Mendive. Journal on Education,april-june 2021; 19(2): 458-475

Translated from the original in Spanish

The educational trip, a resource to influence in the children with insufficient school use


La excursión docente, un recurso para influir en escolares con desaprovechamiento escolar


A excursão de ensino, um recurso para influenciar crianças com insucesso escolar


Gleiby de la Caridad Melchor Orta1
Ania Ortega Asencio2
Meivys Reyes Ravelo2

1Havana Agrarian University. Cuba.
2Primary School "Pelayo Cuervo". La Habana. Cuba.


Received: October 12th, 2020.
Approved: April 27th, 2021.



The educational trip has been a resource used by many educators in different countries of the world, when visualizing in a logical and coherent context what is wanted to teach to the students. The investigation was carried out in the course 2018-2019 with the objective of valuing the impact of the educational trips in the scholars with insufficient scholar unavailing of second cycle of the primary school "Pelayo Cuervo" of Jaruco municipality. The investigation assumes the dialectical materialistic as general methodology of the investigation and from its conception they were kept in mind methods of the theoretical level as the historical-logical, the analytic-synthetic, the inductive-deductive and the systemic focus. The analysis of documents, facilitated a study in depth of the program of the grade, the methodological orientations; the text books, the control of evaluation registrations of the educational activities, as well as the adoption of relative positions to the topic that is investigated. The pedagogic tests before and after the educational trips, the observation and the interview to the parents allowed before to establish comparative parameters as for the school use of each one of the students and after the educational trips. The descriptive statistic was used, for the qualitative and quantitative valuation of the information is obtained in the instruments applied to know the behavior of the indicators that are evaluated and to arrive at conclusions. It concludes that the educational trip is an effective teaching method in the organization of the teaching-learning process that allows to relate the theory with the practice and the school with the life, contributing this way to the motivation, participation in the learning and to improve the quality of the academic results in the scholars with insufficient scholar unavailing of second cycle of the primary school.

Key words: educational trip; insufficient scholar unavailing; primary teaching.


La excursión docente ha sido un recurso empleado por muchos educadores en diversos países del mundo, al visualizar en un contexto lógico y coherente lo que se desea enseñar a los alumnos. La investigación se llevó a cabo en el curso 2018-2019, con el objetivo de valorar el impacto de las excursiones docentes en los escolares con desaprovechamiento escolar de segundo ciclo de la escuela primaria "Pelayo Cuervo" del municipio de Jaruco. La investigación asume la dialéctica materialista como metodología general de la investigación y para su concepción se tuvieron en cuenta métodos del nivel teórico como el histórico-lógico, el analítico-sintético, el inductivo-deductivo y el enfoque sistémico. El análisis de documentos posibilito un estudio en profundidad del programa del grado, las orientaciones metodológicas; los libros de texto, el control de registros evaluativos de las actividades docentes, así como la adopción de posiciones relativas al tema que se investiga. Las pruebas pedagógicas antes y después de las excursiones docentes, la observación y la entrevista a los padres permitieron establecer parámetros comparativos en cuanto al aprovechamiento escolar de cada uno de los alumnos, antes y después de las excursiones docentes. Se empleó la estadística descriptiva para la valoración cualitativa y cuantitativa de las informaciones obtenidas en los instrumentos aplicados, para conocer el comportamiento de los indicadores que se evalúan y arribar a conclusiones. Se concluye que la excursión docente es un método de enseñanza efectivo en la organización del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, que permite relacionar la teoría con la práctica y la escuela con la vida, contribuyendo así a la motivación, participación en el aprendizaje y mejorar la calidad de los resultados académicos de alumnos con desaprovechamiento escolar.

Palabras clave: desaprovechamiento escolar; enseñanza primaria; excursión docente.


A excursão de ensino tem sido um recurso utilizado por muitos educadores em vários países do mundo, para visualizar em um contexto lógico e coerente o que se quer ensinar aos estudantes. A pesquisa foi realizada no curso 2018-2019 com o objetivo de avaliar o impacto das excursões de ensino em escolares com insucesso escolar do segundo ciclo do ensino fundamental ¨Pelayo Cuervo¨ do município Jaruco cl. A pesquisa assume a dialética materialista como a metodologia geral da pesquisa e, para sua concepção, foram levados em conta métodos do nível teórico, como o histórico-lógico, o analítico-sintético, o indutivo-dedutivo e a abordagem sistêmica. A análise de documentos tornou possível um estudo aprofundado do programa de notas, das orientações metodológicas, dos livros didáticos, do controle dos registros de avaliação das atividades de ensino, assim como a adoção de posições relacionadas ao assunto sob investigação. Os testes pedagógicos antes e depois das excursões de ensino, a observação e a entrevista aos pais permitiram estabelecer parâmetros comparativos relativos ao desempenho escolar de cada um dos alunos antes e depois das excursões de ensino. As estatísticas descritivas foram utilizadas para a avaliação qualitativa e quantitativa das informações obtidas nos instrumentos aplicados para conhecer o comportamento dos indicadores que são avaliados e chegar a conclusões. Conclui-se que a excursão de ensino é um método de ensino eficaz na organização do processo ensino-aprendizagem que permite relacionar a teoria com a prática e a escola com a vida, contribuindo assim para a motivação, participação no aprendizado e melhoria da qualidade dos resultados acadêmicos dos alunos com insucesso escolar.

Palavras-chave: Insucesso escolar; educação primária; excursão de professores.



At present, there are several routes that are oriented in the materials based on the interdisciplinary treatment of the contents and, precisely one of them, due to the potentialities it offers, is the development of educational excursions. With these it is intended to enrich the approach that teaching is not just out of the classroom, but also from the outside to the classroom, allowing integrated events, phenomena and natural and social processes study. All of the above contributes to the formation of a scientific conception of the world, to the preparation of man for life and decisively influences the subjects taught as part of the school curriculum at different educational levels (Martínez, Turiño & Nicles, 2017).

In Didactics great importance is given to teaching excursions for linking theory with practice, the acquisition, application and systematization of knowledge, the development of skills, mainly observation and explanation, as well as responsible behaviors before the   environment (Barea, Cruz & Carrillo, 2017).

For Cruz and Carrillo:

    "… it is the organizational form of the teaching-learning process that enables the integrated learning of geographical contents with biological, physical and chemical contents in the locality with the involvement of the family, the school librarian, student organizations, institutions and local specialists, to contribute to the formation of a scientific conception of the world and responsible behaviors towards the environment" (Cruz & Carrillo, 2017, p.17).

Jardinot, Cardona, Vazquez & Cardona (2017) consider that excursions are the forms of organization in which the student group leaves space school to visit different places linked to the content of the subject, in which they perform several learning activities, gathering or collection of biological material, respecting the integrity of organisms and ecosystems and manage the information with, neighbors, professionals or other community agents. These can precede a laboratory practice, a seminar or a class, providing students with experiences, experiences and motivations related to the topics to be dealt with. Also, they can be carried out after the treatment of the new content in classes or seminars, as a way of verifying the veracity of what has been learned and their application in life (Aguilera, 2018).

Castellanos (2015) found that the main method of relating to the student with the environment is the observation and, to through teaching excursion and meets the teaching principle of linking theory and practice, influencing the consolidation of the contents and demonstrates the cause-effect relationship of the phenomena.

The educational excursions are linked  with class content, they allows integration between natural and social components, they develop  outside the classroom, instructional and educational objectives are met, enabling  linking theory with practice and contribute to environmental education of students (Jardinot, Cardona, Vazquez & Cardona, 2017; Cruz & Carrillo, 2017 and Aguilera, 2018).

Among its purposes, excursions serve to motivate learning a subject of the program, serve as a means to awaken in the specific interests learner, according to the purposes of the tour, study of natural and historic places, production centers, museums, places of educational interest in the community, place students in desirable situations for the cultivation of observation, satisfaction of curiosity and fixation of knowledge by real experiences, assist in the consolidation and expansion of the knowledge acquired in the classroom, check facts and data acquired by previous information and knowing the local and / or national territory (ABC Color, 2018).

They must respond to a system that allows a gradual development of knowledge of the locality and its surroundings, complying with the principle of what is close to what is far, which establishes the study - work relationship, which presupposes not only observation, but also participation of the students in socially useful work and taking measures for the protection of nature for, thus ensuring the formation of values and concepts clear about the objective reality in the main content inside the training areas (Hernandez Martinez Torres & Hernandez, 2012).

In the classroom, under the same conditions, students show different results in school achievement. By having a teaching methodology with an adequate organization, some students reach the highest programs, while others cannot arrive as quickly, this shows itself the individualized approach to teaching (Mujina & Cherkes, 1979).

The school wastage and, particularly, the learning difficulties constitute a strong threat to contemporary school and, as such, they assume a complex serious nature and undeniable force. In this regard, Bravo (1991) states:

   "Learning difficulties constitute a severe and frequent problem for many educators and parents, whose children do not achieve school performance in accordance with their expectations or at the level of the efforts they make to learn" (p.3). 

Bonifacio (2018) and researchers of the International University  of Valencia (2018) ensure  the causes of the  school wastage responds to multiple factors, ranging from the genetic type, the child's disinterest, the socio- cultural environment, even the change of teaching methodology or school. It also indicates that each child is a peculiar case, depending on the rate of learning, its strengths and weaknesses.

Individual differences in learning and the implications they have for effective education have been the subject of both research and a set of institutional supports organized to improve children's school outcomes. Students are different in interests, learning styles, knowledge, experiences and even in the time they require to assimilate the contents of the teaching; this diversity requires different approaches and degrees of educational support. Equating the training results of the increasingly numerous different students that the school is called upon to serve is a highly human and important purpose for a society like ours.

The School "Pelayo Cuervo" of the Jaruco municipality, the realization of educational excursions is insufficient. It is not evident a course that allows to implement actions to integrate the content under study and the causal links between them, through direct observation of facts, phenomena and processes occurring in the locality. If we add that there is a number of students of the second cycle who have difficulty in school performance, in the significance of these limitations in its  self-realization and in the process of teaching and learning, they should be studied in a whole way, the nature and society where the students live.  The objective of the work is to assess the impact of educational excursions in children with school wastage of the second cycle of elementary school "Pelayo Cuervo" of the municipality Jaruco.



The investigation assumes the materialist dialectic as a general methodology of the investigation to find the logic of the development of the object of study. For its conception, methods of the theoretical level such as the historical-logical, the analytical-synthetic, the inductive-deductive and the systemic approach were taken into account. We proceeded to the analysis of documents, methodological guidelines, textbooks and study in depth of the programs of fifth and sixth grade to determine the units and possible places to visit taking into account the objectives of the grade and subject, as well as the environmental problems of the town. Methods such as empirical level: observation to the students, control of evaluative records of educational activities and interviewing parents were used.

The research was conducted during 2018-2019 with graduate students of the Primary School "Pelayo Cuervo" of the municipality of Jaruco. Second cycle students were chosen to facilitate the use of diagnostic procedures (they require knowing how to read and write, basically) and intervention (they require awareness and analysis, which would be much more difficult in young children). The universe was made up of the 50 schoolchildren who were in the fifth and sixth grade during the study period. The sample was comprised of 18 students (100 %) with difficulties in learning who entered grades 5th and 6th during the school year 2018-2019. For ethical reasons (according to the pedagogical principle of non- segregation), students with high and medium levels of school achievement were included. Prior to the study, the objective of the study was explained to the parents and their informed consent was obtained, authorizing the participation of their children.

Pedagogical test to assess the initial state in terms of student achievement of each of the students included learning ability with their corresponding indicators: development of the level of generalizations made in solving tasks, the level of abstractions and the levels of aid required for its implementation, as well as the sensitivity to these aids.

For the purposes of the study it is considered as disuse any identified failure on the results achieved by students which manifests itself in significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of reading, writing, reasoning and calculation - respect the objectives proposed for their level, age and development, and that it is usually expressed through negative school grades and goals that have not been satisfactorily reached or require teacher guidance. They can manifest themselves in various ways, but in all cases they affect the overall performance of the student; In other words, they harm several areas of school performance, showing, in addition, slowness, lack of interest in learning, deficiency in attention to school stimuli and difficulty in concentrating on performing certain tasks (Llanos, 2006).

By taking the pedagogical value with which the definitions of the teaching excursion are supported, it is used as a stimulus to the learning of students with school failure; Those who were classified following the criterion of Mujina & Cherkes (1979), who is to detect the peculiarities of the wasted students with academic problems, considered it of a great importance to correctly characterize their cognitive ability; This breaks down the specific nature of the likely character of the students for studies and characterizes the pace of the same in the assimilation of new material, providing the ability to highlight two major groups: Students with high cognoscibility and students with reduced cognoscibility or wasted school.

For Mujina & Cherkes (1979), highly cognitive students are characterized by a rapid rate of assimilation, a high level of analysis and synthesis, as well as flexibility of the thought process; these schoolchildren feel safe, develop adequate self-esteem and are capable of regulating their behavior. On the other hand, it points out that students with decreased cognitive ability are characterized by a delayed rate of assimilation, which is determined by difficulties in generalization, low level of analytical-synthetic activity, as well as insufficient mobility of thought. The latter, when entering the group of the wasted, lose confidence in their efforts, so they lag even further behind, observing in them a diminished self-assessment to independently regulate their behavior.

Students with wasted school present a number of specific psychological peculiarities that must be taken into account, such as: no positive attitude towards studying, in many cases a rejection towards study arises, weak development of will, inability to overcome difficulties in the face of the study and insufficient level of persistence and eagerness to achieve the objective.

For the reasons stated above, the students with school failure identified in the initial pedagogical test were classified into certain categories or groups based on their characteristics:

First type (T1): it presupposes sufficient intellectual development in combination with a negative attitude towards studying.

Second type (T2): where the weak development in intellectual activity and low cognitive activity are combined with a positive attitude towards studying.

Third type (T3): it is the one in which the negative aspects of both types mentioned above are united.

It is essential to bear in mind the individual treatment when it comes to schoolchildren with school wasted, even more so when it comes to activities outside the school framework, where the control of discipline and the teaching objective to be fulfilled must be combined with the fulfillment of the itinerary outlined, the teacher's self-preparation and prior contact with the qualified personnel who will receive them in case of directed visits. For this reason, a strategic plan was drawn up that would allow the motivation of these children in each of the excursions, to the extent that they appropriate the knowledge and fulfilled the objective for which they were designed.

The excursions, three in total, were designed by the authors with an integrative and interdisciplinary approach, so reference will be made to the integrative teaching excursion as a form of organization of the teaching-learning process, which is specified from the interaction of the school with the objects, processes and natural and social phenomena manifested in the Environment through an itinerary; There , interdependence relationships converge between the objectives, contents and skills of the subjects , in correspondence with the didactic categories that allow their organization and direction (Barraqué, 1991).

Taking into account that the success of the educational excursions lies in the fulfillment of the stages and the actions to be carried out in each of them (Barea, Cruz & Carrillo, 2017 and Rogel, Yaguari & Carrión, 2018), it was carried out, before, during and after each excursion a stage of planning, preparation, orientation, execution, presentation of the results and critical analysis.

The first excursion to nature included the study of a natural area of tropical forest, where all the natural components studied were related, which respond to the atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere. The second excursion consisted of the transfer by electric train, the only one of its kind in the country, and then a walk with a tour of historical places, guided by a compass and the map of the municipality of Jaruco. The third excursion included a visit to the Museum of Natural History, the Palace of the Captain Generals, and a tour of the University of Havana (included two museums, meeting with mathematicians, and steers, Wreaths) and a visit to the Museum the revolution.

In each of the excursions, the schoolchildren were informed of the excursion plan and the activities to be carried out, the necessary materials (such as magnifying glasses, containers, nylon bags, blades, and others). In all the itineraries, stations or stops were planned in places that due to their characteristics attracted the attention of the students and they were specified what they had to observe, what practical or experimental activity they would carry out, what sources of information they could use for their preparation, the guide to activities to be carried out and how to present the results. During the excursion they had to make diagrams, sketches, take samples of minerals, plants, rocks, seeds, leaves, photos, among others. On the second and third excursions we had the help of a specialist. During the three excursions, the activity of the schoolchildren was supervised, guided and controlled, in a pleasant psychological climate, but guaranteeing the preservation of the environment, discipline and independent, cooperative activity, or both as planned. In the presentation of the results they were given the possibility of expressing the development of their creativity orally, through exhibitions, debates, workshops, answers to questions; in written form as report, summary, diagrams, models, or with a combination of some of them. At the end, teachers and students conducted a critical analysis of the tour, which would provide feedback to the perfection of future trips.

For schoolchildren who presuppose sufficient intellectual development, they were asked, in activities, to state how much they knew about the subject and to compare it with what was observed during the excursion and what it had contributed to their knowledge. This last question allowed us to assess whether they were motivated by the search, taking into account their negative attitude towards the study.

When preparing the excursion guide, for types T2 and T3 a personalized orientation was carried out, taking into account the diversity of their potentialities. They took into account reproductive level activities, so as to concentrate the observation main ideas and could dispose other secondary ideas. They would fulfill orders or missions where they would show the rest of the group these elements that the others would lead to application responses within their excursion guide.

Regarding the affective - volitional sphere, the work was aimed at the development of language, so that they could express their opinions and be taken into account, so that they could counteract with the opinions formed in some children, regarding their own mediocrity, disability and even inferiority. In each activity, dialogue was encouraged; the formulation of collective responses to promote interpersonal relationships, taking advantage of the fact that, at these ages, according to studies by Petrovski (1985), a typical feature of the interpersonal relationships of young schoolchildren is their friendship, which it is based on the community of external life circumstances and casual interests.

The observation to the students during the trips, interviews schoolchildren and their parents and the final pedagogical test allowed establishing benchmarks for school performance before and after realization of educational excursions.

Descriptive statistics for qualitative and quantitative assessment of the information obtained in the instruments applied for doing a tabulation to understand the behavior of indicators that evaluate and reach conclusions were applied.



The use of the historic-logic method   favored the study and historical development of conceptions and approaches about the teaching excursion and the school wastage. The analysis and synthesis facilitated the deepening of the bibliography and normative documents consulted, and inferred ideas about the current state and the theoretical references that support the analysis of the detected problem.

The documentary analysis allowed the study of policy documents, syllabuses and materials and publications on the subject under investigation. This allowed to verify that, in general, reference is made to teaching excursions only with regard to their usefulness or practical importance in the training of the schoolchild, but the excursions to be carried out, the contents to be studied in them or how to proceed to determine them, which influences negatively on the appropriation of the causal links between  events, phenomena and processes objects of study and do not stimulate  to learning in children with wasted school, because they are not  motivate by the inquiry and solution to the problems found. In all the documents reviewed, objectives and indications aimed at achieving a fully trained citizen, who establishes harmonious relationships with nature and society appear.

The system approach made it possible to design the teaching excursions, allowing the interdependence relationships to be determined in an orderly manner, in order to assess the effect of the teaching excursions on second- cycle students with wasted school.

The initial pedagogical test showed that 18 (36 %) of the 50 schoolchildren presented wasted school , given by gaps in knowledge in the subjects reading, writing and calculation, having overcome the minimum objectives with levels of help, deficient work with the assimilation levels in activities and just drag the reproductive level, insufficient training and development of personal qualities, which does not allow to be: independent , persistent  at work, organized, communicative, educated  and interested  in learning. In addition, incongruity between possibility and performance was noted, as well as immaturity in the affective-volitional sphere, insufficient development of self-regulation mechanisms, slowness, and lack of interest in learning and deficiencies or inadequate use and organization of learning strategies.

The 18 students with school wastage were classified as T1, T2 and T3, following the classification of Mujina & Cherker (1979), yielding the following results:

The 11, 11 % of schoolchildren with school wastage presented a sufficient intellectual development, but they maintained a negative attitude toward study, so they were classified as T1. The 61, 11 % showed a weak development and low cognoscibility of the intellectual activity, but they maintained a positive attitude towards study, being classified as T2.  27.8 % remaining was classified as T3, as they manifested   a weak intellectual development and negative attitude towards study.

For T1 is was observed the high development of the intellectual processes and the ones of cognition, but in the course of studies at school, these qualities are not manifested because it has  a negative attitude towards study and school. At the same time, they have cognitive interests that are often unrelated to teaching at school; they present a lack of organization and desire to subordinate themselves to the requirements that the school raises.

Schoolchildren classified as T2 have weakly developed intellectual activity and low cognitive activity, which is combined with a positive attitude towards study and school.  These students, despite the difficulties faced in the study, eager to learn and feel embarrassed with their failures. They are very careful and laborious, but the lack of study skills and difficulties they face, brings as consequence that resort to rote memorization of teaching material and therefore little train their logical memory.

In the case of the third type (T3) they show insufficient development of individual characteristics, low cognoscibility and show a negative attitude towards the study and school, requiring a special attention and care from the teachers.

Results from the initial educational testing confirms that in the "Elementary School Pelayo Cuervo" of the municipality of Jaruco, number of pupils in the second cycle manifest difficulties in school performance, which limit to its self-realization. Due to the aforementioned, it is declared to evaluate the effect of educational excursions in second cycle schoolchildren with school wasted.

During the teaching excursions, designed with an integrative character, by the natural or urban environment, visits to museums and monuments, or itineraries through the city, new instruments were applied (observation, interview and final pedagogical test), which allowed us to assess the effect of the educational excursions in the children with school failure in the second cycle of the primary school "Pelayo Cuervo" in the municipality of Jaruco.

On the first excursion, they simulated a rebel camp area, had a lunch in the field, and climbed the highest altitude of the place, where some needed the other, physical preparation for life and the application of the knowledge of the pioneer explorers. The second included a visit to the municipal museum and a discussion with combatants, where they learned about historical events and personalities of the town where they live. The third excursion allowed knowing the Museum of Natural History, the Palace of the General Captains, taking a tour of the University of Havana that included e steers, two museums, meeting with mathematicians, Wreaths and finally visiting to the Museum of the Revolution. These excursions enabled them to consolidate values and norms of behavior as a group, to learn to orient them in space and to discover elements of the landscape that make up reality (natural, social and cultural). All  concluded with the ordering and synthesis of the data collected and the presentation of the information in the form of murals, drawings, debates, exhibition of photographs taken during the outing and / or the realization of murals.

Students had the opportunity to interact directly with the Environment and become energetic observers of facts, objects, geographical phenomena and processes, making the reality that surrounds an important means of teaching. In addition, they linked and applied the knowledge and skills acquired to new situations.

From the affective-volitional point of view, each activity fostered dialogue during it and the formulation of collective responses in other cases to promote interpersonal relationships. In terms of the formation of widespread knowledge, types T 2 and T3 more slowly were acquiring these; getting them to respond to activities of level two of performance and the issuance of judgments.

In the figure 1 the behavior of interest shown by performing tasks of a T1 pupil rated on a scale of 1 to 5, taking into account that 1 represents a disinterest with almost 60 % of tasks without the 3 30 % and 5 that only leaves 5 %. As it is observed, to the extent in which it was participating in educational tours increased, likewise, interest in school activities. Similar results were observed with the rest of the schoolchildren classified in this group.


Fig. 1 - Behavior of interest in carrying out tasks of the first type of student (T1)

In the case of children of the second type (T2), classified with a weak development of intellectual and cognitive activity, the quality of the tasks was monitored through the comparative analysis of the academic results observed in the evaluative records of teaching activities ("traditional" class and teaching excursion ). The results valued on a scale of 1 to 5, taking into account that 2 represents 60 % of tasks that required help, 3 represents 30 % and 5 that only required help in 5 % of the proposed objectives, indicate an improvement at the end of the third excursion. (Figure 2).


Fig. 2- Quality performance of tasks of students of second type (T2)

Regarding type 3 students (T3), in which the negative aspects of both previous groups are combined, on the one hand they show little interest in carrying out the activities and on the other a weak development of intellectual activity. The figure 3 (A) shows the interest tasks and the figure 3 (B) the quality of its realization.

Fig. 3- Behavior of third-class students. A) Interest in carrying out the tasks, B) quality of the tasks

Through the comparative analysis of the academic results of the students observed in the evaluative records of the teaching activities ("traditional" class and teaching excursion) it was possible to determine that the quality of these results is higher by more than 6 % when learning it takes place in the context of a teaching excursion; The same happens with the participation of the students: a greater commitment and involvement in the activity proposed by the teachers was observed when they are part of the teaching excursion guide. The percentage of participation of the students in the excursion is 96.7 %, 30 % more than that achieved in the "traditional" classes, which shows a greater motivation for learning the contents covered. It was found the influence of school trips in children with school wastage, mainly in the transformation of insufficient intellectual dynamism, as well as the common school fatigue in three types, which has become clear or in improving the average rating in all cases.

Regarding language in T1 and T2, which were the ones with the lowest level of language, greater fluency and ease were found. The changes in their language motivated them to expose their experiences in public, desires to carry out tasks within the excursion and apply these to those of the classroom.

Attending classes with the implementation of activities affecting a student T1 the condition of a given percent attendance to attend all excursions, undoubtedly the reason, as well as the alternative to joining completing tasks at times of complementary activities within the school itself. His teaching results was rum driving engine for achieving short - term, but with intermissions, for although there was no refusal to help was not desired family support.

In the interviews with the parents, the interest of the students in general was verified, a first phase of expectation, which together with the ignorance of what they were going to find, served as motivation for carrying out the activities. The family education schools were directed to the debate of what the children raised at home, behind each excursion: what they commented, what they did not like, what they learned; this last question was suggested for the family dialogue. In all cases, family motivation was observed for what they appreciate in their children, support for the school and promotions in their children's academic results.

The promotion of "occasional" encounters with peers, visitors to the school, gave the possibility of observing results of the work in situ, since those who exposed the experiences of the activity were the children, whom we tried to stimulate in order to raise school performance; Impressive and encouraging was the greatest reward to keep going.

The vast majority of the students showed a high level of satisfaction with the excursions and considered the learning achieved as significant, by developing skills that allow them to function personally. At the end of each excursion, students made documentary contributions in an objective way based on scientific evidence exhibited through posters, drawings, writing, and exhibits at a fair. The improvement in the quality of the learning achieved was reflected in the productions exhibited at the end of each excursion and the results of the evaluations carried out after these, exceeding those achieved before it.



In order to achieve motivation, participation in learning and improve the quality of the academic results of their students, the teacher is constantly in search of didactic alternatives, among these is the teaching excursion as a form of organization of the teaching - educational  process  (Rogel, Yaguari, & Carrión, 2018); hence the importance of specifying in the programs the excursions to be carried out, the contents to be studied in them and how to proceed to integrate contents from other subjects. Similar results refer Martinez & Téllez (2015) and wikiHow (2016), who consider that teaching excursions favor learning and encourages teachers to innovate activities and their implementation in the classroom, encouraging a change in the teaching methodology and thereby favoring the effective management of good pedagogical practices.

In the study there were selected students of the second cycle (fifth and sixth grade), which is where the students reach higher levels in reflective processes have potential for conscious assimilation of concepts and for the emergence of thought that operates with abstractions, whose logical processes (comparison, classification, analysis, synthesis and generalization) must reach higher levels with more significant achievements in the theoretical plane. The aforementioned allows the realization of reflections based on concepts or on known relationships and properties, the possibility of posing hypotheses, arguing, demonstrating and seeking solutions to the problems that arise; They must use procedures, general and specific strategies to act independently in learning activities that require observing, describing, comparing, classifying, characterizing, defining and evaluating their activity. After the observation they could describe, compare, argue, make reflections, establish relationships and draw conclusions about what it was observed, in which they manifested   feelings of love, respect and commitment for the protection of the Environment and its closest environment.

The content covered in the three teaching trips allowed the students that participated in the study, a comprehensive interpretation of nature and society in the territory where the school is located; For this, it was necessary to integrate geographical, biological and other subjects of the curriculum in order to explain the causal links between the objects, phenomena and processes under study, since this is how they manifest in reality. In addition, they allowed the school checked and applied in practice acquired in theory, linking them with the components of the Environment, to identify the main problems that affect it and develop responsible behaviors to them. What has been stated supports the need to integrate content in teaching excursions coincidentally due to what it is proposed by Barea (2018); Cruz & Carrillo (2018) and Estévez, Cruz & Carrillo (2020).

The positions of Rogel, Yaguari & Carrión (2018) are assumed, who consider that the success of the educational excursions lies in the fulfillment of the stages: planning, preparation, orientation, development or execution, presentation of the results and critical analysis. It also coincides with Barea, Cruz & Carrillo (2017) in which it should be designed according to the students ` learning, so that, starting from the current level of development of these, take actions that facilitate the transition to higher levels. Like Pérez (2013), it is considered that the role of the teacher greatly influences the performance of their students. The ability to communicate, the relationships that it establishes and the attitudes that it adopts towards it, play a determining role, both in the behavior and in the student's learning. That is why the plans, programs, organization, methods and inputs only materialize with the actions of the teacher.

The results obtained coincide with those of Barea, Cruz & Carrillo (2017) and Estévez, Cruz & Carrillo (2020) and reinforce the idea that the teaching excursion constitutes an important form of organization of the teaching process. In addition, it has a great educational value, because, it allows the linking of school life, from theory to practice and gaining knowledge through direct observation of facts, objects, phenomena and processes in their own environment. In the same way, the student is motivated by inquiry, the solution to the problems he encounters, he is trained as a responsible citizen and an active social subject in the construction of a sustainable development model; that is to say, it turns the surrounding reality into an important teaching means. Authors such as Cruz & Carrillo (2017) and Bonilla & Pérez (2018) report that the foster interaction of school with nature, with the Environment built and community, becomes an activity with sufficient potential for the formation of values, to acquire learning and to develop modes of performance in it, where the school is the main protagonist under the direction of the teacher; These considerations are also assumed by the authors.

Estevez, Cruz & Carrillo (2020) agrees that educational excursions contribute to the students learn to appreciate the beauty of both the natural environment and produced and created by the transforming activity of man work. Also enable the development of feelings of love for nature and the need for care, conservation and protection of the environment, and establish relations of interdependence and responsibility in the collective, enabling the formation of rules of behavior and qualities of personality in schoolchildren.

In general, there is correspondence with the results found by Cruz & Carrillo (2017) where the educational excursions stimulated motivation, participation in learning and improve on the quality of the academic performance of schoolchildren with school wastage, in addition they make it possible, to integrate learning geographic content and historical in the town with the involvement of the family, institutions and specialists to contribute to the formation of a scientific conception of the world and responsible behavior towards the Environment. Coincident with Iglesias (2012) memory learning is rejected and the role that direct contact with nature plays in the acquisition and solidity of knowledge is highlighted. Demanding the usefulness, depth and durability of the educational excursions in the acquired knowledge.

For Rojas, Rojas & Breijo (2020), the knowledge of history is a weapon at the service of teaching to think and defend ideas. That is why, to take on these challenges with a transforming attitude, knowledge is needed, both historical and from various disciplines, which are studied in school; there, the importance of schoolchildren to know the facts and historical characters in their locality, told by its own protagonists.

It could be seen that the proper use of teaching excursions promotes the active participation of schoolchildren with school wasted and contributes to raising the quality of academic results; Furthermore, the authors consider it important that the educational excursions that are designed have an integrative character because reality is integral and it is, ultimately, the subject's exchange with that reality that educates.

In addition, the authors match the criteria of Gonzalez (2009) that another of the benefits of the teaching excursion is that the students, through observation, have the possibility to check on the ground the issues discussed in the classroom, in the work and reading, using the Environment as a contrast place as hypothesis testing; it is more than a simple source of data to get to build the theory.

At the same that Lopez (2016), the authors found that educational excursions arouse interest in the study of schoolchildren with school wastage and presuppose the assimilation of the contents through the discovery of its truths; conducive a discovery learning within a rigorous direct observation, suitable for cultivating the comparative ability of the fundamental features of the objects or the environment being studied. It is also agreed that, in them, the school learns to think, observe, confront, compare objects, phenomena and processes and that they promote the formation of character, convictions, habits and norms of conduct.

Coincidentally with Mohamed, Pérez & Montero (2017), through the excursions the teaching principle of linking theory with practice was consolidated, which influence in consolidating the contents and demonstrated cause and effect relation of the phenomena. To others, it is vitally important because in this way it contributes to the scientific conception of the world, learning new concepts that enable the relationship between nature and economic activity, the development of scientific research work, to the interest for the protection of nature, aesthetic taste and the spirit of collective work, among others, thus allowing the comprehensive training of our schoolchildren.

In this regard, González (2009) refers that the teaching excursion, in addition to developing qualities such as perseverance, tenacity, the desire to achieve a goal, the desire to investigate, to know and to demonstrate the veracity of the knowledge acquired, guarantees the solidity of knowledge, the development of skills and abilities for its application, which we could observe in our study since in the classroom, nature, history, production, etc. are studied, with the help of the word and using illustrative means that substitute the natural environment; in the scholar tour it faces the living nature, historic-cultural monuments so knowledge in place directly as they are watching are assimilated.

It is a coincidence with the results obtained by Narvaez Garcia, Guerrero & Modesto (2007) and Padierna & González (2013) when they exalt excursions as enhancer of learning. There is correspondence, with the results obtained by Rogel, Yaguari, Romero & Carrión (2018), given special emphasis on activities outside the classroom as a boosters of learning through lived experiences in the first person by the students. Also, authors coincide with the criteria of these authors when exalting the benefits of the trips to promote training based on direct experience with the subject matter, thus achieving a real and practical vision of the characteristics the students will face in the real world.

Like Vianeke & Giral (2014) it recognizes that the students learn more effectively if they can relate what they are learning from their own experience and, therefore, education must be firmly grounded in first - hand observation, as was achieved to with the teaching excursion. Other advantages of the excursions, according to the criteria of Batista et al (2019) are that: revive the interest in students, contribute to develop in them the independent work, propitiate work collectively, contribute to developing conscious discipline of school, link school life and allow relationship of the scholar with the community and allow project-based learning.  

E n the last few years it has been a growing interest and concern in most countries for school failure, a particular problem by multiple factors such as social, family, operation of the educational system, the attitude of the Administration, work of each teacher and the disposition of the student itself. The fact that school has difficulties to successfully overcome the requirement of the system and it does not only imply strictly individual factors but educational, social and cultural ones. At present, the impoverishment of school results is a perfectly localized problem, detected and that has a specific treatment if efforts are combined from the different elements that make up the social system and the teaching excursion is an effective teaching method in the organization of the school process of teaching and learning , which allows to link theory with practice and school life, thus contributing to motivation, participation in learning ,  to acquire knowledge, values and experiences that promote active learning improving quality of the academic results of second cycle students with school failure .



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Conflict of interest:

Authors declare not to have any conflicts of interest.


Authors´ Contributions:

Gleiby de la Caridad Melchor Orta: Conception of the idea (70 %), authorship coordinator (100 %), literature search and review (80 %), preparation of instruments (100 %), application of instruments (80 %), compilation of information resulting from the instruments applied (100 %), statistical analysis (100 %), drafting of the original (first version) (70 %), revision and final version of the article (50 %), correction of the article (50%), revision of the applied bibliographic norm (20 %) .

Ania Ortega Asencio: Conception of the idea (30 %), general advice on the topic addressed (100 %), búsqueda y revisión de literatura (20 %), drafting of the original (first version) (30 %), revision and final version of the article (50 %), correction of the article (50 %), revision of the applied bibliographic norm (40 %).

Meivys Reyes Ravelo: Conception of the idea (30 %), general advice on the topic addressed (100 %), búsqueda y revisión de literatura (20 %), drafting of the original (first version) (30 %), revision and final version of the article (50 %), correction of the article (50 %), revision of the applied bibliographic norm (40 %).


This work is under a licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
Copyright (c) Gleiby de la Caridad Melchor Orta, Ania Ortega Asencio, Meivys Reyes Ravelo