Mendive. Revista de Educación, january-may 2019; 17(1): 54-68

Translated from the original in Spanish

The formation and development of research competence, an experience in Pinar del Río


La formación y desarrollo de la competencia investigativa, una experiencia en Pinar del Río


Misleiby Ravelo Peña1, Ivón de la Caridad Bonilla Vichot2, Mirtza Martell Socarras1, Miralia Toledo González3

1University of Pinar del Río «Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca». General Pedagogical Training Department. Cuba. Email:
2University of Pinar del Río «Hermanos Saíz Montes De Oca». De partment Educational Psychology. Cuba. 
3Pedagogical School "Tania la Guerrillera". Pinar del Rio. Cuba.


Received: September 4th, 2018.
Approved: December 17th, 2018. 



The development of research competence is a necessity in the current training of graduates of pedagogical careers. In the Bachelor of Education degree, Pedagogy-Psychology specialty, the development of this competence, becomes more relevant because its role transcends the walls of the school and is interjected in other contexts such as the family and the community. Through the application of research methods, shortcomings in the research performance of students and in the guiding process facilitated by teachers for the development of research competence were observed. In This work, stages and actions established demonstrate that the management of a formative learning of specialized research knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes and values that constitute tools, for the identification and timely treatment with ethical commitment, to the problems of the school environment.

Keywords: research formation; research competence


El desarrollo de la competencia investigativa, como resultado de la formación investigativade los egresados de las carreras pedagógicas, es una necesidad actual. En la carrera Licenciatura en Educación, especialidad Pedagogía-Psicología, el desarrollo de esta competencia, cobra una mayor relevancia porque su rol trasciende los muros de la escuela y se introduce en otros contextos como la familia y la comunidad. A través de la aplicación de métodos investigativos como: la entrevista; la encuesta; la observación y la revisión documental, se constataron insuficiencias en el desempeño investigativo de los estudiantes y en el proceso orientador que facilitan los docentes para el desarrollo de la competencia investigativa. En este trabajo, se establecen etapas y acciones que evidencian la gestión de un aprendizaje formativo de conocimientos investigativos especializados, habilidades, capacidades, actitudes y valores que constituyen herramientas, para la identificación y el tratamiento oportuno con compromiso ético, a las problemáticas del entorno escolar.

Palabras clave: formación investigativa; competencia investigativa.



The current world lives immersed in a vertiginous development of science and technology. Such situation imposes challenges to the University as an institution, making it a social transforming force of extraordinary scope. Initial training in Higher Education is a period in which the foundations of professional performance begin to develop. During it, students face the first systematized experiences and learn their role with qualities of high human significance and at the same time creative, independent, prepared to assume their self-education, and that, in turn, contribute consciously to social development, Professional and personal

The Cuban society and higher education centers pay great interest to the training of education professionals. Researchers such as Addine (1996), Bonilla (2010), Tobón (2013), Martell (2015), Gutiérrez (2016) and Rojas (2016), among others, consider the need for continuous improvement given the role they assume in the different labor scenarios for the sake of social development.

The training of the Bachelor in Pedagogy-Psychology has a special meaning because of the broad profile, unlike the rest of the education professionals. His professional role transcends the functions of the teacher and extends to counseling as a new function. His performance includes the direction of the pedagogical process and the teaching-learning process of psycho-pedagogical contents in teacher training centers, educational guidance to students and families, advice to managers and teachers of the institutions of the National Education System and the Specialist preparation of social research centers and community projects.

For efficient performance, this professional must articulate each of the functions: teaching-methodological, psycho-pedagogical advice, educational orientation and research overcoming. Of these in this work the research is hierarchized, because it systematically nourishes the rest of the functions and guarantees a more integral and flexible action in the intervention process during your professional performance.

Internationally and nationally, authors such as: Castellanos (2005), Chirino (2012), Rojas & Aguirre (2015), among others, have studied the research training of education professionals from different sides, with the aim of improving training and the professional performance of teachers and professors, through the improvement of scientific and research work.

These results are directed to the development of research skills, interdisciplinary training in scientific activity, to the teaching-learning process of educational research that allows the appropriation, by students, of scientific-pedagogical knowledge, research skills and values ethical-professionals inherent in investigative action; as well as the recognition of the investigative competence in the professional of the education, aspects that from their theoretical positions, favor in a significant way the modes of professional action.

However, even research training is limited within the pedagogical process, to the teaching-learning process of research, it does not deepen the interrelationships that exist between agents, agencies and contexts according to their roles, which in particular, in The Bachelor of Pedagogy-Psychology, have a special meaning and that from this perspective has not been addressed. The above corroborates the need for a theoretical-methodological foundation of research training that considers the unity of the system of educational influences in this process.

A factoperceptual analysis based on the use of theoretical and empirical methods (document analysis, observations of the educational reality of the school, interviews with students and teachers) in the 2014-2015 academic year, allowed the identification of the following strengths: the professional model of the Bachelor's degree in Pedagogy-Psychology, it explains the need to train a competent professional; an integrating discipline that favors the development of research actions and the recognition by the pedagogical group of the importance of the research training of the Bachelor of Pedagogy-Psychology.

Theoretical and practical deficiencies emerge in the following weaknesses:

· The research actions, which are oriented from the subjects, are generally disjointed and reduced to the evaluation of extracurricular, course and diploma work and of the subject Methodology of Educational Research

· Inadequacies in the planning and orientation of activities that integrate, from the research the academic, labor and extension components.

· The students manifest little implied towards the investigative activity and with insecurities when executing investigative actions.

This study allowed to identify as causes: insufficient preparation and guidance of teachers and other agents to motivate and engage the student with pedagogical research from the activities carried out in different socio-professional contexts; The potential of the Investigative Labor Training discipline as a way for investigative training is not sufficiently exploited and the formation and development of research competence is not conceived intentionally and transversally in the curriculum, which affects the integrative conception of the training process Research of this professional.

Such results allow the identification of a process for the atemic and disarticulated research training, which does not achieve the integration of the academic, labor, research and extension components or the systematization of the contents and tasks planned in the different disciplines depending on the scientific-research activity, according to problems of educational practice in different socio-professional contexts.

This process demands a management that, from the Investigative Labor Training discipline, achieves the unity of the system of educational influences in an intentional, integrative and contextual way that contributes to the development of a competent professional capable of integrating the research to the rest of the functions for the educational change that is required today. This reality leads to the identification of the following scientific problem: How to improve the management of the pedagogical group in the research training process of the students of the Bachelor of Pedagogy-Psychology degree at the University of Pinar del Río «Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca»?

Correspondingly, the objective is to determine the characteristics that characterize the management of the pedagogical group in the research training process of the students of the Bachelor of Pedagogy-Psychology degree, from the Investigative Labor Training discipline.



The research was conducted in the Pedagogy-Psychology career at the University of Pinar del Río during the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school courses. We worked with a sample composed of the 12 teachers of the total 14 that make up the pedagogical group of the department. In addition, with a sample of 46 students from first to fifth year out of 108.

In the investigation, the dialectical-materialist method that allowed operating with its laws, categories and principles predominated as a general method. Similarly, we worked with theoretical methods (historical and logical, analysis and synthesis and induction and deduction, systemic-structural, modeling) and empirical methods (survey, group interview and participant observation).

The historical-logical method allowed the study of the evolution of the research training process of the Bachelor of Pedagogy-Psychology as an education professional, with emphasis on research competence and determining the situations inherent in said process that manifest in the problem and that they can be solved in the investigation. The induction-deduction method made possible the work with the theoretical-methodological references, from the general to the particular and the realization of inferences about the research training process, in the processing and interpretation of the results, which allow identifying the regularities and arriving to conclusions regarding the object of study.

With the observation it was possible to verify the current state of the problem, how the indicators of the variable behave, during the investigative process, from the observation of teaching and extra- teaching activities. Through the student survey, the current state of the theoretical-methodological domain that they have on the research training process was verified. The interview with professors, tutors and managers made it possible to verify the level of theoretical-methodological preparation around the object of research, their participation and the preparation for the direction of the process.

The documentary analysis was used with the objective of knowing the treatment of the subject under investigation in the normative documents of the Investigative Labor Training (FLI) discipline, the reports of meetings to groups of year, career, discipline and curricular and extracurricular activities, projects of exams, pre-professional practice plans and class plans of the subjects. The methodological triangulation technique was used to search and find the points of coincidence in the results of the instruments applied to teachers and students.

For information, processing, descriptive statistics techniques such as percentage analysis and evaluation index calculation were used. In practice, all the teachers who integrated the sample were interviewed, that is, the 12 teachers. In addition, the survey was applied to the 46 students from first to fifth year who make up the sample: 10 first, 10 second, eight third, eight short and 10 fifth. In addition, nine curricular and extracurricular activities were observed.

Because of the operationalization carried out with the variable under study (the process of investigative training of the students of the Degree in Pedagogy-Psychology), three dimensions that are important in the process were determined, from which the following were established indicators that allowed the construction of the indicated instruments:

Related to the cognitive dimension

1. Level of mastery of research content as a function of the education professional

2. Level of affective identification with the qualities that characterize the Bachelor of Pedagogy-Psychology

3. Level of recognition of the social value of pedagogical research

Related to the contribution dimension of research activities to the training process

4. Level at which they implement activities that enable interdisciplinarity by integrating content from research.

5. Level at which they implement activities that enable reflection from research.

6. Level at which they implement activities that enable content transfer.

7. Level at which they implement activities that enable collaborative work from research.

Related to the management dimension of the pedagogical collective from the FLI discipline

8. Level at which the research content is gradually dosed during the race.

9. Level at which research activities are planned that interrelate the academic, labor and extension components.

10. Level at which integrative research activities are coordinated with other agents and agencies

11. Level at which the professional context is used to promote research activities.

12. Level at which it conducts critical appraisals of the process itself.



Presentation of the results according to the dimensions established to evaluate and characterize the research training of the Bachelor in Pedagogy-Psychology, which is taxed to the development of the research competence, from the FLI discipline.

Evaluation of the cognitive dimension

The dimension has three indicators. It was found that, of the sampled professors, only 33.3% report a high level of research methodology, which shows inadequacies in the preparation to plan guide and control the research training of their students, which influences negatively in this process.

The professors show little control over the activities of a research nature they can develop and about the possibilities of carrying out integrative actions that promote the exploration of reality, problematization, theorization and modeling of proposals that allow the student to reflect and make transfers. They only refer to actions such as: carrying out content sheets, independent study tasks where they apply research instruments and reporting.

It was found that the methodological work of the career is oriented to the realization of activities to determine the paths of the scientific-student work and the theoretical-methodological aspects of the research component in the different years of the career from the subject Methodology of Educational Research, aspect that is positive but insufficient since methodological analyzes of the teaching tasks are not carried out in the dry integrate the academic, labor, research and extensionist components.

It was corroborated that there are inadequacies to determine in the group of year the methods, techniques and strategies that, from the diagnosis, can be used to develop the necessary resources to investigate the practice, in practice and for practice, so that guarantee efficient research performance.

According to the interview with the group of professors, it was found that the avenues for research training in the career are limited to extraclass and extracurricular tasks, course work, diploma and scientific-student work. In the latter, it is reflected according to the criteria of the students, lack of orientation, which affects the systematization of spaces that generate collaborative work, aspects indicated in the student survey.

With respect to the qualities that characterize the Bachelor of Pedagogy-Psychology, the authors identified consensus on the responses of teachers and students by pointing out qualities such as: professional identity, independence, leadership, self-determination, collaboration, commitment, professional ethics, which singular way must distinguish the Bachelor of Pedagogy-Psychology.

The students show little involvement and commitment towards the research activity. This is what teachers say and it is corroborated in the student survey, where only 21.7 % managed to link research as a pedagogical professional function to the solution of professional problems and to the elevation of the quality of the pedagogical process in general and teaching-learning in particular and only 41.5 % managed to establish an adequate relationship between the research function and other professional functions.

It was found that professors and students do not have the necessary knowledge about the research activity, which allow them to identify affectively with it during their study and there are still limitations to recognize its importance according to the social needs and professional role of the Bachelor of Pedagogy- Psychology.

All indicators of this dimension are evaluated in the bass category. The most affected is the relates to the level of knowledge they have about the research training (indicator 1 with an evaluation index 0.35), which influences negatively on the logic driving this process and the possibility to manage it correctly.

The evaluation index obtained in the cognitive dimension is of low category, with an evaluation index of 0.32 in correspondence with the results of each indicator, thus confirming that teachers demonstrate a low level of preparation in the theoretical order -methodological and practical to manage a research training process efficiently.

Dimension II Contribution of research activities to the training process

Regarding the analysis of the guiding documents of the training process, strengths are specified that from the professional model and discipline programs, the need for the research function in the Bachelor of Pedagogy-Psychology and the need to train a competent professional. Objectives are determined that contribute to the development of research skills and that guarantee a cognitive basis from each of the subjects for research performance and the relationship between theory and practice, given in the study-work link, is clearly expressed. Consider the substantive university processes teaching, research and university extension.

As weaknesses, it was found that in the methodological work plans of the career, disciplines and year, in terms of training for the research function, only tasks related to the orientation, execution and control of course and diploma work appear. This shows that insufficient activities are required that require research to solve problems, that harmoniously integrate the contents of the subjects and disciplines and that stimulate the reflection, transfer and collaborative work of students in their interaction with others. Agents and agencies in the different contexts that constitute training scenarios.

According to the interview, 41.6 % of the professors allow reflection at a high level, but in the observation of curricular activities it was found that the reflection that students make is limited to their personal performance, it does not reach the group or the process in all its dimension, what was corroborated in the student survey, since only 21.7 % declare that they always reflect on their practice.

The results show that there are inadequacies to integrate content from other subjects and disciplines in solving problems and to achieve levels of transfer of research resources in the different activities, expressed thus by 58.3 % and 66.6 % of the professors respectively, which manifests a more reactive than projective research training process.

The analysis of curricular and extracurricular projects shows that the orientation of the research activities does not promote the collaborative work of the students, which was corroborated in the teacher interview and in the observation made to the curricular and extracurricular activities, where only the 41.3 % of teachers stimulated collaborative work in the activities observed.

The evaluation index of dimension II obtained is of the low category, 0.48 in correspondence with the evaluation of each indicator; of the four indicators, three are at a low level and one in the middle. The indicator referred to the reflection from the research is the most depressed, which manifests itself with an evaluation index of 0.41 which demonstrates that there are significant deficiencies regarding an integrative conception of research tasks during the training process.

Dimension III Management of the pedagogical group from the FLI discipline

All indicators of this dimension are evaluated under. In the indicator referring to the level at which the investigative contents are gradually dosed during the career, 75 % of the professors state that no investigative actions are carried out with a logical sequence and levels that ensure gradual and integrated appropriation are not consensually determined of the components involved in research training, from the dosage of the contents, methods and strategies to be promoted at each level. This indicator is evaluated as low, with an evaluation index of 0.43, making it the most affected of the dimension.

Regarding the work with the problems, it was found, from the analysis of projects of curricular and extracurricular works and the observation of activities, that the problems that are investigated and / or that are solved in classes are not identified in the labor component in a way contextual, based on previous experiences and experiences of teachers and tutors.

This indicator was also evaluated through the student survey. Only 21.3 % of the respondents investigate problems that are related to their work practice, 78 % determined their research problem in other ways: the tutor proposed it, they offered it in the Faculty, and they have preferences towards a subject. Therefore, problems related to educational orientation and pedagogical advice predominate and others such as sexual, environmental, educational inclusion and other problems that are priorities are addressed to a lesser extent.

This reality limits the theoretical search and reflection only to these themes, as well as the development of a strategic, investigative, reflective and integrative thinking about pedagogical practice and negatively affects the development of research skills and their integration with other components. Cognitive, procedural and attitudinal necessary for efficient research performance.

Regarding the indicator related to the interrelation of the components of training, it was found that in the methodological work plans of the career, disciplines and years, aspects related to raising the quality of professional training are raised, with its consequent derivation in different Scientific-methodological activities through tasks for the academic and labor component, however the integration of the extension component in the different activities and tasks is still insufficient.

The interview shows that only 25 % of teachers manage to integrate the extension component into their activities to the rest of the components. In the activities observed, only 41.6 % of the professors demand to establish relationships between the research, academic, labor and extension component for the solution of the pedagogical practice problems. These insufficiencies related to the problematization of the educational reality through the integration of the academic, labor, research and extension components, distance the student research work from the pedagogical professional practice, which influences their commitment and involvement with the profession.

In the activities observed, only 25% of teachers use procedures that allow students to express their experiences of work practice or their social environment. It was found that not all the advantages to  the potential of integration of academic, labor and extension and research to stimulate, from guidance and control research activities, interactions with other agents and agencies in different socio-professional which constitute training scenarios by bringing the student closer to his work object and offering a benchmark of action for them are used.

The indicator referring to the process control was evaluated based on the level at which critical assessments are conducted. In the observations made, the tendency to stimulate cognitive results predominates and the participatory environment is not used to assess the personal, professional and social impact of research progress, a vital aspect in the integral and developer nature of the process being managed.

41.6 % of the teachers evaluate with emphasis on quantitative and allow very few opportunities within the teaching activities for students to make critical assessments of their performance and the degree of cooperation between group members, which limits the assessment of the personal and professional significance of the task for them. The evaluation index obtained by dimension III is 0.45, which corresponds to the low category, corresponding to the evaluation of each indicator.

To calculate the evaluation index of the variable, the procedure described by Campistrous, L. (1998) was followed to evaluate the dimensions and indicators. The evaluation index of the variable that is obtained is of the low category (0.42) in correspondence with the evaluation of each indicator and each dimension, which in most cases register values below 0.50. Observe the behavior of the dimensions and indicators in the initial diagnosis in general in the following table.

Table - Behavior of the dimensions and indicators.

Dimension I
Dimension II
Dimension III



























Evaluation level




























Evaluation level

Low level
Low level
Low level



Index- Variables


Evaluation level

Low level

Main regularities according to the methodological triangulation performed:

· Insufficiencies in the management of research content based on the integration of research activities, scientific knowledge, research skills, attitudes and qualities of this professional.

· The research training process has limitations that are manifested in the lack of unity of the system of educational influences on students in the socio-professional contexts that constitute training scenarios, which in turn causes inconsistencies in the integral and developmental conception of said process, an aspect that is specified as a lack not only practical but also theoretical.

· The research training process is limited as it is not managed from the Investigative Labor Training discipline in a transversal and gradual way in the career, with incidents in the development of the research competence.



The study was carried out with the objective of collecting the necessary information that would allow the development of a strategy that perfects the research training process. Within this framework, the new integrative conception of research training is invariant, where the management of the pedagogical group as a dynamic element, intends the formative and the socio-professional since the development of the research competence.

However, most of the indicators evaluated have shown insufficient preparation of the pedagogical group, weak unit of the system of educational influences and lack of an integral and developmental conception that allows, from the process of integrative, contextual and projective research training, the development of the investigative competence.

The quantitative results show that the pedagogical group implements a management where there are inadequacies in undertaking promptly, carefully and intentionally research activities that guarantee a training process that contributes to personal and professional growth. Therefore, that it stimulates the metacognitive analysis and improves the research performance of the Bachelor in Pedagogy-Psychology during the initial training in taking advantage of the educational potential of the different contexts of action.

These results have a negative impact on the attitude and involvement of the students towards the pedagogical professional practice, with the research process itself, and limit the recognition of the social value of the research. To the extent that they identify and solve real problems of their professional practice from the integration of the components of the training: academic, labor, research and extension, they can make assessments from their positions of professional in training.

In this sense, the relationship between the components of training stimulates interpersonal relationships in diverse socio-professional contexts. This interaction is constituted, according to Addine, F. (1996), as «the social nucleus, peculiar to each learning activity», within the process. The results that derive from the relationships between the components must have a social and professional value, which, consciously assimilated by the student in his reflective practice, will feel protagonist, committed and responsible with his own research activity.

On the other hand, it was found that the actions of the pedagogical group must integrate other agents and agencies (the tutor, the school, the community, the Center for Diagnosis and Orientation, the University Student Federation, among others), to establish meaningful relationships that approach the student to the professional context, which will allow him to compare the current educational reality with the desirable model, identify problems and model possible solutions; aspect addressed by authors such as Tobón (2013), Hermida & López (2014), Martell (2015) and Alfaro, Hernández & Muñoz (2017), among others, recognizing the necessary unity of the entire system of educational influences in the training process .

The quantitative results by dimensions demonstrate the need to improve the research training process of the Bachelor in Pedagogy-Psychology, from the FLI discipline, given the potential as an integrating discipline that mainstream the curriculum and allow the interdisciplinarity, transferability and contextualization of the contents of the different subjects, aspects that have been studied by different authors among which Salazar (2001) and Castellanos (2005) stand out.

From these elements, the research training process of the Bachelor in Pedagogy-Psychology is conceived, as a succession of stages, in which integrative actions with formative character are implemented, which demonstrate the theoretical-methodological preparation and management of the pedagogical group that , with a socio-professional nature and from the Investigative Labor Training discipline, they contribute to the development of the research competence of the psychopedagogue and his efficient professional performance.

The research training process is vital in the development of the Bachelor of Pedagogy-Psychology, for the functions it performs and the contexts where it intervenes. It must be characterized by being systemic, contextual and projective. The conduction of the same should promote problem teaching, collaborative work, interdisciplinarity, knowledge discovery and transferability; what constitutes a way for their integral formation, aspects declared in the professional model of said career.

In its transit through stages, this process guides the participants along a path of problems that are specified in integrative research activities designed from the Investigative Labor Training discipline. Its management by the pedagogical collective, transforms all the subjects involved in this process, which in turn become objects of transformation. Therefore, they require a theoretical-methodological preparation that makes it possible to learn to investigate and learn by researching.

Such analyzes make it possible to consider the management of the research training process as: the conscious and deliberate actions of the pedagogical collective through the planning, orientation, execution and control of integrative research activities; that stimulate in a systemic way the relations between agents and agencies, between them with the contexts and reach a competent investigative performance in the Bachelor of Pedagogy-Psychology.

The socio-professional nature of the process expresses the relationship established between the systemic, the contextual with the transformative that influences the personal and professional development of the subjects involved. Its management allows resizing the articulation of methodological work, overcoming and research, in order to enhance the performance of the Bachelor of Pedagogy-Psychology.

The systemic-transformer encompasses the inputs to the system, the processes and the outputs as components that characterize it. Their relationship implies changes in the way in which the pedagogical group unites theoretically and methodologically to take advantage of the educational potential and the diversity of the professional context, manifests in a superior quality during the research performance of all subjects.

Entrances to the system are the needs or demands of agents and agencies, as well as the opportunities offered by socio-professional contexts as training scenarios. The processes that mediate research training require diagnosis, planning, execution and evaluation, which are based on principles, methods and teaching strategies for research training.

The outputs constitute the evidence (projects, activities, actions and investigative tasks), the collaboration between agents and between them and the agencies, the methodological work, the overcoming and the investigation, the meaning of the research work of the Bachelor in Pedagogy-Psychology for him, for the context of professional performance and for the University.

The contextual-transformative is expressed in the exploitation of the potential of each professional context in which the students act, which allows the assimilation of the experience in and for the creative activity and share it with other subjects, enhance the development of the context and regulate their behavior while learning by investigating with commitment, in a collaborative, reflective manner, with leadership in decision-making, with flexibility depending on the change experienced by contextual conditions.

Managing the research training process, with a socio-professional nature, stimulates the development of personological and experiential resources in students and other agents, so that what they learn acquires personal meaning and meaning and provides the didactic resources that govern the pedagogical process, as well as the different roles they play.

Role of the year group :to guide the research process of their students,to be innovative-researcher of their practice, plan, guide, execute and control the integrative research activities at each level and establish their relationship with the functioning of the scientific-student groups; generate spaces for reflection for the development of heuristic strategies, coordinate and socialize the results of work with agents and agencies, stimulate creativity, personal effort and individual progress of each subject; Advise and tutor students during initial training and encourage the development of scientific-research activities by students.

Student role : participate actively and consciously in projects, scientific-student groups, forum, among other research spaces; reflect and self-evaluate your research performance; manifest leadership in your relationship with other students, with teachers and other agents with whom you interact in your pre-professional practice; participate, collaborate and interact actively in the processes that take place in the student-scientific group; value and develop strategic and heuristic learning in their research performance, as an intrinsic part of their life, and as a source of personal growth; master the objectives and professional skills to develop according to the academic year and its relationship with its research training

Role of the scientific-student group: collaborate, through scientific means, with the solution of problems in contexts; promote valuations and self-assessments through the reflexive analysis of their collective action; commit to the research tasks assigned in the collective; become aware of the gradual development of research actions and the logic of the research process, individually and collectively; participate in scientific conferences for the socialization of results.

Role of the agencies : assume a collaborative and interactive attitude in the fulfillment of agreements with the university; guarantee adequate conditions and access to information, for the development of the research training process; create favorable environments for an adequate professional orientation, with active participation and motivation towards the investigation of its main problems; enable the insertion of students in research groups and or projects; assertively assume students in the research workspaces, so that they are involved in the research processes they lead; promote exchanges from their institutions to contribute to the improvement and competent research performance of other agents.

The proposal offers possibilities to overcome deficiencies of the acting model based on its socio-professional character as a result of the management of the pedagogical group, its stages and levels for the formation and development of research competence, as well as the roles of agents and agencies and its relations with the contexts, which lead to the competent research performance of the Bachelor of Pedagogy Psychology. What contributes to a conception of the process of integrated, systemic and contextualized research training that enhances the unity of the cognitive, attitudinal, affective-motivational and hierarchy of the socio-professional and the methodological work of the pedagogical group.

All of the above leads to infer that:

· The research training of the Bachelor of Pedagogy-Psychology must be materialized in its pedagogical practice in interconnection with the rest of the functions.

· The research training that is developed in the Pedagogy-Psychology career manifests itself as anemic and disjointed, with inadequacies in the management of the research activity, which does not coherently integrate the academic, labor, research and extension components that systematize with an interdisciplinary approach, the contents and tasks planned in the different disciplines depending on the scientific-research activity of the student.

· The research training process of the Bachelor of Pedagogy-Psychology is conceived as a training process with a socio-professional nature, through the management of the pedagogical group that intentionally taxes the development of research competence and contributes to competent professional performance.



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Copyright (c) Misleiby Ravelo Peña, Ivón de la Caridad Bonilla Vichot, Mirtza Martell Socarras, Miralia Toledo González