the literacy process in the population and selected sample. The type of research that was carried out was non-experimental, descriptive and field, which made it possible to find the theoretical and practical bases and foundations for the improvement of the educational environment, considering that the results obtained demonstrated the weaknesses in reading and writing and the use of traditional methods. in the area of Language and Literature at the “Cristóbal Colón” Educational Unit, located in the Salcedo canton. A playful strategy was then designed based on the alphabetic code method, for literacy in the second grade of the aforementioned educational institution. This strategy included various teaching resources such as the mobile alphabet, proposed by María Montessori and its implementation in educational practice. The proposed recreational strategy was theoretically validated through the consultation of specialists, thus demonstrating the relevance of its introduction in educational practice, with which it was proven that the alphabetic code method contributes to the strengthening and development of skills, abilities, abilities, attitudes, aptitudes and competencies of students in the area of reading and writing.

Keywords: playful strategy; alphabetic code method; literacy.


El método del código alfabético reviste gran importancia en el contexto de la Educación Básica Elemental, sobre la base del modelo constructivista. El objetivo del artículo fue socializar acerca de la pertinencia del método del código alfabético en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la lectoescritura en segundo grado de la Educación Básica, utilizando una estrategia lúdica. La metodología empleada fue mixta, usando métodos teóricos, como el histórico-lógico, el inductivo-deductivo, la modelación y el enfoque de sistemas, empíricos y estadísticos, los cuales permitieron fundamentar la temática abordada y conocer el estado actual del proceso de lectoescritura en la población y muestra seleccionada. El tipo de investigación que se realizó fue no experimental, descriptiva y de campo, que permitió encontrar las bases y fundamentos teóricos y prácticos para la mejora del entorno educativo, considerando que los resultados obtenidos demostraron las debilidades en la lectoescritura y el uso de métodos tradicionales en el área de Lengua y Literatura en la Unidad Educativa "Cristóbal Colón", ubicada en el cantón Salcedo. Se diseñó entonces una estrategia lúdica basada en el método del código alfabético, para la lectoescritura en el segundo grado de la institución educativa citada. Esta estrategia incluyó diversos recursos didácticos como el alfabeto móvil, propuesto por María Montessori y su implementación en la práctica educativa. La estrategia lúdica propuesta fue validada de forma teórica a través de la consulta de especialistas, demostrándose así la pertinencia de su introducción en la práctica educativa, con lo cual se comprobó que el método de código alfabético tributa al fortalecimiento y desarrollo de las destrezas, habilidades, capacidades, actitudes, aptitudes y competencias de los estudiantes en el área de la lectura y escritura.

Palabras clave: estrategia lúdica; método del código alfabético; lectoescritura.


O método do código alfabético é de grande importância no contexto do Ensino Básico Fundamental, pautado no modelo construtivista. O objetivo do artigo foi socializar sobre a relevância do método do código alfabético no processo de ensino-aprendizagem da alfabetização na segunda série da Educação Básica, por meio de uma estratégia lúdica. A metodologia utilizada foi mista, recorrendo a métodos teóricos, como o histórico-lógico, o indutivo-dedutivo, a modelização e a abordagem sistémica, empírica e estatística, o que nos permitiu embasar o tema abordado e conhecer o estado atual do processo de alfabetização da população. e amostra selecionada. O tipo de pesquisa realizada foi não experimental, descritiva e de campo, o que possibilitou encontrar as bases e fundamentos teóricos e práticos para a melhoria do ambiente educacional, tendo em vista que os resultados obtidos demonstraram as fragilidades na leitura e na escrita e a utilização de métodos tradicionais na área de Língua e Literatura na Unidade Educacional "Cristóbal Colón", localizada no cantão de Salcedo. Foi então desenhada uma estratégia lúdica baseada no método do código alfabético, para a alfabetização do segundo ano da referida instituição de ensino. Esta estratégia incluiu diversos recursos didáticos como o alfabeto móvel, proposto por María Montessori e a sua implementação na prática educativa. A estratégia lúdica proposta foi validada teoricamente através da consulta a especialistas, demonstrando assim a relevância da sua introdução na prática educativa, com a qual se comprovou que o método do código alfabético contribui para o fortalecimento e desenvolvimento de competências, habilidades, habilidades, atitudes, aptidões e competências dos alunos na área de leitura e escrita.

Palavras-chave: estratégia lúdica; método de código alfabético; alfabetização.



The alphabetic code in the teaching-learning process of reading and writing is of great importance for the educational quality that boys and girls require today, considering that it contributes to the development of their initial skills, in terms of the systemic interaction of reading. and writing in Elementary Basic General Education.

In the process of acquiring the alphabetic code, it has been shown that students, by strengthening this skill, are able to read without syllable, an action that does not occur when linguistic awareness has not been adequately developed, the evidence of which shows continuous errors in the reading.

The development of phonological, semantic, lexical and syntactic awareness is carried out effectively and efficiently in the first years of learning if the phoneme and grapheme are carried out in a binding way, giving rise to the strengthening of essential aspects: knowing how to read, knowing writing, in favor of a written culture, because these contents "are interdependent among themselves, but, at the same time, they are independent for their teaching, because when reading is taught, writing is not taught. Or when the alphabetic code is taught, neither reading nor writing is taught; the phoneme-grapheme relationship is taught" (Mena Andrade, 2019, p. 3).

In this way, the United Nations Organization for Culture, Sciences and Education maintains an expectation that children in the region learn and have knowledge of the alphabetic code, through the link between the phoneme and the grapheme.

Under this context, the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, in Art. 347 promotes the eradication of functional illiteracy; For this reason, the Ministry of Education of Ecuador, in compliance with its powers and powers prescribed by law and constitution within the National Curriculum for Basic Elementary General Education, proposes "using the alphabetic code autonomously in writing" (Ministry of Education of Ecuador, 2021, p.

Didactic educational resources are pedagogical support that reinforces the teacher's performance, optimizing the teaching-learning process. Among the educational didactic resources are: audiovisual material, computer teaching aids, physical supports and others, which will provide the trainer with help to develop their performance in the classroom. "These resources are designed by teachers responding to the requirements of the program, motivating and awakening the interest of students to strengthen the teaching-learning process, allowing the articulation of the theoretical contents of the subjects with practical classes" (Vargas Murillo, 2017, p.

Didactic resources in the teaching-learning process are understood, then, as the set of physical or digital materials that aim to arouse the interest of learners, since they are inserted into their physical and psychological conditions, contributing significantly to the acquisition of new knowledge.

The importance of using teaching resources in second grade students focuses on the continuous stimulation of the boys and girls' sensory organs and their perceptions, since, through this, the application of the alphabetic code method becomes simple, viable and timely.

The functions of the teaching resources must take into account the group to which it is directed, in order for this resource to be truly useful. Among the functions of teaching resources are: "a) provide information, b) fulfill an objective, c) guide the teaching and learning process, d) contextualize students, e) facilitate communication between teachers and students, f) bring ideas closer to the senses, g) motivate students" (Vargas Murillo, 2017, p. 2).

All the functions described above help to strengthen the relationship between reading and writing, through the use of didactic resources, specifically digital ones, under the demands of today's world; since its application in the teaching-learning process, at any time and educational stage, brings with it a series of advantages in favor of meaningful learning for students.

Likewise, the acquisition of one's own knowledge is encouraged; because, as the theorist Vygotsky stated, the entire psychological development of the human being is the result of the mediation exerted on the subject by other people, objects, instruments, signs and their meaning, which takes place in the interaction between a developing subject and others. In this direction, the teacher has a fundamental role with the use of appropriate teaching resources and the students through collaborative work in the school group (Quintana Herrera, 2019, p. 15).

All of the above reinforces the importance of applying the mobile alphabet proposed by María Montessori for the process of teaching reading and writing, since this didactic resource was applied to teach sounds, letters and words, linguistically and playfully evidencing the relationship. that exists between the two processes.

The Montessori method stipulates learning through experimentation, because children, when manipulating the letters with their hands and forming words, relate the sound with each of them, learning on their own, just as Montessori maintained; because knowledge must be found in the child's IQ through prior knowledge to give rise to reasoning and critical thinking.

Various investigations have been carried out on the use of the Montessori method that, when systematized, allowed us to know the general characteristics of this method: taking advantage of the sensitive periods of the boy or girl, because it is the moment when the student is receptive to learning, motivated and with great enthusiasm for reading and writing, identifying in some way with what he is learning. It also points to the autonomy of the student, who decides to learn, turning his back on what is forced or obligatory, because he does not attribute any value to the acquisition of knowledge.

Of vital importance is the establishment of a conducive environment, designing strategic places in the classroom with didactic material that is adequately displayed, making teaching and learning viable individually and collectively at any time.

María Montessori's theory maintains that learning should be centered on the student, encouraging their active participation and eliminating all types of rote actions, which has given rise to the Montessori method, called the Method of Scientific Pedagogy, since it induces observation and experimentation, promoting a carefully prepared environment that encourages progress from simple to complex activities. (…) For María Montessori, the mobile alphabet allows children to understand the relationship between sounds and letters in a more effective way than traditional teaching based on memorization (Yagual Cedeño, 2023, p. 269).

This method is based on mobile literacy, since it is a teaching resource that allows boys and girls to have a direct relationship with sounds, letters and later syllables or words to give rise to reading and writing, through letters in high relief. This didactic resource, through the senses, allows students to achieve meaningful learning, according to the theory of David Ausubel, who states that "it is understood that a theory of school learning that is realistic and scientifically viable must deal with the complex and significant that verbal and symbolic learning has. This reference was initially called the theory of meaningful verbal learning" (Rodríguez Palmero, 2011, p. 3)

Likewise, this method assumes that the type of learning arises from the application of the constructivist model proposed by Piaget, who maintained that knowledge arises from the construction that each individual carries out when acquiring information from the environment and social interaction, while Vygotsky complements this theory by saying that "knowledge is a process of interaction between the subject and the environment, but the environment understood as something social and cultural, not just physical" (Payer, 2020, p. 1).

Therefore, Piaget defends that learning must be individualized, because each child is a different universe; Therefore, their cognitive process develops differently, allowing them to learn according to their own pace and time, being an active part in the acquisition of knowledge and the protagonist of it, ensuring that knowledge is lasting by being assimilated through their senses.

The alphabetic code method provides ways, procedures, ways of doing, which in a systemic integration with the other components of the teaching-learning process allows the application of various recreational techniques to fulfill its purposes and objectives; and alleviate the ravages of the pandemic and then the post-pandemic due to COVID-19 in terms of literacy; especially those related to learning the alphabetic code, a traditional and ambiguous model, lack of motivation and the lack of effective teaching resources within the educational context.

As a result of an exploratory study carried out on the literacy process, particularly in the "Cristóbal Colón" Educational Unit, located in the Salcedo canton, during the 2022-2023 school year, based on the observation of Language and Literature classes, the documentary analysis, a survey of the students' parents and an interview with the teachers, it was possible to verify a problematic situation centered on the application of a traditional model in the teaching-learning process of reading and writing, which does not promote learning. meaningful through the playful linking of reading and writing as processes in dialectical interaction. Furthermore, the non-use of the alphabetic code method in the degree of study or of recreational activity as a motivating agent was confirmed.

Therefore, the objective of the article is to socialize about the relevance of the alphabetic code method in the teaching-learning process of literacy in the second grade of Basic Education, using a playful strategy.



The research used a mixed, qualitative and quantitative methodology, to collect relevant information, with a non-experimental design carried out in the "Cristóbal Colón" Educational Unit of the Salcedo canton, during the 2022-2023 school year, through a type of descriptive research, which allowed us to point out the characteristics and real educational situation of the population and specific sample. 37 students and one teacher from the area of Language and Literature participated in the field research. It should be clarified that it is a school with low enrollment in general; In the second grade there are only two groups, and only one Language and Literature teacher, and it is located in a high-risk area from a socioeconomic and cultural point of view.

The theoretical methods that were used were the following:

Historical-logical: facilitated the study of the theoretical and conceptual foundation of the alphabetic code, its conception as a method and its implications in the teaching-learning process of reading and writing.

Inductive-deductive: allowed the development of a thorough, deep and direct analysis of the topic raised, through a logical and ordered structure that contains general, particular and singular concepts for the application of the alphabetic code method in the teaching-learning process of literacy.

Analysis-synthesis: helped identify, plan, organize, structure and synthesize the teaching-learning process of literacy through the alphabetic code method.

Modeling: allowed the execution of abstractions and generalizations that demonstrate the viability and projection of the alphabetic code method in the teaching-learning process of literacy, based on the design of the playful strategy.

System approach: it was applied to give rise to the orderly and chronological integration of the results obtained in the development of the research. In addition, it was used to determine interdependence, self-determination, autonomy, subordination and direct link with the playful strategy.

The empirical methods used were the following:

Direct observation: allowed the researcher to obtain first-hand information about the teaching-learning process of literacy in second grade, from the actions of students and teachers in the Language and Literature class.

Document analysis: made possible the review of curricula and programs, as well as access to the curricular plans of the area of Language and Literature, of the second grade, and the legal prevalence of the alphabetic code method in the teaching-learning process of reading and writing.

Survey: led to an individualized approach with the parents of second grade students, knowing their appreciation of the literacy development of their children or tutors, and their knowledge of didactic procedures to reinforce literacy at home.

Interview: helped to obtain information from the teacher in the area of Language and Literature of the population investigated, and to assess from a didactic point of view the development of the teaching-learning process of reading and writing and the use of the alphabetic code method in their classes.

The research carried out observed the parameters of research ethics, among which it was possible to distinguish: respect, honesty, confidentiality, of each and every one of the people who took part and participated in the field research, who freely and voluntarily accepted the informed consent for data collection and diagnosis on the topic addressed.



Below, the results obtained in the diagnosis on the current state of the literacy process in second grade, parallel "A" of the "Cristóbal Colón" Educational Unit of the Salcedo canton, are presented by applying the specified empirical methods and the evaluation of the information obtained.

In the documentary analysis, the National Curriculum of Ecuador for 2022 was reviewed, with emphasis on competencies; the Language and Literature area program; second grade curricular planning and learning platforms. In all of them, the development of the literacy process was prescribed; However, precise guidelines, procedures, ways of conceiving teaching tasks were not given for the use of the alphabetic code method, which influenced the continuous use of traditional methods and procedures, foreign to the most up-to-date contributions of the ludic of the language.

By applying direct observation to 37 second grade students, parallel "A", the researcher was able to show the following findings: student participation was not active in 76%, sometimes in 19% and was not active in 5 %; Active participation was not present in the teaching-learning process of literacy, because the students did not show interest in learning, the classes were repetitive, monotonous and rote, a situation that caused problems in literacy due to the lack of understanding and assimilation of the knowledge, since what was learned became momentary and useful only in the short term.

The emotions for the learning of boys and girls in Elementary Basic Education are transcendental, they encourage their participation and the capture of the instructions in an easy and agile way. However, it was evident that there was demotivation in the classroom due to the way in which the reading and writing process was planned, resulting in 81% being unable to perform teaching tasks, sometimes 14% and yes, 5%, which brought with it the development of the teaching-learning process of reading and writing.

One of the main objectives established in curricular plans is that students can read and write correctly. To this end, the use of recreational and practical activities is guided to strengthen the skills of the second grade boys and girls, a discreet aspect in the classes observed, which is why the students, not trained in this type of activity, were unable to perform it by 81%, sometimes by 14% and yes by 5%. This happened because they showed that there is confusion between what they hear and what they write, in the oriented teaching tasks.

The alphabetic code method is not used in the teaching-learning process of reading and writing correctly, because it does not link phonemes and graphemes, so it is not prioritized for students to identify sounds and shapes of letters to later form syllables, then words. and finally sentences attributing meaning. However, in reality, the linking of phonemes and graphemes was not used for teaching the alphabetic code in 95%, it was sometimes done in 5%, a result that, when analyzed, allowed us to understand that this is one of the problems that make it difficult for children to read and write correctly.

Therefore, it is concluded that the method used was not appropriate, since only on rare occasions did the teacher manage to encourage students towards their learning, she did not facilitate reflection about oral language, based on identification, combination or segmentation of various lexical units from words, in favor of the development of communicative skills.

In this research, a survey was also applied to the parents of second grade students, parallel "A" of the "Cristóbal Colón" Educational Unit of the Salcedo canton, being able to distinguish the following results. To question number 1, about how you would rate the methodology used by the teacher to apply the alphabetic code, it was obtained that the highest ranking response was a regular rating with 81%, followed by bad at 11%, and good by 5%, because the excellent alternative obtained no value.

This means that the methodology used by teachers to apply the alphabetic code method in the teaching-learning process was regular. This happened because the teachers, when practicing a traditional educational model, forced the student to memorize the alphabetic code and not its logical application in the production of meanings.

Regarding question number 2, about the frequency with which their children had confusion in the reading and writing process, the majority response was the alternative always in 67%, almost always in 14%, almost never in a 11% and never 8%. This happened because the phoneme and the grapheme were not taught in a binding way with the alphabetic code, resulting from an inappropriate and rote methodology that separated the phoneme from the grapheme.

Regarding question number 3 about satisfaction with your child's current performance in the literacy process, the response with the highest score was 79% not very satisfied, followed by 16% dissatisfied and 16% satisfied. 5%, and the highly satisfied alternative was worthless. The above reaffirmed that parents did not appreciate adequate literacy development.

The interview with teachers, in this case the teacher who taught the subject of Language and Literature in the second grade, parallel "A" of the "Cristóbal Colón" Educational Unit of the Salcedo canton, was aimed at collecting information about the methods used in the literacy process and the inclusion of recreational activity.

Regarding the first question, about the application of the alphabetic code method in the teaching-learning process of reading and writing, the teacher stated that this process aims to teach children the alphabet, making them learn the letters and telling them how to do it. They must write and read. However, he did not emphasize the relationship of phonemes and graphemes with the alphabetic code and, as a contradiction, expressed that teaching must be carried out separately, since each one represents its own method in itself. The first thing was that reading and writing are not methods per se, and were processes that complement each other dialectically. In this way, the need for linguistic and recreational preparation in teachers was evident.

The second question of the interview focused on the way in which linguistic awareness was developed in the teaching-learning process of literacy. The response was obtained that this type of consciousness was promoted through the application of the alphabetic code, which used to be grouped and applied as the student acquired a greater degree of knowledge; but there was no emphasis on teaching procedures, resources, necessary teaching tasks, and evaluation and control of the process.

The third question was related to the application of recreational activities in the alphabetic code method in the teaching-learning process of literacy. The response was obtained that the activities carried out were diverse, such as drawing the letters on the blackboard or making the students repeat the letters repeatedly. The scarce use of playful activity was evident, the lack of originality and creativity in the construction of teaching tasks based on games, and the conceptual and procedural confusion, because some examples pointed out by the teacher were not exactly playful activities.

These results demonstrated the insufficiencies in the literacy process, which allowed us to propose a playful strategy based on the alphabetic code method for the development of the literacy process in second grade, from parallel "A" of the "Cristóbal Colón" Educational Unit from the Salcedo canton, of Basic Education in Ecuador.

The playful strategy based on the alphabetic code method for the development of the literacy process in second grade is structured in different stages.

I. Diagnosis

In this stage the objective was to evaluate the current state of the literacy process in second grade, the results of which were previously reflected, and were taken into account in the present stage.

II. Planning

In this stage, actions were designed to implement the recreational strategy based on the alphabetic code method for the development of the literacy process in the second grade of parallel "A" of the "Cristóbal Colón" Educational Unit of the Salcedo canton, of Basic Education in Ecuador.

Consequently, three moments were specified, as described below:

First moment: corresponded to the before, that is, planning game-based learning through the mobile alphabet for teaching the alphabetic code in the literacy process.

Second moment: referred to during, this moment being opportune for the student to actively participate in the acquisition of their own knowledge, through the use of the didactic resource called mobile alphabet. To do this, first of all, we assume the fact of proposing a specific challenge for students to execute and interact directly; secondly, establish the rules of the game, so that the student knows the mechanics and rules of the game, avoiding inconveniences and delays; and, thirdly, create a reward system, so that the student remains motivated, thus showing greater skills for learning.

Third moment: he referred to the after, that is, proposing a motivating competition, so that the student always shows active participation, which allows him to link the theoretical with the practical; with levels of increasing difficulty, by creating activities that move from simple to complex.

III. Execution

For this phase, the objective was to execute various activities that allow the development of the four linguistic consciousnesses in learning the alphabetic code method for reading and writing of the students of the second parallel grade "A" of the "Cristóbal Colón" Educational Unit. To do this, the three moments indicated in the planning stage of the proposal were executed, as indicated below:

First moment: considering that this moment involved the first two phases of game-based learning: to comply with the first phase, the students were made aware of the objectives to be achieved, this being literacy, knowing how to read and write appropriate form according to the age at which he is; To complete the second phase, the students were instructed in the mobile alphabet as a game tool used to learn reading and writing. In addition to this, use was made of the second stage of game-based learning, which was to transform learning into a game to promote a potential interest in learning, greater motivation and work with emotions, so that they feel in their area. of comfort according to age, and their ability to discover and investigate and learn.

Second moment: the following three phases of game-based learning were applied: for the third phase, the challenge of describing the alphabet with its phonemes and graphemes in an orderly, adequate and correct way was oriented; For the fourth phase, it determined the formation of groups of five members selected in a heterogeneous way, with instructions for the description of the letters in an ordered or disordered way, always, but from the graphic and phonological description of the letters. The selection of the most successful groups was also guided, as well as a reward system, without ignoring attention to disadvantaged groups.

Third moment: the last two phases of game-based learning were applied. For the sixth phase, a motivating competition was proposed that consisted of each group of students forming words with the letters of the mobile alphabet. For this activity, each group was given a set of letters from the mobile alphabet, so that they could be placed anywhere in the classroom and without the rest of the classmates being able to see where they were placed. After that, each group was given the opportunity to search and find the letters and form possible words with the letters found; Under this same game modality, the last phase of this strategy took place, which consisted of establishing levels of increasing difficulty, for which the construction of said words with the names of all the members of the group was requested.

IV. Assessment

The objective of the evaluation stage was to verify the progress of the literacy process with the playful activity and the use of the alphabetic code method. A game of greater difficulty was played, forming not only words but also sentences and the reward was accentuated.

For the theoretical validation of the playful strategy based on the alphabetic code method in second grade, the method of consulting specialists. In this case, six specialists were surveyed, all teachers qualified in the area of educational sciences, with postgraduate academic preparation related to Basic Elementary General Education and with teaching experience ranging between 5 and 15 years; all have been second grade Language and Literature teachers.

The results of the consultation with specialists are summarized below:

  1. Scientific foundation and contribution: adequate.
  2. News and innovation: adequate.
  3. Structuring the playful strategy: very appropriate.
  4. Importance of game selection: very suitable.
  5. Clarity of the proposal and playful orientation of the alphabetical code method: very appropriate.
  6. Feasibility of introduction into educational practice of the second grade of Basic Education: very appropriate.

The evaluation obtained by the specialists made it possible to evaluate the relevance of the proposed recreational strategy presented.



The research of Torres Gómez (2019), as well as that of Mena Andrade (2019) allows us to know how the use of didactic resources improves the teaching-learning process of literacy within Elementary Basic General Education, and contributes to the strengthening of skills, abilities, abilities, attitudes, aptitudes and competencies of students.

The application of playful strategies in the teaching-learning process of reading and writing is essential because it allows the objectives and goals set in the classroom to be met in accordance with the planning, allowing the student to achieve meaningful, comprehensive and transferable learning.

Teachers are in charge of choosing and selecting the recreational strategy that best fits the student's reality, based on the psycho-pedagogical characterization of the group and the didactic components of the program, since the efficiency and effectiveness of the teaching-learning process depends on reading and writing. The teacher assumes a guiding role in teaching, and the student takes a leading role in learning; in this way the educational environment is comfortable, harmonious and motivating.

To use a playful strategy in the teaching-learning process, it is important to apply its four stages, which are: diagnosis, planning, execution and evaluation, since from them the activities can be shown to be controlled, ordered and structured, facilitating the teaching and learning of the method. of the alphabetical code.

The playful strategy proposed for the teaching-learning process of the alphabetic code in the reading and writing of second grade students is important, since it is designed with activities specific to their age, which makes learning attractive and the student motivated and interested in learning, since they always be active and the acquisition of knowledge will no longer be something rote and induced.

To apply the playful strategy, the use of teaching resources, such as the mobile alphabet, in the application of the alphabetic code, in the teaching-learning process of reading and writing for Elementary Basic General Education, is paramount.



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Payer, M. (2020). Teoría del constructivismo social de Lev Vygotsky en comparación con la teoría de Jean Piaget. Revista Scielo. 4(7), 1-4,

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Rodríguez Palmero, M. L. (2011). La teoría del aprendizaje significativo: Una revisión aplicable a la escuela actual. Revista Electrònica d'Investigació i Innovació Educativa i Socioeducativa 3(1). 29-50.

Vargas Murillo, G. (2017). Recursos educativos didácticos en el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje. Cuadernos Hospital de Clínicas, 58(1), 68-74.

Yagual Cedeño, G. I. (2023). El Alfabeto Montessori en el Proceso de Lectoescritura de Niños de 5 A 6 Años.


Conflict of interests:

The authors declare not to have any interest conflicts.


Authors' contribution:

The authors participated in the design and writing of the article, in the search and analysis of the information contained in the consulted bibliography.


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