Mendive. Journal on Educación, october-december, 2022; 20(4):1269-1283

Translated from the original in Spanish

Original article

Conceptualizations about the Communicative Competence in the English Language with a Cultural and Artistic Approach


Conceptualizaciones sobre la competencia comunicativa en la lengua inglesa con un enfoque cultural y artístico


Conceito sobre a competência comunicativa na língua inglesa com um enfoque cultural e artístico


Daniuska Ferrales López1
Vilma Violeta Borrero Ochoa1
Frank Arteaga Pupo1

1 Las Tunas University. Cuba.;;


Received: March 16th, 2022.
Accepted: September 01st, 2022.



This article deals with the subject related to the development of communicative competence in the English language, based on the use of cultural and artistic elements in the Integral Practice of the English Language discipline. The objective of this work was to determine the main foundations of communicative competence in the English language with a cultural and artistic approach. For this, theoretical positions were assumed, among which stand out: communicative competence, Marti's work as an artistic foundation, among others. The study was based on the following research methods: analysis and criticism of sources, consultation of oral sources, critical opinion workshops and collective construction, and experiential pedagogical experience. As a result of this investigation, the conformation of the categorical system is shown, which enabled the authors to set guidelines for the subsequent stages of the investigation. Likewise, it allowed to determine the possible theoretical lack in this regard to be able to make a theoretical-practical contribution in the Didactics of Foreign Languages. It is concluded that the conceptualization that is presented constitutes the epistemological basis of the doctoral study of the main author for the elaboration of a didactic conception with an integrating character.

Keywords: communicative competence; culture; art.


En el presente artículo se aborda la temática relacionada con el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa en la lengua inglesa, a partir del uso de elementos culturales y artísticos en la disciplina Práctica Integral de la Lengua Inglesa. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en determinar los principales fundamentos de la competencia comunicativa en la lengua inglesa con un enfoque cultural y artístico. Para ello, se asumieron posturas teóricas entre las que se destacan: la competencia comunicativa, la obra martiana como fundamento artístico, entre otros. El estudio se apoyó en los siguientes métodos de investigación: análisis y crítica de fuentes, consulta a fuentes orales, talleres de opinión crítica y construcción colectiva y experiencia pedagógica vivencial. Como resultado de esta investigación se muestra la conformación del sistema categorial que les posibilitó a los autores marcar pautas para las posteriores etapas de la investigación. Asimismo, permitió determinar la posible carencia teórica al respecto para poder hacer una contribución teórico-práctica en la Didáctica de las Lenguas Extranjeras. Se concluye que la conceptualización que se presenta constituye la base epistemológica del estudio doctoral de la autora principal para la elaboración de una concepción didáctica con carácter integrador.

Palabras clave: competencia comunicativa; cultura; arte.


O presente artigo aborda a temática relacionada com o desenvolvimento da competência comunicativa na língua inglesa a partir do uso de elementos culturais e artísticos na Disciplina Prática Integral da Língua Inglesa. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em determinar os principais fundamentos da competência comunicativa na língua inglesa com um enfoque cultural e artístico. Para isso, assumem-se posturas teóricas entre as que se destacam a competência comunicativa, a obra martiana como fundamento artístico, entre outros. O estudo se apoiou nos seguintes métodos de investigação: crítica e análise de fontes, consulta a fontes orais, oficinas de opinião crítica e construção coletiva e experiência pedagógica vivencial. Como resultado desta investigação se mostra a conformação do sistema de categoria que permite aos autores marcar pautas para as posteriores etapas da investigação. Assim mesmo, permitiu determinar a possível carência teórica a respeito para poder fazer uma contribuição teórico- prática na Didática das Línguas Estrangeiras. Conclui-se que a conceito que se apresenta constitui a base epistemológica do estudo doutoral da autora principal para a elaboração de uma concepção didática com caráter integrador.

Palavras chaves: competência comunicativa; cultura; arte.



The study shown in this article responds to the bank of problems of the Department of Foreign Languages of the University of Las Tunas. This theme, which is related to the cultural and artistic competence of the foreign language teacher to achieve communicative competence in the English language in teachers in initial training of this career, is part of the research project entitled "The formation of the teaching professional of the humanistic sciences". Correspondingly, it is located in the line of research that has to do with the initial training of the foreign language teacher.

The demands of the study plan E for the teacher in initial training in the specialty of Foreign Languages, require the implementation of practices that integrate fields of teaching, orientation and educational research. These criteria are applied from the Integral Practice discipline of the English Language through the impact of cultural and communicative elements (Ministry of Higher Education [MES], 2016).

In relation to cultural approaches, Cuban creators have offered considerations that dignify our educational practice. Arteaga (2021) expressed:

   the fundamental ideas of the Philosophy of Education from Martí's perspective are influenced by its cultural dimension, since the theoretical and practical expression of that Philosophy is the way in which people feel, reason and make our lives and what is precisely that, if not the way we individually or collectively develop and enrich our culture (p. 1).

The implementation of these perspectives allows teachers in initial training to exchange cultural and artistic elements through expressions of the English language. It brings to the teaching-learning process of the English language a humanistic approach where, together with communication, the aesthetic, the beautiful, the educational and the hedonistic prevail. So, terms such as culture, art and communication must be merged to favor personal and collective development in the Foreign Languages specialty.

The foregoing has a legal basis in the study plan E, which requires as general objectives of the Integral Practice of the English Language discipline that teachers in initial training must construct oral, clear and detailed texts with coherence, property and linguistic correctness on topics diverse, about the daily, academic, labor, investigative, sociopolitical and cultural activity; and use visual and contextual resources to infer meanings (MES, 2016).

As a general objective of the oral communication component, they must communicate at a B2 level ( post-intermediate ) that allows active participation in conversations on various topics; the realization of descriptions, narrations, comparisons, explanations, exhibitions, oral presentations, and the argued defense of their points of view.

Therefore, the aim is to use the cultural and artistic elements in the teaching-learning process of the Comprehensive Practice of the English Language discipline, to develop communicative competence in favor of successfully performing the professional role. From the professional teaching and research experience of the authors and an exploratory study carried out in the career, specifically in the reference discipline, the external characterization presented below was demonstrated.

Teachers in initial training show a preference for expressions such as music, movies and, as a last manifestation, the visual arts. There are also difficulties in transferring artistic cultural texts to communicative linguistics. Likewise, an insufficient development of communicative competence is demonstrated through cultural and artistic elements and a lack of interest in getting involved in cultural and artistic contexts.

Taking into account the elements that have been addressed so far, the existence of a contradiction that manifests itself in the facto-perceptible stage of this study is determined. It is shown below between: the requirements of plan E of the Bachelor of Education, Foreign Languages specialty, in relation to the cultural content that favors the breadth of the vocabulary of teachers and, therefore, of communicative competence in the English language and the limitations presented by teachers in training of this career to appropriate these cultural contents and externalize them in their communicative competence in English.

For a better understanding of the regularities that occur in the preparation of teachers in initial training of the reference career, as well as the contradiction that has been delimited, it was necessary to make the first approach to the existing theory in this regard. For this, the task that was completed was a study that includes authors from the national and foreign area, which are referred to below.

Among the authors studied, the following stand out: Pupo (1990); Castillo, Estrada and Arias (2015); Alvarez and Bajardi (2016); Glaveanu (2018); Alvarez (2019); Arteaga (2021) and González (2021). From the results of these authors, one way or another, the development of communicative competence and cultural and artistic elements are addressed. In relation to the objectives of Pupo (1990), the study of communication in general and its role in the transformation of objective reality, of social and human development, is weighted; aspects among which is art and culture.

In this sense, communicative competence has been approached by dissimilar authors from the emergence of its first ideas in the 1960s to the present. From the results of Castillo, Estrada and Arias (2015), this category is studied from its definition to the realization of a proposal to achieve its different levels. An apprenticeship with applicable sociocultural characteristics is offered for the Bachelor of Education career, specializing in Foreign Languages. This can be enriched through artistic competition as one of the professional skills; but a theory is not developed in this regard that allows relating its didactics.

The results of Álvarez and Bajardi (2016) ponder the challenge of communication through the complexity of cultural, artistic and communicative meanings. Related to this, based on the objectives of Glãveanu (2018), a research linked to the development of creative communication and emphasis on the sociocultural is offered. This highlights the relevance of the creative application of learning to promote the development of society, but the contribution is made in a general way.

In the case of Álvarez (2019), artistic appreciation is worked on as a process of awareness, assessment and interpretation of the resulting artistic product. To do this, the knowledge necessary to understand art as a social phenomenon is modeled and regulated through communicative exchanges.

The study of the visions of Arteaga (2021) on Marti's work, with a philosophical, humanistic, social and sociological approach, allows us to highlight the role of culture in the process of man's formation. This refers to the importance of it to achieve the educated man, aware of his own reality, whose knowledge favors the achievement of his own freedom in the broad sense of the word.

Likewise, from contributions by González (2021), transfer is highlighted as an ideal way to achieve developer learning. In this research, although with connoted significance for the study carried out, the general character is emphasized. This will allow to be used in the development of communicative competence through the use of cultural and artistic elements.

As can be seen in the first approach of this study to the existing theory, there are diversities of valid criteria in relation to this research, which focuses on the development of communicative competence in the English language through the use of culture. and the art. In this sense, topics related to the purposes of the study shown have been explored, but there are limitations to establish a dialectical unity between them.

LiusanLext project is defended, which favors the cultural, artistic and communicative linguistics in the practical class of the Comprehensive Language Practice discipline. English. This is based on the didactic conception with an integrative character from the communicative, creative, contemporary to achieve the communicative purpose in this context of interaction in the English language.

In this area, improvement in artistic communicative competence is promoted as a theoretical result of teachers in initial training in this specialty. For this, the epistemological study presented as part of the results of this research is carried out.

Consequently, this article aims to determine the main foundations of communicative competence in the English language with a cultural and artistic approach. This problem is part of the teaching-learning process of the Integral Practice discipline of the English Language as an object of study, specifically in the cultural and artistic competence for the development of communication as a field of action.



The methods used were the following: analysis and criticism of sources, consultation of oral sources, critical opinion workshops and collective construction, and experiential pedagogical experience. The first method, which had as procedures the induction-deduction and analysis-synthesis of the theoretical order, was used to carry out the theoretical study and determine the categories that support the development of communicative competence with a cultural and artistic approach.

This method, together with the indispensable support of the aforementioned procedures, allowed for the analysis, synthesis and reaching the necessary conclusions to determine the categories of the investigation, the sources that are assumed, the specific content of those sources, as well as to offer arguments necessary to highlight the strengths and limitations of these theories for the study of communicative competence in the English language through cultural and artistic elements.

The remaining empirical methods were used to seek consensus on the results obtained and, as part of the participatory-action-research methodology, the collective analysis of the professionals involved in the process under study was contributed.

In the case of the critical opinion and collective construction workshops, they were developed, essentially, in the pedagogical group of the Integral Practice of the English Language discipline and in other groups that could provide an important and reliable level of consensus, as is the case of the Didactic integrative discipline of Foreign Languages. They were also carried out in the Integral Practice discipline of the French Language, because it is the other foreign language that is studied at the University of Las Tunas and that is methodologically based on the same theory as the English language: communicative competence.

The population of this study is made up of 207 students of the Bachelor's degree in Education specializing in Foreign Languages, English, with a second language and the sample is sixty-two teachers in initial training who are distributed over the five years of this career.



From the application of the methodology and methods declared in this article, it is stated that the analysis and criticism of sources, together with the procedures that compose it, was used to show an existing lack in the theory. This is expressed in the discrepancy between the development of communicative competence in the English language and the use of contemporary visual arts in the town of Las Tunas.

The determination of the categorical system that makes up this research by the first author is also offered as a result. These results were corroborated through the critical opinion and collective construction workshops and the experiential pedagogical experience. In the case of the workshops, a level of consensus was shown in this stage of the study above a third part, despite the fact that suggestions for improvement were accepted in the research and the emphasis on Didactics was highlighted.

Based on the objectives of a total of twelve authors, it was found that through the result of 16.7%, the philosophical vision of the culture of education was weighted, which includes art as an educational content. For its part, from the end of 25% the cultural approach of general didactics was favored. Likewise, from purposes of 41.7%, the communicative approach through contemporary visual arts was highlighted. In this sense, in correspondence with the result of 16.7%, communicative competence in the English language and cultural and artistic competence through contemporary visual arts were overlapped. As a result, the artistic communicative competence of the teacher in initial training in foreign languages is offered as new knowledge.

It is concluded that the subject being studied is pertinent insofar as it responds to the current demands of the study plan E for the teaching-learning of the English language and the social importance denoted in Martí's work that takes into account the artistic, the beautiful and the the creative application of learning in foreign languages.

In the determination of the fundamental categories, the epistemological basis of the study was formed, highlighting the communicative competence, the cultural and artistic competence for its imbrication in the definition of the resulting category. This was expressed as artistic communicative competence.

Likewise, the particular study of this research is contextualized in the communicative development in the English language through the contemporary visual arts of the town of Las Tunas. From the previous epistemological study, the scientific path to be followed by the first author and her tutors in the integrative didactic conception of communication in the English language with the art that she will propose soon was projected.



Main categories for the development of communicative competence with a cultural and artistic approach

In this context, communicative activity is assumed, since "knowledge, values and social and individual praxis are synthesized in organic unity in communication" (Pupo 1990). Related to this, in Philosophy the activity is understood as:

   the specifically human way of relating to the world, which constitutes the process in the course of which man creatively reproduces and transforms nature, thus becoming an active subject and converting the phenomena of nature that he assimilates into the object of his activity (Pupo, 1990, p. 14).

In this way, the creative application of cultural and artistic elements related to communicative competence was emphasized. This integration favors the interpretation of contemporary cultural values that teachers in initial training need; in favor of fulfilling the objectives of his profession that designate him as an intercultural communicator, according to the standards of the current study plan. They must also communicate about works of visual art, although this requirement is not explicitly found in the study plan.

Corresponding to Pupo's theory of activity (1990), the above arguments are a reflection of the typology of activity as a result that is offered from the studies of this author:

Like any human process, learning communicative competence in the English language, as well as culture and art in an isolated and integrated way, have a cognitive basis. These processes allow the appropriation of knowledge of various types and their transmission. This knowledge of the language, art and culture in an integral way constitutes a reflection of the objective reality, which can and must be transformed in correspondence with social demands.

In the specific case of this research, it is intended to transform the reality of the process of appropriation of communicative competence in the Integral Practice discipline of the English Language, for which the existence of epistemic biases must first be demonstrated. The latter is achieved through the deepening of the epistemological studies that are carried out in this research as part of the cognitive activity.

Related to practical activity, it is stated that every human work carries a quota of practice and it is not precisely the teaching of communicative competence, culture and art separately and integrated outside this precept. Despite the high theoretical load that these processes contain, the practical incursion stands out. In fact, the classes of the discipline that is studied in its form of organization are characterized by practical classes. And what about art and culture? To show results are accompanied by hard practical work.

Whenever one is in the presence of activities such as those described in this thesis, it can be affirmed that the evaluative activity takes place. When a group of teachers in initial training and teachers are immersed in the development of communicative competence in the foreign language, by obligation they make an assessment of the different topics they address. These topics can be from everyday life or from the profession.

In the same way, culture and art carry out an evaluative process from the stage of their ideal conception to the transit through artistic appreciation, co-creation and creation. This leads to the understanding of the artistic work by the different types of publics, even when the interpretation is varied and diverse as it reflects the individuality of the perceiving subject. By integrating culture and art to the development of communicative competence, the assessment activity gains added value, as it becomes an integrating assessment.

The communicative activity in the object and field of this study is obviously of obligatory presence. First of all, the goal of teaching foreign languages in Cuba and the world is precisely communication. This precept justifies the presence of the communicative activity from the Didactics of Foreign Languages, Philosophy and Psychology in the Integral Practical discipline of the English Language.

Culture and art, without communication, lose value; more than that, its existence is impossible. Both constitute a communicative process in which both the creator and the sender of the message, the work of art, which constitutes the message itself, and the public that appreciates that work, who receives the message, intervene. In addition, there is an interaction between the public and the creator that does not necessarily have to be direct, which is called feedback.

When these two analyses, which have been carried out independently, are taken into an integrating process in which the art-culture-communication triad, in a balanced relationship, offers a motivating, refreshing, novel, cultured and beautiful way to develop communicative competence, It brings a new connotation to communication. This is so due to the communicative and creative nature of the two processes, which this study is responsible for integrating through communication in artistic appreciation.

Both go hand in hand from the gestation of what teachers in initial training observe through the appreciation of the work of art, the process of interpretation, breadth of vocabulary, to the creation of a new way of expressing overlapping artistic themes. daily and professional. Here it is necessary to interpret these works, as well as their communicating elements so that teachers in initial training achieve artistic communicative competence as part of their professional competence.

In this sense, the dialectical-materialist theory of knowledge is required. This makes it possible to transform the teacher's performance in initial training and solve the contradiction manifested in the university reality. For this reason, the epistemological study of this research is ascribed to the definition of activity proposed by Pupo (1990), expressing the active nature of the subject in the creative transformation of the object. This enables the development of communicative competence through the appreciation and creation of contemporary visual arts to communicate ideas in the Integral Practice discipline of the English Language.

In this, the image coding and decoding processes allow the use of artistic appreciation to develop communicative competence in the English language, in favor of talking about reality in relation to the educational objectives that strengthen the role of this profession. All this makes possible the transmission of culture from a communicative-professional approach.

Related to the above, from the results of Álvarez (2019), it is stated that aesthetic appreciation is an intellectual exercise in which each interpretation constitutes an element of value for the exercise of criteria; goes towards the search for a comprehensive understanding of artistic creation. In this way, the act of valuing will become one more way of creating.

Thus, incorporating the appreciation of contemporary visual arts in the teaching-learning process of the Integral Practice of the English Language discipline implies developing the co-creation referred to by Torres (2021). This weights the creative application of learning to benefit communicative competence. From the study of this author, artistic appreciation is updated as part of co-creation.

It is also argued that any approach to art has a creative meaning. So, in line with the above, artistic appreciation practices related to communicative competence should not be used at a reproductive level, but rather should promote the transition to creation through the co-creation of discourse in contemporary visual arts.

In accordance with the expressed criteria, creation and co-creation favor the teaching-learning process of the English language, with emphasis on communicative competence, when linked to the learning situations of teachers in initial career training. Foreign languages. In this sense, from the didactic point of view of foreign languages, it is assumed that the creation of art in English classes favors communicative performance with an artistic and creative connotation of communication.

In line with the analysis of the contributions of Álvarez (2019) and Torres (2021), it is declared that both studies are relevant for the integration of communicative competence with the elements of culture and art. There is an intentional relationship in which the development of this creative process in communication responds to the principles of the Leninist theory of knowledge, which states that it moves from living contemplation to abstract thought and from there to practice. Consequently, it also corresponds to the theory of activity already referred to in this work.

In this sense, through the study of the fundamentals of Álvarez and Bajardi (2016), it is shown that contemporary visual arts have operated as symbolic systems that offer complex meanings. From this perspective, the role of these meanings in the development of the teaching task is emphasized to favor communicative competence. This allows offering challenges that drive action in communicative performance through cultural and artistic elements.

From the point of view of the teaching-learning of communicative competence, this process of knowledge appropriation is fulfilled. Teachers in initial training, first, make visual or auditory contact with the target language, an initial process that is carried out at a perceptual-reproductive level. Subsequently, and guided by the teacher, teachers in initial training transition to abstract thinking.

At this stage, teachers in initial training internalize all the issues related to the elements of the language to establish communication. These elements have a communicative and formal character; communicative because among these aspects orality or writing is consciously deepened in communicative functions. In the specific case of this research, it focused on oral presentations.

For oral presentations, other elements are taken into account from the communicative and formal point of view, such as: pronunciation, accent, rhythm, pauses, intonation, among others. The cultural differences that exist in the speakers of the target language and in those who learn this language are also internalized, because all this constitutes part of the stage related to abstract thought.

Once the knowledge to achieve communicative competence has been perceived, internalized, then comes the practice. In this sense, there are several types of practices, from controlled practice, semi -controlled practice, free practice and creative practice. This process occurs cyclically in constant improvement.

The same thing happens in art and culture; the creator, a role that is attributed to the teacher in initial training after appreciating works of art, perceives in his imagination through the materialization of the creative idea the artistic communicative product that he wants to achieve. Then he abstracts himself in his thought to understand the essence of what he wants to express and is supported by the first practical incursions that go from the elaboration of sketches or drafts to the transit through the entire creative process to achieve the final product of the teaching task.

In the articulation that is to be achieved between the development of communicative competence and cultural and artistic elements, the same process takes place. Through art and culture, teachers in initial training perceive what in a second stage of abstraction becomes interpretation, appropriation of cultural and linguistic knowledge to finally achieve communication in the English language through creation.

This communication constitutes the practical part of knowledge, together with artistic creation, which will take place progressively in the transition from the vision of the artistic appreciation process as a creative, linguistic and artistic process to the co-creation and creation that achieve teachers in initial training from art and language. In this case, they will achieve, as far as possible, co-create and create art based on communication in the English language, either for reasons, interests or means to develop communicatively.

In this process, it is necessary to go through the levels of communicative competence that are objectives of the program, in parallel with the transit of the following stages: linguistic communication through appreciation, co-creation and artistic creation as part of the teaching-learning process of the Integral Practical discipline of the English Language. The latter happens from the transfer of the artistic cultural text to the communicative linguistic one.

In keeping with what has been expressed, the value of knowledge, sensations, points of view suggested by works of contemporary visual art are intensified in order to relate them to professional preparation. The latter can become artistic creation to communicate and educate through oral expression, where the debate on social issues that the visual arts suggest forms a perception of the world.

This has the purpose of transforming cognitive and communicative development from the role of artistic interpretation. Likewise, it is the result of the perception related to the skills of the profession. So, in the communicative competence of the Integral Practice of the English Language discipline, it is possible to interact and direct the teaching-learning process through the creation of contemporary visual arts.

With regard to creation and co-creation, it should be noted that it is used in order to achieve communicative competence in the English Language through the use of cultural and artistic elements. For this, it is necessary to highlight that both processes and the transit of linguistic communication, appreciation and artistic creation occur simultaneously. This means that we are in the presence of a multilateral and progressive process.

This is related to Pupo's (1990) activity theory linked to communication. This is the objective and instrument of the profession for the teaching of foreign languages. In this sense, communication denotes interaction and exchange of information with a high social connotation. These ideas include that, as part of human communication, there must be interaction, sharing of meanings between the one who emits and the one who receives the information.

The aforementioned benefits the development of communicative competence in the English language from the impact of works of art. This enhances the role of teachers in initial training as co-creators to create, communicate and transform the criteria of others. It is emphasized that these precepts contribute to the development of communicative competence with a cultural and artistic approach.

Communication, from the analyzed perspective, denotes the philosophical character as it constitutes a way of representing objective reality. Its psychological character can also be distinguished once the intervention of the subjects stands out. It is also studied from the linguistic point of view because it establishes how, in theoretical terms, communication is achieved as the goal of language learning. This issue is singled out in this study from the use of culture and art. Which also establish communication by themselves.

The communicative and creative perspective that relates communicative competence with a professional approach and cultural and artistic elements is influenced by the cultural-historical approach. This supports the idea that the teacher in initial training is related to the historical-cultural environment from which he receives influences, which requires interaction with contemporary visual arts, where artistic appreciation serves to communicate. This in turn leads to creating art as an instrument that allows to meet the objectives in the Integral Practice discipline of the English Language, which aims to establish communication.

From the historical-cultural theory, the zone of proximal development is taken into account, which according to Gamboa (2019, p. 7) is:

   the gap between the actual level of development, as determined by the ability to independently solve a problem, and the potential level of development, as determined through problem solving under adult guidance or in collaboration with a more capable peer. Between the Zone of Actual Development and the Zone of Potential Development, the Zone of Proximal Development expands.

In these postulates about the zone of proximal development, the need to implement the teaching-learning process of the Integral Practice of the English Language discipline through the exchange of cultural and artistic knowledge is enhanced. Communicative competence and oral presentations are also favored as part of the objectives of the program of the discipline being studied.

The general objective of the potential development of the teacher in training takes into account the development of communicative competence in the English language, but the weakness of not including it through the impact of cultural and artistic elements is declared. This is related to the unit of instruction and education and of the school with the social context.

In this sense, the contents addressed must be related to expressions of contemporary visual arts. This is done with the purpose of sharing the communicative and artistic knowledge found in our field. They are loaded with images and symbols, combined with different purposes that are not always educational.

In accordance with the aforementioned, the need to address the didactic treatment in order to achieve communicative competence in the discipline under study, through cultural and artistic elements, provides additional value to this study. This becomes mutual interests of teachers in initial training and teachers of Integral Practice of the English Language of the Foreign Languages career. It takes this meaning by showing how profitable it is to solve this need for a developer teaching-learning process.

In keeping with the above, a developer teaching-learning process should be implemented where the foundations of Glãveanu (2018) are assumed, which articulate with artistic creation in the teaching-learning process, and those of González (2021), who ponders the transfer knowledge and skills of teachers in initial training. This benefits the presentation of information through artistic cultural texts related to communicative linguistic texts and makes artistic creation viable as part of the cycle of the teaching task.

Based on the contributions of Glãveanu (2018) about the role of creative perspectives to achieve sociocultural learning, the role of the subject is interpreted as an integrator, creator, participatory and not a mere content player. It also reflects on this conception, to apply it to the effective development of the teaching-learning process, which also implies a comprehensive and transdisciplinary vision.

In this way, the relationships established in the process as a whole are recognized: a richer understanding that includes protagonists, levels and relationships as integral elements of the structure of the teaching-learning process. Similarly, the transdisciplinary perspective seeks to unify knowledge from various disciplines to appropriate reality from an integrative approach, which allows the development of potential in teachers in initial training. In the case of this research, these potentialities are enriched through cultural and artistic elements to develop communication in the English language.

This means that creative, integrative and transdisciplinary learning must be emphasized from the developer, to promote the comprehensive development of the personality of teachers in initial training and achieve a balance between the cognitive, affective and evaluative. Likewise, it serves to enhance the transition from dependency to independence, developing the ability to know and transform oneself and what surrounds him. Consequently, this develops the ability to learn throughout life, after the appropriation of skills to learn to learn and the need for constant self-education.

Along with these aspects, the transfer of knowledge proposed by González (2021) towards the creative application of learning is taken into account. From this foundation, communicative competence in the English language is developed as a creative process involving the co-creation and/or creation of works of art by teachers in initial training for communicative, didactic and artistic purposes. This also allows influencing the cultural baggage of the research sample.

Then, based on the demands of the developing teaching-learning process in the Integral Practice discipline of the English Language and the process of artistic appreciation, it is necessary to have a creative approach that achieves the dialectical unity between the two. From this budget, the future elaboration of the didactic conception for the development of communicative competence in the English language is facilitated, based on the use of cultural and artistic elements in teachers in initial training of Foreign Languages.

In correspondence with the supports that are assumed up to this moment, it is declared necessary to develop the epistemological study of the didactic components that allow the effective direction of the teaching-learning process of the Integral Practice of the English Language. To do this, the postulates of Espinoza (2020) are studied in which the didactic components are treated. For the purposes of this research, two of them are emphasized.

From the study of this author, the objective is valued as the guiding category of the teaching-learning process around the competencies that need to be achieved in the students. The content is conceived as generic competencies, in addition to the systemic and interpersonal ones that include theoretical, procedural and attitudinal dimensions; those that show the part of the culture that must be assimilated.

Correspondingly, the objective of teaching foreign languages in Cuba is to achieve communicative competence; and the contents that are weighted in this research to achieve this objective are the cultural and artistic elements in relation to daily and professional activity. From this study, communicative competence in the English language is achieved through cultural and artistic elements, for which the other didactic components interact.

In this sense, the definition of communicative competence proposed by Castillo, Estrada and Arias (2015) is assumed, who state that it focuses on the dialectic pair competence/action and includes the components (linguistic, sociolinguistic, discursive, strategic and sociocultural). The study of these authors favors the integration of fields of teaching, guidance and educational research, which allows the development of professional skills from the Integral Practice discipline of the English Language. Likewise, in this research, communicative competence is developed through communicative artistic and linguistic cultural performance.

In this perspective, the use of cultural and artistic elements means incorporating cultural and artistic competence in the preparation of teachers in initial training. This develops higher psychic processes through appreciation, co-creation and creation as procedures belonging to the didactics of visual arts in which communication in the English language occurs through the transdisciplinary relationship.

In the articulation of communicative competence and cultural and artistic competence, according to Margiotta (2018), the cultural awareness and expression that articulates with cultural and artistic competence, is defined as: the appreciation of the importance of the creative expression of ideas, experiences and emotions in artistic media including music, drama, dance, literature, and visual arts.

Likewise, in the artistic communicative articulation of the present study, its didactic character is evidenced, insofar as the objective category as the guiding component of the teaching-learning process of the Integral Practice of the English Language discipline is constituted by the development of communicative competence. In the unique case of this research, communicative competence is enhanced with a new vision, evidencing the main contribution of this research. The artistic communicative competence of the teacher in initial training of Foreign Languages is offered.

Then, the communicative artistic competence of the English language teacher is defined as the communicative performance in the English Language, supported by the creative expression of ideas, experiences and emotions through the co-creation of conceptual art resulting from the appreciation of contemporary visual arts. from Liusan; in order to teach teachers in initial training to communicate in English at a professional level, direct the teaching-learning process of the English Language and disseminate cultural and artistic elements contextualized to the culture of their profession.



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Conflict of interests:

The authors declare not to have any interest conflicts.


Authors contribution:

The authors have participated in the design and writing of the work, and analysis of the documents.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Copyright (c) Daniuska Ferrales López, Vilma Violeta Borrero Ochoa, Frank Arteaga Pupo