Translated from the original in Spanish
Original article
The training of the Caribbean cultural identity on the teacher of English
La formación de la identidad cultural caribeña en el profesor de inglés
A formação da identidade cultural caribenha no professor de inglês
Paulina Marlen Casañas Oliva1
Arturo Pulido Díaz1
1 University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", Cuba.;
Casañas Oliva, P.M., Pulido Díaz, A. (2024) The training of the Caribbean cultural identity on the teacher of English. Mendive. Journal of Education, 22(2), e3682. |
Received: November 14, 2023
Approved: March 22, 2024
The wholesome and competent training of the teacher of English at the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca" presented limitations, as the contents of the Caribbean cultural identity were not worked on in a coherent and systemic way, so this article had as its objective to propose a set of strategic pedagogical-didactic actions to better the training process of the Caribbean cultural identity, in the teachers of English at the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". The dialectical research paradigm was used and a set of methods at the theoretical level (analysis and synthesis and induction and deduction), at the empirical level (document analysis, interviews, and focus groups), as well as descriptive statistical techniques. A preliminary diagnosis of the initial state of the training of the Caribbean cultural identity of the teacher of English at the University of Pinar del Río was carried out. A theoretical-practical basis related to the training of the Caribbean cultural identity was presented that served to develop the set of six strategic pedagogical-didactic actions to better this process. The updating, redesign, methodological work, training, and evaluation actions were articulated in a coherent and systemic way and allow the training of the Caribbean cultural identity of the teacher of English at the above-mentioned University.
Keywords: Caribbean; training; cultural identity; Professor of English.
La formación integral y competente del profesor de inglés en la Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca" presentaba limitaciones, al no trabajar de forma coherente y sistémica los contenidos de la identidad cultural caribeña, por lo que este trabajo tuvo como objetivo proponer un conjunto de acciones estratégicas pedagógico-didácticas para perfeccionar el proceso de formación de la identidad cultural caribeña en los profesores de inglés de la Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Se utilizó el paradigma dialéctico de investigación y un conjunto de métodos del nivel teórico (análisis-síntesis e inducción-deducción), del nivel empírico (análisis documental, entrevistas y grupos focales) y técnicas estadísticas descriptivas. Se realizó un diagnóstico preliminar del estado inicial de la formación de la identidad cultural caribeña del profesor de inglés de la Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Se presentó una fundamentación teórico-práctica relacionada con la formación de la identidad cultural caribeña, que sirvió para elaborar el conjunto de seis acciones estratégicas pedagógico-didácticas para perfeccionar este proceso. Las acciones de actualización, de rediseño, de trabajo metodológico, de capacitación y de evaluación se articularon de forma coherente y sistémica, lo que permitió la formación de la identidad cultural caribeña del profesor de inglés, de la universidad antes mencionada.
Palabras clave: caribe; formación; identidad cultural; profesor de inglés.
A formação integral e competente do professor de inglês da Universidade de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca" apresentou limitações, pois não trabalhou de forma coerente e sistêmica os conteúdos da identidade cultural caribenha, razão pela qual esta O trabalho teve como objetivo propor um conjunto de ações pedagógico-didáticas estratégicas para aperfeiçoar o processo de formação da identidade cultural caribenha em professores de inglês da Universidade de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Utilizou-se o paradigma dialético de investigação e um conjunto de métodos ao nível teórico (análise-síntese e indução-dedução), ao nível empírico (análise documental, entrevistas e grupos focais) e técnicas de estatística descritiva. Foi realizado um diagnóstico preliminar do estado inicial da formação da identidade cultural caribenha do professor inglês da Universidade de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Foi apresentada uma fundamentação teórico-prática relacionada à formação da identidade cultural caribenha, que serviu para desenvolver o conjunto de seis ações didático-pedagógicas estratégicas para aperfeiçoar esse processo. As ações de atualização, redesenho, trabalho metodológico, formação e avaliação foram articuladas de forma coerente e sistêmica, o que permitiu a formação da identidade cultural caribenha do professor de inglês da referida universidade.
Palavras-chave: Caribe; treinamento; identidade cultural; professor de inglês.
The 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, in objective 4, raises the need for quality and inclusive education, at all educational levels, including Higher Education (United Nations, 2018).
The United Nations proposes that, to comply with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), a profound transformation is required in the way of thinking and acting of the actors involved, so that they become agents of change (United Nations, 2018; Mexico, 2021).
This change in the way of thinking and acting implies a new look at Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), since it must focus on:
in the development of skills that empower subjects to reflect on their own actions, taking into account their current and future social, cultural, economic and environmental effects from a local and global perspective; to act in complex situations in a sustainable way... (United Nations, 2018, p. 21; Mexico, 2021, p. 8).
The Ministry of Higher Education of Cuba (MES), in the base document for the design of the E study plans, expresses:
Currently, Cuban higher education is committed to maintaining its model of a modern, humanist, universalized, scientific, technological, innovative university, integrated into society and deeply committed to the construction of a prosperous and sustainable socialism. A university characterized by the formation of values and the assurance of the quality of its missionary processes, in order to achieve a graduate who has personal qualities, culture and professional skills that allow him to perform with social responsibility, and that promotes his education for all. life. One of the challenges to overcome, to achieve the above, is to have relevant curricular designs that lay the foundations to promote a continuous increase in quality and effectiveness in the comprehensive training of the country's professionals (Ministry of Higher Education, 2016a, p. 4).
The international and Cuban demands stated above imply that the E study plan for the Bachelor of Education, English Language, trains a comprehensive and highly competent English teacher, capable of transforming the socio-work environment in an innovative and creative way.
The professional mode of action of the English teacher is manifested in the school pedagogical process, in general, and in the teaching-learning process of English, in particular, which makes him an intercultural communicator in the different spheres of action (Ministry of Higher Education, 2016b, p. 5).
The English teacher:
For this reason, it is necessary to train an English teacher who, as established by the plan E professional model, during the performance of his or her educational work resolves the contradictions that occur between:
the formation of values, attitudes and norms of behavior in the classroom and the school and social context that favors intercultural communication in a foreign language in a respectful and empathetic way based on the recognition and respect of the linguistic and cultural diversity that characterizes the current world and its correspondence with cultural identity (Ministry of Higher Education, 2016b, p. 7).
The arguments put forward above mean that the training process of an English teacher in the context of Cuba includes, among others, unique sociocultural identity knowledge, namely: Caribbean cultural identity.
Paradoxically, the reality observed empirically in the last five years revealed that graduated English teachers and students in training in this career in the province of Pinar del Río reflect limitations in incorporating the contents of the Caribbean cultural identity in their pedagogical modes of action. Lack of knowledge of cultural elements related to music, dance, festivals, literature, cinema, sports, history, religious beliefs, cuisine and economy, among others, that characterize Caribbean culture was observed.
Once these external manifestations were detected, an initial exploratory study was carried out in the context of the training of the English teacher at the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", in the year 2022, to determine, preliminarily, the possible causes that caused the limitations of the training process. The following were determined, among others:
Once these causes were determined, the scientific problem was formulated: how to perfect the process of formation of the Caribbean cultural identity in the English teachers of the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"?
To contribute to solving the scientific problem formulated, a doctoral training study is carried out, which has among its tasks the theoretical systematization: the deepening of the diagnosis, the development of a management model that enables the comprehensive management of the training process of the Caribbean cultural identity, in the students of the Bachelor of Education, English Language, at the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca".
Therefore, as the objective of this work, a set of strategic pedagogical-didactic actions is proposed to perfect the process of formation of the Caribbean cultural identity, in the English teachers of the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca".
This work was based on the dialectical research paradigm, which has the dialectical-materialist method as its methodological support. This led to the use of a system of methods at the theoretical level, the empirical level and descriptive statistical techniques.
The initial exploratory study to determine the causes that caused the limitations in the training of English teachers, at the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", carried out in 2022, used the empirical methods of documentary analysis and interviews.
The guide for documentary analysis took into consideration whether the formation of cultural identity, particularly Caribbean, was conceived at the level of the professional's profile, objectives, professional problems, work object, contents of the training components and modes of action. , for which the regulatory documents governing the course were analyzed; Call it study plan E and educational strategies for the degree and academic years.
On the other hand, the interviews were carried out in group mode with academic directors (head of the course, main teachers of the academic year and main teachers of the disciplines and subjects), teachers of the course, English teachers of basic and secondary education. higher education and 3rd and 4th year students in training.
the sum and mean statisticians were used to reach theoretical-practical generalizations.
The methods of analysis and synthesis and induction and deduction allowed establishing the theoretical-practical generalizations of the state in which the formation of the Caribbean cultural identity was found in the students of the Bachelor of Education, English Language, at the University of Pinar del Río. " Saíz Montes de Oca Brothers." Furthermore, these methods were used for the theoretical systematization of this research object.
Up to this point, the methodology used for this preliminary study is presented, which will have greater levels of depth in the doctoral research being carried out.
This preliminary result is part of the partial results of the institutional research project not associated with the program, entitled "Governance and management of university processes for sustainable development, at the University of Pinar del Río", with code NA223PR500-039, which has as main executing entity the Pinar del Río Educational Sciences Study Center, of the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca".
The theoretical systematization of the process of formation of the Caribbean cultural identity, in the English teachers of the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", allowed establishing the basic theoretical nuclei on which the investigated process was based.
The basic theoretical cores are related to training as a pedagogical process; cultural identity and, in particular, the Caribbean, and the qualities of an English teacher.
Training as a pedagogical process
At the international, national and local level, the budgets of quality, innovative, technological education are assumed, involved in the continuous improvement of its processes, which allow the fulfillment of the institutions' mission of training a competent professional, capable of inserting in society and provide solutions to the professional problems that emerge from their training process.
Álvarez states that:
[ ] training is considered as a process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values and the experience of the creative activity of professionals, which enable the subject to perform a certain activity; In this way, vocational training must guarantee scientific preparation in the general, essential and basic aspects of its object of work, to prepare the professional in the detection and solution of the most general and frequent professional problems that manifest themselves in the object of work. the profession in different contexts (both theoretical and practical) (2000, p. 11-12).
Article 3.1 of Ministerial Resolution 47 of 2022 of the Ministry of Higher Education states that:
The training of higher level professionals is the process that, consciously and on a scientific basis, is developed in HEIs [Higher Education Institutions (clarification from the authors of this work)] to guarantee the comprehensive preparation of university students, which takes shape in a solid scientific-technical, humanistic training and high ideological, political, ethical and aesthetic values, in order to achieve revolutionary, cultured, competent, independent and creative professionals, so that they can perform successfully in the various sectors of the economy and society in general (pp. 2-3).
Training is understood by Álvarez "as an integrative and totalizing pedagogical process, where the instructional process, the educational process and the development process are integrated and dialectically related" (2000, p. 17).
For Alvarez
Instruction is the process and the result of training men in a branch of human knowledge, of a profession, of "giving a career to live." Development is the process and the result of forming men in the fullness of their spiritual and physical faculties, of "tempering the spirit and the body." Education is the process and the result of training man for life, of "tempering the soul for life", in all its complexity" (2000, p. 17).
The instructive is related to knowledge and skills; the educational with values, feelings and personality traits; and the developer with attitudes and modes of action.
Identity and cultural identity
It is from the 1960s onwards that the problem of identity begins to gain popularity and takes hold in literary essays in the 70s and 80s, as a response to the trend of homogenization of cultural patterns.
Identity does not exist in an abstract way, but through concrete reality. In the analysis to locate the values of identity, the spatio-temporal relationships established with reality are taken into account, which is why it includes the cultural, economic, scientific, political, legal, aesthetic, moral, religious, patriotic and environmental dimensions (Rodríguez, 2022).
In the cultural dimension, values can be associated with the authentic, the genuine, the harmonious. These identity values act as regulators of individual and social behavior, so they guide and have a moral connotation for your life (Rodríguez, 2022).
The concept of cultural identity is closely linked to the definition of culture that began to originate in the 18th and 19th centuries.
In an analysis carried out by Molano (2007), he stated that the evolution of the concept of culture until it was attributed to a people, nation or territory went through an anthropological definition to a transversal concept related to development towards the 50s of the 20th century, the concept of human development in the 80s, towards a concept of sustainability, after the Rio summit in the 90s. Culture plays a fundamental role in this concept of sustainability.
Culture is what gives life to human beings: their traditions, customs, festivals, knowledge, beliefs and morals that generate a way of living and social cohesion.
UNESCO maintains that culture: "is the central element of the Sustainable Development Goals. Culture is everything that constitutes our being and shapes our identity. Making culture a central element of development policies is the only means of ensure that it is human-centered, inclusive and equitable" (UNESCO Courier, 2017).
Cultural identity contains within itself a sense of belonging to a social group with which customs, cultural traits, beliefs, and value systems are shared. Cultural identity is a social fact, since it is a need as an individual being or as a social or collective being to affirm oneself in front of the other, to identify oneself, which contemplates an expression of sociocultural, economic, linguistic, territorial aspects, historical consciousness integrated into identity. national that exists through cultural identity.
Molano expresses that: "The concept of cultural identity contains a sense of belonging to a social group with which cultural traits such as customs, values and beliefs are shared. Identity is not a fixed concept, but is recreated individually and collectively and is continuously feeds on outside influence" (2007, p. 73).
This definition points to the sense of belonging, which is also called identity awareness, to the interaction that makes it possible for identity to be nourished and sustained in its constant change, because it is not a fixed concept.
Caribbean cultural identity
The sociocultural identity problem is closely related to the being of a nation, a region or a continent. In the Caribbean, Latin, African, Anglo-Saxon and Asian cultural influences are intertwined in a geographical space marked by transculturations that gave rise to a new identity element for the entire region and where existing differences, such as the linguistic barrier, have not been an impediment for the diversity of cultures that form our cultural universe in accordance with our identity.
Caribbean cultural identity cannot be reduced to national identity, since culture is not a subset of nation. On the contrary, culture is a category with greater scope than nation (Moreno, 2002).
The Caribbean cultural identity, according to Moreno, is a historical result achieved by the common evolution of common socioeconomic complexes. The Caribbean cultural identity is the result of the symbiosis of three races in the Caribbean space and goes beyond the national identity of the countries that comprise it (2002).
deculturation of black Africans occurs, since their habits and customs, dietary patterns, housing, clothing, music and religion are taken away from them, eliminated and they have to adopt those of their master. Also, they have to adopt a new language, they lose their name to adopt the name of the master. In the face of the dominant culture there is a culture of resistance, which initially started from African values and patterns that disappeared, reworked or transmuted in the process of class struggle, when facing both the imposed deculturation and the repressive system that prefixed religion and behavior modules.
Seen in this way, the essence of a study of Caribbean cultural identity must be in the analysis of the ways in which this culture of resistance persists and is used or recreated, generated, in part, by ancient groups of African origin, but dynamically extended to the other exploited components of society. It is in the struggle to cast out racial prejudice towards the black man, in the need for the formation of nationality that the Caribbean cultural identity is being forged.
The phenomenon of Caribbean cultural identity is seen by Corujo as:
The synthesis between disparate cultural elements, mainly coming from ancient Indo-American civilizations, from the historical encounter of European and African civilizations and, more recently, Eastern and North American sources, make Caribbean cultural identity the recognition of that racial and cultural synthesis that characterizes to the region (2022, p. 100).
Mori expresses that: "...the Caribbean identity could be seen as the product of a process that begins with colonization. All Caribbean cultures were created by human groups in permanent conflict with the dominant system... Caribbean culture is a response to the plantation society, is not the culture of plantation society" (2020, p. 77).
The Caribbean cultural identity is made up of these cultural elements: customs, beliefs, values typical of the Caribbean region (the landscape, elements of nature), way of speaking, orality, religious remnants of African origin, the healing properties of plants, reciprocity, inventiveness, creativity, carnival, the presence of the drum, elements common to the Caribbean region.
The formation of the Caribbean cultural identity is defined as the process that allows the English teacher to appropriate the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes of the Caribbean identity expressed in cultural elements specific to the region and that enable him to perform as a intercultural communicator in his modes of action in the different spheres of action.
Qualities of an English teacher in Higher Pedagogical Education
The training process of an English teacher in Higher Pedagogical Education is extremely complex, as it seeks to form a comprehensive and competent professional with sufficient professional skills to direct pedagogical training and the teaching-learning process of English, in the different spheres of action.
At the international level, the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs establish a set of goals that constitute challenges for managers of university processes. In this sense, Lozano, in the webinar titled Sustainability Competencies and Pedagogical Approaches to Education, listed the key competencies for sustainability, which English teachers cannot ignore. These are:
On the other hand, there is a set of particular competencies that the English teacher must manifest in their professional modes of action. These are:
In addition to the competencies described so far, the authors of this work consider the following qualities inherent to the English teacher:
Set of strategic pedagogical-didactic actions to perfect the process of formation of the Caribbean cultural identity
The set of pedagogical-didactic actions aims to perfect the process of formation of the Caribbean cultural identity in the English teachers of the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca".
The design of the set of actions is based on the theoretical assumptions discussed previously and on the preliminary diagnosis carried out. The actions aim to address a comprehensive management of the process of formation of the Caribbean cultural identity, in the English teachers of the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca".
Action 1. Propose to the Bachelor of Education, English Language career committee, to make adjustments to the design of the study plan E, so that the possibility of systematically and coherently including the contents related to the Caribbean cultural identity in the components is assessed: academic, labor, research and extension.
Date: school years 2023 and 2024.
Executes: president of the career commission and members.
Procedures: to carry out this action it is essential to have an accurate diagnosis of the current state of the execution of the study plan E, which must be based on the evaluative reports prepared by the academic directors (head of the course, main professors of the academic years, main professors of the disciplines and subjects, the FEU and other structures that are considered).
Action 2. Carry out a detailed review of the contents related to the Caribbean cultural identity, which are conceived in the components: academic, labor, research and extension, so that the educational strategies of the career and the academic years favor the comprehensive management of these contents. in the four years of training.
Date: school years 2023 and 2024.
Executes: department head and academic directors.
Procedures: to carry out this action, indicators must be established that allow evaluating the comprehensive management of this process. The instruments for evaluation will be established, among which the guide for the analysis of the governing documents of the career is suggested, namely: study plan E, educational strategies of the career and academic years, the programs of the disciplines and the subjects, the strategies of the components: labor, research and extension. Likewise, the use of focus groups is suggested, made up of academic directors, career professors, the FEU, students in training and graduates inserted in education. The interview guide should contain aspects that promote reflection, without imposing criteria.
The results of the documentary analysis and the focus groups, through methodological triangulation, would allow us to reach conclusions about how this training process is managed. These results would lead to decisions being made by the line of command managers and the academic managers of the career.
Action 3. Design a system of training actions that prepare academic managers and professors of the course to didactically manage the contents of the formation of the Caribbean cultural identity, from initial training and postgraduate training.
Date: school years 2024 and 2025.
Executes: department head and academic directors.
Procedures: To carry out this action, the results of the diagnoses carried out in the previous actions and the annual evaluation reports of the academic managers will be taken into consideration, where the contents for the training actions would come from. The forms of training must be varied and could include dynamic activities, workshops and courses, among others.
Action 4. Redesign the methodological work strategy of the degree, which would include the contents of the formation of the Caribbean cultural identity, with the purpose of improving the preparation of academic managers and teachers.
Date: 2024 school year.
Executes: department head and academic directors.
Procedures: to carry out this action, the results of the diagnoses carried out in the previous actions and the annual evaluation reports of the academic directors will be taken into consideration, where the contents for the actions for the methodological work would come from. The methodological work would go through the different forms established for Higher Education, from the career level to the discipline and subject levels and academic years.
Action 5. Incorporate into the management of the components: academic, labor, research and extension the contents of the formation of the Caribbean cultural identity, in order to influence the comprehensive training of the English teacher.
Date: school years 2024 and 2025.
Executes: department head, academic directors and professors.
Procedures: to carry out this action, a selection of content related to the formation of the Caribbean cultural identity will be taken into consideration, which can be implemented from the four components of the training. The selected contents could form a brochure that would serve to manage the four components of the training.
It is relevant here to highlight that the activities carried out from the four components of training must be supported by Information and Communications Technologies, by taking advantage of the current possibilities of the University's undergraduate and graduate Moodle platform, smart devices, internet access, specialized websites related to the career and email, among others.
Action 6. Design a system for evaluating compliance with the set of strategic pedagogical-didactic actions, which are included in the strategic and current planning of the department and the career.
Date: 2024 school year.
Executes: department head, academic directors and professors.
Procedures: to carry out this action, tasks related to the comprehensive management of the formation of the Caribbean cultural identity will be included in the strategic planning of the career, in the scenarios of undergraduate and postgraduate training. These tasks will be included in the current planning of each month.
The achievement of quality and inclusive education, ESD and the conception of professional training assumed by Álvarez (2000) constitute challenges for the training of a comprehensive and highly competent English teacher, at the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca" (United Nations, 2018; Álvarez, 2000).
The results of the preliminary diagnostic study showed the fallacies that exist when training the English teacher at the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", by demonstrating that the training of this professional had fissures in the contents conceived in the training plan. study E and the ways to manage it. The elements of Caribbean cultural identity were not prioritized in this intercultural training, despite constituting a contemporary social and professional need in Cuba.
On the other hand, the management of this training process was unsystematic and atomized, since the academic component was treated from the knowledge system of some of the subjects of the disciplines specific to the specialty. Also, from the extension component, some isolated actions were carried out. The rest of the components ignored the activities for their implementation.
The elements described above demonstrated that there was no systemic and coherent conception and management of the contents for intercultural training, particularizing the Caribbean cultural identity in the study plan E of the Bachelor's degree in English Language Education, which should have been adequately conceived from the academic, labor, research and extension components of English teacher training.
Likewise, the educational strategies of the degree and the academic years treated in an unsystematic and atomized way the formation of the Caribbean cultural identity, as a relevant content of the intercultural training of this type of professional.
The authors consider that the design and management of the study plan for an English teacher must include intercultural training, in particular the elements of the Caribbean cultural identity as content that mainstreams the training of this professional, which is understandable as it is not foreseen from the design of the career study plan.
The results of the theoretical study and the field study carried out on the training process of a comprehensive and highly competent English teacher led to rethinking the training process of this professional from its conception and management. Then, the set of strategic pedagogical-didactic actions is designed to perfect the process of formation of the Caribbean cultural identity.
The set of strategic pedagogical-didactic actions includes actions to update the study plan, redesign educational strategies, methodological work, training and evaluation that, in their entirety, have a coherent and systemic impact on the training of this professional, with emphasis on the formation of Caribbean cultural identity.
By way of conclusions, the comprehensive and competent training of the English teacher at the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca" was limited because the pedagogical and didactic actions presented limitations in the development of his management.
Saíz Montes de Oca" was carried out, which reflected the theoretical-conceptual limitations for the formation of this process.
A theoretical systematization was carried out that allowed the formation of the Caribbean cultural identity to be founded.
Finally, a set of strategic pedagogical-didactic actions was offered to perfect this training process, which are articulated together in a coherent and systemic way. The actions are aimed at updating, redesigning, methodological work, training and evaluation of this process, which allows perfecting the formation of the Caribbean cultural identity of the English teacher at the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz "Montes de Oca".
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Naciones Unidas (2018). Agenda 2030 y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: Una oportunidad para América Latina y el Caribe.
Rodríguez Bencomo, D. (2022). El tema de la identidad en la obra martiana desde una perspectiva filosófica. (Tesis en opción al grado científico de doctor en Ciencias Filosóficas, Universidad de La Habana) La Habana.
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Conflict of interests:
The authors declare not to have any interest conflicts.
Authors' contribution:
The authors participated in the design and writing of the article, in the search and analysis of the information contained in the consulted bibliography.
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