Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(2), e3770

Translated from the original in Spanish

Original article

System of learning strategies for training in values through ICT


Sistema de estrategias de aprendizaje para formación en valores a través de las TIC


Sistema de estratégias de aprendizagem para formação em valores através das TIC


Perla Elizabeth Ventura Ramos1
Jesús Zaratoga Martínez1
Norma Yadira Memije Alarcón1

1 Higher School of Economic Sciences, Autonomous University of Guerrero, Mexico


Cite as
Ventura Ramos, P.E., Zaratoga Martínez, J., Memije Alarcón, N.Y. (2024) System of learning strategies for training in values through ICT. Mendive. Journal of Education, 22(2), e3770.


Received: February 7, 2024
Accepted: April 29, 2024



The use of ICTs has both positive and negative effects on the formation of values in young people. The article aims to present the results of documentary research on the state of the problem and the importance of value formation through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), particularly in young students in the first year of the law degree at the Faculty of Law, Chilpancingo of the Autonomous University of Guerrero (UAGro). A non-probabilistic convenience sampling design was used to assess the frequency and level of application use with which first-year law students at UAGro use ICTs. Research methods such as analysis-synthesis, inductive, deductive and descriptive, logical historical, the method of documentation study, and empirical methods such as observation, teacher interviews, and student surveys were applied. Descriptive statistics were also applied, which enabled quantitative and qualitative interpretation of the data. The main result was the System of Learning Strategies for Value Formation through ICT. As conclusions, the importance of technological media or tools in value formation, especially in young students, was corroborated, especially the promotion of effective, creative, innovative, constructive, and critical thinking in the face of their environment.

Keywords: learning strategies; values; ICTs.


El manejo de las TIC, incide tanto de manera positiva como negativa en la formación en valores en los jóvenes. El artículo tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados de una investigación acerca de la formación en valores a través de la Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC), en particular en los jóvenes estudiantes del primer año de la Licenciatura en Derecho, de la Facultad de Derecho, Chilpancingo de la Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero (UAGro) y su implementación a partir de un Sistema de estrategias de aprendizaje. Se empleó un diseño de muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia donde se valoró la frecuencia y el nivel de uso de aplicación con que utilizan las TIC los estudiantes de primer año de la Licenciatura en Derecho de la UAGro. Se aplicaron métodos de investigación como análisis-síntesis, inductivo, deductivo y descriptivo, histórico-lógico junto a métodos empíricos como la observación, la entrevista a profesores y la encuesta a estudiantes, fue aplicada, además la estadística descriptiva, que posibilitó la interpretación cuantitativa y cualitativa de los datos. El principal resultado estuvo en el Sistema de estrategias de aprendizaje para formación en valores a través de las TIC. Como conclusiones se corroboró la importancia que poseen los medios o herramientas tecnológicas en la formación en valores, especialmente en los estudiantes de la Lic. en Derecho, sobre todo la promoción el pensamiento de manera efectiva, creativa e innovadora, constructiva y crítica frente a su entorno.

Palabras clave: estrategias de aprendizaje; valores; TICs.


A utilização das TIC tem um impacto positivo e negativo na formação de valores dos jovens. O artigo tem como objetivo apresentar os resultados de uma investigação sobre a formação em valores através das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC), nomeadamente em jovens estudantes do primeiro ano do Bacharelado em Direito, na Faculdade de Direito de Chilpancingo da Autônoma. Universidade de Guerrero (UAGro) e sua implementação baseada em um Sistema de estratégias de aprendizagem. Foi utilizado um desenho amostral não probabilístico por conveniência, onde foram avaliados a frequência e o nível de uso do aplicativo com que os alunos do primeiro ano da Licenciatura em Direito da UAGro utilizam as TIC. Foram aplicados métodos de pesquisa como análise-síntese, indutiva, dedutiva e descritiva, histórico-lógica e também métodos empíricos como observação, entrevistas com professores e pesquisas com alunos, o que possibilitou a interpretação quantitativa e qualitativa. os dados. O principal resultado foi no Sistema de estratégias de aprendizagem para formação em valores através das TIC. Como conclusões, foi corroborada a importância dos meios ou ferramentas tecnológicas na formação de valores, especialmente nos estudantes da Licenciatura em Direito, especialmente na promoção do pensamento de forma eficaz, criativa e inovadora, construtiva e crítica face ao seu entorno.

Palavras-chave: estratégias de aprendizagem; valores; TIC.



Education constitutes an indispensable instrument for humanity, it is a way to make it better, an idea that marks the need and relevance of the topic of training in values in educational contexts.

In a world where society is in constant technological development, it is impossible to ignore the influence and importance of the advancement of ICT in all areas of life. The topic has become one of the most topical in educational matters, since ways of thinking and doing have changed, specifically in the teaching-learning process.

In this scenario, training in values in law students requires reflection on the impact of ICT on learning and the mastery of various technological skills necessary for their performance as professionals. The students who are coming to the classrooms from basic education to higher education come with thoughts and ways of acting in their education that connect their learning with their daily use. It is important to give attention to the student based on their learning styles, emphasizing that they constitute a generation that has grown up with technological advances, surrounded by computers, social networks, mobile phones and other related tools.

These characteristics of the university student show the need to take advantage of them to motivate the teaching-learning process in their own language, with the support of graphic and multimedia content. Learning strategies should be an objective of the student's early training: learning to learn is the way for them to be able to build their own knowledge. The educational system then has the challenge of taking advantage of this profile to improve its academic performance, all of which demands changes to the teaching-learning processes and innovative education.

The teacher plays a fundamental role as a facilitator of knowledge, but also as a trainer of values of the profession, which is why he is expected to incorporate learning strategies using ICT, which contribute to the integration of values through active and collaborative participation in environments. computer educational. However, although there are few studies on teaching-learning strategies of Law, the observation of teaching practice at the Faculty of Law of the UAGro, and the studies referred to in the national and international bibliography on the subject (Martínez, 1995; Bolívar, 2002; González and Castillo, 2016; Farell; 2013; The teacher's activity prevails in the classroom. On the other hand, teachers have limited technological knowledge and barely use ICT in teaching.

When addressing this problem, the following questions arise: What is the place of ICT in values training? Can they contribute to forming and/or strengthening values in university students? How can we promote values training from the use of ICT in students of the Law Degree at UAGro, Mexico?

This article provides information that arose from the need for the development of values through the management of new information and communication technologies (ICT) in young students of the first year of the Law Degree at UAGro, a situation that invites to the search for alternative solutions regarding the use of the necessary tools for teachers and students to participate in improving the teaching and learning process.

The socialization of the result through the article will translate into benefits and improvements for the main actors in the teaching-learning process through the management of ICT. This will serve as a basis to clarify the importance of technological study from a methodological and ethics in law students. The integration of ICT in education is no longer a novelty, but something everyday, the teaching and learning contents have changed with its mere appearance in the classroom. In teaching work it is necessary to take into account that it must be active and joint work between the teacher and the student.

Teaching methods continue to change and readjust to current conditions, with information and communication technologies being a support in the Teaching-Learning process, building a technological model through the use of educational tools and training in ethical values, through applications. that support the teacher and students.

On the other hand, the fundamental purpose of education is to contribute to the comprehensive development of our students. To achieve this objective, it is up to education to promote ethical and social development through actions or strategies that promote values, as well as carrying out strategic activities that help students understand and reflect on the most pressing problems of our society. and serve to resolve conflicts.

The reasons indicated above are what motivated the investigation. Currently, ICT is undergoing accelerated development and the loss of values in young students is affecting practically all fields of society; Education is no exception. It is considered that a system of learning strategies that promotes the participation of students with stimuli derived from ICT and self-learning activities on content with ethical values within the framework of the subject Management of Information and Communication Technologies (MTIC), which is taught in the first semester of the Law Degree, constitutes an alternative for the development and integration of values in the UAGro Law student.

The Faculty of Law of the Autonomous University of Guerrero has a learning unit related to ICT, in its study plan, the integration of the Management of Information and Communication Technologies (MTIC), which should be the central topic For the transformations that derive from digital tools, change strategies must be considered for the teacher and student in the face of technological processes and thus achieve high-level academic updating in the teaching staff.

It is understood that ethics implies the collaboration of the individual with the group, applies behavioral habits to live in a community, therefore it was considered necessary to contribute with the implementation of learning strategies to educate in values through ICT through a system that offers to students the key contents and the topics to work on, so that they acquire meaningful learning.

An education for the formation of values considers the type of student one wants to form and, therefore, the type of student community one wants. Therefore, significant learning processes are required, that is, learning environments that favor the harmonious relationship of knowing how to know, knowing how to do and knowing how to be of the participating students.

Faculty of Law teachers must build varied, motivating, meaningful, and affective learning environments, where participation, autonomy, inclusion, respect, attitudes, and ethical values are privileged, where dialogue with culture must be encouraged. , with multiculturalism in the student's teaching-learning process for their development of values and to promote their coexistence.

A humanistic development approach to education requires facilitators to take a position for the construction of new knowledge, new ways of communicating, new methods, new ways of being and acting, which explicitly reflect the type of education we offer. to our students. That is why when we talk about ICT, we cannot place it as a toolbox, but rather as a content set of learning, where there is an active or passive relationship between the student or the teacher.

The so-called "digital divide" is widespread in the student community and is intended to express the great difference that currently exists in real access to ICT between students within university educational institutions. In the present work we intend to show the relationship between the development of ethical values through and the management of technology in students, how basic values affect and the nature of the behavior, attitude or personality qualities of the student towards the devices or tools. digital such as: computers, mobile phones, servers, web browsers, games, chat, educational platforms, social networks, video channel, blogger, etc. There is no doubt that these devices or digital resources collect the symptoms or consequences of how the personal behavior of students manifests in the face of digital innovation and the results that occur when the students or teachers themselves do not know how to make good use of these technological resources.

In the Study Plan of the Faculty of Law, it is emphasized that the student's competencies are an integrated and specific set of values, knowledge, attitudes, and skills, which, when put into action, allow the learner to obtain a specific result with the goal of understanding and transforming the world and nature; Furthermore, it contributes to the development of the person due to the collective needs of coexistence, developing skills and showing reflective, reasoned, critical, analytical and logical thinking, which allows them to apply it in their daily life and in their academic development.

From a personal perspective as a teacher, these two concepts can be carried out in two different ways: The use of ICT for strategic educational purposes, building positive thoughts or, where appropriate, with destructive or negative purposes towards information and communication technologies. It is important, then, to reflect on the technological relationship and training in ethical values in our daily educational activities, if they are really aiming at the transformation of the teaching and learning process of student's disciplinary training where the values for a committed society will be rescued.

With the hope of finding alternatives and solutions offered by ICT and the development of values for students, which can help in their growth as human beings, research was developed based on the behavior of two variables: the management of ICT and the development of values in first-year students of the UAGro Law School.

That is why the article aims to present the results of the documentary research, on the state of the problem and the importance that training in values through ICT has at this time, particularly in young students of the first year of Bachelor's Degree in Law, from the Faculty of Law, UAGro.



The population was made up of 75 teachers from the actual staff and 750 first-year students from the morning and afternoon shift of the Law Degree at UAGro.

As a sample: 40 teachers and a representative sample of 100 first-year students from the target population were intentionally selected to know the incorrect or appropriate use that teachers and students give to information and communication technologies for training in values. A non-probabilistic convenience sampling design was used where the frequency and level of application use with which first-year students of the UAGro Law Degree use ICT were assessed.

The following research methods were applied:

The Analysis Synthesis method: with the purpose of deeply analyzing the key elements in ICT and the development of ethical values, it is to get to know its use in the teaching-learning process, but also the relationship that exists in attitudes and values and their management of ICT.

The inductive-deductive and descriptive methods served to describe, identify, analyze, synthesize and critically propose general aspects to reach their particularities and from these to the general.

Historical-logical method: to know the trajectory or background of the student's behavior inside and outside the classroom in the use of ICT and how the acquisition of values has been presented. At the same time, to identify the consequences expressed by the students, due to the lack of learning strategies in the adequate management of technologies by the teacher, the digital elements used, whether or not they are used well when handling them and to what uses them.

Empirical methods: these methods were used to know the values and opinions of the real population, for this purpose instruments for in-depth consultation were used with the main actors who are essential for the development of the research, here survey and interview techniques were used. students of the first year of the Law Degree at UAGro, to measure and specify the use of ICT and how it affects the development of values in their learning environment. In this method the following techniques were used:

Observation: was used to obtain information about the theoretical-methodological preparation of law students in the development of ethical values through ICT. An observational question guide was used as an instrument.

Interview: it was used with the objective of knowing the teachers' criteria on teaching-learning in the development of ethical values through ICT. An interview guide was used as an instrument.

Survey: it was used to investigate the theoretical-methodological preparation of the students and the difficulties they encountered in acquiring values through ICT. The questionnaire was developed as an instrument.

Pre-experiment was also carried out in order to determine the validity of the learning strategy proposed as training in values through ICT.

Statistical methods: from descriptive statistics, the mathematical-percentage calculation was applied, which enabled the quantitative and qualitative interpretation of the data.



The analysis of the results obtained took into account the information collected through the data using the different instruments designed. The classification of the variables to be considered are measured on a quantitative scale, five sections were grouped together and are described below:

The interview applied to the teachers was designed with direct and open questions, as indicated below with the following variables:

Statistical analysis: once the data collection and processing stage was completed, the "data analysis" began.

The interpretation of the variables and data had significant results supported by foundations of statistical validity and reliability.

Results of the application of the interview to teachers

General data of the teacher: the type of teachers could be identified; it was also possible to verify that half of them were older adults.

The vast majority are professionals in education, which suggests that they continually improve their academic work with a higher degree of study.

37.5% of teachers are young professionals, in many cases, recent graduates or graduates who have experience of at least 5 years, and as for the older ones, they are between 80 and 60 years old, which is which represents 37.5%, which indicates that they still exist with traditional and rote teaching, but it is also shown that young people use ICT on a regular basis.

Respect for gender: it was observed that the percentage of men is higher than that of women, the percentage of men is equivalent to 60%, and that of women is 16%.

The ages of the teachers were concentrated, for the most part, in those teachers who have extensive experience in their work. However, many who are starting out have similar aptitudes, abilities and competencies to those who surpass them with the experience acquired in educational work, which led to the assumption that a large part was of advanced age and resistance to abandoning teaching for various reasons or close to retirement, a problem that the Faculty of Law must take into account.

General Student Information:

System of learning strategies for training in values for first-year students of the Law Degree at UAGRO (Faculty of Law)

The learning strategy system for training in values through ICT, in the students of the Faculty of Law of the UAGro., was based on a pedagogical model that interrelates the cognitive-technological, evaluative and methodological-technological elements. evaluative of the formative process of the subject. The learning strategy was assumed as materialization in the university context, which would allow the participation of students in the process of training in values through ICT.

It is important to point out that the learning strategies permeate Law students in different ways from the contents that are transferred to the students will be from the constructivist approach, because the student is ultimately responsible for his own learning process, the work intellectual that they carry out, the values that are promoted in the class situation, the way of understanding the contents of different areas of knowledge. However, it is necessary as an educator to create and develop professional skills in students from the planning, development and evaluation of strategies that will serve them in the educational process.

Fig. 1- Representation of the System of learning strategies based on the use of ICT.

The learning strategies for the formation of values through ICT in students were designed and developed in an open system, in permanent change with the environment. When inquiring about what learning to promote in Law students, it became necessary to know how, when and why to use appropriate learning strategies as a teacher, so that students had a favorable work disposition and were motivated when faced with in carrying out a task, as seen in Figure 1 and its structure is described below:

General objective

Promote the development of values in first-year students of the UAGro Law School, through strategic learning activities based on the use of ICT.

Specific objectives

The activities proposed as part of the learning strategy aim to manage ICT associated with the development of values in first-year students of the Law degree, who:

The system of learning strategies activates prior knowledge in students; for this, resources were designed that would be used to attract attention and to generate knowledge, competencies, skills and values in students through ICT. Some examples of the tools or techniques that were used as strategies:

The strategy predominated and privileged learning over teaching, developing skills where knowledge was acquired through concrete practice; executing something related to the objective that was intended to be achieved, in a particular learning context, being conceived as a participatory methodology in which teaching and learning are done through a joint task.

This strategy promotes the development of various knowledge: cognitive, procedural and attitudinal, therefore, they promote the development of skills and collaborative work. It constituted, in turn, a magnificent space for the development of emotional experiences and values, the workshop was the one that helped the most to connect theory with practice, from a constructivist perspective.

Collaborative Learning: this aspect enhanced the development of values of each of the students with the collaboration of the other members of the team so that each one learned the assigned content, and in turn ensured that all members of the group did so, this strategy It also influenced the development of a whole set of socio-affective and intellectual skills, as well as attitudes and values.

The strategies considered the competency-based approach, didactic planning, mastery of knowledge, continuous training, creating virtual and face-to-face learning environments conducive to learning and the use of various technological resources as learning mediators.



A look at the international context in light of the results made it possible to confirm the importance of designing a system of strategies to achieve learning in first-year students of the Faculty of Law of the Autonomous University of Guerrero. For this reason, by obtaining the information collected through the instruments designed for this purpose, applied to teachers and students of the Law Degree of the Autonomous University of Guerrero (UAGro), it was possible to verify that the management of ICT requires an increasing attention from institutions, educational policies and curricular designs (Díaz Barriga, 1998), to integrate them into school life and promote innovative changes, both in teaching work and in the way students learn, since the link of ICT to the teaching-learning process is a requirement of education and today's society

In line with this, Hernández (2017) specifies that "the use of ICT in values training can improve the quality of education and prepare students to face the challenges of today's world" (p. 67), which allows to corroborate the relevance of the investigation. It is then necessary for students, regardless of their area of professional performance, to have a comprehensive vision of knowledge, society, the environment and the problems associated with them. It is worth mentioning that the Educational Model of the University promotes creative interaction and communication between the different worldviews regarding the knowledge, knowledge and values of the various cultural groups through a critical, respectful and equitable dialogue that eventually promotes the construction of shared cultural innovations.

Pérez (2018) maintains that "training in values through ICT can be a valuable tool to encourage reflection and critical dialogue" (p. 47), an idea that is in line with what was expressed by González (2016) who points out that "learning strategies for the formation of values are fundamental for the comprehensive development of students" (p.89). Consistent with the authors' criteria, students must be able to use technological tools that allow them to optimize, collect, store and process information; managing communication, developing your interpersonal communication skills and exchanging ideas. These skills must be used to achieve greater access to education, for better personal and professional performance and thus contribute to social and environmental improvements.

Martínez (2015) highlights that "ICT can be a powerful tool for training in values, as long as they are used appropriately and integrated into the educational process effectively" (p. 12). That is why the Faculty of Law of the UAGro., is not outside the formation of values, on the contrary, they must distinguish the legal professional from other careers. One of the concerns of the faculty is to train students with a high level of values, more comprehensive and humanistic, committed and responsible to their professional environment, to provide solutions to society's problems with an ethical, professional sense and as proactive leaders in the teaching of law.

Regarding the training in values in law students, it should be aimed at the development of those related to the exercise of the profession, understood as contextualized values (Parra, 2003), which are related to the universal and particular requirements of this profession. According to the author, they constitute features that contribute to defining a comprehensive conception and meaning of professional practice, all of which is in line with what was expressed by García (2019) stating that "training in values through ICT is an effective strategy for improve learning" (p. 25).

Professional Ethics is precisely the discipline that studies the specific way in which the morality of society is manifested in the morality of professions, but focuses its attention on those professions that have an impact on human beings, due to the importance of negligence. in these works, about people.

Professional Ethics bases the mechanisms of moral regulation on the Codes of Professional Ethics, as principles and norms that systematize the morality of professional groups and base the ideal of the social image of the type of professional that society aspires to or needs (Probance and Pino, 2004).

De Paz (2014), for his part, argues that the training in values of the Law graduate is an integral process that requires the reflection of the subject, since it occurs in unity of the cognitive and the affective, of the conscious and the unconscious, internal and external, and covers the student's reflections, feelings and experiences, and their behavior.

The above leads to reaffirm that the acquisition and development of ethical values and attitudes in educational work are a significant and necessary task that must be carried out comprehensively, taking into consideration the competencies, skills, attitudes and values in the young students. Likewise, ICT, in the educational context, ensures and results in greater learning by stimulating the teaching of ethical values in law students, especially from educational resources based on these technologies, they develop creativity, increase emotional and evaluative activity through the corresponding learning strategies.

The detection of deficiencies in teachers in the use of learning strategies, for their subject, through the use of ICT; It reflected a lack of updating and innovation in the teaching process, which is why new strategies must be included in the teaching-learning process. In relation to the knowledge, they have about the strategies, it was found that learning is scarce and, in some cases, they have references, but they have not put them into practice, considering it important to include strategies for their different learning units, aimed at improvement. of students' academic performance and the development of ethical values.

In general, it is reaffirmed that teaching staff must be prepared for the use of ICT and its possibilities in the formation of values since its proper use constitutes a fundamental factor to guarantee quality lifelong learning. On the other hand, it is evident that technological resources of any kind are not being used for the teaching-learning processes of the UAGro Law Degree.

It is concluded that the relationship between technology and training in values is pointing to the transformation of the university teaching-learning process, in which a common goal must be emphasized, of a professional trained in values and committed to society.



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Conflict of interests:

The authors declare not to have any interest conflicts.


Authors' contribution:

The authors participated in the design, analysis of the documents and writing of the work.


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