Mendive. Journal on Education, april-june 2022; 20(2): 583-601
Translated from the original in Spanish
Original article
The formation of the patriotism through Marti works in the university students
La formación del patriotismo a través de la obra martiana en los estudiantes universitarios
A formação do patriotismo através do trabalho de Marti em estudantes universitários
Juan Carlos Hernández
Isabel Reinoso Castillo2
1Municipal University Center "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Pinar del Río,
2Municipal University Center of Consolación del Sur. Pinar del Río, Cuba.
Received: February 12th, 2022.
Accepted: March 24th, 2022.
In Higher Education, the work with the Martian work is of vital importance in the formation of values such as patriotism, internationalism and anti-imperialism. Theappearance of cuaderno Martiano IV, "Martí en la Universidad", allows university students to give continuity to Cuaderno Martiano III, "Preuniversitario", where the political-social and revolutionary thought of the National Hero is present. The main objective of this article is the results of a system of activities through the Martian work for the formation of the patriotism value, using the MaritianNotebook IV "Martí en la Universidad". The improvement of Higher Education programs provides an opportunity for students, not only from the meeting class but also from the university extension participating in the Martian Chair, to become familiar with little-studied texts by José Martí. Methods of the theoretical and empirical level were used, such as: thehystorical-logical, the systemic-structural approach, the analysis of documents, the interview, the survey, the observation. As a result, a proposal for a system of activities was elaborated, through the Martian work, for the formation of the patriotism value in the students of the Accounting and Finance career, which allows a greater deepening in the study of Martí thought so that they can develop a greater link with the profile of the profession.
Keywords: notebook; students; Marti; patriotism; thought; values.
En la Educación Superior, el trabajo con la obra martiana es de vital importancia en la formación de valores como el patriotismo, el internacionalismo y el antimperialismo. La aparición del Cuaderno Martiano IV, "Martí en la Universidad", permite a los estudiantes universitarios dar continuidad al Cuaderno Martiano III, "Preuniversitario", donde está presente el pensamiento político-social y revolucionario del Héroe Nacional. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo fundamental los resultados de un sistema de actividades a través de la obra martiana para la formación del valor patriotismo, utilizando el Cuaderno Maritiano IV "Martí en la Universidad". El perfeccionamiento de los programas de la Educación Superior brinda una oportunidad para que los estudiantes, no solo desde la clase encuentro sino también desde la extensión universitaria participando en la Cátedra Martiana, se familiaricen con textos poco estudiados de José Martí. Se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico y empírico como: el histórico-lógico, el enfoque sistémico-estructural, el análisis de documentos, la entrevista, la encuesta, la observación. Como resultado se elaboró una propuesta de sistema de actividades, a través de la obra martiana, para la formación del valor patriotismo en los estudiantes de la carrera de Contabilidad y Finanzas, lo que permite una mayor profundización en el estudio del pensamiento martiano para que puedan desarrollar una mayor vinculación con el perfil de la profesión.
Palabras clave: cuaderno; estudiantes; Martí; patriotismo; pensamiento; valores.
No Ensino Superior, trabalhar com a obra de Martí é de vital importância na formação de valores como patriotismo, internacionalismo e anti-imperialismo. O aparecimento do Caderno Martiano IV, "Martí na Universidade", permite aos universitários dar continuidade ao Caderno Martiano III, "Pré-universitário", onde está presente o pensamento político-social e revolucionário do Herói Nacional. Este artigo tem como objetivo principal os resultados de um sistema de atividades através do trabalho de Martí para a formação do valor do patriotismo, utilizando o Caderno Maritiano IV "Martí na Universidade". O aprimoramento dos programas de Ensino Superior oferece uma oportunidade para os alunos, não apenas da turma de encontro, mas também da extensão universitária que participa da Cátedra Martiana, conhecerem textos pouco estudados de José Martí. Foram utilizados métodos de nível teórico e empírico, tais como: a abordagem histórico-lógica, a abordagem sistêmico-estrutural, a análise de documentos, a entrevista, o levantamento e a observação. Como resultado, elaborou-se uma proposta de sistema de atividades, através do trabalho de Marti, para a formação do valor do patriotismo nos alunos da carreira de Contabilidade e Finanças, o que permite maior aprofundamento no estudo do pensamento de Marti para que eles pode desenvolver uma maior ligação com o perfil da profissão.
Palavras-chave: caderno; alunos; Marti; patriotismo; pensei; valores.
At present, the formation of values continues to have scope within the studies of Education and Higher Education.
The experiences in this field are incalculable. The formation of values in the new generations, which are responsible for bringing the main transformations of the country to a de facto path, requires more prepared students, politically and ideologically, for the defense of the conquests achieved in almost six decades.
An approach to the concept of values
There are many studies developed in the country on the formation and education in values, either by educational institutions or research centers.
Báxter (2007), quoted by Utrera Alonso, M., & Consuegra Cheng, M.M. (2020, p. 360) points out that "Values are an expression of the society in which they were created and this reflects their aspirations and purposes in the educational policy that is drawn, thus defining what type of person is required to be formed to respond to their goals and interests".
In society, the formation of values takes on an extraordinary importance because of what it represents for the new generations at the present time. Institutions, the family, the community exert a decisive influence on the values they are capable of transmitting, fostering in young people industriousness, collectivism, love of country, solidarity, among others.
As Daemar Ricardo Marrero, Isidro E. Méndez Santos (2019, p. 171) puts it: "Values constitute beliefs linked to the very existence of the subject and his practical activity, which express, ultimately, the meaning that, by consensus, is attributed to the different principles, objects and phenomena of reality."
In each social economic formation, each of the values is associated with the different principles and attitudes of the people and respond to a certain social class. Each class gives meaning to values and these take root to the extent that they are transmitted from one generation to the next.
From this are derived the behaviors, attitudes, ways of acting and thinking of each person and directly influence the development of society. In agreement with Rivero Rodríguez, N.M., Naranjo Noda, S., S. & Sarmiento Sánchez, J.C. (2014, p. 33): "Values must be formed since they have a great importance for the development of the personality because they guide and regulate attitudes that give the subject meaning of his life ..."
The formation of values at the present time is vital for the defense of the economic-social model. As young people assume participation in different tasks of impact, product of COVID-19, positive behaviors are taking root in them, so that the sense of industriousness, patriotism and others are increasingly rooted contributing to the social project where they are in defense of the nation and nationality.
El Patriotism. Its importance in the current moments
On the termpatriotism, says Daniel Bar-Tal (1994):
The word patriotism comes from the Greek term pater which means father. It indicates a feeling based on loyalty to the father. Enthe Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences points out that "the word patriotism has no clear definition, and there are vague and diverse ideas regarding the psychological spring, historical origins and characteristic manifestations of the feeling of patriotism" (p. 65).
As society progresses, this word has undergone transformations and has had different behaviors between social classes; so it has not had the same meaning in class societies and the socialist system, where patriotism reaches a high value in the defense of conquests and the preservation of national independence, manifested through different ways of acting as love for the country, its symbols, its martyrs, among others.
This is one of the values that needs to be strengthened in students from primary education to university. From the moment the student arrives at the University and makes contact with the different subjects, it is necessary to receive various influences; according to Caballero García, Y., & Martínez Galiano, J. (2018, p. 335): "The university students we form today acquire the awareness that the Homeland comes first, to live for the Homeland, to be willing to die for it, to participate consciously and unconditionally in the tasks of the Revolution."
Education, from Primary to University, instills patriotism from teaching and extracurricular or extension activities. Not only from the History or Civic Education class patriotism is expressed in modes of action to students, but other ways are also used such as visits to monuments, museums, historical sites, among others, which commit people to fight for development and sovereignty and form new values and attitudes of defense of the conquests achieved.
On this subject, Chacón (2016), quoted by Utrera Alonso, M., & Consuegra Cheng, M.M. (2020) argues: "One of the values that must be strengthened the most in the current Cuban school is that related to patriotism, because it is a thought that links an individual with his homeland" (p. 361).
That patriotism value is closely linked to the safeguarding of their homeland, culture, identity, history, protection and respect for their symbols. Rooted in this, this feeling is also part of the combative traditions of the nation, so it is necessary to strengthen it from the family, the school, the community and the influence of the mass media.
On the need to form true patriots Escribano (2014), quoted by Hervis, E. E., Gómez, N. O., Martínez, R. B., & O'Farril1, Y. H. (2020) "insists on the need [...] ... to be a patriot in the various forms of expression of the notion of homeland, from its most particular meaning of unrestricted identification with the place where it was born to the defense of the rights of humanity and freedom in the exercise of its beliefs. It must firmly adhere to just ideals, of high humanist content, with a clear notion of justice and its practice" (p. 4).
The ideals of justice are part of patriotism; that, together with the consolidation of the best accumulated values, the knowledge and respect for national symbols, the homeland history, the life and thought of José Martí and other heroes of the independence wars, the defense of the ideology of the Cuban Revolution, are an essential part of the educational project in Higher Education.
Role of the University Center in the formation of patriotic values
Educational institutions play an important role in the formation of values with the use of Martí's work. The Municipal University Center, as part of the process of universalization, is called to train students with a great patriotic sense.
The formation of patriotism in young people and the role played by the University is of vital importance in the current moments in which imperialism tries to impose its hegemony.
As stated by Caballero García, Y., Reyes Díaz, A.& Martínez Galiano, J. (2019): "On the basis of solid knowledge about the homeland, its characteristics, intransigence in the face of imperialism and solidarity with those who fight against oppression, the morality of the new generations of Cubans who will have in their hands the historical mission of the proletariat must be formed" (p. 6).
Cultivating in young people, through the various channels, patriotism using the work of Martí, puts university students in better conditions to understand the development of historical events, which allows them to deepen their life and work and put it in a context according to the historical conditions in which the Cuban Revolution is developing, its conquests and the need for the defense of the sovereignty and independence of the nation, which was ratified by Cubans in the Constitution of the Republic of Cuba in 2019.
The study and use of the Martian Notebooks from Primary Education to the University allows them to deepen the revolutionary patriotic thought of the National Hero of Cuba. It is important that university students become familiar with Martí and the University; itis of inestimable courage to instill in young people the love of the Homeland and its heroes and martyrs. Its use by both students and teachers is insufficient.
All the research was carried out with a dialectical-materialist approach as a general method of the sciences, to assess the object of study of the research revealing the relationships between its components, from the most general laws of the development of nature, society and thought.
Theoretical methods
Historical and logical analysis: he promoted the study of literature and thus analyze the historical background of this process by delving into the conditions that facilitate work in the context of Higher Education.
Analysis and synthesis: it enabled the analysis and critical evaluation of studies carried out on the education of the value of patriotismo, facilitating the understanding, explanation and generalization of the main trends in this process, in their internal relations. It was very useful in the analysis of the sources consulted and the instruments applied, synthesizing the causes that caused the problem to be investigated and allowing the organization and structuring of the system of activities.
Induction and deduction: it was necessary to arrive at generalizations about the education of the value patriotism and to identify and understand particular phenomena within it in the study carried out.
Modelación: favor the elaboration and the improvement of the general representation of the system of activities.
Systemic approach: it was used in the analysis of the results of the diagnosis of the current state of the treatment of the education of the value patriotism, in the theoretical foundation of the investigated problem and in the elaboration of the system of activities that is proposed.
Empirical level methods:
Observation: it asked to verify, during the research, the initial state of the problem from the exploration of the educational reality, as well as the behavior and the incidences in the process of education of the patriotism value.
Analysis of documents: it was used in order to make an analysis of the content of the programs of Higher Education, provided important elements derived from other normative documents (program of History of Cuba, methodological analysis and class plans) corresponding to the subject of History.
Survey: it was applied to the teachers, to assess the process of education of the patriotism value that is carried out in the investigated center and the context in which they are developed.
The research was developed at the of Consolación del Sur. The center has an enrollment of 364 students, of which 89 are from the accounting and finance career.
Regularities of diagnosis
The results of the application of the different methods with their instruments allowed to assess the difficulties that are present in the race.
A diagnosis was developed with the aim of analyzing, from the career of Accounting and Finance, the formation of patriotism through the Martian work using the Martí notebook and the University.
Six professors (100%) were used as a population and sample, who are the ones who teach the subjects in the Accounting and Finance career.
The observation of meeting classes and other activities manifest difficulties that warn that this practice is in need of an improvement in this sense. For example:
The questionnaire applied raised several questions, in order to investigate the level of knowledge of professionals of the career about patriotism and its link to Martí thought in university students.
Of the professors surveyed, only two (33.3%) were able to offer some answers that evidenced knowledge regarding the formation of patriotism in university students, four (66.6%) said they knew nothing (Figure 1).
Fig. 1- Knowledge about patriotism
On the knowledge of the existence of the Martian Notebook IV "Martí and the University", 100% of the respondents (6) said that they did not know it; regarding the knowledge of the other notebooks of primary, secondary and pre-university education, only one of them, which represents 16.6% answered that they knew it.
Fig. 2- Knowledge of the Martian Notebook IV "Martí en la Universidad"
Attending to ways to form the value patriotism through the Martian work in university students, the conversations obtained the largest amount, since 3 (50%) chose this, as shown in figure 3, while the talks resulted with 16.6% (1) and the rest in patriotic activities 33.3% (2), indicating mornings, acts, observation of films and documentaries and other activities that strengthen patriotism in the young people.
Fig. 3- Ways for the formation of patriotism through the work of Martí
When asked if they carry out actions to form patriotism through the work of Martí, 66.6% (4) indicated that they do and 33.3% (2) that they do not, as illustrated in Figure 4, although they pointed out the need to increase actions in the morning and other extension activities, to train students with a solid patriotic base and torespond to the demands of Higher Education.
Fig. 4- Actions to form patriotism
In relation to the dissemination of patriotism using the different media, 33.3% answered that the use of educational television is important (2), 16.6% the use of the press, radio and others such as magazines, newsletters (1) and the rest, 50%,50%, the use of social networks (3), as illustrated in Figure 5.
Fig. 5- Spreading patriotism through the media
On the topics that teachers should receive for the formation of patriotism through the work of Martí, 50% (3) did not answer anything, 16.6% (1) linked to the transcendence of the revolutionary political thought of José Martí and 33.3% (2) referred to the life and work of the National Hero, for the enormous legacy he presents for present and future generations and the validity in the current moments.
Fig. 6- Themes for the formation of patriotism through the work of Martí
In the documentary analysis, class plans, race records and the José Martí Chair were reviewed.
The analysis of the results obtained in the diagnostic study of the object and the triangulation allowed to determine the following regularities:
Limitations are manifested in students of the accounting and finance career, such as:
- Little knowledge about the patriotism value linked to José Martí.
- Insufficient participation in extension activities linked to the chair "José Martí".
- The knowledge of the teachers regarding the patriotism value linked to the work of José Martí is insufficient, as well as the use of the Martian Notebook "Martí en la Universidad".
- Insufficient link of the career with the Martian chair of the for the analysis of these issues and thus deepen the Martian legacy.
Denotes the importance of the formation of patriotism in university students, to strengthen the love of the Homeland and the defense of the conquests achieved, and thus to train integral professionals, competent, withpolitical-ideological firmness and committed to the Revolution, who satisfy the demand for graduates in the careers taught at the university, for the economic and social development of the municipality, the province and other regions of the country.
From this aspect, the importance of the proposed system of activities is highlighted.
The results of the diagnosis justify the need to introduce in practice a proposal for a system of activities through the work of Martí, for the formation of the patriotism value in the students of the Accounting and Finance career using the Martian Notebook "Martí and the University", that contributes to the study of the patriotic-revolutionary thought of José Martí and know how to apply it in the different subjects of the career.
Proposal of system of activities for the formation of patriotism through the Martian work from the Martian Chair
The diagnosis carried out showed the inadequacies that this presents in the career of Bachelor in Accounting and Finance, which justified the elaboration of the system of activities for the formation of patriotism through the work of Martí, to contribute to create in the students' true values of love for the Homeland and deepen in the Martian legacy, forming true patriots in defense of national identity and love for heroes and martyrs.
This proposal contributes to the solution of the problem using as a way for its implementation the Martian Notebook IV "Martí and the University" and the films Innocence and José Martí. The eye of the canary, as well as the Dictionary of Martian Thought.
General objective of the system of activities: to contribute to the formation of the patriotism value through the work of José Martí in the students of the second to fifth year of the Accounting and Finance career of the Municipal University Center, through the development of a system of extractive activities.
System of activities:
Activity 1. Debate on the concept of patriotism.
Objective: to define the concept of patriotism through an established debate with students.
Presentation. The professor, previously, guides the search for information related to the concept of patriotism given by different authors and its current treatment, will explain that through a dialogue it will be debated.
Rubén Martínez Villena: "patriotism is love for the natural beauties of the country of birth, interest in its inhabitants and customs, veneration for its great men, taste for its music, kind memory of childhood, family affections ... The root of that militant patriotism is in the hatred of injustice. And it is the thirst for justice that ignites and reveals to peoples, not the geographical fact of being born in a certain place on earth," "... if injustice is the same here or there, why should not all peoples feel it identically as a scourge that has fallen indistinctly, permanently and secularly on the backs of all? This reality of common pain and danger justifies and imposes the right and duty of union for the defense, also common, against injustice." "The common and greatest enemy of all the American peoples, especially Indo-Latins, is the capitalist imperialism of the U.S. of America.".
"Nationality is the immortality of peoples and the purest origin of patriotism ... Let us not be ... the unfortunate toy of men who with our sacrifices would like to take over our land, not for our happiness, but for their benefit" (Domingo Figarola-Caneda: José Antonio Saco. Documentos para su vida, Imprenta El Siglo XX, Havana, 1921, p. 324).
Félix Varela, in Philosophical Miscellaneous: "To the love that every man has for the country in which he was born, and the interest he takes in its prosperity we call patriotism. The consideration of the place where for the first time we appeared in the great picture of beings, where we receive the most pleasant impressions, which are those of childhood, for the novelty that all objects have for us, and for the serenity with which we contemplate them when no fatal sorrow agitates our spirit, impressions whose memory always recreates us; the multitude of objects to which we are united by sacred bonds, of nature, of gratitude and of friendship: all this inspires in us an irresistible inclination, and an indelible love for our homeland. In a way we identify with her, considering her as our mother, and we resent everything that could harm her. As man does not despise himself, he does not despise, nor does he suffer from the contempt of his country that he reputes, if I can use this expression, as part of it. From this comes the effort to defend everything that belongs to it, to ponder its perfections and to conceal its defects".
Lessons in Philosophy (1824) in the Seminary of San Carlos taught that: "To the love that every man has for the country in which he was born, and for the interest he takes in its prosperity, we call patriotism" (Sáez, 2001, p. 26).
Fidel Castro: "Revolution is unity, it is independence, it is fighting for our dreams of justice for Cuba and for the world, which is the basis of our patriotism, our socialism and our internationalism" (Concept Revolution May 1,2000).
"This Revolution has the privilege of carrying with it and counting as part of it the revolutionary people, whose consciousness is developing and whose unity is indestructible. United the revolutionary people, armed with the most revolutionary conceptions, with the deepest patriotism -which the conscience and the internationalist concept does not exclude the concept of patriotism-revolutionary patriotism, perfectly reconcilable with revolutionary internationalism, armed with these resources and with those favorable circumstances, will be invincible" (Solemn evening on the occasion of the centenary of the fall in combat of Major General Ignacio Agramonte. Plaza San Juan de Dios, Camagüey, May 11, 1973, "Year of the XX Anniversary")
Taken from History of Selection of Discourses on Historical Themes of Cuban Revolution. Political Editor, La Habana1980, pp. 107-132:
- "Patriotism is the basis on which the conception of War of All the People is based"," Fidel.
- "Love of country, one of the deepest feelings entrenched by centuries and millennia of isolated homelands," Lenin.
- "Patriotism, in its highest and noblest sense, is a complex feeling, a mixture of admiration and love. Our parents loved and esteemed the country, they had a very high concept of the merit and value of the things of their land" (Conference given by Dr. Ramiro Guerra, Provincial Superintendent of Schools of Pinar del Río, delivered at the meeting of teachers held in Guanajay on November 20, 1913, digital).
- A debate will be established with each member of the group on the concept of patriotism, its meaning and the need to know this for the defense of the Homeland.
- They will be asked to mention manifestations of patriotism in their locality.
This activity will be evaluated qualitatively, according to the individual participation of each of the students in the tasks reflected above.
Activity 2. The concept of patriotism in José Martí.
Objective: to demonstrate the concept of patriotism in José Martí through an established debate with the students.
Presentation. The professor, previously, guides the search for information related to the concept of patriotism in José Martí, which appears in the Dictionary of Martian Thought by Ramiro Valdés Galarraga. He will explain that, through a debate, they will come to demonstrate how patriotism is manifested in the National Hero of Cuba
- A debate will be established with each member of the group on patriotism in José Martí where each student will contribute their criteria and at the end the concept will be reached.
- They will be asked to mention manifestations of patriotism in José Martí.
This activity will be evaluated qualitatively, according to the individual participation of each of the students in the tasks reflected above. He is guided for the next activity the analysis of the writing "The Spanish Republic before the Cuban Revolution"
Activity 3. The Spanish Republic before the Cuban Revolution (pp. 1-8)
Objective: to analyze the political thought of José Martí through an established debate with the students.
Presentation. Students are guided to analyze the text "The Spanish Republic before the Cuban Revolution", which appears in the Martian Notebook IV "Martí en la Universidad", which appears in the political and social thought of pages 1 to 8.
- A debate will be established on the oriented questions related to the text and the students are asked at the end to relate what was studied with what José Martí expressed about patriotism.
- This activity will be evaluated qualitatively, according to the individual participation of each of the students in the tasks reflected above.
Activity 4. The Cuban Revolutionary Party (pp. 88-91)
Objective: to assess the role of the Cuban Revolutionary Party in the framed period.
Presentation. The professor, previously, guides the search for information related to the concept of patriotism given by different authors and its current treatment, will explain that through a dialogue the concept of patriotism will be debated.
Performs the reading of the pages indicated. Relying on the content of the suggested oriented bibliography extracts:
- Keywords of the text.
- Context to which it refers.
- In what year was it founded?
- Where was the Cuban Revolutionary Party founded?
- What did the founding of the PRC by José Martí mean for Cuba?
- Why did Martí found the PRC?
- Martí points out: "One was born, from everywhere at once... The Cuban Revolutionary Party is the Cuban people." Interpret the above statement.
- Elsewhere it says: "For reasons from outside and inside the war in Cuba died." What did he mean?
- What did he mean: ... "Thus, from the work of twelve years silent and incessant, the Cuban Revolutionary Party emerged, healed by the tests."
- What historical importance does the Cuban Revolutionary Party founded by José Martí have?
A group debate will be established on the meaning of the founding of the Cuban Revolutionary Party on April 10, 1892 and the concept of patriotism, where each student will contribute their criteria and in the end the concept will be reached.
The participatory technique in pairs and between couples of Eloisa Torres Estrada is used for this, with the aim of developing inquisitive thinking. Various materials are used (cards or sheets of paper, down, among others).
The group is organized in pairs to make the reading of a text; in this case the reading was already oriented and, at the end, a card is given to each couple with a different question about what they read.
The No.1 couple answers the question and elaborates a new question that is related to the subject and will pass the card to the couple on their right.
The No.2 couple will read the situation, as well as the question and answer given by the previous couple; it will answer the question asked by the No.1 couple and work out a new question that will now correspond to the No.3 couple, and so on.
The exercise concludes when each couple receives their initial card with which they will read all the deepening made of the subject.
In case a couple disagrees with some of the above answers, they should take note for discussion in plenary.
In plenary, the results of the work will be assessed and the dissenting opinions will be discussed. Couples who asked the best questions will be encouraged.
Activity 5. The Annexationist Remedy (pp. 97-99).
Objective: toanalyze the meaning for Cuba of annexation.
Presentation. The professor, previously, guides the search for information related to annexationism, given by different authors and their current treatment. Hewill explain that, through a dialogue, this will be debated andhow our National Hero sees it.
- A plenary debate will be established with each member of the group on annexation, where each student will contribute their criteria and at the end the conclusion will be reached as to why annexation continues to be the most reactionary current.
- They will be asked to mention manifestations of annexationism at different stages of Cuba's history.
This activity will be evaluated qualitatively, according to the individual participation of each of the students in the tasks reflected above, in categories B, R or M.
Activity system
Activity 6. Speech in honor of Simón Bolívar (pp. 104-109)
Objective: to valor the figure of Simón Bolívar through the work of Martí.
Presentation. The professor, previously, guides the search for information related to the figure of Simón Bolívar and the reading of the speech of José Martí in honor of him, which appears in the Cuaderno Martiano IV "Martí en la Universidad" on pages 104-109.
- A debate will be established with each member of the group on the figure of Simón Bolívar, where each student will contribute their criteria and in the end the conclusion will be reached how this figure influenced the thought and revolutionary action of José Martí.
- Point to the speech. "[...] Bolivar can be spoken of with a mountain by tribune or between lightning and lightning, or with a bunch of free peoples in the fist, and tyranny headless at the feet...". Interpret the above statement.
- On July 7, 1955, Fidel said that "From trips like this you do not return, or you return with tyranny headless at your feet. How does this fact relate to Martí's speech in honor of Simón Bolívar?
- Martí: "Man was that one in reality extraordinary. He lived as if in flames and he was [...]". Interprete the above statement.
- José Martí's speech shows the patriotism of Simón Bolívar to liberate America from Spanish colonialism. Martí: "America was boiling, at the beginning of the century, and he was like her furnace. It still nods and ferments, like worms under the crust of the old roots [...] ". Explain.
- Sick the hero says on his bed to die: "Joseph! Joseph! Let's go, they kick us out of here: Where will we go?". Interpret the above.
- In the last part of the speech, he points out: "Where will Bolívar go? [...] as long as America lives, the echo of his name will resonate in the most virile and honest of our bowels What does Bolivar mean to America and how would it influence José Martí's patriotism?
This activity will be evaluated qualitatively, according to the individual participation of each of the students in the tasks reflected above, in the categories of B, R or M.
Activity 7. November 27 (pp. 109-110)
Objective: to valorar the events of November 27, 1871 using the work martiana and the film dedicated to the students of Medicina Inocencia.
Presentation. The professor, previously, guides the search for information related to the horrendous events of November 27, 1871, related to the shooting of the eight medical students and to see the Cuban film Innocence.
- An observation guide of the film is oriented and is linked to the writing of José Martí on November 27.
- In which year is the film given? Who is its director?
- How do events unfold?
- Why are the students accused of raping the grave of the Spanish journalist?
- What results did the policy of Spanish volunteers bring?
- Why was the murder of the Medicina students an abominable crime?
- What is the name of José Martí's writing dedicated to this date?
- Martí begins by saying: "In the crime of November 27, 1871, the bloody day when a mob raffled the life and enjoyed the death of the eight students of the University of Havana for the false guilt of having attacked the corpse of a man of hatred [...] ". How is this observed in the observed film?
- Martí points out: "That crime is more horrendous, because in it, from its birth to its execution, all the abominable factors of the Spanish colonial government were visibly put [...]". Argue the above statement.
- On the defense of the students observed in the film Innocence, José Martí states: "Spain, in that shame, had only one man of honor: the generous Capdevila [...]". Interprete the above statement.
- At the end he says: "Thus, serene lights, are in the immensity of memory those eight souls!". Interpret the above statement.
- Do you think that this assassination stopped the struggle that had begun in Cuba in 1868? Explain.
- How is patriotism reflected in José Martí throughout the writing?
A debate will be established with each member of the group on these events where each student will contribute their criteria and, in the end, it will be reached how patriotism is manifested in this writing of November 28, 1893, published in the newspaper Patria.
This activity will be evaluated qualitatively, according to the individual participation of each of the students in the tasks reflected above, in categories B, R or M.
Activity 8. Film José Martí. The eye of the canary
Objective: To value the patriotic thought of José Martí through the Cuban film: José Martí. The eye of the canary
Presentation. The professor, previously, orients to see the Cuban film José Martí. The eye of the canary. To do this, it guides a guide of questions that allow us to assess the patriotic thought of José Martí.
Observation Guide of the film José Martí. The eye of the canary
Director: Fernando Pérez
Realization: 2010
Observe the film José Martí, El ojo del canario, which is an approach to José Martí between the ages of 9 and 17.
1. What facts observed in the film reflect the patriotism of the National Hero?
a) How was patriotism formed in José Martí? Base your answer on the examples shown in the film and other examples you know.
b) Mention some significant facts in the life of José Martí that are shown in the film.
2. How does the family framework manifest itself?
3. What is your student life like?
4. How is José Martí's contact with slavery?
a) What influence does your teacher Rafael María de Mendive have on José Martí?
5. The film demonstrates, through literature, his patriotic-revolutionary feelings
a) What facts are used to prove it?
b) What other known elements can you use to prove the above claim?
6. Of the examples reflected in the film. Which one impressed you the most? Base your answer.
- A debate will be established with each member of the group on the questions oriented in the guide, where each student will contribute their criteria and, in the end, it will be reached how these elements influenced the patriotism of the National Hero.
- They will be asked to mention manifestations of patriotism seen in the film.
This activity will be evaluated qualitatively, according to the individual participation of each of the students in the tasks reflected above, with categories B, R or M.
The results obtained with the application of the methods on the subject corroborate the need to deepen it, due to the importance of forming patriotism in young university students and that they deepen the Martian legacy for their patriotism and the anti-imperialism rooted throughout their short life; being one of the personalities to deepen in the University from the processes of formation, extension and research.
Of the six teachers, all express the need to continue deepening patriotism through the work of Martí, which allows the university student to be formed in a scenario according to the demands of Higher Education, a patriot capable of defending the conquests achieved and continuing the ideals of patriots, who gave everything to conquer true independence.
It coincides with Borges-Bienes, D. I., & Acosta-Cabezas, M. (2021): "Among the values that are required, it is necessary to highlight[...] patriotism, which must be in the center of attention of the school as the main educational institution; it is a sense of love for the history and traditions of the nation, full willingness to contribute to the Homeland..." (p. 689).
The proposal shows that the use of the work of José Martí is of vital importance for the formation in the new generations in the love of the Homeland and its heroes and martyrs. This figure is a paradigm for the formation of values as important as patriotism, solidarity and anti-imperialism.
The sense of belonging, the defense of the small homeland, the exaltation of revolutionary traditions, the knowledge of the place where each young person lives and acts is vital to understand the national history, based on the experiences accumulated by more than six decades and the teachings of Martí and Fidel. It is more necessary that it never form true patriots in defense of the Cuban revolutionary project and that they know how to safeguard their history against the pretensions of forgetting it.
The authors strongly agree on the importance of strengthening patriotism in the new generations, according to Guerra-Torres, L. d. l. Á., Pérez-Ramírez, F., & Fajardo-Vázquez, M. d. R. (2018)
We are in the presence of an inescapable need: to form in the new generations' human feelings, those that make teachers and students more dignified, human, patriotic, supportive, honest, honest, responsible and industrious beings. (p.
The formation of patriotism for present and future generations is vital for the defense of the socialist project that is built, constituting a strategic axis for political-ideological preparation in the fight against subversion, it is about involving young people taking into account the complexity of the changing conditions of the current context where they manifest themselves. Be patriot also means assuming attitudes and behaviors related to the morality and values that the country defends and at the same time the struggle against any manifestation that threatens the prevailing social order to guarantee the continuity of the Revolution.
The authors of this research share the criteria of Calixto Díaz, L., Chávez Rondón, M., Cañadilla Sánchez, L., García Camejo, L., & Miranda Espinosa, E. (2015, p. 5):
The system of activities allows to develop different components associated with patriotism such as: the feelings of Cubanness; the love of work; the care of everything that surrounds the individual; the knowledge and willingness to comply with social duties and rights; optimism about the future of the homeland; solidarity and internationalism as the highest expression of love for the country.
After the analyses carried out, the authors consider that patriotism, through the martian work, is vital for the young people to be continuators of the ideals of the National Hero.
Patriotism in the future professionals of Higher Education is transcendental for the defense of the conquests of socialism and consolidate the principles of love for the country, the defense of symbols, independence, sovereignty, socialist democracy, peace and the firmness of the essential values rooted in the Cuban people.
The implementation of the system of activities through the Martian work for the formation of patriotism in the students of the Accounting and Finance career, using the Martian Notebook "Martí and the University", contributed to the students becoming familiar with the Martian work and turning it into a reference from the axiological point of view. It is necessary to deepen the work of Martí and the defense of the best values accumulated by the Revolution in these six decades, in order to contribute in this way to the updating of the economic and social model and the safeguarding of the conquests achieved, in which the process of formation plays an important role.
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Conflict of interest:
The authors declare not to have any conflicts of interest.
Authors´ Contribution:
The authors have participated in the writing of the work and analysis of the documents.
This work is under a licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
Copyright (c) Juan Carlos Hernández
Martín, Isabel Reinoso Castillo