Mendive. Revista de Educación, january-may 2019; 17(1): 4-19

Translated from the original in Spanish

Critical approach to the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba


Enfoque crítico del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la Historia de Cuba


José Vladimir Mauri Estevez 1, Itzmal Fernando Pereda Cuesta1, Mirian Garriga Gómez2, Madelín Guerra Llanes3

1University of Pinar del Río «Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca», School of Infant Education, Department of Primary Education, Pinar del Río, Cuba. Email:
2University of Pinar del Río «Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca», Department of Pedagogical Training. Pinar del Río, Cuba. 
3Tania Pedagogical School «La Guerrillera». Pinar del Río, Cuba.


Received: April 12th, 2018.
Approved: November 29th, 2018.



In Cuba, Higher Education leads transformations to consolidate the initial training of a broad profile professional with emphasis on undergraduate, job training and postgraduate, with the implementation of the new training plan "E". The University of Pinar del Río, from the results of scientific research, makes a dialectic improvement of the current conceptions of the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba towards a critical approach; for this the objective is needed: to base the critical approach of the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba, for the students of the career Degree in Primary Education. The investigative process was guided by the Materialist Dialectical method, which supports the variety of theoretical methods: historical-logical, hypothetical-deductive, systemic, modeling and the empirical: observation, survey, interview, methodological triangulation and the pre-experiment, which allowed the explanation of the object of study as a process and the determination of its components, its relationships and contradictions. As a scientific result, the theory is provided that the critical approach resizes the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba, with a systemic, pertinent and relevant character, starting from the dynamic structure of the didactic components of the process, which energize the formative process, which allows the teacher to consolidate his leadership with the use of the critical method, to propitiate in the subjects a leading role in reflective and critical learning of historical content and the solution of professional problems.

Keywords: critical approach; teaching learning process; history of Cuba; broad profile.


En Cuba, la Educación Superior protagoniza transformaciones para consolidar la formación inicial de un profesional de perfil amplio con énfasis en el pregrado, la formación para el empleo y el postgrado, con la implementación del nuevo plan de formación «E». La Universidad de Pinar del Río desde los resultados de la investigación científica, efectúa un dialéctico perfeccionamiento de las concepciones actuales del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la Historia de Cuba hacia un enfoque crítico; para ello se precisa el objetivo: fundamentar el enfoque crítico del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la Historia de Cuba, para los estudiantes de la carrera Licenciatura en Educación Primaria. El proceso investigativo fue rectorado por el método Dialéctico Materialista, que sustenta la variedad de métodos teóricos: histórico-lógico, hipotético-deductivo, sistémico, modelación y los empíricos: observación, encuesta, entrevista, y el estudio documental, que permitieron la explicación del objeto de estudio como un proceso y la determinación de sus componentes, sus relaciones y contradicciones. Como resultado científico, se aporta a la teoría que el enfoque crítico redimensiona el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la Historia de Cuba, con un carácter sistémico, pertinente y relevante, a partir, de la estructura dinámica de los componentes didácticos del proceso, que dinamizan el proceso formativo, lo cual permite que el docente consolide su liderazgo con el empleo del método crítico, para propiciar en los sujetos una actuación protagónica en el aprendizaje reflexivo y crítico del contenido histórico y la solución de los problemas profesionales.

Palabras clave: enfoque crítico; Proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje; Historia de Cuba; Perfil amplio.



In Cuba, Higher Education institutions have as a priority the training of professionals with a broad profile, with emphasis on undergraduate, training for employment and postgraduate studies, whose main aspect is the improvement of current conceptions of the teaching-learning process of History in general and in particular that of the History of Cuba, for the training of the education professional, since historical knowledge is one of the essential weapons that contemporary educators have in their noble task of forging patriotism, the Humanism, anti-imperialism and human improvement.

The University of Pinar de Río «Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca», prioritizes the improvement of the current conceptions of the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba, which must contemplate a professional approach to learn to teach from the initial formation and contribute to change education that is required as part of the needs of the current Cuban society.

The teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba has a relevance in the training of professionals with a broad profile in the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education, because the primary teacher is responsible for creating in the school, the premises of historical knowledge, so that Work in the upper grades can develop successfully, arouse interest in researching the historical knowledge of its roots, forging citizenship and engendering attitudes and values.

The training of the professional of the Education, constitutes a problematic in the international and national actuality, being reason of analysis and study in the pedagogical scientific order, as well as of the process of learning history

When evaluating the current contextual situation, of the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba in the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education, a problematic situation can be verified, which is determined by the traditional, memorial and reproductive approach, which determines the lack of relevance of this training process based on the training of a broad-profile professional in the degree in Primary Education.

Consequently, it is intended to contribute to the critical approach of the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba, therefore, it has been proposed as the objective to base the critical approach of the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba, for students of the Bachelor's degree in Primary Education, from the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca".

The teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba, in the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education, based on a critical approach allowed to structure the process with a systemic, and relevant character, based on the resizing of the didactic components of the process, which energize the formative process of the students of the degree Degree in Primary Education, as competent and broad profile.



The research process was carried out based on a population of 40 teachers from the Primary Education career department and 150 students from the first to the fifth academic year of the degree Degree in Primary Education of the day course, from which 10 teachers from the History of Cuba discipline, of the Primary Education career department, of the Infant Education faculty and 56 students of the first and second academic year of the day course.

In addition, the professional model, the program of the History of Cuba discipline and the subject History of Cuba, the system of teaching means, the printed and digital bibliography, as well as the ways to search for its constant update, considering the articles in the different journals reviewed nationally and internationally.

Another important aspect was the research topics and the results obtained in teachers, students, and their publications as a way of internationalization of the discipline.

The research methodology used was based on the Materialist Dialectic method with a quantitative approach, whose characteristics allowed measuring the phenomenon under study, using statistical resources, the use of experimentation and cause-effect analysis. In addition, perform a sequential, deductive, probative process and an analysis of objective reality, generalizing the results.

A system of theoretical methods such as historical and logical are used for the explanation of the history of the development of the process under study and the revelation of its essence, needs and regularities of Higher Education in its historical evolution; Hypothetical-deductive for the construction of hypothetical assumptions, as well as in the formulation of conclusions, the determination of regularities and trends of the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba of Higher Education, particularly in the degree in Primary Education; the systemic to establish the system relationship between all components and research relationships.

As procedures, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction and generalization are used, which allow to implement a system of empirical methods based on observation, review and documentary study, surveys, interviews, among others.  



The teaching learning process

There are researchers such as: Silvestre, (2002), Addine, (2014), Betto, (2015) and others, which theoretically base that the teaching-learning process is scientifically dialectical and didactic-critical, aimed at the systematic and developmental transformation of the personality of the students, subject to the didactic components for teaching and learning of the system of knowledge, skills, attitudes and ethical, moral and economic values, to be able to transform and transform their reality in the concrete historical social context.

The quality of the teaching-learning process in Higher Education depends on the development of students' thinking, based on reflection and criticism so that they come to think and act independently and initiative, seek solutions to the problems, while listen, value and respect the opinions of others and can work collectively in a creative and innovative way, that is, towards a teaching-learning development process.

The developer learning teaching process considers that the student is the center and protagonist of the process, acting independently and allows the formation of a professional performance expressed in the purpose and objectives of the Professional Model.

Another essential consideration is associated with the student adopting an active and critical position in the teaching-learning process; this involves inserting into the search, elaboration and transformation of information, which leads to the production of new knowledge or to the remodeling of existing ones.

As part of this active and critical position, another aspect of significant importance is that the student is involved in the process of evaluating their own learning actions and operations, allowing them to correct or readjust the mistakes they make, regulate their activity, which raises the level of knowledge in said process and with it the quality of its results, which guarantee a critical, independent and regulated mode of performance, which are essences of the competent professional performance.

According to Breijo Worosz, (2009), the competent professional action modes are the set of algorithmic actions aimed at solving professional problems in a creative way, where teachers in training gradually acquire the knowledge, skills and values of their own. Pedagogical management and those related to the sciences of the profession, which guarantees the apprehension of the methods for their professional performance, in favor of an efficient performance in relation to the requirements of the established professional performance model.

1. The history learning teaching process

Internationally, authors such as Sarmiento, (2009 ), Patiño, (2014), Laiton Poveda, (2015 ) stand out, among others, considering that the process of teaching history learning today is a vital necessity for the formation of a professional with professional skills, which allows you to understand the cultural historical reality of a world hegemonized by imperialism and also reveal that this teaching-learning process promotes the rise of a reflexive, logical and creative thought to a historical - critical thought .

Cuban authors such as: Díaz Pendás, (2010), Romero Ramudo, (2010), Leal, (2011), Quintana (2013), Fabé (2014) , Mauri, (2017) among others suggest that the teaching-learning process of History in general and in particular that of the History of Cuba, is a process of deep human content that advocates the complex agreement of a deep critical scientific preparation of the historical and didactic content of the subject, to teach and learn the learning contents historical reflexively and critically; It helps to train better students, better citizens and better people.

2.1 The teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba of the degree in Primary Education during initial training

The objectives of the new training plan E, in the degree in Primary Education and the reflections of the young delegates in the X Congress of the Communist Youth Union of Cuba, manifest the need for new approaches in the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba, aimed at the construction of knowledge, through the development of historical - critical thinking.

The development of a critical historical thought from a Marxist analysis constitutes a dialectical negation, which allows the philosophical reflection of the transforming activity of the subject, because of the process of thinking and reasoning to act effectively, precisely and carefully on reality.

In Cuba, critical historical thinking is considered a historical tradition, which positively influenced the formation of Cuban nationality and identity, according to Martínez Heredia, (2010) , enables the subjective appropriation of reality according to the needs and motivations of the subjects and to be able to scientifically understand the ideological, social and cultural policies of contemporary reality, through which subjects are represented and understand the society in which they live, to converge certain existing manifestations and decide reasonably and reflexively about what to believe or do, to fight some and live with others.

Therefore, one can qualify from Marxism to critical historical thinking, as scientific and dialectical, that is:

In consideration, the critical approach of the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba, in the Degree in Primary Education, is directed towards the development of critical historical thinking in training professionals, which are considered two processes that must interact together, since it enables training professionals:

3. The critical approach of the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba

According to Mauri, (2017) , the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba, in the Bachelor's degree in Primary Education with a critical approach, is considered as a training system of the professional in training, which becomes the path for the appropriation of a mode of critical historical reasoning of the historical content in the initial training, which are expressed in competent modes of action and that allow the transformation of the context of professional performance, based on the dynamic resizing of the didactic components of said process with a systemic, relevant character and relevant; supported from different theoretical bases.

3.1 Theoretical bases and foundations

The Philosophy of Education, is the theoretical discipline between philosophy and pedagogy, constitutes the essential theoretical foundation of current Cuban pedagogy and includes one of the most important traditions of Cuban pedagogical and didactic-critical thinking, which guides in a constant orientation and is the guiding weapon of educational practice.

Marxism, as the highest expression of genuine Cuban thought, with which it is creatively combined with the Marti and Fidel educational ideology, to synthesize current Cuban educational thinking.

Pedagogy as a science, is based on the conception of development posed by the Leninist Marxist Philosophy, which starts from ensuring that existence and life determine consciousness and that education directed to a predetermined purpose can be determined in one or the other measure not only the rhythms, but also the direction of development. Education and teaching guide drive and go ahead of development.

The Marxist Sociology of Education reflects in the positions taken in relation to the conception of human being that must be formed as a social being; From the psychological point of view, the Historical Cultural Approach, which allows interpreting the training of the professional based on the functions and the system of actions of the pedagogical and didactic activity, which is based on the dialectical interrelation between the activity, communication and motivation categories, as elements that interact dialectically and that favor the relationship between the instructive, the educational and the developer, in the professional training process.

In the Critical Theory of Education, themes related to the educational debate and the democratization of school and teaching stand out, which underpins Pedagogy to empower students so that they themselves become involved in their own training, starting from their self-reflections and critical assessments.

An active student is required for this, who transits in the process of obtaining knowledge, from an initially confusing and fragmented experience to a synthetic vision, more organized and unified, where the development of capacities to process information and understand, assimilate and stimulate critically assess society with criteria, judgments and reasoning of an axiological nature.

The Didactics Developer of Higher Education, from a relevant option of the General Didactics of the University of today, to solve the quality challenges in the teaching-learning process, which recognizes the need to use interpretive and critical methods, conducive to A critical approach

3.2 Critical approach

The critical approach of the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba, seeks the improvement of the initial training process of the professional towards academic, labor, research and extension excellence, which allows this process to assume a systemic, relevant and relevant character .

The systemic character is determined by the modeling of the process, by determining its didactic components, as well as the relationships between them, which determine on the one hand the didactic and scientific structure and on the other, its dynamics and movement.

The didactic and scientific structure is a consequence of the relationships acquired by the didactic components that keep their hierarchy or function within the process and make up the expression of organization in the form of a system, in which one component is a function dependent on another or others and allows the process is presented in a constant movement and dynamism with the context of the professional training.

The behavior of the system character of the didactic components manifests the dynamic property of its movement and the fundamental way to explain the reflexive and critical performance of the professionals, which generates relevance.

The pertinent character is determined by the social and ethical responsibility with which the professional is trained in his real and true impact and transformation in the spaces in which he develops to form an intellectual attitude, based on analyzing or evaluating the structure or consistency of the reasoning of historical content, from various critical perspectives: logical, substantive, contextual, dialogic and axiological.

The relevant character, is deployed from the intentionality of social satisfaction from the instructive, the developer and the educational by the actors of the process of teaching to teach, to think critically, to learn to think historically and thus form the personality of the professional in training, as critical people and capable of solving professional problems, responding to the great goals and challenges of the current university.

This character translates into the quality of the process, determined by the transformation carried out in the professional, which allows to develop a professional competence based on an innovative and creative attitude; that is, that they be investigators, analyzers and evaluators of information and decision makers and at the same time, effective critical communicators, understanding the processes of change over time and their influence in the present moment.

The relationship of the systemic character, relevant and relevant, is structured based on the dynamic resizing of the relationships between the components of the process from a critical approach. For this purpose, the problem or need is determined, which is the situation presented by an object that generates a need.

Depending on the context, the problem is reflected in the need for the current university to improve the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba, with a critical focus, in the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education, becoming then the entrance of this, by possessing within it and in its conception, the object of study and the objective.

The object is the part of the reality that carries the problem, therefore, the object of study tends to change and in this sense, it is intended that in the Bachelor of Primary Education, the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba is developed with a critical approach and ensure that the professional in training acquires an intellectual and professional autonomy as a critical thinker, endowed with solidity in the learning contents.

The objective is the aspiration that is intended to be achieved to solve the problem  in the object of study and in its verification must have the flexibility required, to make it a purpose and an aspiration to which the process must be subordinated and treat the subjects make yours and come to overcome it in an innovative and creative way, so you are in the presence of supporting the critical approach of the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba, to form a competent and broad-profile professional, in the Bachelor degree in Primary education.

When defining the objective, only one should appear as indicated by the Higher Education Development Didactics, so that it is seen as a guiding element in correspondence with the problem and with the object of study, formulated with the elements that typify it.

Its expression specifies the concretion and derivation of each subsystem of the process; from it, the rest of the didactic components are inferred; all components are dynamized and mutually interrelated on the objective.

The problem-object-objective relationship in the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba determines the selection and sequencing of the contents, understood as the part of the culture accumulated around the object of study, which reflects the knowledge and the way of interacting people with these (skills); that is, the values that are reflected in attitudes, in the same contextual reality.

Learning content, according to Díaz, T., (2016) is collected in three dimensions dialectically linked by a system, raised in the form of invariants (factual, conceptual and related) that evade the traditional concept, that the content is not the same to the issues

When the content of learning is defined as part of the structure of the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba with a critical approach, the invariants of the content that is determined must be determined from the object of study and from the skills raised in the objective. They will strengthen with adequate derivation and integration.

The determination and integrality of the learning contents, lead to the affective dimension of the process, where communication is essential to achieve the proper relationship of the components methods, means and forms of organization.

Of the components of the process, the most dynamic of them is the method, centered on the subjects and could be defined as the system of learning procedures, which reflects its regularities, which are conditioned by the problem proposed by the teacher and adopted by the professional in training.

Among the internal and psychic aspects of the method is the development of thought, which allows the comprehensive enriching and developmental training of the total growth of the personality of the professional in training, in which the individual's individual development runs in harmony with his social integration, in the framework of an expressively oriented process.

The teacher has a direct responsibility, but in the style of a flexible guidance and guidance, while the professional in training is the protagonist of the process, with a productive performance based on reflection and criticism, which leads him to constructive knowledge, self and inter-learning, that contributes to the formation of a logical, critical and dialectical thinking in the meaningful learning and development of conceptual, procedural and attitudinal contents.

Critical Didactic Theory supports the development of observation methods, problem work, independent and group, the exhibition, description and problem dialogue, partial search, heuristic conversation and fundamentally, the critical method for the development of historical thinking - critical.

The critical method develops thinking towards a critical and reflective attitude with a professional approach; it is a practically generalized criterion in educational models and presides over curricular declarations, since it teaches to criticize.

That is, to have their own criteria, to prosecute, to value, not to accept everything by someone else's definition, to have a more flexible and changing thinking with others and with oneself; It is not to oppose ex officio or be against it, but to have an open mind to think that it may be different and have resources to reach a valid trial, as well as to help think critically about the History of Cuba, through a correct implementation.

Critical actions are essential to implement this method: deciding the issue or problem, clarifying the aspects or variables to be taken into account, gathering information on those variables, checking that information, clearly differentiating the facts from the opinions, considering all the evidence, assessing the advantages and disadvantages and reach critical conclusions , making rational use of teaching resources or resources.

The didactic means or resources will be the didactic component that acts as a material support of the methods and will allow to star in the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba with a critical approach, if they are essentially conceived for these purposes; For this reason, it can be argued that the professional in training will also be a builder of learning means to develop his historical - critical thinking and will not be an attribute only of the teacher, but if this should lead to learning tasks that allow the professional in training said construction in a conscious, creative and innovative way, in direct correspondence with the selected methods.

The media, will go from the general to the particular and are of significant importance for each of the modalities of study used in Higher Education, operating the rule that the lower the presence , the greater didactic foundation.

In the triad method, means and forms in their relationship, the FOD as an external expression, allow to achieve its organization in time and space, giving it the organizational consistency, which is required to trace the methodology by modalities, group relationships, individual activity and times necessary to meet the objectives and to consolidate knowledge and skills, as well as the different activities that allow the approach to life within one's own learning and the development of historical thinking - critical from academics, work, research and extension , materializing in the class, which is still the FOD par excellence, with its typology of conferences, practical classes, seminars and workshops.

The workshop type class, without belittling the others, is the most suitable, since it allows applying the knowledge acquired from the different disciplines to solve problems of the profession, based on reflection and group criticism, establishing the link on the basis of interdisciplinarity; In addition, it develops a system of skills that are in correspondence with those of historical - critical thinking, towards the achievement of a communication based on criticism; Without it, these would be totally ineffective.

The didactic components of the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba with a critical focus, in their interrelation and interaction, must lead to a result, which is reversed in learning as part of the objective achieved and the problem being evaluated, to give step to the evaluation or result component.

The result or evaluation is the component that expresses the transformations that are achieved in the subjects; It is the product that is obtained from the process, with the application of the different variants of the evaluation of Higher Education, which favor assessing the mastery of the learning content with a greater level of depth.

This is also objective, since it should guarantee as far as possible the objectivity of the evaluations, to which the existence of various sources of information will contribute; It is also participatory, since the entire organization, starting with the training professionals themselves, must be based on the implementation of the evaluation that is flexible, since it is a system, not a technique; This means that the evaluation method must be chosen based on the characteristics and diagnosis of the training professionals  .

For the solution of the problem and the fulfillment of the objective in the object of study, through the system of the didactic components of the process, it is essential to take into account the role of the teacher and the role of professionals in training in the group or brigade.

The role of the teacher: from his Cuban History classes with a critical approach, he must take into account the following invariants: be a counselor who designs each task with a professional approach and foster the development of historical - critical thinking from a high level of domain of historical science, but also from Critical Didactics and from Critical Pedagogy, achieving a dialectical relationship between critical and historical thinking.

In its guiding, cooperating and regulating function of the teaching activity, it establishes the levels of assistance for the achievement of the objective set, taking into account the integral diagnosis and on this basis it plans the process with a system of actions, to teach the subjects to seek and process historical information, to interpret the different phenomena and processes, to use the educational potential of each content, enabling the acquisition of modes of action as a critical thinker in training professionals.

The professionals in training in the proposal, are the active subjects to be immersed in a process with a critical approach; they should take into account the following invariants: assume a leading role by contributing their experiences, their previous knowledge, interests and motivations, establishing relationships of influence with the group and teachers, to the extent that it builds historical knowledge and is able to apply it in his professional educational practice, develops his skills in a creative way, encouraging the search and processing of historical information, in a more autonomous way, reflecting, questioning, problematizing and criticizing it and looking for the most original ways for analysis, interpretation, inference, explanation, evaluation and self-regulation, with the possibility of setting new goals.

Outreach goals are drawn up to assume the responsibility of making decisions regarding the way of acting, in relation to self-evaluation and evaluation of their peers, design and execute actions where the skills of historical - critical thinking are enhanced, establish communicative relationships with the group, he socializes his learning, when he interactively learns from his classmates and they learn from him, he models his interventions in class with a didactic projection and finally, he learns to solve the most frequent problems he encounters in the exercise of his profession at school, upon reaching an instructive, educational and developmental significance of understanding their social order.

The group or brigade, plays an important role, since part of the system of actions that the teacher is drawn and that interactively develops in the space where criticism, as a mediating element between training professionals and teachers helps the development of the professional activity, based on individual and group references, collective critical reflections and interpersonal relationships, in a constant critical communication between group members and the development of skills.

For the analysis of the proposal, the consultation of experts made an important contribution to enrich the proposal assumed and reach consensus on the critical approach of the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba, as well as assessing the extent to which it is an expression of the feasibility, in the context of practice in the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba, in the Degree in Primary Education, from the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca".

In all cases, the importance of the proposal is recognized, based on the analysis of certain indicators such as:

1. The systemic, relevant and relevant character.

2. The development of critical historical thinking with a professional focus, in initial training, becomes a dynamic agent of transformations in the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba in the Primary Education degree.

3. The teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba is strengthened by assuming the critical teaching method, for the solution of professional problems.

4. The principles that support and direct the proposal.

The value of each of the planned indicators categorized, from the consultation, in the range of essential, very useful and useful, which evidences the concrete contribution that each of them on the critical approach of the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba, in the degree Primary Education.

The teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba in the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education, from the University of Pinar del Río «Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca», evidenced the existence of a group of teachers committed to their social responsibility, who hold categories Teachers and scientists, in addition the students have notions and representations of the knowledge system of the History of Cuba and enroll the race after having successfully passed the entrance exams to Higher Education, on the other hand the Ministry of Higher Education , (2016) In the professional model of Plan E, it declares the object of work, modes, spheres of action, field of action and professional problems for the training of the professional of the career and from this, the strategies and educational projects are derived.

In line with the approach of this process, based on the theories of a traditional didactics, teachers conceived and developed the same in a traditional way, provoking in 90% of the students manifestations of memorization and reproduction the knowledge system of History from Cuba.

In addition, the need to improve the process towards a critical approach was not observed as a basic approach, as the basis for a critical historical reasoning mode and professional problems were not always the subject of critical analysis and starting point for socialization and development of cognitive independence.

From the current theories that underpin the Higher Education Development Didactics, it bases the critical approach of the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba, for the students of the Degree in Primary Education, dialectically demonstrating the dynamic resizing of the didactic components of This process with a systemic, relevant and relevant character, which allows training and consolidation of professional competences based on the reflection, creativity, innovation and criticality of the professional in training at the current university.

Then it is shown in the following table comparative to the process with an acting approach and proposed.

Table - Process comparison with both approaches.  

Didactic components

Acting focus

Approach proposed

Learning problem or need

It does not recognize the development of the critical approach as a professional problem.

Recognize the development of the critical approach as a professional problem.

Object of study

Study historical processes, facts and personalities without a cause-effect relationship, with limitations in the professional approach.  

Study historical processes, facts and personalities from a dialogic and multicausal perspective, in favor of a process with a professional approach.


They are based on instruction, to the detriment of the educational and developer.

They are determined from the conception of the problem in relation to the object of study, with the link between the instructional, the educational and the developer.

Learning Contents

Knowledge does not provide ways to interact with the object of study until it is transformed and reach its appropriation, not achieving optimal results in the learning contents, based on accumulating information without being able to transform it.

Dialectically related to the development of knowledge and skills, which favor the formation of values ​​and attitudes from new perspectives in the transformation of information.


From a traditional didactics, with a predominance of teacher authoritarianism and student passivity.

Critical method that enhances a historical - critical reasoning with a professional approach. 


The class as a space for the transmission and reproduction of historical knowledge.

Emphasis on the workshop class as the space for the exchange of ideas, opinions and judgments in the solution of professional problems based on historical reasoning, based on criticism and competent professional action modes.


They are used reproductively and sometimes with a professional approach to support the exposition of historical knowledge, not being subject to criticism and debate. The use of ICT is limited. 

The student becomes a builder of his own means that are the object of dialogue, criticism. ICTs are incorporated as dynamic agents of change in the training process.


A conception of evaluation is directed towards the verification of results in a traditional way.

It is carried out from a developing conception where the student is the protagonist of his self-training.

The study of the theoretical and conceptual, historical and trend framework of the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba, in the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education, revealed the traditional, memorial and reproductive approach of this process and from the current theories the approach is based Critical of this process, which allows the dynamization of initial training, as competent professionals with a broad profile, based on different teaching principles.

The teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba with a critical focus on the degree in Primary Education manifests impacts on the quality of the critical historical reasoning of the facts, processes and phenomena of the national history, from:

• A didactic redesign of the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba, based on the competent professional mode of action.

• Greater integration and homogeneity of the didactic components of the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba.

• Training and familiarization of professionals in training and teachers in the critical teaching method, for a reflexive and critical learning of historical content and the solution of professional problems.



Addine, F (2014). La didáctica general y su enseñanza en la Educación Superior pedagógica. Aportes e impacto. Editorial Pueblo y Educación, La Habana.

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Copyright (c) José Vladimir Mauri Estévez, Itzmal Fernando Pereda Cuesta, Mirian Garriga Gómez