Mendive. Journal on Education, july-september 2022; 20(3): 742-758

Translated from the original in Spanish

Original article

Intersectorality: a challenge for educational attention to school diversity in Mozambique


La intersectorialidad: un desafío para la atención educativa a la diversidad escolar en Mozambique


Intersectorialidade: um desafio para a atenção educativa à diversidade escolar em Moçambique


Carlos Joao Figueiredo Canivete1
Olivia García Reyes2
Julio Antonio Conill Armenteros2

1Ministry of Education and Human Development. Mozambique.
2University of Pinar del Río “Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca”.;


Received: February 4th, 2022.
Accepted: April 22 nd, 2022.


The transformation process that the educational system in Mozambique is undergoing is aimed at complying with the sustainable development goals declared at a universal level. The human and social progress achieved highlights the challenge that educational attention to diversity implies in the context of the inclusive school. The actions developed led to the analysis of the foundations that support the objective of proposing a pedagogical conception for intersectoral work in educational attention to school diversity in Mozambique. The research methods used followed a descriptive-explanatory approach, supported by theoretical level methods, including historical-logical, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, structural-functional systemic and modeling; in addition to methods of the empirical level, such as documentary analysis, observation, interview, evaluation by expert criteria and the methodological triangulation technique, as well as the procedures of descriptive statistics based on the calculation of the index and inferential statistics for performing hypothesis tests; those that allowed to analyze, interpret and process the information related to the object of investigation, highlighting the role of intersectorality in the educational field as a social need. The pedagogical conception, with an intersectoral approach, reveals the participation of various government agencies and institutions in achieving quality educational care. The results obtained confirmed the need to treat aspects related to intersectorality.

Keywords: educational attention; challenge; diversity; inclusion; intersectorality.


El proceso de transformación que vive el sistema educativo en Mozambique está dirigido a dar cumplimiento a los objetivos del desarrollo sostenible declarados a nivel universal. El progreso humano y social alcanzado destaca el desafío que implica la atención educativa a la diversidad en el contexto de la escuela inclusiva. Las acciones desarrolladas propiciaron el análisis de los fundamentos que sirven de sustento al objetivo de proponer una concepción pedagógica para el trabajo intersectorial en la atención educativa a la diversidad escolar en Mozambique. Los métodos de investigación empleados, siguieron un enfoque descriptivo-explicativo, apoyados en métodos del nivel teórico, dentro de ellos el histórico-lógico, el análisis y la síntesis, la inducción y la deducción, el sistémico estructural-funcional y la modelación; además de métodos del nivel empírico, tales como: el análisis documental, la observación, la entrevista, la evaluación por criterio de expertos y la técnica de triangulación metodológica, así como los procedimientos de la estadística descriptiva a partir del cálculo de índice y la inferencial para la realización de pruebas de hipótesis. Ellos permitieron analizar, interpretar y procesar la información relacionada con el objeto de investigación, resaltando el papel de la intersectorialidad en el ámbito educacional como una necesidad social. La concepción pedagógica, con enfoque intersectorial, revela la participación de varios organismos e instituciones gubernamentales en el logro de la atención educativa de calidad. Los resultados obtenidos confirmaron la necesidad del tratamiento de los aspectos relacionados con la intersectorialidad.

Palabras claves: atención educativa; desafío; diversidad; inclusión; intersectorialidad.


O processo de transformação que o sistema de educação em Moçambique está a sofrer tem como objectivo cumprir os objectivos de desenvolvimento sustentável declarados universalmente. O progresso humano e social alcançado destaca o desafio que a atenção educativa à diversidade implica no contexto da escola inclusiva. As acções desenvolvidas levaram à análise das fundações que apoiam o objectivo de propor uma concepção pedagógica para o trabalho intersectorial na atenção educativa à diversidade escolar em Moçambique. Os métodos de investigação utilizados seguiram uma abordagem descritiva-explicativa, apoiada por métodos teóricos, incluindo histórico-lógicos, análise e síntese, indução e dedução, estrutura-funcional sistémica e modelação; bem como métodos empíricos, tais como análise documental, observação, entrevista, avaliação por critérios de peritos e a técnica de triangulação metodológica, bem como procedimentos estatísticos descritivos baseados no cálculo de índices e estatística inferencial para teste de hipóteses. Tornaram possível analisar, interpretar e processar a informação relacionada com o objecto de investigação, salientando o papel da intersectorialidade na esfera educativa como uma necessidade social. A concepção pedagógica, com uma abordagem inter-sectorial, revela o envolvimento de vários organismos e instituições governamentais na obtenção de cuidados educacionais de qualidade. Os resultados obtidos confirmaram a necessidade do tratamento de aspectos relacionados com a intersectorialidade.

Palavras-chave: cuidados educativos; desafio; diversidade; inclusão; intersetorialidade



The current 21st century has revealed the inescapable need to recognize and explain the leading role of the subjective factor in the development of humanity, implying a challenge for the social sciences in general and, in particular, for Pedagogy, in what is refers to the elucidation of the efficient, responsible and creative performance of man and his education, from a scientific perspective.

It is precisely in this context that Mozambique, a country located in the southeastern part of the African continent, is inserted. In 1975 it achieved its independence and has made efforts to achieve political stability and rebuild the economy by having large reserves of oil, natural gas, coal, gold, bauxite and other minerals, which has attracted foreign investment for the exploitation of said resources, causing interference in internal affairs, with the promotion of destabilization, the exploitation of poor populations and the manipulation of sovereignty.

Despite the natural wealth, there is a great contradiction that many fail to understand, fundamentally due to the indigence and neglect that are reflected in the life of the population. Therefore, multiple problems persist, where education continues to be a challenge that requires greater attention and concentration on scientific development, as a tribute desired by society.

Educational care continues to be a widely discussed topic, constituting a problem to be solved within the educational sciences. Significant scientific-technological progress is shown in this area of research, which makes evident the social development achieved and the current demands required to develop effective educational processes with the necessary systematicity and which implicitly carry the participation of various government sectors for their realization.

This reality has been the object of attention in different agendas of world and regional forums, where transforming education is a priority; however, the changes that are taking place in educational practices today require considering the studies of the report proposed by Warnock (1978), which constitutes a mandatory reference for those who address, from various fields, problems related to educational attention such as way to achieve quality education for all.

That is why inclusive, equitable and quality education is a priority of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), where the right of each person to receive educational attention is recognized, regardless of their condition.

The process of educational care presupposes coordinated actions involving various government sectors that collaboratively meet social needs. In this sense, intersectorality is justified in that the provision of the services that are required comes from different institutions or sectors of the State administration, which must be properly articulated to provide and grant aid in a timely manner.

The issue of intersectorality has been part of the actions of different authors, among which we can mention: Castell (2004); Cunill-Grau (2014); Warschauer and Carvalho (2014); Rossetti and Monasterolo (2018); Ceballos and Otálvaro (2021), among others. The approach to these studies has allowed us to understand that the notion of intersectorality refers to the integration of various sectors that contribute to the formulation of public policies.

Currently, the educational policy guidelines in Mozambique ratify the need for coordinated work to give continuity to improving the quality of education in accordance with the Sustainable Development Agenda until 2030. Law no. 18/2018, of December 28, 2018, which establishes the legal regime of the National Education System of the Republic of Mozambique, emphasizes the need to readjust the general framework of the educational system and adapt the provisions, as well as contextualize them to the current political, social and economic conditions of the country, so that, from the pedagogical point of view, it allows regulating the promotion and protection of the rights of people with disabilities and respect for their dignity (Republic Bulletin. Law No. 18/2018, of December 28, 2018).

One of the weaknesses detected and revealed as part of the study of the organic statute of the national education system in Mozambique, points to the fact that all the teaching subsystems are recommended in it and Special Education is excluded, which appears as an autonomous department who answers directly to the minister's cabinet. This can, to a certain extent, hinder the articulation so that the educational attention has the desired effect, which is described in the study developed by Mandlate (2021) when delving into the limitations that occur in the training of teachers.

In practice, there is an approach to educational care that presupposes intersectoral actions typical of education, which do not correspond to social reality, in which fragmented decision-making is appreciated and which become evident in the context of Mozambique. That is why, in its approach, transformations begin to show, which are insufficient in the desire to achieve a greater role in the responsible attention of other structures linked to education.

In Mozambique, the Strategic Plan for Education 2020-2029 constitutes an important step in the organization of strategies that enable the implementation of intersectoral actions that, in a collaborative manner, allow the conception of intervention agendas in favor of educational attention to diversity. Throughout this process, conditions must be created that guarantee the strengthening of the different environments, which enable the necessary adjustments to provide quality educational care, with the implementation of timely, flexible and pertinent actions (Ministry of Education. Strategic Plan of education 2020-2029. May 2020).

That is why this article aims to propose a pedagogical conception for intersectoral work in educational attention to school diversity in Mozambique.



The research developed made it possible to study the object as a process, from its genesis, with its internal and external contradictions, with the help of methods at the theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical levels.

The following were used as theoretical level methods:

The historical and logical: its use made possible the study of intersectorality as a way to guarantee the process of educational attention to diversity, promoting the approach to theoretical-methodological references, by establishing the internal logic of development and taking positions about.

The analysis and synthesis: made possible the precision in the theoretical foundations, as well as the analysis and interpretation of the results, all of which allows generalizations to be made and conclusions to be drawn about the value of intersectorality in educational attention to diversity.

Induction and deduction: facilitated the achievement of the necessary generalizations to discover the regularities with respect to intersectorality.

The structural-functional system: it provided the general orientation to establish the structure and essential relationships between the components of the pedagogical conception.

The modeling: it was the way to achieve the representation of the structural components of the pedagogical conception, in order to discover the new relationships as a solution to the problem.

The following were used as empirical level methods:

The documentary analysis: its use made possible the organization, selection, study, treatment and interpretation of different normative documents such as: the Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique, the Law of the National System of Education, the Strategic Plan of Education, the Trajectory of Teacher Training, the Organic Statute of the National Education System, to find out how aspects related to educational care and intersectoral work have been treated.

The observation: it was used with the purpose of having an approach to the manifestations of the state of intersectoral relations, based on the educational attention to diversity based on the actions, which promote the access of the students to the content, the participation in classes and learning outcomes.

Interview: to the directors of the central and provincial body, to the trainers of the teacher training institute, to the primary and secondary school teachers, to inquire about aspects related to intersectoral work and educational attention to diversity, the participation of institutions and organizations, as well as the quality and efficiency of that participation.

Evaluation by expert criteria: it was used to assess the feasibility, relevance and logical structure of the pedagogical conception and the proposal of its possible applicability.

In addition, the methodological triangulation technique was applied to analyze the data obtained with the application of the different instruments and determine coincidences and discrepancies, as well as their causes, between the criteria issued regarding the relevance of the pedagogical conception and the strategy for its implementation.

In the processing of the information, descriptive statistics techniques were used from the calculation of the index, which allowed the evaluation of the variable, in general, in addition to the components of inferential statistics for carrying out hypothesis tests in the processing of the data expert judgment.

To carry out this research, 18 subjects were intentionally selected as a study unit, which made it possible to form three sample groups.

The first was made up of six directors who belong to different State agencies and institutions (Ministry of Education and Human Development, National Directorate for Teacher Training, the National Institute for the Development of Education, the National Directorate for Primary Education, the Department of Special Education, the Ministry of Gender and Upbringing Social Action and the Ministry of Health); and the second made up of nine teachers, three of whom are university teachers ( Pedagogical University and Eduardo Mondlane University ); three methodologists from the Inclusive Education Resource Centers of Gaza, Tete and Nampula, and three from the special schools of the city of Maputo and the third is made up of three representatives of non-governmental associations of people with disabilities (Association of the Blind and Amblyopic of Mozambique, the Association of the Deaf of Mozambique and the Forum of Mozambican Associations of Persons with Disabilities).



The actions carried out have led to the search for information on the need to transform the educational process in Mozambique, which has allowed an approach to intersectorality, in an effort to analyze the state of the work of the agencies, institutions and State bodies that allow the coordinated action of the different factors that affect aspects that are part of the system of influences of the policies and practices of educational attention to diversity, in order to take advantage of all the potentialities and identify needs to assume the social demands that are demanded.

As a general characteristic, it is pointed out that 100% of the 18 members of these groups have a higher level of training and only one of them, for 5.5%, has specific training in Special Education, and 17, which represent 94.4%, is in other areas. In relation to professional experience, 11, for 61.1%, have accumulated more than twenty years in the profession and seven, which represents 38.8%, have less than twenty years of experience. In terms of educational attention to students with special educational needs, six teachers, for 33.3%, have more than 10 years of experience and 12, for 66.6%, are between five and nine years.

The documentary analysis carried out showed that in recent years Mozambique has known changes in the approach to educational attention to schoolchildren with special educational needs and intends to make it distinctive through coordinated work between different State agencies and institutions and the establishment of links with concerted agendas and common objectives between educational institutions and others of an eminently social nature. It was possible to appreciate that the actions contemplated in the different documents are disjointed and the relationships that lead to the establishment of intersectorality are imprecise.

However, the Strategic Plan for Education 2020-2029 stands as an instrument that guides government interventions in the education sector and works with various actors to expand the provision of services to improve the quality of the education system and ensure transparent management. , participatory and effective with the participation of public institutions at the central and local levels, education professionals at various levels and national and international partners to identify the main advances and challenges, analyzing the evolution of indicators such as: access, participation, results of the learning, quality, capacity and efficiency, among others.

The interdependence between the different subsystems and the lifelong learning approach is a priority in all strategic planning, represented in six sector programs, where one of them recognizes that administrative and institutional development aims to ensure participatory, transparent management and governance and integrated system of the national education system at different levels, with a view to improving the quality of the services provided.

The implementation of these sectoral programs will be the result of collaboration with various entities at different levels, such as executive bodies of provincial decentralized governance, district and municipal bodies, as well as training institutions, universities, civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations, private and cooperation partners.

This implies changes and modifications of content, approaches, structures and strategies based on a common vision that encompasses all students of school age and the conviction that it is the responsibility of the regular education system. In this sense, the Mozambican government assumes education as a fundamental right of all citizens; therefore, the ongoing reform of the Organic Law of the National Education System demands the development of effective educational processes with the necessary systematicity.

The observations made were focused on the process of educational attention to diversity, the actions that promote the access of the students to the content, the participation in classes and the results of learning, among other elements, which allowed us to verify that in 66.6 % of the classes the teachers do not demonstrate the differentiation in the activities that they develop; that the use of work methods is directly for all students in 44.4% of teachers, as well as in procedures, an aspect that is also reflected in the implementation of the educational strategy. Lack of precision was observed in the planning and execution of actions for the educational intervention.

The results obtained in the applied interviews reveal that, when evaluating the knowledge about the regulations and characteristics of the process of educational attention to diversity, only 16.6% of the interviewees dominate them, 33.3% partially dominate them and 50% present limitations in their knowledge. They refer as the most important: the Strategic Plan for Education, the Inclusive Education Strategy and the International Conventions on people with disabilities.

It is also highlighted that the teachers in their training did not receive specific training in the area of attention to diversity; the teaching programs present limitations, since they do not reflect the contents on special educational needs, and limitations in the domain of how the process of attention to these students is carried out (this result is seen in percentages as follows: 44.4% indicate that they do not dominate it, 33.3% partially dominate it and 22.2% understand that they dominate the subject).

It is interesting that, when expressing what they understand by intersectorality, 66.6% of managers express that they do not dominate the subject and among teachers, 33.3% indicate that they do not; 44.4% consider it partially mastered and 22.2% understand that they master the subject.

The use of methodological triangulation allowed the identification of the following regularities in relation to intersectorality and the system of influences of policies and practices in educational attention to diversity:

These results show the need to articulate intersectoral work in achieving educational attention to diversity in Mozambique, finding possible responses to these needs in the foundation of a pedagogical conception for such purposes.

The proposal that is made takes into account intersectoral work, in order to achieve comprehensiveness in the operation of all the factors involved in the educational response to diversity, focusing the analysis on the foundation of the different care alternatives, the creation of material, pedagogical, psychological conditions, as well as those related to the preparation of human resources that have to promote educational change.

By assuming the pedagogical conception as a way to transform reality, the value that ideas, judgments, representations and concepts have in their organization are highlighted, aspects that have been revealed in different studies: Valle (2007); Barbón and Añorga (2013), Aliaga, Arias and Acosta (2016), among others, which constitute arguments for the understanding of the different definitions that are held about the conceptions in the study of a certain phenomenon and its organization.

The pedagogical conception takes into account in its dynamic structure a general objective, a theoretical component expressed in principles, scientific ideas that are argued with concepts, definitions, categories and a methodological component represented in the implementation strategy.

The value of intersectorality is highlighted in the fundamentals as an element that stimulates the process of educational attention to diversity, establishing the demands for cooperation for the development of coordinated actions with the participation of different sectors, organizations and institutions.

The analyzes lead to the general objective of the pedagogical conception expressed in providing the tools that allow the strengthening of the process of intersectoral relations, in favor of educational attention to diversity in Mozambique.

According to the law that establishes the legal regime of the National System of Education of the Republic of Mozambique (2018), in its fourth article highlights the pedagogical principles on which it is based and constitute part of the foundation of the proposal that is made. These are:

Within the theoretical component, scientific ideas stand out; in this sense the following are assumed:

Scientific idea 1. The distribution of intersectoral relations, as a structure of the Department of Special Education, constitutes the cell to renew educational attention to diversity in Mozambique.

The use of the term distribution is consistent with the names given in Mozambique to the internal structures that make up the different areas. The Department of Special Education has two departments in its structure, each with its specific powers and is represented by a department head. Currently, these departments are in charge of: Administration and School Management, where the department's activities are planned for the fiscal year, monitoring, evaluation, acquisition of didactic and specific materials, among other actions; and the Pedagogical Orientation, which is in charge of technical, didactic and methodological issues, guaranteeing the educational attention of students with special educational needs, according to the demands they require.

This study proposes the creation of the new division of Intersectoral Relations, which will have the mission of coordinating strategic issues of collaborative work between the different sectors and institutions of the State, in order to achieve greater efficiency in the actions that are developed and generate coherent responses, in correspondence with the social demands generated by educational attention.

The proposal that is made makes it possible to respond to the limitations that were detected in the study and that point to the insufficient action that is developed to favor the articulation of intersectoral work in the face of social demands that are endorsed in the National Education Plan, making effective the projection of actions from government agencies and institutions for educational attention to diversity.

The establishment of intersectoral relations that is projected in this distribution, as part of the pedagogical conception, intends to strengthen State-Society relations, which will propitiate the attention of a considerable number of limitations that arise as a consequence of the fragmentation in the educational attention to diversity in the school context of Mozambique.

All this is endorsed in the Organic Statute of the Ministry of Education and Human Development (2017), which in its article 21, when establishing the general provisions of the Department of Special Education, states that it must "formulate policies and strategies for the development of the inclusive education". Assuming this article, the proposal of the distribution of intersectoral relations, as a structure of the Department of Special Education, becomes a driving force for the renewal of educational attention to diversity in Mozambique.

Scientific idea 2. In the educational attention to diversity, intersectoral work must promote the institutional multidisciplinary diagnosis, with the joint performance of clinical and psycho pedagogical studies in the determination of special educational needs.

By proposing the empowerment of institutional multidisciplinary diagnosis, a new institution is being created for educational attention to diversity in Mozambique: the Center for Diagnosis and Orientation, which must have autonomy to carry out the diagnosis, so it is necessary to seek strategies to expand the coverage of specialized services; Coordinated work between different government sectors plays an important role in this.

To carry out the diagnosis and case studies of the diversity of students in the determination of special educational needs, an intersectoral technical team will be established that will be made up of different areas, among others, by: Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology, Speech Therapy, Psycho pedagogy, Assistance Social, Pediatrics.

Taking into account the educational reality that Mozambique lives, the quality that educational care requires and the necessary equity in the services provided to students with special educational needs, it is essential to consolidate and strengthen intersectoral actions that allow the preparation of resources human resources and the infrastructures that the Diagnosis and Guidance Center should have.

Scientific idea 3. Differentiated attention in primary school institutions as part of the inclusive education policy, in close collaboration with sectors of society, guarantee the transit of students with special educational needs through the different levels of education.

In Mozambique, inclusive education is assumed as an educational policy, which guarantees the process of differentiated attention. Success in this action necessarily passes through the training of personnel, which must guarantee differentiated attention in schools at the primary level, which includes the distinctive elements of Special Education as a nucleus that must support the process of educational inclusion and transit through the different levels of education.

School institutions at the primary level must have the collaboration of a qualified technical staff, who will be interacting systematically with teachers and must contribute with their actions to the determination of the differential diagnosis, the re-evaluation of cases, maintain the process of orientation and follow-up to the different students, with emphasis on those who, due to their nature, present more limitations in access to the curriculum.

The different sectors of society, which include qualified technicians from the ministries, government and non-government agencies and institutions, will be directly linked to these educational institutions, so that the study, orientation, evaluation, follow-up, as well as the proposal of actions for transit, training, the establishment of bilateral agreements and support for the intersectoral technical team made up of MISAU, MINEDH, MIGECAS, MOPH, among others.

The elements that distinguish the theoretical component are interrelated, expressed and specified in the methodological component that is evidenced in the strategy for the implementation of the pedagogical conception.

The proposed strategy is made up of four stages: diagnosis, planning, execution and evaluation. These are characterized because their components are essential in fulfilling the objective and it is distinguished by being affordable, easy to understand, as it allows visualizing decision-making and its harmonic articulation with the actions of the different sectors in solving related problems with educational attention to diversity in the context of Mozambique.

The first stage of the strategy is the diagnosis, in which the previous actions are implemented for the transformation of the process of educational attention to diversity, through the work that characterizes intersectoral relations, taking into account the search for information on the development of practical actions around the solution of social problems, the involvement of different sectors in their solution, the implementation of ideas and projects, as well as the procedures taken into account by the agencies and organizations to achieve the objectives of importance for the study is the coordination of material and human resources, as well as the request for help from the different government sectors.

The results achieved in the diagnosis favor the approach to the main needs that arise and the need to seek solutions.

The second stage is related to the planning of the actions that are necessary to ensure intersectoral relations in favor of educational attention to the diversity of students with special educational needs, as well as the material and human assurance to implement them. Implicit is the exchange with the directors of the school and representatives of the different sectors of society to socialize the strategy, actions and organizational forms necessary to contribute to intersectoral relations, which includes carrying out consultations, establishing work agendas , signing protocols of understanding and training planning.

The third stage is associated with execution, which focuses its actions on the implementation of the different designed actions, as well as the development of aspects related to the theoretical-methodological preparation of those involved in the process. Training is developed, the strategy is implemented and the link is established between the different participating sectors and the educational care of students with special educational needs. Prominence is given to the institutional multidisciplinary diagnosis with the participation and collaboration of different specialists and organizations, as well as differentiated attention in primary education institutions that guarantee the successful transition of students through the different levels of education. This stage must facilitate the implementation of the pedagogical conception.

The fourth stage is related to the evaluation and is important in the fulfillment of the pedagogical conception from its two edges: as a process and as a result, taking into account the evaluation of the follow-up of the strategy and its impact on the process of educational attention to the diversity in Mozambique, assessing the changes that have been obtained from the actions carried out and the need to redesign them as a result of their implementation.

The assessments on the validity of the pedagogical conception and the implementation strategy for intersectoral work in achieving educational attention to diversity in Mozambique were carried out through the Expert Criterion and for its processing the Delphy variant were used as a tool to achieve the reliability of the empirical or theoretical inquiries, starting from the self-assessment of the experts, where they value their skills and knowledge to take on the subject and give their opinion on it accordingly.

Among the actions developed for the formation of the group of experts, the sending of the self-assessment questionnaire to 36 professionals stands out, who, in the opinion of the researchers, met the requirements to evaluate the conception and the strategy, an action that allowed them to make the assessments on his competence and the ways that enabled him to argue his criteria on the subject under study. The analysis of the information facilitated the selection of the 30 experts, of which 24 have a high coefficient of competence and six have a medium coefficient.

Their willingness to participate in the research, their professional experience, and the depth of their assessments, their self-critical spirit, their professionalism and their level of academic training were also taken into account. Subsequently, the necessary empirical information was collected from the selected experts, who were given a document with the fundamental aspects of the proposed pedagogical conception, as well as the strategy to verify its validity.

The analysis of the information obtained allowed us to arrive at the following considerations.

On the relevance of intersectoral relations in educational attention to school diversity in Mozambique, it is considered very adequate and quite adequate by 96.6% and by 3.3% adequate. Similar evaluations had the aspects referring to the implementation and control structure, as well as the theoretical and methodological foundation of the process under study.

The aspects referring to the relations between the pedagogical conception and the actions of the implementation strategy are valued as very adequate by 73.3%, as quite adequate by 20% and as adequate by 6.6%.

The analysis of the evaluations of the criteria issued by the experts on the validity and importance of the different aspects evaluated tend to be between very adequate and quite adequate, elements that make it possible to have a positive vision of the proposed pedagogical conception and the strategy for its implementation. All this allowed enriching the pedagogical conception and the proposed strategy for its implementation, by being able to incorporate modifications to the planned activities.



Since the mid-20th century, the systematic manifestation of intersectorality (originally promoted by the health sector) has become more evident, as a social need to face the challenges of globalization that is taking place in the social sciences, by taking into account different social phenomena, since it has been seen that from a particular science it has not been possible to know or solve complex problems presented by objective reality; this question that will also find its reflection in the school.

One of the aspects subject to debate regarding the study of this problem is that referred to its definition. In this sense, Castell (2004) analyzes the conceptualization of intersectorality, highlighting the relationships between the different sectors of the State in the achievement of common development objectives. For their part, Warschauer and Carvalho (2014), with their studies, make contributions to the value of intersectoral relationships in the area of health.

Looking for an approach to the concept of intersectorality, it can be seen that it can have multiple meanings, although there is agreement that it is the joint action of different structures and sectors of the government apparatus. In this sense, the definition exposed by Cunill-Grau (2014) stands out, in which it is pointed out as the articulation of knowledge and convergence of efforts of different government sectors to produce comprehensive and integrated policies, with the aim of achieving better responses against to complex situations.

The study carried out and that became the proposal of a pedagogical conception, takes into account intersectorality, which is revealed as the need for organization in a logical sequence of coordinated actions with a guiding nature, which contribute to multisectoral work between agencies and institutions such as education, health, work, culture, social development, among others, and that in the case at hand can promote educational attention to diversity, as an existing social problem.

In Mozambique, the trend in recent decades has been to strengthen the inclusion of students with special educational needs, which has resulted in the development of policies, which according to the Organic Statute of the Ministry of Gender, Parenting and Social Action (2017), in its chapter I, contains an article that highlights its attributions, which are related to:

That is why intersectorality is assumed as the basic budget for educational attention to diversity, which contemplates a system of coordinated, specific and executed actions in the short, medium and long term, which have a systemic character, with a process organized by hierarchical stages, directed towards objectives that take into account all those who intervene in it and are designed to meet the needs and potentialities. It is also systematically considered that during its development constant practice is needed to achieve the proposed objective, which is why it coincides with Rossetti and Monasterolo (2018), who highlight the value of intersectorality in it.

Intersectorality is justified in that the provision of the services that are required comes from different institutions or sectors of the State administration, which must be properly articulated to provide them and grant the help they require in a timely manner to be protected from risks. Hence, it coincides with Ceballos and Otálvaro (2021), who, in their approach to intersectoral studies to care for early childhood, highlight government action as a dynamic axis through which the construction and implementation of in the course of public policies.

The component of educational care is recognized as the main scenario in which the integration and linkage of government agencies and institutions, civil society or the private world, which until now work with decentralized and uncommon objectives, can become systems of non-fragmented and parceled-out actions, in which they dialogue, get to know each other, transform, act and reflect. These aspects were taken into account in the studies by Mandlate (2021), when he delves into the training of teachers and their work in school inclusion in Mozambique.

The current situation of educational attention to diversity in Mozambique continues to be a national imperative, where the existence of weaknesses in the educational system is recognized, based on the coexistence of various international instruments and conventions that regulate the models of applicability of policies and programs for the development of science, technology and society that affect educational attention to diversity.

In addition, the establishment of links is considered as a mechanism of coordinated work that is expressed through norms and laws exposed in memorandums of understanding in which its active members exchange experiences and concerns to reach a certain agreement. That is why government agencies and institutions that work in terms of educational care must do so with common objectives, conceived as the space where each one is enriched and grows to respond to the social demands of educational care.

This educational care system is part of a comprehensive pedagogical conception with normative procedures governed by organizations and institutions that work with common objectives for attention to diversity, which is reflected in educational care and intersectoral collaborative work, which contradicts with the current model of action in educational practice.

The social impact of intersectorality in the educational system of Mozambique shows progress in educational attention to diversity, but it is far from being satisfied with what has been done, hence the need to continue deepening scientific-investigative activity in all spheres of education know for the study of the barriers that limit the levels of relationship between the public and private sectors, to contribute to social development and the formation of a new man with a greater role and the creation of spaces for participation and generation of opportunities .



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Conflict of interest:

Authors declare not to have any conflicts of interest.


Authors´ Contribution:

The authors have participated in the writing of the work and analysis of the documents.


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Copyright (c) Carlos Joao Figueiredo Canivete, Olivia García Reyes, Julio Antonio Conill Armenteros