Mendive. Journal on Education, january-march 2021; 19(1):321-333
Translated from the original in Spanish
University Social Responsibility and educational work: a necessary relationship the professionals training
Responsabilidad Social Universitaria y labor educativa: una relación necesaria en la formación de profesionales
Responsabilidade Social Universitária e trabalho educativo: uma relação necessária na formação de profissionais
Noraida Garbizo Flores1
Mayra Ordaz Fernández2 https//
Juan Carlos Hernández Martín1
1Municipal University Center of Consolación
del Sur. Pinar del Río. Cuba. ;
2University of Pinar del Río Hermanos
Saíz Montes de Oca. Cuba.
Received: February 21st, 2020.
Approved: February 21st, 2021.
To break into the study of University Social Responsibility in its inescapable link with educational work, constitutes a necessity in the context of transformations that are taking place in today's Cuban university, a privileged setting for the training of socially responsible professionals. Undoubtedly, the relevance of the topic and its impact on the educational process demand the need to pay tribute to the improvement of educational work, from the socially responsible performance of its protagonists. In this sense, the article aims to carry out a theoretical review and critical analysis of educational work in relation to University Social Responsibility, based on the use of the logical historical method, documentary analysis and procedures such as analysis and synthesis and induction and deduction. The investigation carried out allowed to conclude that educational work is a process that is updated and enriched, from pedagogical theory and practice and its necessary relationship with university social responsibility, makes it a critical reflection and an instrument of social transformation in order to train comprehensive professionals.
Keywords: educational work; comprehensive training; university social responsibility.
Irrumpir en el estudio de la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria, en su nexo ineludible con la labor educativa, constituye una necesidad en el contexto de transformaciones que acontecen en la universidad cubana actual, escenario privilegiado para la formación de profesionales socialmente responsables. Sin lugar a dudas, la relevancia del tema y su impacto en el proceso educativo demandan la necesidad de tributar al perfeccionamiento de la labor educativa, desde la actuación socialmente responsable de sus protagonistas. En este sentido, el artículo se orienta a realizar una revisión teórica y análisis crítico de labor educativa en relación con la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria, a partir del empleo del método histórico-lógico, el análisis documental y procedimientos como el análisis y la síntesis y la inducción y la deducción. La indagación efectuada permitió concluir que la labor educativa es un proceso que se actualiza y enriquece, desde la teoría y la práctica pedagógica y su relación necesaria con la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria la convierte en reflejo crítico e instrumento de transformación social en pos de formar profesionales integrales.
Palabras clave: labor educativa; formación integral; Responsabilidad Social Universitaria.
O estudo da Responsabilidade Social da Universidade, na sua ligação inevitável com o trabalho educativo, é uma necessidade no contexto das transformações que ocorrem na actual universidade cubana, um cenário privilegiado para a formação de profissionais socialmente responsáveis. Sem dúvida, a relevância do tema e o seu impacto no processo educativo exigem a necessidade de contribuir para a melhoria do trabalho educativo, a partir do desempenho socialmente responsável dos seus protagonistas. Neste sentido, o artigo está orientado para realizar uma revisão teórica e análise crítica do trabalho educativo em relação à Responsabilidade Social Universitária, a partir da utilização do método histórico-lógico, análise documental e procedimentos tais como análise e síntese e indução e dedução. A investigação realizada permitiu concluir que o trabalho educativo é um processo actualizado e enriquecido, a partir da teoria e prática pedagógica e da sua necessária relação com a Responsabilidade Social Universitária, transformando-o numa reflexão crítica e num instrumento de transformação social, a fim de formar profissionais integrais.
Palavras-chave: trabalho educativo; formação integral; Responsabilidade Social Universitária.
The current social scenario in which the university training process takes place is characterized by new challenges in the training of integral professionals, bearers of values that dignify them as a professional, citizen and person. In this sense, the greatest social challenge is manifested in the response to the current needs of the economic and socio-cultural development of the country, an expression of the demands of social responsibility that future professionals must assume.
It is evident that the development of society cannot be done without the participation of the universities, which are "an inexhaustible source of the technical, scientific, and cultural skills required to find and convey the best solutions to society, for this it is necessary that all their wisdom and intellectual perspective ( ) focus on the problems of society" (Quinte, 2015, p. 37).
Before this new challenge, the University Social Responsibility, in its inescapable link with the educational work, is revealed as a necessary link in the formation of integral professionals, from the assumption of criteria and indicators that are expressed in the dimensions ethics, organizational, environmental, social and knowledge, which in their integration allow to make the university institution visible as a transformation scenario par excellence and a center where the training of professionals, citizens and people converges.
In relation to these proposals, the University Social Responsibility is recognized as an important issue today and revealing their structuring character in the training process. In this sense, the studies by Altavaz (2014); Ojalvo and González (2015); Olarte and Ríos (2015); Laurencio and Farfán (2016); Aldeanueva, Valdés and Villegas (2017); Elizalde, Byron, Rieira and Alarcón (2018); Valleys and Álvarez (2019), among other intellectuals who underline the meaning and relevance of University Social Responsibility as a complex and controversial concept that is associated with the terms: ethical mode of action, university philosophy, impact management, generic competence, among other interpretations.
From another perspective of analysis, educational work is recognized as a structural core of the process of an integral forming of the university student, which is as important support the University Social Responsibility. In this way, it is necessary to highlight the contributions of Báxter (2003); Horruittiner (2009); Chacón and Domínguez (2014); Torres and Padrón (2015); Garbizo, Ordaz and Lezcano (2018); Lassoed, Márquez and Ordaz (2019), among other studies underlying the educational work as a process of moral development of personality, designed to promote active participation and creativity of the student in the process of professional and social training.
Thus, the University Social Responsibility becomes a critical reflection and instrument of transformation of universities to project a dynamic educational and creative work that impact and in society, through the performance of its professionals in a social setting that demand a technical qualification of excellence and values of high human significance.
It is therefore a question of achieving a greater response capacity of higher education to the prevailing challenges in today's society, based on an educational work based on the comprehensive training paradigm that promotes the improvement of its substantive processes, in correspondence with the demands of social responsibility of the university.
When one reflects in depth on the subject, it is understood that it is a challenge to develop an educational work characterized by the stated claims, taking into account its complex nature and the multiplicity of questions that each analysis generates. For this reason, the educational work in the socially responsible university demands the attention to a current generation of university students at the intersection of the socio- historical moment who live with needs, interests and questions, the result of a period of important economic and social changes that occur throughout the global level.
In the bibliographic study carried out, it is revealed that there are still limitations in the educational work process of the current Cuban university, which are fundamentally focused on the insufficiencies in the attention to the personalized singular level, the Asystematicity in the development of educational actions that stimulate student leadership, meeting the year's objectives and setting future professional goals with an adequate level of structure. In the same way, a greater preparation of the teaching staff is required to address the problems of the year, provide a response to the training objectives and the proper use of methods, forms and means of organizing educational influences.
By virtue of what has been said, the need to contribute to the improvement of educational work in the training scenarios of the university is recognized, from the socially responsible act of its protagonists and the use of methods, means and forms that respond to the training needs and particularities of the context.
In this way, this article aims to carry out a theoretical review and critical analysis of the unavoidable link between educational work and University Social Responsibility, in order to promote reflection and social commitment of the protagonists of the training process with the presence in an ethical and responsible way of acting in the various stages of the training process.
To deploy educational work supported by University Social Responsibility is revealed as an essential condition in the Higher education, to the mean projection of substantive processes: teaching, research and extension, depending on social needs, mission and objectives institution and the training needs of the university student, in order to achieve the transformations demanded by the university and current Cuban society.
In this sense, educational work in the face of new social challenges must be conceived as an integrating nucleus of the curricular and extracurricular activities that take place in the university institution. From this perspective, the necessary projection and implementation in line with the gaps and potentials of young people, their motivations, aspirations and questioning as a center of educational influences that are generated (Garbizo, Ordaz and Lezcano, 2018).
Without a doubt, educational work has its greatest expression in the socially responsible performance of students, teachers, and the university community in general. Therefore, the University Social Responsibility must be present in all essential processes and reflected in the objectives, materials, methods, means, among others, to achieve the formation of citizens responsibly involved in the challenges imposed by society (Aldeanueva, Valdés and Villegas, 2017).
1- The University Social Responsibility: a critical approach
The epistemology on the conception of University Social Responsibility cannot be spontaneous, nor can it be conceived as a simple academic exercise to achieve a new vision of universities; on the contrary, it must be built from a new philosophy that is based on the analysis of the "should be and should do" of the training institutions, a conception that is based on important theoretical and methodological references that favor the implementation of socially responsible practices, generating social, economic and environmental impacts.
Thus, the attempt to encourage reflection and analysis of University Social Responsibility involves a conceptual challenge with various edges of analysis shown from compression of the University Social Responsibility in relation to the budgets of the company, to an analysis of this process with a more particular vision of the institution, management and social participation as an essential condition and the impacts that its substantive processes generate.
From this point of view, much could be said about University Social Responsibility as a result of the theoretical study of the subject. However, it is necessary from the arguments outlined by various specialists nationally and internationally, which become important theoretical and methodological frameworks to deepen the sides of this process, inexhaustible essentially of extraordinary value to enhance perfecting higher education.
With emphasis on the relationship between the dimensions that make up the University Social Responsibility, Dopico (2015) argues that social responsibility is aimed at achieving economic, social and environmental balance, resulting important to distinguish individual social responsibility and business social, and institutional government social responsibility that can be evaluated in terms of acceptance, employment and dissemination.
The University Social Responsibility is also revealed as "a new philosophy of university management that aims to renew the social commitment of the university and provide innovative solutions to the challenges facing higher education in the context of a globalized world but indefensible in its development patterns" (Valleys, 2007, p.3).
From this approach, the University Social Responsibility as a process that has a clear expression in relation university - society, which allows orienting vocational training integral of the student in harmony with the environment and towards sustainability the processes and transformations that take place in the economic and sociocultural order is recognized.
Respect to Gaete, (2015) He expresses: "A socially responsible university from my point of view, is one that seeks to develop all its products either at the level of investigation, connectedness or professional training in a real assimilation or Coincidence with what the region needs or the territory where the university is placed" (p.100).
As can be seen, it is recurring in these analyzes the link between social responsibility of universities and the needs generated by society as a source where actions, projects and strategies emerge that the university conceived to contribute to the common good and promote the integral training of the student in relation to the demands of society. Therefore, to achieve this training it is required that social responsibility be assumed as a commitment by the university to promote a training process that is based on ethical behaviors that provide responsible and timely responses to problems (Castro, Marín and Senior, 2016).
Based on these references, an integrative analysis of University Social Responsibility implies recognizing what was expressed by Ojalvo and González (2015) when underlining that this concept emphasizes the role of moral leadership of universities, their commitment to the transformation of society in the search for social justice, the equality and citizen participation in solving the many problems that afflict us.
The University Social Responsibility, at present, is also evaluated as a generic competition that should be promoted on college students, taking into account the or social, environmental impact and of professional practice that generate substantive processes; transformations that requires a curriculum based on competency that defines a socially responsible profile that enhances pro social attitudes, social participation and commitment to the welfare of the others (Ojala, 2017).
This new vision of the University Social Responsibility shows a concept of broad spectrum and evolution, from the new looks that students, teachers, administrators and society in general offer In this way, its evaluation from management and social participation is present in contemporary analyzes, when conceptualizing University Social Responsibility as: " the responsibility of the university for the social and environmental impacts it generates, through ethical management and efficient of its administrative processes and substantive academic functions, in order to participate together with the other actors of its territory of influence in the promotion of a fair and sustainable human development" (Valleys and Álvarez , 2019, p.113).
In consequence, these approaches, it is recognized:
1. The impacts generations as a key factor that reveals the social relevance of higher educational institutions.
2. The management of the processes inherent to the university as a social institution, marked by the ethical actions of its protagonists.
3. The participation of its protagonists in a strategic alliance with the other actors, a key factor to achieve the human development to which we aspire.
4. Sustainability as an indicator of the development of university processes as the main generators of impacts.
Given these new challenges, the Agenda 2030 and Objectives of Sustainable Development, particularly the number 4, is pronounced by the need to ensure technical training, professional and higher quality of young people in the field of a university socially responsible which it is transformed from the common efforts and collective participation, elements denoting an agenda civilization to and visionary to putting the dignity and equality ad people in the middle (United Nations, 2018).
2. The educational work in the field of University Social Responsibility
Addressing the educational work in the field of University Social Responsibility, constitutes a need of the current Cuban university, engaged in a process of transformations aimed at perfecting the management process of the training of professionals, based on the paradigm of comprehensive training and the guidelines of the economic and social policy of the Party and the Revolution, related to the educational, social and science and innovation spheres (Garbizo, Ordaz and Bravo, 2018).
From this perspective, carrying out a pedagogical and didactic projection of University Social Responsibility that impacts educational work, it requires a conception of its didactic components, with emphasis on the objectives to be achieved, the most appropriate methods that impact on said training, the means for pedagogical work and the skills to be developed in students to achieve a socially responsible way of action.
It is obvious that the correct implementation of the components of the teaching - educative process, by itself do not allow achieving the objectives; Its intimate relationship with the protagonists of the process is demanded, to fulfill the tasks and functions by professors and students in the field of University Social Responsibility. In this way, it promotes the development of educational socially responsible work that transverse the completely training process.
Therefore, it is recognized from this approach that "a young man who is in university classrooms lives in a society, is a social being, and the university also has an obligation to educate them to live in this society" (Horruittiner, 2009, p. 20). It becomes essential idea in a starting point to train socially responsible professionals with interests, life projects, knowledge, skills and values that support their daily performance and require a projection of educational work in the training process.
In this sense, the university- society relationship is deprived as a starting point for the educational needs of future professionals and an expression of their socially responsible performance. From this approach, we agree with Gonzalez (2017) when he outlined that to achieve linking university - society, teachers must ensure that their skills are meaningful to students from the professional, personal and social and can be transferred to specific contexts with the intention of transforming the society.
In the future through which it is going, there is no doubt that the university, in addition to fulfilling its teaching and research role, has the important mission of promoting social responsibility and, in turn, transferring knowledge and technology (Medina et al., 2017). In order to achieve this purpose, the educational work must be managed from the effective social participation of the entire university community, its evaluation as a process and result, which reveals its socially responsible nature, generating educational and social impacts.
In correlation with what has been said, the pedagogical conception to educate in social responsibility, contributed by Torres and Padrón (2015), which is defined as "an integrated and coherent system of theoretical foundations, principles, essential characteristics and pedagogical conditions, as well as didactic requirements, each one of which includes a methodological procedure and action that, guided by these, that allow fostering the development of responsibility" (p. 132).
A critical analysis of these fundamentals allows us to distinguish a series of regularities that deserve special attention in order to carry out a critical evaluation of the educational work as a dimension of University Social Responsibility and to draw up strategies that favor its implementation:
1. The university- society link as a key factor, from the conception of society as a starting point, stage of transformation and point of return to implement socially responsible practices.
2. The conception of the process of education and training in University Social Responsibility, with an emphasis on the dimensions of knowledge, affective and aptitude.
3. The expression of University Social Responsibility in the various stages of the professional training process.
4. Direct dialogue with the protagonists of the educational event, as a key factor in the diagnosis of education and training needs in University Social Responsibility and the strategic planning of the process.
It is good to mention that the innovative performance of the players is needed in the process to accomplish the task of educating from the design of the university curriculum, to fulfill the teaching task with the ethical and responsible action. In this way, University Social Responsibility becomes an essential element that needs to be approached from the various edges that reveal its social connotation.
3. Protagonists of the educational socially responsible work
To deepen in the analysis of educational work in the field of University Social Responsibility implies recognition of teachers and students as actors in the educational process and main actors in fulfilling the mission and objectives of Higher Education Institutions, and main actors assuming the transformations of the university and society.
It is evident "that universities are precisely called institutions - both from the appropriation of knowledge and from its practical and contextual application - to promote the integration of the pillars "learning to know", "learning to be", "learning to do" and "Learn to live together" (Valdés and Villegas, 2017, p. 56). It is precisely within the frameworks of this process that teachers, students and the group converge as protagonists of an educational work, supported by an ethical, axiological and humanistic approach (Chacón, 2014).
From this perspective, the student is conceived as the center of educational influences, affected by a variety of attitudes and behaviors that may or may not be socially responsible, which complicates the educational work as a process in which a wide range of socio- affective relationships intervene between teachers and students, student- student, student- group and student- knowledge (García and Addine, 2016).
From the perspective of the process of humanistic education, they are recognized as actors in the process: students, group, teachers and tutors, each with distinctive features, functions and tasks in the field of university socially responsible. Protagonists who establish a network of relationships of a complex nature, given the multiplicity of tasks assumed by the university professor and the multiple influences that the student receives in the training process.
From this analytical perspective, the role played for the student group conformed by young people transiting the Higher education, integrated in a student brigade; they constitute a type of official group with needs, interests, motivations, responsibilities and commitments to their training process is outlined. The group becomes a space where individuality is expressed and the collective construction of socially responsible objectives and strategies is promoted to achieve individual and group goals.
On the other hand, the university student is recognized as that young person with characteristics typical of his psychological age, center of the system of educational influences and protagonist of the educational work of the career. As an active and self- motivated subject, he contributes to the design, execution and evaluation of the educational strategy, decision-making and the rethinking of goals.
Thus, if you want to have the task of educating implicit to the formation of socially responsible behavior, it is necessary to identify those skills they need to form and / or develop the students, taking into account their professional, personal and social needs. These skills are: self- knowledge, organize, execute, work in teams, and self-evaluate (Garbizo, 2017).
One fact is indisputable, the necessary transformations taking place in Cuba in the economic productive, socio - cultural institutions and , demanding the formation of socially responsible students, who articulates the development of professional skills to exercise effectively their profession, skills that allow them to perform as an active citizen in the political and social life of the nation and personal abilities to coexist with others, appreciate diversity and act as subjects of duties and rights.
These skills motivate the active and transformative participation of the student, in relation to social demands, the assumption of professional and social responsibilities, the development of tasks of social impact and active participation in projects and initiatives that enable the positive social transformation of environments, institutions and processes that occur in professional-social training. In this way, a socially responsible action based on ethical values is outlined, which implies being socially responsible with society and assuming the transformation of oneself (D'Angelo, 2001).
In the same way, in the educational work that is projected in the university environment, the figure of the university professor plays an essential role, based on the functions he performs: teaching - methodological, guidance and investigative, functions that in their integration allow the comprehensive and systematic student diagnosis, identification of needs, contradictions, problems and trends of development, the organization of the teaching - educative process and conception of educational dynamic and creative activities.
In this sense, they constitute potentialities to develop a socially responsible educational work, the understanding of the teaching functions and their incidence in the integral formation, the motivation for the profession, the image of the teacher as a professional of high social significance and the sustained permanent improvement in the idea of "learning to learn".
From this point of view, the educational work process at the university is strengthened with the integration of all the agents involved in the integral formation of the university student and the development of psycho pedagogical actions aimed at promoting sociocultural development in the professional field (Lazo, Márquez and Ordaz, 2019), which is specified in the university mission, its values and social commitment.
Due to the aforementioned, the need for constant improvement of educational work is recognized, so that training in social responsibility of the protagonists of the process is promoted, permanent learning that turns educational work into art, where the student experiences those qualities that are expressed in the daily performance of their teachers and erected as role models for the group, the institution and society in general.
In relation to what has been said, it is necessary to attend to the conception of new ways and diverse procedures for their preparation, in a flexible and contextualized way in the structural levels of university- career and year, promoting shared responsibility, permanent self - improvement, making regulations more flexible. In addition, stimulating reflection and critical analysis to conceive an educational work based on the needs of students and teachers as protagonists of the educational fact and the possibilities of the institution.
In a conclusive way, the educational work in its inescapable link with University Social Responsibility is revealed as an essential element in the integral formation of the university student. Thus, University Social Responsibility is presented as a structuring concept of the training process and essential condition for implementing educational work dynamic and creative with effective social participation of its protagonists, to achieve the mission of the university and sustainability of the transformations that are achieved in the institutional and social sphere.
The projection and scope of educational work in the field of University Social Responsibility implies assuming the vision of the future of the university , which is transformed with the effective social participation of its protagonists and gives educational work a special connotation by articulating knowledge, skills, values and professional life project consistent with the social project d e country. Therefore, it is required to implement educational actions based on University Social Responsibility, from the assumption of scientifically based proposals that contribute to pedagogical theory and practice.
The strategy to develop the educational work in the field of Social Responsibility University must overcome traditional ways of doing educational work and contain actions that respond to the professional and personal - social needs of the youth that form, with the execution of "new ways of doing" that favor the use of the project of professional life as a means and counseling as a general method of educational work socially responsible, to achieve a performance of the student committed with the various training scenarios of the university.
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Conflict of interests:
The authors declare not to have any interest conflicts.
Authors' contribution:
Noraida Garbizo Flores: Conception of the idea, authorship coordinator, general advice on the topic addressed, literature search and review, translation of terms or information obtained, preparation of instruments, application of instruments, compilation of information resulting from the instruments applied, statistical analysis, preparation of tables, graphs and images, preparation of the database, writing of the original (first version), review of the applied bibliographic standard, review and final version of the article.
Mayra Ordaz Fernández: general advice on the topic addressed, literature search and review, preparation of instruments, application of instruments, compilation of information resulting from the instruments applied, statistical analysis, preparation of tables, graphs and images, preparation of the database, review and final version of the article.
Juan Carlos Hernández Martín: literature search and review, preparation of instruments, application of instruments, compilation of information resulting from the instruments applied, statistical analysis, preparation of tables, graphs and images, preparation of the database, review and final version of the article.
This work is under a licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
Copyright (c) Noraida Garbizo Flores, Mayra Ordaz Fernández, Juan Carlos Hernández Martín