Mendive. Revista de Educación, july-september 2019; 17(3): 471-473

Translated from the original in spanish

I do not want to go to school anymore! How to fight bulling?


¡Ya no quiero ir a la escuela!» ¿Cómo combatir el bullying?


Yerán León Morejón1

1University of Pinar del Río «Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca». General Pedagogical Training Department. Cuba. Email: yeran.leon@u


Bibliographic record

Valle, T. (2017). I don't want to go to school anymore! Seal pocket. Editorial Trillas. Mexico.


«I don't want to go to school anymore! » Is a book that tells, in a very simple way and through real stories, what happens in the classroom. It also proposes solutions to the problem and includes tests to know the level of hostility of school environments and the abilities of children and youth to avoid being victims or aggressors of bullying, as well as psychological profiles.

Bullying is a type of violence that occurs between two minors, it is not a game and we cannot justify it. That «law of silence» that surrounds bullying situations should disappear. We have to be able to identify cases of harassment and take measures that protect both the harassed and the harassed, since in both cases we are talking about children.

The coexistence is a determining and evaluative factor in the educational processes of the schools, so, from the aforementioned work, the importance of prevention against bullying and the attitudes that teachers assume before these situations in the classroom is established.

The objective of this book is to create awareness in children, young people, teachers and parents to stop once and for all this painful problem that exists throughout the world and from which, our country is no exception. For this it offers 5 simple steps:

1. Every day do something good for someone.

2. Do not judge.

3. Say NO to nicknames, pushes and rudeness.

4. Do not feel sorry, make it hurt.

5. If you have nothing good to say, say nothing.

The school experience must be unforgettable for children and young people in the world and that is the main objective: to see the children smile again in the schools. «I don't want to go to school anymore! » opens up a possibility for children and young people to live differently by committing to their own environment, achieving a harmonious coexistence.

The book is a valuable reference material for teachers who are in charge of pedagogical professional training and for future teachers and current tutors who can apply their suggestions in educational practice and contribute to the enrichment and contextualization of the work. It is available for free on the internet.

About the author

Trixia Valle is currently the director of Fundación en Movimiento, AC association dedicated to combating the bullying phenomenon, which aims to help eradicate bullying in the Mexican Republic.

He is an exclusive member of the Organization of International Speakers OCI and has taught for ten years conferences and workshops in the main private and governmental institutions of the world.  

He is a member of the Mexican Academy of Communication. In the media, he has a weekly participation in the Oscar Mario Beteta program on Radio Formula and in the news of Paty Betaza on MXQ Channel 34 (TV Mexiquense). He collaborates every Monday as a correspondent in the successful «Wake Up to Life» program that is broadcast in Los Angeles, CA by Guadalupe Radio 87.7 FM.

She is the creator of the successful campaign «Being good vibes is always in fashion» whose purpose is to generate environments of peace and harmony between children and young people.

He participated in the Regional Forums of the Ministry of Public Education to launch CONAPASE in 2010 and in the National Forum of Education and Values SEP in 2011. In 2013 he was a guest speaker for the National Congress of the DIF Family in Durango and in 2016 he will repeat the experience in Saltillo.

He published the only book that recounts the real-life reunion to forgive the bullying «My bully and I», Editorial Grijalbo, presented in the Senate of the Republic in 2014.

Author of the bestsellers «Cyber Blowout and Light Life», and «I don't want to go to school anymore»!



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Copyright (c) Yerán León Morejón