Mendive. Revista de Educación, oct.-december 2019; 17(4): 512-523

Translated from the original in Spanish

The development of professional pedagogical skills in the initial training of the speech therapist


El desarrollo de habilidades profesionales pedagógicas en la formación inicial del logopeda


Ana Isis Valdés1, Gudelia Fernández Pérez de Alejo2, Daymara Amelia Perojo Martínez1

1Universidad de Pinar del Río "hnos Saíz montes de Oca". Cuba. E-mail:,,
2Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas Enrique José Varona. La Habana. Cuba.


Received: April 26th, 2019.
Accepted: September 3rd, 2019.



The speech therapist is in charge of preventing, correcting and / or compensating for language and communication disorders. The initial training of the speech pathologist requires professional pedagogical skills that students must develop during the career to diagnose communication disorders and direct the process of speech care in any educational context. The objective of this article is to analyze the stages through which this specialist's training has passed and how the development of skills has behaved from its beginnings to the present, in addition to offering recommendations for methodological work in the discipline of Speech Therapy and in Investigative Labor Training, as a result of the research carried out by the career collective in Pinar del Río that has been validated and generalized by the National Career Commission. Historical-logical research methods were used, as well as content analysis, systematization, observation and interviews, which made it possible to determine the significant features and main regularities in relation to the development of professional pedagogical skills in the training of speech therapists.

Key words: communication; initial training; skills; language; speech therapist; disorder.


El logopeda es el encargado de prevenir, corregir y/o compensar los trastornos del lenguaje y de la comunicación. La formación inicial del logopeda, requiere de habilidades profesionales pedagógicas que los estudiantes deberán desarrollar durante la carrera para diagnosticar los trastornos de la comunicación y dirigir el proceso de atención logopédica en cualquier contexto educativo. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las etapas por las que ha transitado la formación de este especialista y cómo se ha comportado el desarrollo de habilidades desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad. Además de ofrecer recomendaciones para el trabajo metodológico en la disciplina de Logopedia y en la Formación Laboral Investigativa, como resultado de las investigaciones realizadas por el colectivo de la carrera en la Universidad de Pinar del Río que han sido validadas y generalizadas desde la Comisión Nacional de Carrera. Se utilizaron los métodos de investigación histórico- lógico, el análisis de contenido, la sistematización, la observación y la entrevista y el método experimental en su variante de cuasi experimento para comprobar la validez de la propuesta, los que permitieron determinar los rasgos significativos y las principales regularidades en relación con el desarrollo de habilidades profesionales pedagógicas en la formación del logopeda.

Palabras clave: comunicación; formación inicial; habilidades; lenguaje; logopeda; trastorno.



The education professional deploys multiple actions in his pedagogical activity in different contexts of action, which requires the development of skills as an essential core for competent professional performance. Hence the important work that universities must do in the initial and permanent training of teaching staff at different levels of education, which is expressed in the base document for the implementation of the current curriculum and corresponds to the university model d that is built today in Cuba.

Many authors have devoted their studies to the development of skills in the field educational has been addressed this issue by various authors including stand ( Ferrer, 200 2 , Fonseca, 2011; Alfonso, 2013; Mulet, 2014 ; Breijo, 201 6; Flores, 2016; Díaz, 2016 ; Valdés, 2016; Santalla, 2018 ; Naranjo, 2018 ) ; among others, which coincide in that in order to understand the dynamics of skill formation, it is necessary to specify psychological concepts such as activity, actions and operations from the theory of the activity and its relation to communication.

The skill is one of the forms of assimilation of human activity, which assumes Ferrer (2002) to consider the skills of the teacher as teaching professional skills as these will set it apart from its actions, the actions of other professionals.

The teacher's training is a problem of great relevance and national and international relevance. It is debated and studied by different authors from different edges, including initial or undergraduate training and the practice of the profession, the latter more addressed in the scientific literature. Authors such as (Ferrer, 200 2 ; Parra, 2009; Valdés, 2017 ; Castro and Sierra , 2018 ) ; agree that the initial training turns out to be a period of great importance, which should be characterized by its integrality and the development of skills.

The initial training of the speech therapist in Cuba has undergone constant transformations in correspondence with the demands that scientific-technical development imposes on education, which is translated into different models, curricula and assumed approaches, where the development of skills has occupied an important place in each of them.

The speech therapist must possess certain skills to perform his preventive and corrective-compensatory work in language and communication disorders. This paper aims to socialize the study of the development of teaching professional skills in the initial training of speech therapists and offer some recommendations as a result of research carried gives the authors of collective discipline of Speech Therapy in Special Education Department of the University of Pinar del Rio , which which has been validated do by the National Commission of careers and is part of the line s research projects' initial and ongoing training of teachers of Special Education "and" comprehensive speech therapy care and community ”.



To carry out this study, three sample groups were intentionally selected. The first group was made up of all the students of the speech therapist career (144) , the second group is made up of the five professors of the speech discipline and the third group is made up of six speech therapists from the municipality of Pinar del Río who they serve as teacher s tutors and groups responsible for speech therapy and special schools.

The general methodological conception of the research was based on the materialistic dialectical method to get to understand the process of developing pedagogical professional skills in the initial training of the speech therapist. The analysis and synthesis method was used that allowed the appropriation of the relationships, links and essences of this process and its particularities in Pinar del Río. In addition, the historical-logical method was used, which led to the analysis of the evolution, the essence and the regularities in the development of this process from theory and practice.

Another method needed was the analysis of content in their theoretical variants and empirical which enabled the selection, the processing and interpretation of various documents such as: professional models, curricula, programs of disciplines and subjects, indications of the race and reports of validation, among others.

The systematization made, allowed the interpretation, the enrichment, the confrontation, the modification and the construction of the theoretical - practical knowledge about the process investigated from the assumed theoretical assumptions, for it s and took into account the following indicators : steps in initial training of the speech therapist, objectives and skills development, relationship between the academic, labor, research and extension components , assumed approaches and particularities in the attention to language and communication disorders.

Also we used the speech therapist classes and activities of labor practice, to verify the development of skills in students and interviews were conducted to speech therapists and a teacher to supplement the information obtained and pedagogical students exam which provided valuable results in relation to the development of skills according to the particularities of each academic year.

The experimental method in its variant of quasi experiment was used to check the validity of the proposal (teaching strategy) through the initial diagnosis and three evaluative cuts which helped to confirm the evolution that took skill development in students during the five years of the career.



The results obtained allowed enriching the studies carried out by Fernández, G. and Rodríguez, X. (2012) on the training of speech therapists and making critical assessments based on the regularities found in relation to the development of pedagogical professional skills. E n correspondence with the activity theory, the internal structure of the skills and functional invariants running, actions and working operations are proposed with the skills regarding attention to language disorders and communication since the speech therapist discipline in close interdisciplinary relationship with or after related disciplines.

In the decade of the 60 begins in Cuba the preparation of graduate teachers and bachelors in speech therapy followed by the formation of mid - level educational speech therapists, teachers and therapists. In the 70s it was characterized by the improvement of the Special Education subsystem and the training abroad, basically, in the Eastern European countries of Graduates in Defectologists, currently Special Pedagogy and its different branches, among them, Speech Therapy with a clinical-psycho-pedagogical approach that covers prevention, education, reeducation and rehabilitation of oral and written language in children and young people.

In the decade of the 80 the university formation of teachers of Special Education begins, where two specialties were studied: Oligofrenopedagogía and speech therapist, in the modality of regular diurnal course, moment in which the generation of plans A in the Higher Education of the country was in force and Work was done to introduce plans B, for which this race did not travel because of the short time that had elapsed since its opening. It is important to highlight that in the 1981 - 1982 academic year together with the development of Special Education throughout the country, the career was gradually extended to other Higher Pedagogical Institutes of the country, including the one of Pinar del Río which was the third of them, which allowed the overturning of Special Education and specifically of Speech Therapy; extending speech therapy services to primary schools.

It is significant to note how the development of skills at this stage behaved: there was not a professional model, but if a document containing the characterization of the career with their instructional, educational goals and qualities, although not were needed the skills to develop, the objectives were declared in terms of skills. The natures were grouped into cycles: the philosophical, clinical, psychological and pedagogical cycle, which had the content system and the skills to be developed.

In the particular case of speech therapist, skills such as observing, characterizing, preventing, diagnosing and directing were insisted. Corrective- preventive and compensatory treatment of disorders of language and communication was the subject of work and working as a speech therapist content of this subject in relation to others such as cultivation and development of voice, Anatomy of the organs of hearing and the language, neuropsychological foundations of language, psychology of language and rhythmic education with speech therapy guidance, among others.

The practical labor training system linked students to school from the earliest years, although fundamentally with observation activities, guaranteeing the most systematic link in the last year of the career. In correspondence with the conceptions of teaching related to diagnosis and intervention, there was a marked clinical-therapeutic approach in the treatment of the contents, focused on the defect rather than on the possibilities of development, but with adequate conception of individual attention and differentiated and corrective-compensatory work.

In the first years of design and execution, the pedagogical approach in the treatment of the contents was less, which was made more evident by the predominance of medical conceptions, in relation to the object of study of the speech science in the country. According to social demands and conceptions of education, a professional with a narrow profile was trained.

In the 90s, the Defectologists career began to develop the curricula, whose essential transformation was the extension of its profile: integral training of the Special Education teacher as a specialty, without the specializations that existed until that moment and extends to 5 years. At this stage the curricular structure is to discipline with respect to the logic of science, where the speech therapy of a specialty became a discipline.

Although there was no the career, it can be noted that the approaches taken are: ontogenetic, diagnostic and therapeutic, to 95, which is considered rather than therapeutic, stimulating development and are performed transformations in designing courses, which made it possible to subsequently expand the speech therapy to cover other communication disorders. The contents assumed a greater pedagogical approach.

Because of the need to have a speech therapist in each educational institution and due to the valuable contribution of this professional; In the 2000s, a speech therapy course was held with students in training of the Bachelor's degrees in Primary, Preschool and Special Education in Cuban pedagogical universities and later in the 2007– 2008 school year, the Bachelor's degree is opened as an independent career in Education speech.

In the 2009– 2010 school year, the C curriculum of the career, in the regular day course modality was subject to new modifications, at this stage the professional model is a document that contains the objectives to be achieved at the career level and of years and the areas of content integration, without specifying professional problems and pedagogical professional skills to be developed in students.

There was an excess of career objectives and for years that affects their instrumentation and the coherent organization of all subjects. The objectives were not very inclusive and the disciplinary character is lost, adopting a modular curricular structure; Although the integration of the academic, research and labor components is recognized, the latter being the guiding component , the conception of teaching reveals the incorporation of new contents and modifications in the treatment of others such as diagnosis and speech therapy.

During 2010-2011 school year begins a new  study plan , effective until today (Plan D), which is arranged on a core curriculum an own curriculum and an optional / elective curriculum with a professional model prepared according the needs and demands of the moment in society, where the object of work is declared, the mode and spheres of action, the field of action and the professional problems that this professional must face, as well as their functions and tasks, general objectives in skills function and for years, the qualities and ethical aspects to consider.  However, it does not declare the pedagogical professional skills to be developed by the future teacher speech therapist.

The disciplinary conception is resumed during the 5 years of the career, as well as the systemic approach, which favors a better methodological work between the career, disciplines and academic years and inter and interdisciplinary relations, which allows the integration of academic, work, research and extension components, from the main integrating discipline: Research work training, which has different organizational characteristics for each academic year, consolidating theoretical and practical knowledge.

The 2016-2017 academic year to five years of validation of the curriculum D, Plan E is implemented which, like the previous one, is organized in a basic, own and optative/elective curriculum, with the difference that it has duration of 4 years. For its conception ponders essentiality, requires high levels of interdisciplinary, integrated multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary by integrating the contents of different subjects and disciplines, and enhances the mastery of a computer culture, independence cognitive and involvement in the extension process the University, so that the student is proactive of his own formative process.

The research work training continues to be the integrating discipline consolidating the academic, work, research and extension components, which favors the development of skills, declared in the professional model such as: diagnose, communicate, direct and research. A distinctive aspect of this plan is the curricular integration in the Infant Education careers where speech therapy is included, which contributes to the realization of integrative evaluations and better prepares the student during the undergraduate, projects the preparation for employment and postgraduate.

The contents of the speech discipline in these last two curricula, also treat preventive and corrective work - compensatory in language disorders and communication in correspondence with the lines of development of the specialty and the approaches that guide the Speech therapy practice: ontogenetic, preventive, corrective-compensatory, communicative, activity and social integration and inclusion.  It is structured in six subjects that guarantee the objectives of the future speech therapist teacher and are incorporated as a system to his training throughout the race.  As every discipline it works with a single object (the professional), it can perform disciplinary work, which is necessary to promote and develop skills in university careers.



The National Commission of Career, from its experience in the design and implementation of different curricula, considered that the graduate of the Speech Therapist career, has particular characteristics that differentiate it from other graduates of the Higher Education. It is a capable professional to solve the problems related to the process of comprehensive speech attention directed from regular and special educational institutions, particularly for education preschool and children with language disorders and communication as well , you can have special educational needs associated or not with a disability.

In addition, this specialist coordinates the system of educational influences that the family and the community exert, as an expression of the integration of the contents of the curricular programs of the sciences that he studies in the fulfillment of his professional functions.

According to studies on skills, when contextualizing the speech therapist, it is considered that the skills to develop in this degree are of three types:

1. Common skills to every professional in Higher Education.

2. Professional management skills of the pedagogical process.

3. Professional skills of a specific nature for the Speech Therapist.

The first and second skills have to be systematized during the career and with the competition of all disciplines and in the third, communication skills are distinguished according to the Professional Model and other skills such as diagnosing language and communication disorders and directing the process of speech therapy, where the discipline of Speech Therapy and the Investigative Labor Training discipline play an important role.

The study carried out revealed the shortcomings presented by the students of the Speech therapy career to:

Speech Therapy discipline is responsible for the study of a system of knowledge and skills that prepare the future speech therapist for the comprehensive speech therapy of language and communication disorders, from a preventive and developmental approach, which includes direct attention, guidance to educators, family and other specialists to facilitate communication and learning, depending on the development of personality.

Language and communication disorders are grouped for study according to the levels of communication, whether oral, written or facilitated. E n each of them the grouped various disorders that are part of the subject matter of the speech therapist.

With respect to the ability to diagnose Ferrer, (2002) when considering it as part of the educational teaching process, he defines the diagnosis as a process of exploration, structuring and explanation of the origins and dynamics of the mechanisms and resources of formation of evolutionary development in interaction of the personal, the contextual, the current and the potential Seen this way, it covers all areas should be taken into account to ensure process quality, accurate deep community knowledge of psycho educational development of school, family environment and which also takes into account , their cognitive, affective and its potential.

Fernández and Rodríguez, (2012) when addressing the speech therapy diagnosis as part of the speech therapy examination, need some important aspects that would be of great value to highlight in this research. As for example, in the medical model, the diagnosis was basically limited to students with deviations and difficulties and its objective was to identify limitations, to classify and label for curative purposes, but that has evolved, towards a preventive nature for groups every time broader and in the educational field, the need to empower each and every student is recognized, without restricting learning and intellectual attitudes, or limited assistance interventions to those who present difficulties.

They refer to the importance of diagnosis in child development as a pedagogical principle. They highlight the role of the psycho pedagogical diagnosis that is carried out in the school, because it makes it possible to know the level of departure of the students to give a timely and systematic follow-up to their demands and needs in the learning process. Also, they conceive diagnosis as a process of ongoing research, where the needs and potential of children and their socio - cultural environment, to prevent and intervene are explored. Gradual help should be provided based on communicative situations that enable its transfer in various tasks of daily life.

The conception of these authors of the speech therapy diagnosis as part of the speech therapy examination is a dynamic or interactive diagnosis. This model focuses on the analysis and the explanation of the actual development and potential, favors the predictive and interventional diagnostic functions, qualitative interaction between internal and external, pays special attention to the process and planning styles, rather than the own result.

That is why it is necessary to specify the presence of language disorders and their relationship with psychic development and personality in general, which due to its complexity and the broad field it covers, requires a joint effort in which various specialists together with the speech therapist, who is responsible for issuing the speech therapy diagnosis, where medical-pedagogical work is essential for the differential and explanatory diagnosis of the case under study.

Therefore, it is considered that the evaluation process, characterization and speech therapy diagnosis involves making an explanatory diagnosis, where cause and effect, which is characterized in a personalized way the way the disorder manifests disclosure by the Speech therapy, the level of communication affected, the cause with which it is associated and other classification criteria and fundamental symptoms are specified. Regarding the direction of the speech therapy treatment, four operations are proposed: planning, organizing, executing and controlling or evaluating and considers that the planning starts with the diagnostic conclusions themselves.

The ability to model is almost always considered part of the direction, but because of its importance it will be analyzed independently. For authors like Álvarez; Parra; Addine; Sierra; Garcia; Calzado. (2015), when treating the ability to model as a pedagogical procedure, they understand it as the systematized actions that the education professional adjusts during the diagnosis, planning, organization, execution and control of the teaching process - learning of psycho pedagogical contents, in the contexts of teacher training. Also, they show that to understand the elaboration of the model it implies the realization of specific actions, which constitute general invariants. The systematization of these allows the formation of the ability to model as an essential professional skill in the work of educators, beginning their development in initial training.

There are several criteria about the invariants of this ability, so it is proposed to work with: the determination of the object or phenomenon to be modeled, the characterization of activities of the teaching- learning process to be modeled, design of the model with emphasis on its systemic character from the relationships of its components, and the communication of the results of the modeling, after determining the routes to be used.

In the particular case of speech therapy should also from diagnosis and planning, to explain methodologically each moment I of speech therapy, the techniques and the selected procedures, and the relationship between each of the components of the class speech therapy, to demonstrate and exemplify them in a practical way. When analyzing the relationship between actions and operations, from the Activity theory, it is considered that in correspondence with their internal structure and the functional invariants in execution, the skills for attention to language and communication disorders are it translates as is shown below in the following table:






Determine the limits of the object to be analyzed (all) (school with language or communication disorder).

Determine the decomposition criteria at all (using individual characterization and speech therapy scanning with other complementary scanning batteries if necessary).

Delimit the parts of the whole (cause, symptoms, classification, psycho-pedagogical aspects).

Study each delimited part.

Identify the essential characteristics.

Determine the comparison objectives (the speech therapy diagnosis).

Determine the comparison parameters (take into account alteration mechanism and cause- effect relationship, symptom, classification).

Determine differences and similarities between similar disorders.

Establish the differential diagnosis.

Develop conclusions about each object of comparison (partial synthesis).

Develop general conclusions, identifying the elements that typify it and distinguish it from other disorders.

To diagnose


Perform actions and operations of the skill described above.

Interpret the characterization status according to methods and techniques applied.

Explain the cause-effect relationship, symptoms, classification and other important areas affected in a personalized way.

Arrive at conclusions that are expressed in a synthesized way.
To model To plan

Analyze the characterization and the explanatory and personalized diagnosis.

Determine the prerequisites necessary for the speech therapy class or speech therapy treatment.

Select the components of the speech therapy treatment (thematic axis, title, objective, content according to the disorder and the work stage, the techniques, the procedures or exercises to be performed,  the method, the means and the verbal material, the task and the evaluation)  

Design didactically the speech therapy treatment.

Describe methodologically the moments of the speech therapy treatment.

Illustrate the techniques and the procedures compensatory and corrective nature as developer diagnosis. 

Argue the selection of each of the components of the speech therapy treatment and its relationship between them.



Analyze the explanatory and personalized diagnosis.

Plan the speech therapy treatment.

Create the preconditions for speech therapy treatment.


Didactically establish the moments of the speech therapy treatment.

Apply appropriate techniques, the procedures with compensatory and corrective nature developer according to the diagnosis.

To guide the task and continuity of the speech therapy treatment system, as well as the actions for work with the family and the community.


Determine the degree of fulfillment of the objectives in the speech therapy treatment.  

Assess the executed actions

Determine the level of influence on personality development comprehensively (formative objective).

Introduce changes that condition advances in speech therapy work.

The study carried out revealed that the development of professional pedagogical skills in speech therapy training has evolved in correspondence with the different stages and curricula from its beginnings to the present, where the links established between this process and the process are evident, preventive, corrective compensatory work in language and communication disorders, as part of the comprehensive speech therapy care that is carried out in any educational context.

The proposal of skills with their actions and operations must be part of the methodological work with an interdisciplinary and intersectoral approach that is carried out in the career, fundamentally from the discipline of Speech Therapy, in coherence with the discipline Investigative Training Labor .The results depend on the systematic and dedication with which they work and the active participation of teachers and students involved.



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Copyright (c) Ana Isis Valdés, Gudelia Fernández Pérez de Alejo, Daymara Amelia Perojo Martínez